Wed February 1975 PICTURE PRETTY Is this custom designed bedroom sldcsplit hiding behind Blue Spruce and Austrian Pine broadloomed living area Holy wood kitchen finished room plus detached garage Quiet east end location Price 54900 HURRY This attractive three bedroom bungalow ust live minutes to town is priced right to sell now Charmingly situated on a half acre lot tor only COUNTRY VILLAGE town lour bedrooms bungalow two full Baths lot Extras stove dishwasher washer and dryer l400sq It real good living BEAUTIFUL Ravine lot quiet court three big bedrooms bath dining room rustic family room with walkout gar den A really fine neighborhood INCOME PRODUCER Immaculate two storey duplex large freed lot near GO Train excel lent relurn on modest Investment J WANTED A large that needs lour bed rooms extra large kitchen and a tastefully fin recreation room franklin fireplace Great value BY GOSHThe price Is right for this bedroom bungalow separate bedroom basement apartment Featuring ft lot and largo garage for truck repair Gol fhls It lea lures a view that has to bo seen to be By Gosh I SPACIOUS Semi detached 3 bedroom home rental possibilities Build a basement apart ment help with the carrying charges Its ion ed appropriately Conveniently located on a qui el crescent close to schools and shopping Try 14 down lull price BRAND NEW BACKSPLIT Under construe In central part town Be In time to choose your own colour schemes Separate dining room bedrooms excellent financing with down to one mortgage Asking BIG AND BEAUTIFUL Five year old four bedroom bungalow Iwo baths double car gar age many extras A truly fine location Great value JUST GETTING three bedroom bungalow COMPLETELY FURNISH ED washrooms finished rec room bar double paved drive and much much more for Including small down payment Be Move it Call today UNBELIEVABLE Brand spanking new tached bungalow minutes to shopping Broad loom Purchasers choice Act quickly now Builder must sell Price slashed to PARKLAND see this ing two year old backspllt In Acton today Set how you could entertain your Irlcnds In separate dining room spacious living room recreation room Three very big bedrooms with parquet flooring Shag on all other Asking LARGE a quiet for this super clean three bedroom solid brick bungalow Family kitchen and good sized rooms throughout Hurry this home will sell fast BUILDERS HOME This gorgeous 2800 It split level home on acres on edge of town has 4 bedrooms baths replace In family room games room broadloom plus a heated pool Many custom features and oodles extras Youll fall In love when you sea It SI FOBERT 164 GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN ONTARIO 8775213 REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR TORONTO 4571752 CALL THE GO TEAM ANYTIME 8775213 AFTER HOURS HELEN ATKINSON JON FRED HARRISON MARY JONES 8 DON SCHENK MILLIE ADAMS KEN DeROSE DAVE JONFS MARY ROSE PETERS URSULA I DEL d 877 I ANN MclNTYRE BRUCE I BOB 877 DAN I BEAUTIFUL RAVINE for a walk In the wooded ravine or ust sit and take In view Situated In one of areas In town this four bedroom Is has a nice family room log burning fireplace and walkoul double garage and extra deep nicely landscaped lot With excel lent financing available this home Is a must to see Make an today 79 900 FIVE BEDROOM BARGAIN Enjoy a fire place In wlnler and sliding doors fully fenced yard In summer nine rooms a maintenance free home with garage plus ex tras Call now or be disappointed by a sold sign LOTS AND ACREAGE ATTRACTIVE BUILDING LOTSteps to down ER IN hall acre lots on town service only Seeing this Rolling countryside believing Builders terms READY TO BUILD acre over ft of paved road driveway In and fully Captivating view for miles STREAM Wooded acres in very popular Ter area everything most people ask for and the price Is right 55000 BUY In the spring acres with It of road fifteen minutes Guclph Only EXTRA EXTRA Extra large lot backing on heavily wooded area lor extra privacy brick and stone construction Ihree bedrooms quality Extra fridge and In eluded Extra special price believe It TERRIFIC Three bedroom decor ated bungalow Ideally located room com pleled largo lot plus many all It has a percent mortgage Why wait TALL TREES On this large lot enhance the splendor Immaculate 3 bedroom older home A fireplace In the living room and a glassed In porch all accentuale attractive llnanclng which will moke this home a quick seller EASY TO CARRY How does a percent mortgage wllh 17 years to run sound to you Pretty fantasllc eh and so Is this bedroom bungalow plus two bedrooms and recreation room down Very desirable area good lot Get your car keys and lets go 153 BUILDERS splltlevel bedroom home featuring dining room family room with fireplace double garage plus a small barn on the 100x165 foot village lot Price slashed lor quick sale START HERE Three bedroom townhouse new condition room solid value A real family home easy lo carry RIVER At roar of properly yet II has 87 ft on a quiet street steps downtown this three bedroom storey older homo with family slie kitchen dining room Is a bar gain at MOST APPEALING- 3 bedroom townhouse all appliances convenient to schools and shopping completely fenced courtyard BUY The family a home lovely family room fireplace dining room and 3 bed rooms In fop condition In on area but lor all Priced or your pocket book This could bo It 54900 COUNTRY COLONIALSlluated on a beautiful acre lot this split entry homo Is Immaculate in every Complete with room patio doors and walkout games room dining room and master bedroom with bath Broad loomed Two car garage Vacant possession Hurry Asking only TOTAL LIVING Elegant our bedroom home In country sunken living room Ire place In room bull In slovo oven and dishwasher and many many extras A marvelous home capturing todays mode living A place really live 89900 bedrooms car garage plus storage shed Beautifully situated on a fully freed I acre country lot Do see right away PARKVIEW BLVDThls could be your final move This elegant bungalow with bed rooms room stone fireplace In the living room boy window recreation room with bar and many extras Is a to show Make an to see It today MAGNIFICENT three bedroom side split two room dining room gar age paved drive and big lot tented Only 41900