Tha Acton Frw Praia Wd Oclober la Honeymoon in Hawaii for couple PRINCIPAL OF high school Katr pool with mothers of nine students I lit mothoi invited to discuss to Mr Knl7 anything they wonted to know about the ays tern IjoH to right Mr Kntr Olive Cook Hetty unci Vilnia Gong Gain parentschool rapport week principal the school mule parents nine intent his o with them and questions concerning Ihe school lht might have Because the hat hanged no rout in the past lew Mr lelt it was lo explain to the parents just hat Is going in Perhaps in this way he pa rents would be able to understand their children and learn Ihim Free time With he new freedom in school and cla- par begin won ier the pupil him so ninth Int Him education an ongoing Ihlitu stop lieiiil explains fit pal for 13 sum as lit swimming pool the the Sluduit merit and tin school In general The meeting eti signed to gain better rapport between the parents and Nil school Moil of tin ho fur nil It was know mill Miirjnrln Kathleen daughter of Mm toy Burt of It It 1 Georgetown wan united In marriage- lo William hum of Mr and Mm Norman of It It 1 Acton on number 14 St Georgetown was the scene of In double ring ceremony will Harold Martin officiating Mm Hi Williams of llic organ and Mrs Donald Hurt away the hi who walked town tilt In Spanish style gown will unpin long full gathered at with silk organdy A ping Iniln was with lau Shi i It a bouquet f roses ami carnations wort a gold amethyst pi that was7 urn old admits Hurt of sister of die the brides cousins wort floor length gown of emerald crepe carried nosegays of mat mums daisies s lowers girls Misses and Jul In Ward of cousins wore floor ItnHth of orange ice crept and curried wicker baskets of yellow unci runt mums daisies and baby breath mother of the wore it floor nRlll pink with a eorriafie of red and white sweetheart roam room mother won a floor blue and Kreui of llk with a of yellow whlli roim I of the groom Normnn was while I lie imliein Nor mil Douglas brother of the uroom and In I hey all won whlli JneketH with rim and IrousiiH into he and from and r from I Milton mid I mother of tin wlrh by Mnry of for tin durlnK and Sipdmbtr by Mm Mm Judy Hurt mil Mrs Marlon ry A linen wan fjlvm by Mm llllfmrni Aft r rdurnlnK hi trotn a In Ibiwail llu tit Irk IIk who workn for Hallway will In with Hie of at It A Ion Rev Father Smye at October meeting in Inlritith flmt triday of inch bam lav pastor lit I it J tint wilh tin thi for lliilr of October Stella wan round unit In B win of plan for tin in ir lo Ik held on nib was maid of honor Williams Mrs Helen were both of Aeton the MM Smith of Camp in relatives from Van Stralen Otten wedding at Clinton Mr and Mrs William Douglas 6 itMr i By Wendy Thorn on Each year when It comes time to write the column for this particular week Thin Is the sixth birthday And as on each of the previous birthdays I ve sat down and asked What did I do this year and where am I from where I was last year This time there were many changes upheavals to mull over Last November Id written steering me around In an odd way and I m curious to see where I end up Wherever its going to be I believe I there yet Its like following an In country pathway fairly bumpy In spots but delightful walking nevertheless I was in a real about which two paths to folio whether to concentrate an career or marriage Just by chance 1 picked up a copy of Chatelaine and in it ins a poem somebody I know written for another end It seemed to be late stepping in Seek not laurel The crown and the gold For the delicate of your dreaming are numbered Oh jour way tightly in youth Leave the and the laurel For the wise and toe old Cling to jour rigbu The freedom of lacing The spendthrift of extra reaching Oh wait and learn later the strict years teaching The weight of the laurel The bright crown bruiting By coincidence the turned up again recently alter an old family friend and had a long talk on liea She had asked Do you ever think of where you might be if you had gone on to university Instead of marrying There no way of telling really but it would have had to be something truly ex to be more ap pealing to me than this life of mine Aa far as my great career in Jour nalism in a small way I been successful enough having articles In around magazines papers and such including the Star Weekly the Globe and Mail and even a magazine in Belgium What more could I want When friends ask just what my goal is or what my are I have no answer Likewise when asked if a book Is in the Possibly but very far offing 1 ve no great burning ambition to sit still long enough to write at any length When and if the time comes It will be as the next unquestioned step along that path of mine Spendthrift Joys Hut right now I got a lot of spendthrift joys of ex to go through I bound 1 going to find time to learn to play the guitar this winter I like to learn to fly a plane that Is and 1 d still like to go down the Colorado River in a rubber raft About those we II sec when the time My husband listens to my half formed hair baked plans but knows by now that even some of my most unlikely sounding sometimes fall into place great for adding the downtoearth touch when I need it too Last week knowing an autumn wind makes me extremely rest leu he bundled into a warm in the fields After much t romping and pacing in the wild bluster better I turned to him and asked Would you mind if 1 ran away for awhile Without pausing Gord asked How far do you think you get before you ran out of 1 decided to stick around for another or 60 years On Henry Van Slrnlcn and Janet tllUn wire married in a late summer In tin Christian Church at Clinton Janet tin daughter of Mi unit Mrs John of Sea forth anil Henry I tin son of Mr and Dirk Van of Alton Officiating at tin double ring ceremony was the John Van lil who Is the campus minister for the Christian Church the University of Western Ontario London Music Music for the wedding inn of Theme from Borneo and Juliet for tin brides maids was Trumpet and Organ Process ional by Perfect I ind Blest the Man were hymns sung by the guests and A Commandment was the Van Stralen and his wile from sang The Wedding Song during the of the register The organist was Ralph Thorn of London and of accompanied on the trumpet Maid of honor was Miss Anne of London friend of bride and groom Bridesmaid was Mrs Joyce Kit of sister of the groom flower girls were Mnrjan and of Holland cousins of the bride Charlie Doom bos of was the grooms best man was John Van brother of the groom Ushers were Wayne and Ralph Otten After the ceremony a buffet dinner reception were held at the Royal Canadian legion Hill in Clinton guests attended from Holland Grand Rapids Mich Kamloops C Toronto Acton Clinton Hamilton Oshawa London Montreal Burlington Oak Stratford surrounding areas The Van Stralens are living in Burlington Pro Linda Coc Is one of the pros at Milton Figure skating club his season JANET OTTEN and Henry Van Stralen were married in the Christian Reformed church at Clinton and are living in Burlington Bisset photo CALL ROY CRAWFORD MASSON MOTORS 33o Guelph St Georgetown OPTOMETRIST Cork St Call DENBY 0VENT0 and GLASSWARE TABLEWARE 25 SAVINGS SALE THE GIFT SHOP St 823218 FINALLY up your mind to gat rid of the Big Monitor HAVE WE GOT A CAR FOR YOU 1974 Datsuns no HULL HEED DATSUN I I today af NORTH END DATSUN LTD Juil ydi of Martin St MILTON la 1 Inrenn Wilkin llintty and Ihel an tin Aelou numbers who will taking part In ho arts mill crafts show id this Saturday Mrs will have Muffed toys and Miss Wilkin Having una Mm and are numbers if the Arts and Miss Given Miss Uuger I run mil Given spent thanksgiving weekend with heir aunt Mrs Anne 1 and daughters of Montreal The president of Hie Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Hill Kennedy of Hie Durham Chronlch paid an official visit to the Free Press Thursday Mr and Mrs Miles of Workington are visiting bin Willi indbrotbirln Mr and Mrs Doug Price Mr i mi Mrs Allan ihll Inn of Hamilton with Mr and Mrs Chun I mils borough on Sunday Mr was sol list at hi Baptist morning A wedding of interest to friends lasl United Winnipeg Peggy Valby mil Noel Mlgnun were man led is the ilauglikr of Mr and Mrs John i Winnipeg idle the former Margaret of Attending the ceremony wi the bride cousins Mr ind Mrs rnli Puree Mary of and aunt and Mr and Mrs Douglas Be Save up to 1000 on Halliday Homes and Cottages This one 117 models to choose from Pi stioll emotion on your ton by crows Call or drop in Ask about our Buy now Price freeze or 1975 HOMES LTD Qualifying residents 65 or older should now have at least a year This is what Ontario is doing to guarantee that income Your Ontario Government believes senior citizens should now have a guaranteed annual income of 2700 a year or single persons and where both spouses qualify lor married couples So if you are 65 or older with an income of less than a year and have lived in Canada for at least the past 5 years and in Ontario for the last year you may qualify or GAINS GAINS is Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System It is designed to ensure an annual income of by making up the difference between the GAINS guarantee and income from other sources Over 260 senior citizens are now receiving benefits under this program If you receive Old Age Security and the Guaranteed income Supplement your eligibility for Ontario GAINS is determined automatically You do not hav to apply If you are not receiving GAINS pay menls but eel you may qualify please give us a call Blind and disabled people now receiving assistance from Family Benefits program are also entitled to GAINS Any questions Call us tree of charge rom anywhere in Ontario Dial and ask the operator for Zenith 2000 In the Metro Toronto local calling area dial 965 Guaranteed Annual Income System Ministry of Revenue Arthur Minister Government of Ontario William Davis Premier