Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1974, p. 14

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Prognosis looks bleak SILHOUETTED AGAINST the sky on a farm near this mammoth form is one over which a that hopefully by the end of summer the outside fibre glass composition will gradually develop into fibreglassing will have been completed When it is ft breeze ketch Graham and Sharon Oughton of finished the builder bays the craft will be able to sleep are the ambitious couple who have worked nine people with the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay diligently on the project for the past five weeks It will the probable sailing places Bill SMILEY This wick I II with topics none of them rchtcd but each of them an ispecl the world we inhabit in people want logo mn There no real future in vcrv little hope of finding a job iftrr training anil only an in finitcim I of becoming important fimous or en notorious the teachers iollcfes keep pouring out of and young people filming hid two openings for lnglish on our stiff this vear and i pile of ipplicitions up to vour knots thfse l duds who have Ik en weeded out of the profession because of ii ore the cream of the qualified with some of mc with es certain amount of security in a Job the are But if vou security go into Ihe jni if holidays are lour chief con urn go on has its rewirds and satis fKtions but ii s weiring grinding life and 1 feel sorry for ill excellent young people Irving so to toehold in the pro fession 1 suggest to my worst tint he lor she go into teaching It would be the equivalent of saying e it Strangely enough Hike il nut then Hot into Ihe game bock in the whin then was a frantic short of tt and were taking any who could stand up In front of a Now the teuton If those Idiots In think is about it is far out of touch with public opinion is usual Input w is not even holding Ins own whin lit Is them riheidtdfori doll of i of nits io is hoi tents today itnv worth forty tents next No I turn to something closer i the word Kan from ill tin down with lungs for his The Liberals hut hid two shots it ind have proved little except that they tan t do much about anything Their policy seems to be to cover the wounds with powder when Ihe patient is bleeding to The Conservatives in the list eighteen months in opposition have not set Ihe House on fire which might be the best wav they could get ihe of Ihe iltctorite The his had the best of the in the parliament letting the pull their out of the fire squelch possibility of a blaze wilh the government The parti shown more politics than stitesminship and in almost repulsive enjoyment of power This time around we need more thin i shrug a mumbli wishing of hands We need govt with the guts to govern And the chances of getting it from the talent on seems minimi Personally I vote for Joe if he could do something about inflation and sure enough other people would to put him In the M s Last week I chanced to look at the price of a small can of bully beef Seven ounces cents This means that a pound of thai smashed up mess of nit at gristle fat and the odd bit of bone from third rati cattle as There is something rotten In the state of Argentina I am utterly appalled our grocer bills and can t help thinking that there is a grand ripoff in there somewhere The farmers getting it ind the stores they Hut Weeklies comment Ik In tut I without prejudice th it lies Hit handsomest boy liabv tier hid on Huge dark i tint would milt a Mother Superior I kit his mother is odd ideas She Ins sotm good ones too like feeding him r s milk on which hi inton bill How iter she to brine him up the the mil do Pick him up when he cries feed him whin he phv with him when he bored spnk or punish good Sleeps a lot i lot lot plays with his inds When his mother is iround Twice in the list three I vooffcrcd to whik his Mum win to i show ibv sound ifter a good solid from the twin founls of lift if hi does up imuse him with songs and witty lyings Thirty minutis Ins Mum is out of house he ikes up With breath I First bint With despair I hear it build to full bellow that would surest tin imp is bung mirlyred it the stiki ilw hit Mum s iround No due ind I I plumbed right for it hour in I i half of lorture thanking on his belly kitchim ind Nothing works His Mum s w out the equipment tin little is islet in ten ind slcips ill So ire mv predictions i depression mil a spoikd kid Times innounammt last week that the minister transportation will call three I meeting to take a second or Is it third or look at services comes none Thi rt port of i committee it of Commons which restoration of In Western Ontario has bet tiding on the order desk the House for upwards of two Hob Mi motion thai the report be idoptctl and implemented wis left hanging in mid air when was prior to the election in the fall of has never been acted upon since House convened When that all parts made its i ions the outstanding reason for its conclusions was the inconvenience suffered by residents of Ihis area Now however there is even more urgent cause lo look closely at the abandonment of and the demolition of facilities Imminent shortages gasoline and diescl oil point very clearly to an enforced reduction private auto usage Within the next few years thousands of people who dm en n v chicles to and from cities nnv lie forced sheer to depend upon public transport trains could more villi to our than lhc ever were in the the invention of the car The rallwavs themselves are aware of this fact ilness the recent increist in passenger runs lo and from Toronto and London and on to Windsor Restoration of the old units for passenger service would solve few problems Both and unions should taki a realistic look at alternative lighter and faster vehicles to speed and which would make passenger service attractive to travellers long last should passenger rail services in when trains gel people to their destinations with a minimum of delav discomfort Abandonment of passenger services which were losing money hand fist was understandable from the economic stand point but the continued removal of depot facilities and the lack of any known plan to be ready for a pattern of travel needs certainly indicates a lack of tell i gent planning on the part of both railways and government Wingham THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Burghers of Acton who were quick to point out the inadequacies of regional government as we know it to date made their complaints out of a sense of frustration They saw powers which were once vested with people they knew going to strangers who live elsewhere The appearance of the town hasnt changed people still rcBide along the same streets garbage Is picked up the sun comes up every day seasons change as they always do there Is representation on the new Halton Hills council all pluses which show the arm of authority continues despite the change of venue But the average resident knows his destiny is no longer in his own hands to the extent it was before the new system of government was implemented The steady erosion of autonomy continues It is an out going process which will soon see the local hydro commission dJs solved in a favor of a larger more bureaucratic board He recognizes it is another in the long line of small town decisions going elsewhere As he sees it regional govern ment has stripped the community of much of Its identitytorn Ita heart out by moving the decision making process elsewhere There are other intangibles difficult to pin down The over riding Impression of the typical resident of Acton Is the new town has left him living in a northern suburb The nerve centre of Hills seems to be in the Georgetown area Ironically it has happened in the very year the community of Acton achieved years of age most of It under its own It was inevitable we the greater always swallows the smaller quality of life Is not necessarily the criterion First inkling of changes In government came when boards were transformed from small units into the larger county boards Object of the exercise was to improve the educational op portunities for the children in areas where population was few and far between as well as to improve facilities This of course meant transferring children by bus to larger schools There was op position but the new system worked and the benefits are there for all to see The theory behind regional government lumping the pro vince into fewer units to make planning easier and fewer municipalities for the province to deal with has never lived up to its expectations in Staff is incrcaiiing but the area of res the name higher pay Ik going to politicians and more but no more more money spent but of concern not much larger We to Interested in seeing the opposed to thoc when the county was divided into seven titles taking the rate of into consideration of courts To date prognosis looks bleak The Acton Free Press Wed May Free Press Back Issues When the Five Counties Art Association held its first display in there were paintings by amateur Acton artists among the on display Mrs Kathleen Alger Mrs O Lamb Mrs Lome Mosaics Mrs George Miss Bella Mo ye Miss Wanetta Smith Mrs Wedge Miss Doris Wilson Harry Ollcrbein and George Bowman Toronto was hired as engineer to handle services for three municipalities Acton Milton and George town His salary is The Idea of an engineering triumvirate was greeted here three weeks ago but Tuesday council voted in favor unanimously Acton high school field day champions are senior girls Janice Baker intermediate Donna McMillan junior Wendy senior Donald Intermediate Wayne Junior William Oont President of Halton county W I for the past two years Mrs R A received her jewel for outstanding services Two Empire Day programs were held Friday afternoon at Acton public school Winners of the I O awards this year are Jessie Ware Linda Braida Mary Grischow Diane Swackhamer Sandra Gail Carol Candler Garry Masalcs Dietrich Pauline Marks Carolyn Cook Eyvonne Sharon Gcrvais Ella and Betty Bean Thursday was visitors day at the high school The grade students of all the country schools came to Acton high for the day In all there were about students John and Thomas Gordon and Fred Gordon have purchased the hardware business operated by W Talbot in Acton for years Clare Pickett will continue to work in the store Last Friday evening the motor car driven by Mr Harding Price of the Acton crossroad and the horse and buggy of Mr John of the third line came into collision on Mill opposite the Soldiers Monument It was during the rain and Mr Price was unable to see misty windshield Both rigs were more or less damaged Mr Price at once assumed the blame of Ihe acudent and agreed lo pay the costs of Ihe damages sustained Mr prowl was run into by an automobile last fall while driving the same horse and rig on Young The annual Empire Day concert of the I O E was held in the Town Hall last evening The hall was packed to capacity Prize winners for essays read are Ella Woods Esther Taylor Kathleen Stewart Isabel Bruce Marjory Garden Phyllis Howard Meryl Gnndell Frank Cook Arthur Henderson Ivy Littley Each of the prize essayists was presented with a book by Mrs William Cooper The Judges were the clergy of Acton Each room sang songs and choruses in a contest with the fourth room successful in winning the highest number of points They were presented with a large flag domted by Mrs Amos Mason The judges were Messrs A Mason F P Salt and J Lewis Mr W Kenney has successful passed his fourth year examinations at the Medical College and Duff Wilson his first Another landmark Is being removed The old barn on the premises of Mr George holla is being torn down This barn originally stood on the properly owned by James Mackic There was a brief snowstorm May The section men at the out on Monday morning with 180 employed by the system They demand an additional cents a day to their pay and pay or overtime Their present pay is Foremen per day men from which is deducted to by the company for insurance making the money actually received and cents per quiet wtddmg was consummated at Ihe home of Mrs Mary when her youngest daughter Kate was united in holy wedlock to Mr Mark Sulton Miss Mamie Ma sa las was the bridesmaid and ihe groom was supported by Mr A T Among the number of pretty wedding presents was a valuable military toilet case from the officers and non commissioned officers of Company C Lome Rifles of which Mr Sutton Color Mr and Mrs Sutton left Monday for Their removal will be keenly felt in the Disciples church where they have both been active members for years Miss to inform the ladies that she will be at liberty to take In dressmaking or go to their homes by the day A very painful case came up before Magistrates Pearson and Mrs Sarah Johnson an old lady of years had been ordered to leave the home of her lighter The sons and daughters at various points were found entirely devoid of filial affection They had no recourse but to commit the old lady whose only offense was that she talked too much to the county county goal as a vagrant A son and daughter were in court and appeared moved at this humiliating action Our readers write Some cleaning up requested Sir May I use your column to state my views on an area extending from Eden Milts Rd at and through the village of that Firstly I would question why the Council allowed a roof trussing business to function in an area which I understand is designated agricultural What an eyesore this is on the landscape of such wonderful settings Perhaps Council could supply the answer as to why this Is permitted Secondly the small community of fcden Mills of which I must say it is a credit to the people who live It is neat and tidy gardens given tender and loving care and properties in general well kept with one exception This whole picture is spoilt by a rather large pile of rotting strips of wood which confronts one as you approach the river Is It not possible for whoever is responsible for this untidy mess to either put it where it belongs namely a garbage dump and alternatively out of sight of passing visitors this area Lastly high praise for those people who have given many free hours of labor at the Local Community Hall and with the help of Government funds have made this centre a modernccntreofsiciallife They are highly commended but whoever left this pill of rotting wood where it now Is should get it cleaned up and not spoil people s efforts to keep this village a model beautiful and a clean place to live In Thanking you for the use of your valuable space to air my views Protests prejudiced questions The Editor The Acton Free Press Dear sir As a faithful reader of The Acton Free Press I have noted with interest news or the continuing battle of The Renaissance Committee with Ihe Board of Education I imagine that many readers have shared perplexity with respect to this group and what It stands for On the one hand our sympathies naturally go out David in any contest when he tries to take on Goliath especially when David professes to represent us the parents and taxpayers On the other hand the group sounds unrepresentative in speaking of morality as if sex improper language were the only relevant issues And how can you take a group seriously who sees the world as black or white either or or atheistic But as of last week I decided to take them seriously Last week they slipped Into my mailbox what they called a questionnaire I was flattered that they wanted my opinion until I saw that many of the questions were designed to be answered in only one way Consider question ten and what precedes it masquerading as helpful information there are some novels which are recom mended or required reading in high schools which when made into movies are rated restricted Often the written version is more erotic than the movie sexuality is debased and there is i degrading of human dignity in the contents 10 Are in favour of such literature being required or recommended reading for high school students There is no room for opinion here No is the only answer unless one is a self confessed degenerate The next questions lead us in a similar way to approve of the removal of such novels from libraries and of the discipline of teachers who recommend them But to what are we being committed First we are asked to ignore the crucial distinction between required reading and recommended reading the latter of which thestudcntisnotobligedtodo Next wcore to reject novels on the basis of how a movie is rated as if there were some necessary connection between the way material is treated In different media Worse still we arc encouraged to regard the erotic which Ihe Oxford dictionary defines of love as nasty and perverse Finally we arc never told what novels are degrading and debased such and thus are deliberately corrupting people In short we are asked to agree to the most preposterous notions in the prejudicial way many of questions worded I protest Just as in much advertising pornography the essential aim or this socalled questionnaire Is disguised Our opinions are not being solicited our en of The Committees vague and dangerous notions is 1 am uncovering bias let me reveal my own I am an English teacher although not in the As errors and by the basic readability of sentences such as question In jour opinion has the emphasis on leaching children the techniques of discovering knowledge resulted In a imaging emphasis on curriculum content and the aquisitlon tic of the knowledge learned best by drill which Is essential to function adequately in our society Would anyone committed to academic excellence write such vile sentences Among the values with which high schools arc concerned are literary standards sanity and sagacity Li the conduct of meaning If this socalled questionnaire any Indication The Committee care not whit for these values Duncan No Acton

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