TIRES WERE SPINNING again as the Toronto International Dragway between Acton and Georgetown opened up for another season on Victoria Day Drivers from all over the area competed in E racing in front of a medium sized appreciative crowd on a perfect wise One of the competitors takes off from the starting line above while Susan Laird of Georgetown and Joanne of Acton right watch closely from the tower ready to guide the next competitors up to the line Fewer babies available today Ask for cuts The Acton Free Press Wed CAS budget up Children a Aid Society will have to take another look at its budget proposal calling for an ex or to fund the operation of the society in Region for 1974 The budget represents a substantial increase over the 1973 actual cost of Had the budget been ap proved the region would have had to raise 161 and the province the remaining Councillor Terry Manncll the region share represented a per cent increase Society Director Gordon Askwilh told the Community Services Committee the budget reflected additional staff increased fees for boarding homes group homes and salaries Non Adopting parents face long wait Councillor Pat McLaughlin said he had sat through the Society budget dcliber and was convinced there was little room for any further tutting even in face of the large increase explained that while Ihe number of children in care was down from several years ago the number of youngsters receiving scrv Ice was greater than ever and he the type of role his workers play Is a changing one McLaughlin asked a special meeting of the Society be held so that all members of the Community Services Com would have a chance to attend and become aware of the difficulty In cutting the budget Change Members of Reg Council have voted against appointing council lors to two committees each rather one committee as is currently the priclicc Stveral weeks ago council voted to broaden their workload and appoint mem to an additional commit 140 a month for guards School crossing guards will be paid a month retroactive to January 1 1974 Hills council decided this week They will be paid during the 10 month school term and spare crossing guards will be paid a day Councillor asked how much an hour this re presented Councillor Roy said it worked out to an hour Stanley The appointment of Stanley as division In surancc analyst of the Ontario Division of Inter national Nickel has been announced Mr was born in Acton and educated in Paris He spent the war years in the Royal Cinaihon Air Force serving iwlh in Canada and overseas There are approximately 800 couples on the Children a Aid Society adoption Halting list Last Infants were placed in homes With the declining birth rate and fewer children available for adoption people on the bottom of the list could be there for a long time The Society expect to have to follow Ihe lead of the Peel Society and suspend adoptions of children under six at least not in the near future But supervisor Ann Lorraine advises a of patiene Is necessary for prospective parents Presently the only major stipulation of the Halton Society is that couples seeking to adopt a child should not have two or more children of their own Other wise homes arc considered in which they apply At any given time homes are being studied for place ment waiting applicants are moved up as placements are made The Society will he surveying couples on the list soon to discover their opinions on the regulations which have been in use Problem children As in Peel most applicants ask Tor young white children Between couples 111 accept older and problem children and 3D to will adopt children of another race The older children generally come from broken families and have been in in separations Many adopting parents don t feel they could handle such a situation Present the majority of children available for adoption In Ontario ire groups of brothers and sisters Placing sibling groups of up to six In one home presents a major difficulty When it is not possible the Society tries to place the children where they can still contact each other Society social workers are spending more more time with groups and older children since are not as easily placed as babies and Integration with the new family may take up to a year A new placement method pioneered by agencies around Niagara is party where prospective parents and children meet each other as a group It a particular couple and a child lake a fancy to each other placement Is made that much easier Three provincial conferences a year and regular bulletins help local agencies to find children and that are well matched Daily newspaper articles such as Today Child and Family Find are an educational tool Mrs says that have helped in the placement of handicapped children After child picture and crlption hove appeared in the paper up to coils from interested parents across the province may come into the central office In Toronto Approximately GO per of these children are placed in suitable homes Private adoptions where families make their own arrangements are processed through the Aid Society but they are con fewer in number Mrs Thicssen estimates there were between five and 10 private adoptions In lost year THE ACTON FREE PRESS at Second ClattMall Poilol Registration Edward H Schroeder DC Doctor of Chiropractic Dunn St Brampton hr service Houti 1700 HALTON HILLS Red Cross HOMEMAKER SERVICE requires Part Time Supervisor Must have car pleasant personality and be able to get along with people Book keeping abilities required APPLY IN WRITING TO Box Georgetown Ontario Line Flower S MKm Nbfth of SPRING PLANTING Small plana for tie planters boxes I and Seeds Rock Garden Plants f I arrangements fir all oicaslms phone DEAR CONSTABLE BOYES thank you for letting us go to the police station and thank you for letting us try on the handcuffs was an excerpt from a letter written by the grade one class of Mrs Rosemary Blacks Robert Little students The students had enjoyed a morning session of visiting the police station Lysa Krzyzik is seen handcuffed to Constable Dave Boyes while Gaynor Jenkmson and Leah Stanbridge look on EDUCATION DAY PHYSIOTHERAPY Date June 1 Time 2 to 6 00 m Place Evarest House Physiotherapy Raymond Street Ontario YOU ARC CORDIALLY Ml ITFD MEET WE PA TIENT I Talkers streakers and firecrackers Durino Police Week Acton officers talked to students from both the Z Bennett schools It that t leave time Tor much more It matter or it was a very quiet weekend they report There were no of firew arks usage and little activity on the holiday One liquor was recorded in the books Two local men were charged after streaking through the Dominion Hotel not once but twice They did their jogging of last week They in court June 12 Halton Hills Weekly Special Hide a bed Halton Board of Education Physical Education Program Council Will present Its annual report at a meeting open to the public on THURSDAY MAY 23rd at pm to held at Pinevlew Public School on Trafalgar Road Lint and No Side road Copies of the report may be obtained by contacting Mr Jack Richardson at the Cen tral Administration Building Six Styles in Stock Pried from HALTON HILLS FURNITURE and APPLIANCES WERE YEARS OLD and weve got COMMEMORATIVE CENTENNIAL COINS HAVE YOU ORDERED YOURS To commemorate the town of Acton s 100th birthday Acton Branch of The Royal Canadian Legion is minting a special coin to mark the occasion These coins will be common currency throughout town and district where designated from July 1 until September 1974 They are negotiable at any local bank and stores during this period of time at face value one dollar SI Also available will be Commemorative coins In Gold and Silver upon special request Orders for these must be received not later than June 15 All coins will be available prior to circulation and can be obtained by special request Cost for Gold coins will be subject to market values and applicable sales tax and Silver colnsat15 subject to market For special or advance orders please complete the order form below and mall immediately to The Royal Canadian Legion Branch P O Box Acton Ontario PLEASE PLACE MY ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING I GOLD SUBJECT TO MARKET VALUES AND SALES TAX I SILVER SUBJECT TO MARKET VALUES AND SALES TAX UNCIRCULATED COMMEMORATIVE COIN 50 TOWN OR CITY- BOX NO