Roberta Hoy receives acclaim with choir The Acton Free Wed May 1 S NEWEST ENTERPRISE held open house last Friday fight to officially open the Penney real estate office located at the corner Mam and Guelph Sts Secretary Shirley Geary is seen standing behind Barbara Leadbetter of Wetherald St Both girls are new residents the village and for the firm of Penney real estate it is their first beyond the office headquarters The firm will be ser vicing RockWood area particularly ew real estate firm holds Fri open house Great Canadian am how the adults chaperoning Lhe Choral Society described the choir recent trip to lhe Cork I in Ireland where Ihcy look top honors over other youth choirs par ticlpatlng Performing as a group wherever they went the younger members were assisted in some of the numbers by Iheir adult Reportedly every hotel they stayed they would sing the grace together and before leaving would sing God Be You which became almost a theme song wherever they Tales of meeting Lord Mayor of Ireland visiting exciting ensiles and fraternizing with Irish youngsters is all part of lhe marvellous story of ad and success the choir has to loll Canadian maple leaf lapel pins from Canadian lapels to those of their Irish contemporaries during lhe course of the week long slay Theplnshadbeena gift from Holes before their departure a week ago the district choir was happy to share with the friends Ireland In lhe of f d Call Seta Iff Maiding Ess api Mel can of Arthur Am of who with her daughter Heather stayed on for further trip to Scotland to Isit friends Ken Graham tour host from Frlc Wallace and King also of of and Hetty Burnett of MR Rockwood One special group at tending lhe festUal was that of lhe Allan Burnetts accompanied the choir as senior member along with her four children Gordon io 17 Valeric Janet 11 Describing the re action or the audience to the choir presentations of Canadian songs one spokesmin Haiti it was as if the young singers were suddenly aware of Incir great love for their own country for lhe first time It was absolute tingled all over slit said and her description of lhe per formantc mntched that of others attending At on their Ireland lour lhe group was given i standing ovation At final at the Cork hill auditorium where the festival was held choir led off us a privilege awarded of their earlier performance the school competitions They sang the two songs for which tray had won their lhe Hallelujah horns and Peter on the Sea All throughout lhe trip they snug at various plates Hoy the director given acclaim for her A 1 I Wl 1 fish was the of Robbie Meirmeir who with Harris St Cindy Show and Patricia Meglid ail examining the fish caught from the bridge on Mum St Not too great said the local fishing tykes but the name of the game on day is who mi if we catch anything it trying that counts Ospringe The red carpet was down on office the village hos ever had Education Week activities held ho are at present an open house to but lhe Rockwood venture operating the Ihn mu firm In final r celebrate our opening Penney a Real Estate Ltd Is presently located in the former Stuart building on and Main and to officially open the office village and township resident a and friends and associates were Invited to meet the staff and enjoy a visit topped off by refresh new firm Is the first Agent and Sec branchout from lhe Barbara is the Fred Penney has been in real estate for dome reS in on lime and working with the herald St The mother of attitude honesty above all Karen and he Is the chairman of the fl and her ethics committee or the Oak id vine real estate board village from last opening was held to let Already she feel- know the was ik T A bicycle safety check ind rodeo was held at the school on under the super ision the with Con stable in attendance There were children took part in the rodeo and all the marks were fnntistlc High marks for the boys filrls were is follows grade Walter Turner grade three John ricia Bit four Grace lessen grade five JimcsCrippsBfl Susan Mil in 91 and Debbie tied grade six Monty antl Id McAdam Jackie II kins grade seven Donald Wood lit I inley lii uracil HI Wendy Page people WERE OUT from dawn to dusk weekend and seen enjoying the scenery and ing activity at the park are two ton who came down for Saturday idling with their family Richard Aselton bib brother Terry 14 live on Anne Boulevard Milton and often visit the Rockwood lor their outdoor activities part of rural community and is happy to be living in real estate anywhere in Ontario the office will be specifically servicing Rock wood and outlying areas Also on the Penney staff Is Shirley Cleury who with her husband Brian and young son Michael moved to lhe village in late February The Clearys loo arc enjoying the delight of the village living the In which Pcrj is housed As secretary she Is able to keep her hand well into things Friday Open house hosted district residents and council members the press well as friends and Some of play nave gone on to better things purpose of lust league will a refund of money for those have paid fees both girls and boys If yon ill school dav evening between and 1 elurullem week Hits was tin school and Hint spuiktrs from University were Hurt day it was Miss I speaking on iilad Mr spoke on Iraij and on Mr I red showed slides illustrate his Tanzania to tin pupils ln lolL In gym He Ihen Ins returned from Switzerland lie working sort hotel in was open house when the inrcnls were wtl corned at Hie school lo admin and on work be done by the pupils All were pit by the attend and interest shown No ball Due a lack of baseball will he cancelled for She remarks lb it is practital way to lie coming accustomed to to people talk Shi says he rslay Ihere was experience working people When tin season ended lirendi look short holiday hi fore home Spun hi is inds of and tor south of Spain in the Mediterranean where the water is illy otter swim it dries In crystal drops nn your skin Meml Knox rcshy have been spending much lime and Tori Ibis past month a new in the hi so mint labouring against time to have it or the be i f supper which was on evening This in ikes mint in working conditions saving steps and providing roomier working spice Many folks wrre pic ised to see Don Htrhison Mrs llcrblson Tim and Ruth Ann whet time up from II million at the Mr is in his familiar spot ex pertly beef fund Ability tops in are up this year Julie Brace district ian of the Ability fund that all previous tint 1971 raised were tailed at and fcports as acting district I would like to on behalf or the fund my sincere to the village for gatr donations during our ptBipaign This year topped have been involved with gnbe 1U71 chairman said that Wither played a detrimental tip in the April drive but she raS impressed at the Willingness of the canvassers their mission and showed their lissing girl safe residents were last week when len Curold It previously reported pHSstng was discovered safe unharmed sleeping in up- basement of a neigh faianD farmhouse the daughter of Mr Frank Vossen of was reported Wednesday at 7 Hie was located on Thursday Rrarning at 7 30 am and to her parents student of fcbllc school Dixie sparked the operation and of both taOarcarcsldents ttjkesman said he op mediated the assistance during young girl juvenile ball Ball players of s and under are being taught for teams Anyone interested in playing juvenile ball Is to call Murray at Guelph naKnewas IMPRESSIONS of their daddies were on display auspicious occasion for Fred at the Open House at OhprnigL school The young Penney and hosting along r with him was his wife portrait artists were all in grade one STORES MOORE PARK PLAZA GEORGETOWN CREDIT PLAN AMERICAN EXPRESS CHARQEX We make it