The Acton Fret J 1973 Obituary Hillsburgh subdivision Sudden illness agreement shapes up claims teacner into verbal battle At the December 3 meeting He pointed out the remain at thla of Erin township council Mr agreement called for no more time Gould of Toronto than occupant In any one Lang exploded once more representing the third phase year of the subdivision The original agreement Thm construction requested in- wafor3ah6uaealn3and of theaareement in stated Deputy Reeve between council and builder but wo got talked The subdivision was Into the other recently sold and Mr Gould was appearing as owner In wL year the most the community could absorb discussion was the clause wore After a sudden of your he had lust throe ami nne day hew She Shirley Anne Anderson end super In Princess the Hospital Toronto Nov School M Gnm Her Illness and subsequent been death shocked her family In rtwwhlor many In her church and the community mid former students She taught two year at wan filled lor the Then we are not prepared Alton live years flown anu waiter to this until five years at ffWl chooses to come to us And wo 1 have to Issue any Services and facilities wore r ass as houses and occupied in 60 more for occupancy In 1974 with the Interpretation ex plaining bis clent bought the with the ttTl could building permits until we know who the owner Is Mr Gould was clearly non plussed and argued he was the owner In trust We dont deal that way declared the reeve But Im not trying hide anything from you ex- Gould provoking That a good one from Lang Gould asked If council allowing for total occupancy of houses Reeve Lang exploded Weve been fiddling with the subdivision for two years Were not going to start all over again Just because Its sold buyer should discussed this with council before purchasing Who Is the new owner anyway queried Roe 1ang To which Mr Gould hedged that his client wished to Road answer soon Relocation of the Third would reconsider the Line by Quarries agreement Yes we might will go com retorted Deputy Matheaon meeting for back to the original discussion Don Murdy of the houses quarries attended Monday Mr Gould left after nights full council meeting In unhappily stating he would regard to the road closing lie M vnr meetings No wecome for region place all this In front of his client local residents have been held the latest last week He requested council look favor ably on the proposal so the quarry may proceed Reeve Tom Hill pointed out council held lis second last full public meeting Monday evening In the township hull AI members wore present with Reeve Tom Hill In the chair and almost all the seats for delegations filled Most of those waiting on council were building permits Comfortable big upholstered cnairs ordered for the ncu Hilts council had arrived and were used temporarily by the delegations and the press They match the gold chairs usee regularly by the soon defunt council Monday and they were ffiH come nobody will be Altar here Jan to welcome In and for a sign for Alex ashed Country Pete councillor Dick wist Department of Hon and Communications proval is still awaited Wo should have an answer for you In two weeks deputy reeve estimated fully He got no volunteers The usual Christmas tur keys will be given to full time staff Council discussed a new draft agreement for a road allowance between Dufferln quarries and and EsqiiDsinR townships Clerk French recoiled had sought meetings with Citizens buck township offices Nassagawcya council without will be closed from Friday result The agreement was Dec at until approved in principle subject day Dec m The lo approval staff will have holiday New Weve done our part Years Day but will work councillor Howitt said Dec regulating their Deputy reeve felt the hours as required agreement should be sent to The staff has agreed to the Conservation authority house on Highway The Credit Valley Conservation Authority Continued from Page One since the property is six to W5O0 price tag would attract feet below the calculated flood talent regional flood line There will As soon as you put the be a field study to see If there price tag on you attract are feasible alternatives worms from the woodwork Council will deal with this that have never seen matter when further In before formation is available Somcrvllle said he had arranged to take Wednesday afternoons off from work to The Solnndt commission end the meetings He said thanked Esqucsing for their only way the people could submission of Nov end Bet their message to the reported a representative elected officials was by panel of the staff of ministries dogged and darn operating In the hard work preparation of the Inter He that local Ministerial brief would op- politicians become diitlnil the two young Karl 13 and 11 iT were with their mother Hurt I Anderson I his wife Hi their homo It It Ailiil as well nor 1 Alfred Thompson Mm MwArthiirt 11 It a Acliin and Mr Richard Ralph Mills and till son Shirley was years of age was Ixirn at 1043 attended school Alton Alton and tnwnNhlp was In Huxley Pall bearers were nephews Ronald Barry MacArthur Tim MacArthur Dan Mark and John Thompson She and her husband were married church on Aug l BBS The sympathy of many friends la extended to the be reaved family vices from local government and was upset by the Idea that her taxes would go to support another layer We dont want any more services and we don t want to pay any more she said After the meeting Mrs Fee said she felt more people from litis and Milton would have to get involved with a ratepayers group on a regional level said the decision to set salaries at was neither careful or sensible He said that the cost would work out to It per capita in work Saturday mornings if white reeve Hill disagreed pear before the commission sensitive when a strong cents per capita In necessary saying they hove nothing to Gov ratepayers group is Peel Durham and cents Clerk French ox plained the proposed holiday noun to township council saying do with road allowances Quiet week The theft of lumber from behind Ed restaurant was reported to police Nov by George Value of the lumber was estimated at Police report a quiet week although there were two paired drivers and an town man was charged with causing a disturbance Accidents cor involved was James Friz Kingham Damage to the car was estl mated at and to the other car On Nov two cars were in collision on Mill and Wilbur Driver Jacob Vnndestouwe There were two accidents Toronto had estimated during the week damage to his car and Diane Dec ion Main at Cooper Ransom 350 to Kingham driver Jacqueline hers functioning He used Oakvlllc an example and noted only A program of energy one of the seven Oakville conservation was received Councillors voted for the from the Ministry of Industry and Tourism Chairman en couraged the people to write Acton plans for road to John White Jim Snow improvements the comer George Kerr and Allan of Mill and road Massan as well as council were left for committee ana members to the face and leg She discussion with the road Fee of Speyslde was token to hospital for superintendent said she received few ser- Drlveroftheother capita In Hamilton Went worth He pointed out only Peel set higher salaries than Halton Former Burlington Councillor Lloyd Dennis said that some Peel councillors were ing up their jobs and joing Into politics full time but he noted chairman Allan had said councillors would be part time only or Sun Thru Thurs MILTON Sat fill St SEE IT AGAIN AND AQA1I StudantaSI ChUdran Showtimes Friday and Saturday 6 30 and a Me MM fl School mum Schodkiris Pin mI4 HAWING A PARTY GET THESE We In fatff math up order Open Faced Sandwiches Cold Meats and Salad Plates Party Platters Cheese Trays Hors dOeuvres For Stocking Stutters chooc from our seloction of Christmas Candy Novelties Advent Calendars Magazines Etc Glvaiai Hobby for Christmas ant STORE HOURS Dae 17 to Dae 31 Thursday and 10J ajn 900pjn ACTON DELICATESSEN Mill St Actor Neighbors aid pig farmer About people In Nassa Township have gone who moved to that rural area aid she a by law requesting to a pig farmer who Is to sign a statement saying threatened with going out of building She pointed out they wouldnt complain about business however that his operation rural odors once they moved Herbert of the excellent one and he fourth Line built a piggery to we expense of Gallamore told council the n that building up beroro he wos hQUNe and by doing so In order to aware of it even being violated a township building Improve the operation and started He said Steve and law operation more Woloshyn a neighbor building Inspector complained Tarry told council Mrs told council The inspector said Hie Wilding was erected were hadapplied earlier without building permit In the country What f severance to build a Mrs flay Skoropad and buying house but was refused per Duncan Moffat appeared at S mission According to Ihe township meeting h H more had jij Monday to advise council reference to a housing advised him to insist on the members of the community would appeal the com discussed bylaws being adhered to in The petition suggests odors in of adjustment decision case or bo ahead rural area should bo con in the Ontario Municipal Moffat told council and build the house contra disadvantages just as Hoard Township had passed vention to the bylaws and In the towns arc considered disadvantages without a permit The committee of ad justment had ruled against the piggery to be In operation ana said bad odor was the reason Mrs said there was no odor from the operation She said she and 30 neighbors had gone to bat for because they felt an Injustice was being done The petition suggested the prime aim of the community Is agriculture and the decision based on odor Is Just and contrary to the majority wishes of HOT WHEELS HomaHwd 3 UTS ONLY 39 BIG JIMS CAMPER BIG JIMS BOAT n BUGGY feather weight sheer durable 9 Main steel blade for carving or ring Includes a 6 detachable 320823 Twin reciprocating combs slide through hair like magic wet dry Great for kids Heat for drying mist for styling Styling brush and massage r included 320080 State TV PORTABLE taart Black White WWW Antenna and UHF Loop Speaker 0 Fully Transistenzed Guaranteed by your Home Store Quality made CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS Beginning Dacamlwr Monday to Friday am to pm Santo will b of Than and M pjn to pm Sat I to pm ear Chrntsta Lajaai Plan A small any ttam Satisfictiofi GuarantMd or your money e rafundod