Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1973, p. 6

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What the weeklies say There Is a certain fascination about a fire whistle that attracts people who ordinarily Ignore anything of a disturbing nature They jump In their cars and rush In the lire hall to see where the action is Not content with this Information they crowd behind and around the fire trucks seemingly to gain an advantage In a race to the fire perhaps its all good clean fun an Interesting diversion on on otherwise quiet day But when the clutter of cars delays fire fighting equipment from reaching Iho ire the practise no lunger Is a game but becomes a menace that well may result In unnecessary loss The few minutes in whih firemen are delayed by heedless motorists may make the difference bclwetn a extinguished and a complete writeoff At recent fire it enough to follow along but the more venturesome passed and repassed each other playing a game of leap frog there la no solution In the ex of the moment almost any be havior may seem lo be On the other hand perhaps the potential hazards to otherwise Innocent motor In Is and loss of property which are Involved would justify a new look traffic regulations with a more stringent enforcement Fergusflora News press An In run ihllluronowhalomffotKMilrt woodshed affixed every farm home has lost Hi original utility Only three par cent of household In air Canada still am heated by or wood The woodshed was an Mwmllal In early Ontario It was enough to keep the warm In winter and an ever present supply dry wood preferably hard maple and beech was required The family depended thi fuel for warmth Equally Importanl relied mi It for food The bread and other were baked In the oven of old woodburning the meal Looked It soups and vegetables lulled on II and the pickles and preserves made on He was an Indifforcnl farmer who did see to It lhat woodshed win filled an dry wood and largo pilot of freshly wood Mill In The bush conditioned for um old woodsheds had an aroma all of their a pleasant one was It was a composite of Ihe of old of the newly spill wood of ho cedar ready for the kindling etc It was a musty mouldy but pleasant odor and lingers on in those old woodsheds which still have a few blocks of wood In them and Ihe accumulation of the fusty debris of the decodes John Marshal MOULD BE CULTIVATED Independent A queer quirk In the collective Canadian personality la that bilingual Ism our possession of two official language la widely considered a liability Instead of a major national aaeet and cause for pride All Canadian are not compelled to know both heir countrys languages and many Canadian speak neither correctlybut the advantages of some knowledge of both are Hume of them are practical the ability to reply In the same language In which on J asked question to read Vrmm and the Pre with equal to wMsmlwftwaye of articulating any idea of Minn one which says It Malm mm valuable when a bilingual for he can go scarcely anywhere without finding someone who can understand him In the majority new nation of Africa or French almost certain be one of the official language The seme I true In the nations of Ilia former British and French empire on the other continent is our asset We should be enjoying our two language Instead of squabbling over hem Rather than threatening anyone s Job for not knowing one of them we should be devising an educational system through which every Canadian child will learn and love both the tongues which are his Inheritance Corridor ideal along 401 Highway Editorial The Acton Free Press Wednesday July Residents of this area who have been studying routes for the KV Hydro transmission corridor in detail have come up with an excellent suggestion at the public meeting in Acton recently Spokesman John Schneider of R Acton outlined a route which would follow Ml Highway from the proposed sub- station to a point near Guelph thus avoiding the north end of and the townships of Erin and com Of course the suggestion is dependent on the Solandt Commission advising Hydro to use the shortest route for the transmission corridor Although there are environmental factors to consider besides distance it should be noted that response to questionnaires has established the Interested public would like to see the towers follow existing corridors such as expressways even though they would be visible to motorists The Schneider suggestion fits In with this consensus and nas opened an entirely new avenue for the study Mr Hewlett who has been more than fair in meetings with the public has publicly acknowledged lhat his group did not con sider running along l Highway as an alternative Hydro spokesmen at the Acton meeting acknowledged the route was feasible also and could be considered as on alternative If the suggestion was based purely on means of rerouting the hydro corridor out of this area without a tangible alternative we would dismiss it as another ploy to have others contend with the foot swath of towers and substations However Ihe alternative along highway is credible and meets most of the requisites outlined by Hydro It deserves recognition There is also some merit in the suggestion that the towers should be a close MiniComment According to a West German medical magazine reporting the results of in- stud the who kisses his wife every morning before he leaves for work will probably last five years longer earn SO per cent to SO per cent more lose up to 50 per cent less time because of illness and be involved in fewer automobile than the husband who doesnt The study doesnt say anything about the wife who kisses her husband every morning before she leaves for work Wed be In in that analysis too gallons Want to nuke a fortune Then find a spring bottle the water for ale Canada Dry is doing it The company launched White Mountain Spring Water on the Canadian market and soon plans to export the product to the parched and polluted United States Canada Dry president Bosworth says the taste will be the seller Its pure sparkling clear refreshing taste brings to its user a unique senseawakening experience that is difficult to find these days Source of the nectar is a spring in the Hills not far from here Canada Dry will retail the water for Where was the telephone Invented Brantford or Boston The first long distance call was made from the Alexander Graham Bell homestead In Brantford Ontario to Paris Ontario eight miles And the inventor has substantiated this with an address to the Canadian Club of Ottawa in June 1909 Said Bell has an indisputable claim to this distinction and is rightfully named the Telephone City Bell Canada is commemorating Alex Bells Invention on telephone directories this year since Is the date of the in vention In Brantford A working model was first built in the U S however and a S patent obtained in 1876 you sent in your suggestion yet for a name for the new town of North Halton If you have any ideas send them in unless you want to live under some composite that is hard to pronounce harder to spell and easy to forget Ottawa Report by Terry OConnor Halton MP Marian and Christine Sinclair are dead coldbloodedly murdered in a spray of machine gun bullets fired by soldiers Nothing can be done to rectify this fact But much more can and should be done by Canadian External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp to clarify the situation and assist the families of the murdered girls Most people are familiar with the events The girls were travellers visiting the popular Victoria Falls tourist attraction on the Rhodes border They were on the side of the fast flowing crocodile infested Zambesi River The Zamblan soldiers woo tired across the river killing and wounding these girls ana other sightseers claimed they thought they were saboteurs attempting to blow up a power project Canadas immediate response to this flagrant crime against two of her cititens was to send a note of protest A note of protest Mitchell Sharp not wanting to ruffle feather forever the smiling diplomat has failed the families of the and the Canad people by and commission father First be should have contacted President of Zambia directly and demanded a lull neutral perhaps UN authorities received acknowledgement of the total culpability of the Zambian soldiers if the investigation established same a public apology from President and compensation l although admittedly money is not adequate compensation for loss of life Instead after offering Mr Oscar Dnjber Marjan s father all the assistance the Canadian government could provide officials of the External Affairs Department tried to dissuade Mr Drijber from isiting the site of the shooting to carry out his own investigation because neither Canada nor Zambia would And next Mr Sharp should not have approved a loan last week for to Zambia until the above steps had been taken That right Mr Sharp made this loan and further he said we will continue with our aid program to this country which murders our In the process Mr Sharp ex pounded an incredible new theory of International law When questioned by Alt Hales the Member for Wellington who has vigorously pursued the matter over the past month he said The loan we give is not to the government of Zambia it is to the people of Zambia Tripe- It is a fundamental concept of international law that government is the people that it represents speaks acts or fails speak or act on behalf of the to major users possible Again the alternate proposed by Schneider meets the requirements Hyrdro has outlined It would be foolish for anyone to dispute Ontario Hydros contention that additional power Is needed in the province to meet the demand It would be equally foolish for general public oppose Hydros proposals without some alternative which Is at least as good as already proposed We think the suggestion from the Acton meeting has found the key which could construct the most economical corridor over the shortest distance and yet hove the least environmental impact on the agricultural land the province la eager to preserve In theory the best route should have the shortest distance the least number of lines in the corridor the fewest substations Ihe least environmental impact highest public acceptance Not everyone liked Dave Waddell cartoon concerning the Queens visit to Acton In last week Free Press although this comer has always felt a laugh at one ovms expense is good for the soul Head Beardmore chemist John Grlefcnedcr who is responsible for pollution efforts at Actons largest industry feels the paper might have been hitting below the belt because the company has spent hundreds or thousands of dollars cleaning up and constructing a Unique sewage plant He says the efforts have been rewarded but completesuccesstakestime Wehopetodo an article on it soon In the meantime it is obvious what is good for the soul might not be so for the sole leather All the industrial news from our neigh boring community of Milton has been good lately Latest is a million expansion to the Rockwell plant formerly known as Ontario Steel Almost 500 are employed at the Milton plant and they II soon be Joined by more from where the company is closing another plant down to consolidate operations in Milton Many from this town and district are employed there people of a country as a separate entity from its government is ludicrous event the loan in question was not made directly to the people of Zambia How could it be what people Who would administer it It was made to those in the government who were responsible for expending funds to the benefit of the people It is unworthy of Canada foreign minister to proffer such tripe Mr Sharp and Canada have badly handled this international Incident We should stop further aid to Zambia until wo get to Ihe bottom of the two murders The families of the girls are suffering unnecessary anguish and Canada is looking like a patsy This is going be a tough column to write I on my holidays Irs a beautiful summer day hot but not muggy and Im as lazy as the cat who is curled up In her chair dreaming In winter she cats like a hog and becomes repulsively fat In summer she subsists principally an bees ants and but slims out into a tigress stalking her domain the back yard Her domain underwent a change this week Two old friends died You might say Ihcy were cut down in their prime Thcv were twin elms lofty and graceful I vc spent many an hour slumped in a lawn chair watching the birds and the squirrels in the elms listening to the whispering of the two lovers as hey leaned toward each other caressed each other with their limbs Hey this is getting pretty sexy Last spring they came out in leaf but by mid summer they were dead of the Dutch elm plague which has blighted my part of the country I was going to have hem taken down this summer anyway but my plans were spurred a bit when a small limb fell off and conked my neighbor on the head and then a limb came down and fell on my neigh hour house Theyre good neighbors but that carrying things a bit far 1 heard all sorts of horror stories about the fantastic prices people charged to remove trees I was assured hat It would cost mo a couple of hundred dollars per tree This was nonsense as horror stories so often are I located a tree surgeion who works for the hydro His estimate was Each my wife queried and I kicked her sharply on he ankle She is always worried about any deals make She thinks I have no business sense and will be diddled at every turn She Is right about the first premise but I have never yet been diddled because I trust people She doesnt and has been diddled several limes thought was reasonable and theres no thing I detest more than trying to beat somebody down on a price Anyway THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE8532010 Editorial Office dvtflWno on ft vtnt Mvtrllllng husky assistants Instead of taking he trees down In pieces he was going lo fell them In back yard toward the house Its a pleasure to see an expert at work He sized up the trees by eye and reckoned Ihey wouldn t hit the house I had lake his word for It If hed misjudged one ree would have slammed through the French doors and right Into our living room He went up the tree like a monkey and fastened ropes around it The other ends of the ropes were snubbed around trees near Ihe house and he boys stood by ready to Snarlwentthechalnsaw Heave went the boys WHAM Down came number one right where hed lined er up A few minutes later down came number two almost the peony bed Then they went to work like so many beaver some wielding chain saws the others piling brush three hours from go he trees were down sawed into fireplace length and everything cleaned up I have ceased worrying about the energy crisis in this country I have enough blocks stacked in wood piles all over the yard to see us through until at least the year and after that somebody else can worry about It There a something snug and homely about a wood pile Now instead of looking out and seeing flower beds that need weed ing can sit and look at my wood piles I didnt lift a finger myself but I feel as mug and satisfied when I look at all that wood as any pioneer ever did when hed just finished cutting and stacking his wood for the winter Theces only one cloud on the horizon Its oo good to be true 1 bet that right now some beadyeyed bureaucrat in the Depart ment of National Revenue ia trying lo figure out some way of collecting tax on that wood He d better not succeed or therell be trouble He can sales tax me income tax me property tax me but if he tries to tax my wood pile It will be the final straw and therell be murder done The weapon will be a twofoot elm block dropped from the bath Back Issues of The Free Press More spent on gum than politics OConnor In a recent speech to the House of Commons on the governments proposed election expenses limitation bill Halton MP Terry OConnor attacked lack of public support for political parties and made recommendations con cerning disclosure of campaign donations to remedy the problem He said It is a painful fact of everyday life that parties and candidates are poor and called the priority Canadians have for financially assisting them in credibly low It has been noted that Canadians spend more on chewing gum each year than or support of their political party Mr OConnor pointed out Private 1 best Wary of public to candidates the Halton MP said ale of parties and candidates is still the most desirable method of funding our system The system should en courage each person to exercise his choice by means of a private donation and it should not tend lo relieve him of this choice by means of overemphasis on public funding A system of public funding takes the freedom of choice of support away from the individual arid requires him to support parties including those wllh whose philosophy he may strongly disagree To alleviate public suspicion of governmental patronage to donors Mr OConnor says dis closure regulations must be more strict They should also en courage more public interest The disclosure requirements together with tax Incentives to small donors should achieve the fundamental objective of broadening the base of political support Disclosure will engender confidence in the public that parties and candidates are not controlled or bought by a few large donors but are in fact supported by many thousands of small and medium sized donors 20 years ago Ranging from expert young lads with underwater goggles to timid young ladle unwilling to let go of the edge Acton youngsters are this week enjoying the new junior pool in the park Children and under are allowed in the trim new pool It opened for the first time last Saturday on a hot sticky day between summer showers The president of the swimming pool committee Amos Mason presented ihe key to mayor Dr Oakes The first two youngsters in the pool were Johnny and Heather McGeachie children of the swimming pool committee secretary Jack McGeachie Miss Nellie Hall volunteered to supervise the pool for the first week Water is supplied from the town system and chlorinated from time to time A presentation was held for Mr and Mrs John Bousfield at hall Mrs was Ihe former Eileen Allen Donna McMillan read the address and Horace Bruce Barber Stewart Miller and Douglas Anderson made the presentation of two end- tables and lamps bowling green a favorite spot Las week games were played by teams of Messrs Geo Bayne Geo Saunders Geo Wlngate Geo Gray and Geo Perry vs Bev Fred Alton J A Little Pete Sim and Roy Bacon The newly formed Acton Soccer club travelled to Georgetown and returned on the long end of a to score Cliff Sutton scored twice and Les Daviea Ihe old master once The play of Jock Calder Les Cliff Sutton Al Span ton Terry Bottomley and the experience they pass on has done much to bolster the team Miss Sybil Bennett the P C candidate met friends at a tea at the home years ago Taken from the Issue of Free Pre feature of Acton jubilee celebration August S One of he most enthusiastic citizens in making the celebration a success is Rev AC Slewart Mr Stewart not only postponed his vacation for a week but is greatly Interested in making the Sunday of the visitors memorable pupils were successful in subjects in lower school examinations among them Margaret Young Matthew Tyler Jimmy Ross James Matthews Stanley Maefcie Harold Laura Murray Helen MacDonald Charlie Joseph Hurst Hurst Dora Archibald Kerr Francis Gibbons Annie Dunn Johnnie Dunn Minnie Blair Beatrice Blair Alfred Bishop J Shoe Factory em- at Acton held their annual picnic The factory closed down at 11 a everyone made a rush to get ready for the drive to Burlington Beach Three track loads and three automobile carried the party of excursionists The refreshment committee under Miss provided a table groaning with the weight of the good things to eat are being for Mr Landsboroughs fine new residence on Lake Ave Miss Sabra Nelson successful in the Normal School examinations Fred of Georgetown broke his right arm while car the other day Masons Knitting Mill la working ten hours per day now Every motor car and dray In town should be decorated for the jubilee BaiinockburnWI had a demonstration of aluminum at Mrs home years ago Taken from the of Ike Frees el Thersday ISM The new driving shed at Knox church will be among the finest In the country The oldest and possibly the most en thusiastic Orangeman who walked to the GTR depot with Acton LOL on the morning of the Glorious Twelfth a they went to take the train for Georgetown was Mr Root Mills who la also our oldest citizen He year of age and joined the lodge in Belfast at the age of IB The Pope la rapidly failing His most ardent ha been to see peace between Spain and the United State Thi week he instructed the papal nuncio at Madrid to urge certain Spanish prelate to refrain from advocating the continuance of the war The lawn social at the home of Mr and Mrs Davidson a gratifying success to the member of Ladle aid This farm so convenient to town that hundred of our citizen esteemed it but a walk and the green path bordered with sweet briar were promenade Is born beaut If a girl Is born beautiful she a good as born married The st s arrangement The farmer of Ontario will require more binder twine this season if crop reports be correct than la any fanner year There was a slight frost here on Sunday night but not damage to do any crop to the Toronto and Bay The greatest matt In the el Georgetown the 12th of July ceJebratkns There vara

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