Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1972, p. 10

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The Acton Free Wednesday September Limehouse residents seek Continued Page her to carry on business She removal of the Happy Day children but I dont see how a other undesirable results like opposed the rebuilding of the nursery run by the 0 Regent thing like that could be policed noise and dust ad and construction of family on the Fifth line The Three hours Is also Ian Downie is vice principal A visit to Acton high school two third of J pressed sss lilies sss western of railway teacher Since he had a poor opinion of teachers and teaching as bridge and although their children travel by bus to the Christian school In Georgetown theyre concerned about all children in the village area It doesnt affect my children flashing lights of the school bus Cars are sometimes worse for than the trucks are limit It would also spoil the A school bus driver Mrs E atmosphere of the village she said that children run said off the road to the safety of a front yard when two trucks meet In the She supported the Idea that the village She also ears more truck Fourth Line or Fifth line should traffic if the road is widened te to accommodate the However she quick to point S traffic out most truck drivers are very child get hurt Mrs puWIc SchMl thev Mrs Hoekstra feels the three principal would like to see hour ban proposal is a good one crosswalk and safety patrol I realize the truckers have to David Haley told the Fress he make a too she said had written a letter to Esqueslng Neighbor toe Council asking that they do Mrs Holtman personal WahdMra Ron Clow have five something to make It safer for the favors the proposed northern by- Owner of Duff Quarries from Sad day crossing the railway students of that school who bridge in the process cannot ride the buses Being a f A ton limit sign is posted at newcomer to the area he was not much to get t he whole bridge but some trucks have completely familiar with the aquation teen caught violating the law problem three hour ban proposal no It makes me mad to see Should the proposed bypass go solution at all trucks going over that bridge through it would call for the Im very concerned about the Our children always have to stop and watch for them before they go across Mrs Clow said Mr widen the rood through the village was not a good one because it would leave a lot of houses sitting right on the edge of the road We would like the trucks right out of the village altogether Mrs explained But If we cant have that we would like to get signs stating the hours of Club on Tuesday of week restriction Following the usual reports Alt the Clow children ride Mrs Reed official delegate to bikes but they dont ride until the United Senior Citizens after the truck traffic has stopped Convention held recently In at at night Mrs Clow said Windsor gave a partial report of high cost of dental care eye- Mrs W Van Dam of the proceeding Much time had glasses and hearing aids Riding Stables said the proposed been spent there on the bypass would go through her resolutions that would be best pasture lands and show presented in a brief to the federal arena making it Impossible for government The most ho said Senior Citizens prepare brief for government By Mrs Elsie Reed Favorable weather brought out a good turnout at the Golden Age applied Tor the position It is the most interesting training school in the county he told the Free Press this week as he Mr Duff explains that his firm assumed the position of vice- does not own the trucks principal at the Acton school He cited the semester system the I cant presume to tell friendly atmosphere as good carriers where to take their reasons for his choice loads he said And Ian Downie has been around He thinks one solution to the Born and educated in England problem would be the installation he spent five years In India as a of sidewalks in the village Lloyd agent parttime Danish JL consul exporting tea as a I can sympathize with the steamship airline and Insurance peOp ell working for Standard The place Cochin a seaport In southwestern India Emigrates here He returned to England to work with an iron and steel company before deciding to emigrate to Canada His first job in this country was at the Montreal docks as a checker Ive had a checkered career and from there he went Into accounting with the Shell Oil Co To update his qualifications he took a night The iheridan Heavy Equip- gas main break The container Telephone cable imbed course at Sir George Williams was by a front hole digger fert the scene of shooting for a film into a large hole and Union Gas anchored with steel encouraging the general public arranged the explosion with the truckloads of material to build It he pointed out Mr Duff thinks the village residents should get togctner and come up with a proposal as a group His first Job was at a six room school in Rainy River From there he went to Burlington Central High where his career continued to open up He was appointed viceprincipal three years The Acton opening came up He applied and got the Job and Is looking forward to moving into the district He lives in Burling ton now married with two children must commute until he finds the right place to live Meanwhile he hopes to shake off the impersonal attitudes of the larger Burlington school and adopt a more personal outlook on the students at Acton high IAN Make film at township school University It was while he was at the university that he approached important of these dealt with an the entertainment Mr increase in the Old Age Pension Fred Kingsmills birthday comes theguidance department to to keep in line with the rising cost hi September September wed- he was headed in the richt living the removal of the ding anniversaries Mr and Mrs direction Jack Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Earl the guidance professor and Mr and Mrs said after a series of tests You Robertson would be much better as a education tax from Senior Citizens by provincial and federal governments the lowering of cost of drugs Inspection of the and contractors to call before you dig The film is a Joint venture of Trans Canada Pipeline Consumers Gas Union Gas and Bell Canada One hundred gallons of propane gas were ignited to illustrate a help of a safety group from A Sheridan student began Superior Propone who supplied digging pulled up the cable in the cylinder of gas one scoop and snapped it Nine Also simulated was the bursting of a water main which into a variety of colors threading a fire hose into a water pipe with the nozzle shown at the embedded in the ground with International Plowing Match at water gushing up In a geyser ByJanlceGlbson however a new vice principal Mr Ian Downie from Burlington Its happened again The doors Wewereimabletoseehimforthe first week however Being an up to welcome back old students active athlete has its problems and greet all newcomers and Mr Downie was laid up with Many changes took place a bad back during the summer months Our Mrs Caroline McDonell Is back resource centre completed last full time in Home Ec to take June has been landscaped over for Mrs Skoropad until she Young trees and green grass returns Two part time teachers make a pleasant change Our are with us Mrs June Campbell parking lot was also extended is helping Mrs and Buses are now able to move off Mrs Betty is helping with the street when picking up and commercial courses 1 I Is at school Miss painted and except for the color is now Mrs C of the lockers new life has been brought back Into the school The new school year is off to a The school greeted some new fast pace Hopefully it will bring members staff At first it some different ideas to try out looked as If we were destined to and a chance to have again such have to break In a new principal successful events as our a sigh of relief was gasped school To all our new students when It was realized it was our the best of luck and best wishes Mr Katz in bearded disguise for a successful year stay at We do welcome this year Acton High School exemption of Senior Citizens from the proposed raise in the auto license fees Also the Senior Citizens numerical strength In voting power was felt great enough to ask for the federal government to give due consideration to provide a portfolio in the Cabinet to deal solely with affairs and Interests of the Senior Citizen thus avoiding delayed action of present Cabinet Ministers in meeting with a delegation to deal with the annual brief presented by Senior Citizens The report was well received and further reports will be given In coming meetings Game winners Eight tables of euchre and four tables of were played Winners euchre ladies Mrs Near Mrs Milne gents Mrs Dennis Joe Fuller ladies Mrs Spear Mrs Worne Mr Mr Next meeting will be Wed Sept at 30 p and Mr and Mrs David Robertson will be in CROSSED EYE AID Here s a tip for parents from Canadian National Institute for the Blind If your child has crossed eyes don wait until school to seek medical help By that time the child could lose great deal of vision that can never be replaced An early eye examination and simple treat ment may save the sight of your child leis talk about HORSES firepluce Sleeping bags were unpacked toasted and horses tied for the night All that is except Susies War Bonnet He wouldn t tie and so was hobbled Have you ever seen a horse gallop with hobbles Bonnet spent the entire night careening up and down the ridge with Jennifer Ban- Nine years ago on the Labor Day weekend the Trail Riders held their first overnight troll ride The turnout was overwhelming three adults two children and two dogs the organization took a whole two hours the trip was a gruelling three miles long It was a beautiful Saturday and hobbles long about five clock In the tied her dog Trail to the afternoon Ellis Duncan saddle so he beat up Jean Day 10yearold Susie Ellis do Trail had and seven yearold Lynn Duncan other ideas and climbed into bed decided to take off for parts unknown on horseback It was a cool clear night with a destination Canada Land three gorgeous full moon a perfect miles north of camping But around three clock when no to except lTin had had much sleep Wit with sleeping bags ground girls W muttering Why sheets tying pans bacon eggs turn ml that broken into a plastic pail and moon all necessary equipment for a with noisy successful adventure Lynn munching pawing plump PgHMey had trouble imping around keeping her load In place on her the air getting colder ana- round barrel At one point while riding through the river the pack train heard a plaintive wail Mom oh m something colder and Susie zipped their bags together and snuggled the dog between them and Jean did the same but young Lynn HAPPENING And there was like a log the whole night poor wee Lynn sliding sideways W sleeping with all her pack sinking Into the bags in the morning water Breakfast was an anticlimax Momtothe rescue and Honeys entire load was hauled back into Tne packed up trekked place while Mom leaned precariously from her own home and went to bed But the adventure provided many laugh for these nine years Threelegged hone At last the tired crew meandered Into camp a lovely open site chosen for Its existing Cut Please send stories questions

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