Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1971, p. 7

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Time to Sell those Old Things to You New to someone else BULL Mr and Mrs Robert Bull nee ore ple ased to announce the birth of son Michael Alexander on Thursday February at General Hospital He weighs lbs HAMMOND Bryan and Joan Gordon are pleased to an the arrival of thca- Tommie Mary Eliza beth flbs W at General Hospital on February First granddaughter for Mr and Mrs Wallace Gor don and another for Mr and Mrs Floyd Hammond LINDSAY Ohori Shannon and Shelley are to an nounce the arrival of a baby brother Christopher on Saturday February at General Hospital nd are happy to announce the completion of their family Bruce and Shcrrill are proud to the safe arrival of a wee sister Paula Marie for Brad and Ride on February 17 A granddaughter for Mr and Mrs Harry Murray Acton and Mr and Mrs J Milton IN George In loving memory of a dear father and father in law who passed away February One sad and lonely year lias passed Since our peat sorrow fell The shock that wc that morning No one can ever tell God gave us courage to meet it And courage to bear blow But what it meant to Jose you No one will ever know Itls lonely here without you We miss you more each iky For life is not the to us Since you were called away You bade no one a last fare well Or even said goodbye And you were gone before we realized And only God knows why In our thoughts and Don Gordon Anne were blessed with the safe arrival of Donald Ross at General Hospital on February A little bro ther for Cathy Larry and Sus an nee Heard arc pleased to Hie birth of their son Jason Charles February t Clinton COMING MARRIAGES BROWN Mr and Mrs Brown wish Ho announce the forthcoming mar riage of their daughter Janice Marie to Mr Henri son of Mrs Andre Gagnc Tern and the late Ms The wedding will take place at throethirty clock on March at iBallmafad United JOHNSTON Mrs Johnst Acton announce the forth coming marriage of their daughter Ruth to Mr John Herbert son and Mrs George B Lock ivy Acton The mar riage will take place on Satur day March at three- thirty in the Churchill Community Church DEATHS Francis Died at the home of ion Edward 199 Acton 18 pre deceased by wife Teresa survived by nine children Mrs W Bennett Teresa Toron to Edward Acton John Ray Smiths Tails Nor man Islington Sister Sacred Margaret Precious Blood Monastery Hamilton Mrs Florence of Calgary Alia Thomas and Janus of Toronto also are grandchildren and great grandchildren Funeral service at St rick s St Tor onto Monday February a Interment Mount Hope ce metery In loving mem of my dear husband who passed away so one year ago February 1970 I miss you dear George I ways will You a place no one can fill The golden gates stood open One year ago today With farewells unspoken You silently slipped away When hours draw near And sunset flames the sky I think of you Often dear In the happy days gone by A million Times Ivc needed you A million times Ive cried If only love could have saved You never would have died It broke my heart to lose you Bui you did not go alone For part of me went with you The day God called you home Sadly missed by wife Melissa ANNIVERSARIES Mr and Mrs Fred ui will be celebrating their Wedding Anniversary on Stur day March it Churchill Community Church Afternoon 2 to mining 7 to No please COMING EVENTS Duke of Devonshire Chapter will hold a meeting on Tuesday March Mrs Youngs on Church St it Acton euchre every Sat at at the Lodge Hall Corners Lunch provided Admission Every welcome Dance in ille Hall February at Ad mission i couple Lunch provided Proceeds for Moffat Minor Softball CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES etc CLASSIFIED DISPLAY REAL ESTATE to of lite c odd CODES I Fur Bale Prod To IS LI am Heal TUrtdtJ- i paid I Mill PHONE or The Acton Free Press Wednesday February FOR SALE ELECTRIC ranges recondlt fully guaranteed for dajs Georgetown la342570 Spnrrg Dance Legion Hill February til 1 1 wa per couple In aid of Mentally shir load or large load Retarded Inquiries phone option only Regular for 2950 fully re mditioncd ill or months Some In like condition Georgetown 1 1 HOT wheels complete set just like new Phone 1 132572 GRIFFIN In fond memory a Arthur Griffin who passed away a year ago February 1970 Just a thought of fond brance Just a memory sad and true And the ones who miss you most Arc ones who think of you Ever remembered by Trcssa Kecler Bell Maggie and Bert Davidson and William At General Hospital on Sat February 1971 Wit ham J of Acton in year beloved husband of Emily McDonald and dear father of Calvin Donald and Lloyd all of Avion Mrs Stan McMillan of and Mrs A Toft of Toronto who survived by Funeral service was held the Shoemaker Home Alton on Tuesday at pm Interment cem etery Acton TURNER At Guclph General Hospital on Monday infant son of the Rev Gordon B and Nancy Lou Turner stillborn CARDS OF THANKS I to thank my marry friend- neighbors and relatms for cards gifls visits and en and Churchill for lowers while I was pat in Guclph General Hospital Also many thanks to Moore Phillips and nurses and staff Joshua Thompson We would like to thank our friends for the lovely flowers gifts marry cards phone calls wo congra tulating us on celebrating our Golden Wedding Anniversary These kindnesses will be remembered Minnie and George Simpson GRTFPIN sad loving memory Of my dear Arthur who passed away February 28 I have lost my souls ion A life linked with my own And day by day I miss him him more As I walk through life alone I loved him yes no tongue can tell How dear bow deeply and how well God loved too and thought it best To take him home with Him to rest Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife GRIFFIN In loving memory of a dear father Arthur Griffin Who passed away Feb ruary What we would give if we could say Hello Dad the same old way To hear your voice see your smile To sit with you and chat a while So who have a father cherish with care For you never know the Till you sec his vacant chair remembered daughter Eleanor son inlaw BUI HOLMES In memory Florence who passed away February We go to the grave but not to ntoum The days that are past will ne ver return The happiest hours that earth can have given Are sorrow and pain to the glo ries of Sadly missed by her daugh- Daisy Mrs J King and grandson Fred HOLMES In loving memory of a dear mother and grand mother Florence Holmes who February A silent thought a scire t tear Keeps her memory ever near Tunc takes away the edge of But memory turns back every leaf Frank Holmes and Family McEACHERN In loving memory of Norman who passed away March 1 1954 There always a- face before us A voice would like to hear mile we will always rcmem bcr Of one we so dear Ahvays remembered by wife Edith WASHING machine and rad Ave or phone la35 Nordic 24 excellent condition Phone USED furniture We have good selection china cabinets tables etc la3S2671 BASONI accordion 120 bass like new condition Asking or best offer Phone 2652 FRIGID 10 ft cross top freezer One only Manning Electric la35 LLOYD prim all body 18 wheels used months new Asking Phone tractor chains used on hours for tire size 13 to 14 16 Acton 1135 2664 CITIZENS Band mobile io Phantom complete with aerial and Phone ALUMINUM storms w dovss doors shutters grill canopies also custom made iron railings la2581tf ELECTRIC clothes dryers re conditioned guaranteed A 1 From Now it Goodlets Mam St Georgetown la342568 1 TENOR saxophone 1 black and while 21 television kit chert and 4 chairs Phone CHILDS skates 12 aluminum storm door make offer girl bedroom van ity or desk large student desk children tabic chairs hand lawn mower girls sidewalk bcjxli Bell piano Phom LARGE GLOSSY PRINTS of ACTON TREE PRESS STAFF PHOTOS 7 size 10 size Plus Tax CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER TV TOWER SALE tower installed with all I head 6250 toner installed with all I head 50 lower installed With all head 9150 a heads for TV I Instilled 2000 M stereo head Installed 2000 15 clement color head Installed 95 Automatic rotor Installed Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street East MILTON Phone 878 6949 en suite inn el iirs chest of drawers itching bed room id ird drapes Phone la35 PIANOS We buy and sell new and reconditioned pianos Sec our large selection now for some real bargains We also will take your old piano in on a trade for any new appliance C W Kelly Son Ltd corner and Sts Guclph WAREHOUSE SALE NEW and USED APPLIANCES ETC Reduced Prices rimming if necessary Open and Siturday JEANS Home Furnishings 14 Todd Opposite Water Tower GEORGETOWN 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE REGISTERED mare in fool PI one hitc spots of ewes mostly folk and Suffolk cross a few not sell all or part enec RR 1 Orion phone 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1971 TNT Bom like new 5b43I647 1966 Impala hardtop 396 inch motor good 8530752 METEOR hard top automatic power brakes steering Phone COMET very good Hon 4 brand now summer tins now winter tries six nun hi Will accept tea nable offer 1967 sedan cylinder Chrysler Wind or 2door cylinder power brakes steering Both good clean Call or 50352653 WANTED HELP WANTED NOTICE The Women Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1970 prohibits with certain ex discrimination be au of sex or marital nee occupations are more tractive to persona of one sex or the other rtisejncnts in this column for such positions will continue late whether for men or women Such listings are not intended to exclude persons of either sex RELIABLE woman to do housework days week Phone RELIABLE woman for house clean Thursdays Must have transportation HELP WANTED PART TIME opportunities full time opportunities Camp- to Moffat Aeton and Wilton areas No in vestment No delivering Samp les furnished No collecting rah Coventry of Canada Ltd Milton HELP WANTED Experienced worker fi miliar with all phases off small office routine Typing essential Preference lo mature capable woman Superior Glove Works Limited St Acton 853 PLASTIC EXTRUSION OPERATORS WILLIAMS Collect 519 Orangeville DRIVERS NEEDED Train now to drive semi truck local and over the road or gas Experience help ful but not necessary You can earn over 00 per hour training For application and interview call or write Safety Trans port Training Systems of Can ada Ltd Queens Quay West Toronto 117 Ont Canada EMPLOYMENT WANTED CARE available area HIGH SCHOOL student wants summer employment Phone TABLE woman wants housework Experienced Own transportation Phone RELIABLE woman baby sit pravscliool children in my own home Phono FOR RENT ROOM or room and board Phone after 30 AVAILABLE room board for gentlemen or ladies REAL ESTATE BEDROOM side split home years old 17a352654 LARGE bedroom new detached houses located Hwy 25 and 7 early possession featuring bathrooms colored fixtures large modern kitchen low down payment to purchaser Trade jour home for a new one Call Mr Berry 850190 or Listings Wanted Homss Farms Rural We offer you our many year of experience listing and selling properties in Helton Wellington Counties Christie Woods REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKERS 189 Main St MILTON Phones 878 878 2095 ACTON call Roy W Goodwin T Ross Ballenlme Phono 853 2000 COUNTRY HOMES A choice of 2 4 room lows near own close highway Priced and down Very reasonable monthly carrying charges IN TOWN room older aluminum low double garage 7 room older frame bungalow with bed rooms room older frame and alum iiHim bungalow extra large lot Inquire about extras with these early Sprrhg buys We have other homes and acreages Ask for Herb or Jack at HOLMES REAL ESTATE 853 Residence Herb 1 1 BEDROOM apartment in Georgetown re quired Phone after 5 13a352598 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE CASE tractor with loider plow and 140 manure spreader ler old Phone Acton COULD YOU USE EXTRA MONEY The Ontario Automobile solution needs community representatives to accept and send in membership ions from motorists iMany rcrt- rcsnlatnes report that their in their time entirely paid a color TV vacations stereo typewrit etc Mo experience required Write for full free information to Ted Risdill OAA Box 307 London Ont LEYLAND Diesel TRACTORS lo Buy as low as 75 per WITH THE FOLLOWING FEATURES inng Independent with foot end hand control Complete Buy Now May 1 197L No Interest Charge SWANSTON Farm Equipment Selling for Yea VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE DISCOUNT A GOOD DEAL MADE BETTER BUY GALLINGER 1966PONTIACPARISIENNE Ijc Only 799 SIMCA With only miles Gas and money save Lie Only 1 MERCURY r I r In Li I ID GALLINGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA Toronto BEDROOM apartment in eluding heat hydro water Available immediately Phone FURNISHED bedroom apartment heat and hydro in cluded per month Phone APARTMENTS 2 bed rooms self contained avail able now located in Rock wood 13b352666 BEDROOM apartment up stairs available mid March Phone 8531569 or 9939 after 13a352655 BEDROOM apartment in cludes heat hydro water cony and drapes Avail able immediately Phone 853- FARM HOUSE BARN 75 ACRES Call 279 or 277 0840 15 PERSONAL HAVING a drinking prob lem Write A A Post Office Box 149 Acton or attend an open meeting at the Scout Hall Saturday night SERVICES WILL assist in filling out In line Tax returns Phone Don- at FLOOR We now have a modern under and We will truth your floors or rent you Hie equip ment to do the job yourself J Frank phone Frederick St S Acton CALGARY WORK COMPANY For a Job Well Done Snow Shovelling Dog Walking Baby Sitting Housework Any Odd Jobs For Information Call NANCY FROST 8532375 Support 12 Geography Class 18 TENDERS Department of Public Works of Canada Toronto District TENDERS Sealed tenders addressed to The District rector Depart Public Works of On Jams St Room Toronto Ont and TENDER FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING FEDERAL BUILDING ACTON ONTARIO will be received nil 300 EST March Plans specifications and form of tender can be seen or be obtained from the of fice of the Postmaster Building Acton Ontario To be considered each tender must be mode on the printed forms supplied by the Depart and accordance with the conditions set forth there in The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted D Tobln Manager Administrative Services 18a35 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGE HART of the Township of the County of Hal ton Re tired Florist deceased ALL persons having claims against the aforementioned Es tate of George Hart Musscllc who died on or about the day of September are re quired to file proof thereof the undersigned the Executrix on or before the day of February after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed DATED at Acton this day of February LEATHERLAKD Barrister etc Acton Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of NELSON AN DERSON late of the Town of Acton In the County of Hal ton Retired Farmer persons having against the aforementioned Es tate of NoKort Anderson who died on or about the day Of August are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned solicitor the Executors on or bcrore the day of February 1971 af ter which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filled DATED at Acton this 5th day of February 1971 F QjC Barrister etc Acton Ontario Solicitor for the Executors Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of ADA ELIZA late the Town of Acton In the County of Widow deceased ALL persons having claims tin aforementioned Est He of Ada El who died on or about the day of December 1970 arc re quired to file proof thereof with lie solicitor for the executor on or before the Twelfth day of alter which date the estate be distributed hiving regard only to the clams then filed DATED at Acton Ontario this day of February stcr etc Acton Ontario Solicitor for the Executor Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of ALBERT RAY ALLAN late of the Township of In the County of Tanner deceased ALL persons having against the foremen es tate of Albert Ray Allan who died on or about the day of August 1970 ire required to file proof thereof with the un dersigned solicitor for the Ad on or before the Twelfth day erf March 1971 if wh dale the estate will be distributed having only to the claims then filed DATED at Acton tins 18th of February etc Acton Ontario Sol for the Adminis tratrix CALL to place an in The Free Press For Sale cot In the Supreme Court of Ontario NOTICE To KENNETH ARTHUR LAW late or the Town of Burling ton In the County of TAKE NOTICE that ar wet ion has been you in this Court by N in which the plaintiff claim is on a mort gage dated J and on which default in payment of an ilment of interest occurred on the first day of February and stilt continues and plaintiff claims that the may be foreclosed and to recover from you the pay of die amount a covenant by aou In that be half contained in the said mortgage and to recover mediate possission of the mortgage premises and the miff claims the amount of now due The lands subject to the mortgage re located in the Township of in the County of being composed of the east half of Lot No the first concession of the said Township and known municip ally as R No Campbell Ville And it has been that service of the on bo effected by this advert If you desire to defend the turn you must inter an at the office of the Sup reme Court of Ontario at Mil ton on or before the 15th day of March 1971 and file and serve on the plaintiffs solicit or an affidavit showing the na ture of your defence or you may within the time limited request a sale or the to redeem KERR Barristers Solicitors Brant Street Burlington Ontario Solicitors for the Plaintiff

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