Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1970, p. 11

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fiE ESTATE Forced Sale brick bungalow Includes large kitchen living room dl room piece bathroom finished recreation room and full Owner leaving country Properly must be sold immediately Priced only Good terms Handymens Special bedroom bung slow with completely repaint exterior situated on largo treed lot In the town centre Featuring forge liv room and kitchen both room bascmonl and furnace A Tool buy for with low down payment Compare This Price brick bungalow clone to school shopping St transportation living room and kitchen recreation room with bar workshop 4 bathroom paved drive Si attractively landscaped lot Asking only Good terma G Alec Johnson LTD REALTOR Mill Street East Acton Ontario 8532086 Tho Acton Press Wednesday LINED UP READY to go on the 40 miles Saturday are members of the Calvlnlst Cadet Corps All the cyclists which Included two ladles and one leador finished the cross country marathon leaving about to finish was Stanley who arrived back at the Christian Reformed church at followed by Jack and counsellor Richard Van Wa Staff Photo Georgetown girl boy win Halton fire poster contest Georgetown and Oakville students have token top honors In annual fire prevention competition sponsored by Halton County Fire Prevention Bureau Janlno of Howard Public School In St James Separate School In Oakville were named win of the Bureau contest an nounced competition chairman Glenn Stringer of Milton Tiro Department ThBlr posters won out over entries in this year contort which waa Parenta of the winning poster artists will be among the at the awards night dinner Others attending will Include members of the Acton Burlington Georgetown Milton and Fire Departments which sponsor the were Invited to submit posters on the theme Fire Prevention In the Home Area winners were named by the participating fire departments and their posters went on to the county wide competition were awarded on originality of thought and design artwork and fire prevention message contained In the poster explained Bureau chairman Chief Holmes of Acton Both winners posters Indicated the students concern for fire Georgetown Frank of open to ail Grade students In Bureau officials of the Ontario safety the home LEGAL LEGAL THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY The Corporation of the TOWNSHIP of for Approval of a By law Imposing a Special Rate on Part of the Township to erect a New Fire Ha TAKE NOTICE THAI 1 The Counell il the Corporation of tin TOWNSHIP of Intends to apply to Flu for approval of a New tin til in estimated cost 12000000 Intends lit tin 11 tin lom of work us a rate lor period 10 years upon buildings only in Oil Tire Are i No I Is in tin required funds from the Reserve I unci unci In the Fund in 10 equal and lo the Re Interest at rate of 5 pel cent pn iinttuni on tin I dance It is proposed to inlie lilt while the by a annual rnte over and ibove nil olhei mill tin building assessment only of nil properties within the of the of known as Fire Area No The art upon which such spLeiil would bo levied is set out in By lav us follows Thai thai portion of the Township comprising the of Lots in the East halves of Lois 11 to IS Lots to inclusive and the East half Lot in the I tils 1 1 to elusive mill tin li lives It is and Inclusive in the Concession the halves of lots lit 10 inclusive to and the halves tit lots to inelnslve in the Concession unci Lots to nidus in the 10th and Concessions is httibv sit il I in Art i to be known lis Eiqeieting Tin No ratepayer within fourteen ivs illei the first pub licntion of this ttotice scud In post to the of the TOWNSHIP of t ven below notice In writing slating his to it to the of the special rale The Ontario approve the rate to anil approve tit the works before doing it inn time and place for a public hearing when will Ik considered but not fee of hearing will given oiilv those pel sons who have given notice of objection provided for above DATED at the TOWNSHIP IStJUFSING tills of NOVEMBER 1970 DEI MAR FRENCH GFORGfTOWN ONTARIO Name clerk may be sent address when lot ICC 20 AUCTION SALES SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE APPLIANCES ANTIQUES GUN COLLECTION AND PICK UP TRUCK the residence on Cavvthri Road one block North of the Hfhwav Cooksullc now oiled Missis FOR Mrs McQuillan SATURDAY NOVEMBER At China cabinet nice one but cedar chest kitchen and chairs good set contin ental bed bed modem miniature clock ironing board table lamps collection of fancy cups and saucers col lection of salt and pepper rug arid good one APPLIANCES Chambers ft deep freezer pood as new Moffat burner stove Compact vacuum clean er like new with all attach- RCA floor polisher MISCELLANEOUS Camp ing equipment Includes Cole man cooler Coleman lantern Coleman stove heater camping TERMS ARE CASH No reserve Lunch available Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents CHRIS SCHOUTEN Auctioneer RJv Milton icr ill this just like now spring horse doll quantity of books etc TRUCK C to be sold with road vvortln certificate CAR Che to be sold ANTIQUES Large upright hand made grandfather clock other smaller clocks wisher stand spool bed brass bed complete sets of bedroom dish Cirnnal vases Gone the Wind oil lamp other china and parlor table gun col lection cabinet will be identified of sale and the regular household items too numerous to mention Honorable mention winners are Karen McDowell Robert little Public School Acton Kelly Pollock Enstvlow Public School John Holy Rosary School Milton John Brook vlllc Public School Township Award dinner All six winners will be honored at a Bureausponsored awards banquet In Milton Fire Hall on Tuesday Nov The top two prizewinners and Frank will receive In dividual trophies and a tlflcato and their school prln will be presented with a trophy their may retain for one year Contest chairman Stringer said the two winning posters will be entered In an nilOntario poster competition early in Two winners in the Ontario com petition sponsored by the On Association of Fire Chiefs will each receive a bond Fire Marshal Office local councillors and representatives from the Fire Department fire prevention bureau which Judged the contest Home fire prevention All students In poster showed the need for a screen on fireplaces and was titled Don t let your fire go walking Franks poster was titled Water and fat don t mix and showed how water must not be used to extinguish a grease fire In the kitchen The cat By Rev Frank M Byrne Acton Church DOUBT LEADING TO FAITH One of first men to recognize as the Messiah was John Baptist when Iw declared the lamb of God But John waa also one of tho first to question whether this quiet teacher In fact the Messiah This happened after John had been put in prison by Herod He sent two of his disciples to Jesus and asked Are you he who la to come or shall we look for another Mt 11 You see John had declared that whereas he baptised with water Jesua would baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit and he wondered Just where the fire was John experience Is that of countless believers but most of them are unwilling to admit It for doubt la a bad word In the Christian vocabulary But it need not be so Doubt can be a very creative part of our Christian experience Doubt has been part of the religious experience of some of the strongest Christiana Thomas refused to believe in the resurrection until he saw Christ for himself When he did see Jesus he left his doubt for a great declaration of faith My ixwd my God John Wesley doubted his own salvation but persevered until Christ gave him new assurance of God love and mercy towards If you are plagued with doubts take heart you are not necessarily a spiritual leper unfit for the of God Rather You see doubt wisely handled and sin examined may be way for you to gain deeper insight Into the plans and purposes of God for life Perhaps none of us will fully grasp all that Christ Is and means until wo have squarely faced tho possibility that He may not be nil that Is claimed far Him When wa face this question tor ourselves and allow God to answer it through Ills Holy Spirit we will receive a wonderful assurance The key to overcoming doubt Is that we donotletlthave the last word That is the midst of our trials sufferings and doubts we by God grace puss on to That In the midst of doubt whether that doubt be centred upon Christ or his gospel or whether we have a part In its promises does not matter but that in the midst of it we do not throw away the thing that can bring us comfort namely our faith You see there we don know or understand and will not in this life But arc ihings about which we can have knowledge and assurance These things found in God word Paul put it beautifully when he wrote or now we through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know In part but then shall I know oven as also am known And now abldcth faith hope Jove these three but the greatest of Ihcio Is Iovl Cor 1213 not doubt then have the last word the last words be those of faith nope and AUCTION SALES Auction Sale ROCKEBY Slutiim St SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14 Commencing I Combination Inc and cr electric stove gas dry ir kllclien suite field coffee and end ibles imps maple be bo ise writ inc desk rocker chests dressers dishes tools ladders snow bit wer other items too lo mention TERMS CASH TurriN Auctioneer Phone THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Comer Willow St and St Albans H J Dawson SUNDAY NOV 15lh Trinity Holy Eucharist am Holy Eucharist Church School Nursery Tuesday Conflrmat ion class for young people Thursday Adult Study Group at the rectory HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL SALE Registered and Grade for GERHARD HITTER At the firm miles cist of Gill 1 mile from Sheffield on Con of Bcverlv SATURDAY NOVEMBER Commencing Cows springers open heifers 1 lb milk iler De La midline 116 lb milk i sells at SubKLi to OM MB ippro- 1 of Not responsible TUFFIN Auctioneer Phone AUCTION SALE for FRED ELLIOTT At ihc Farm Loi Con Div B Guelph Twp situated it the corner of Rd and Countv Rd No mile west of Guelph on SATURDAY NOVEMBER At 1 BEEF CATTLE Both regis tered and grides all llv cows and calves and a Stockers and Feeders hogs Ford tractor Skvlmc loader good one furrow plow tip motor motor oat roller Please Note As there are no small items will be sell ing at approximately TERMS CASH Not responsible for accid ents MAX STOREY Auctioneer RR BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev P Acton Ontario SUNDAY NOV 1000 i Morning Worship Service Nursery and pre school Sunday School 1 1 10 urn Sunday School Afternoon Wor ship Service Teen Meet at the church Tuesday 7 10 Citcchlsm Classes Come worship and study us to be better equipped to serve God and men Everyone Welcome ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Mill Street W Founded 1S42 Pastor Rev Byrne Parsonage 4I683206B Church Office November 7 Choir reniarsal Bible Discussion Pauls SUNDAY NOV 15th 45 Morning Worship Doubt Lead Faith Part One 1100 Sunday School 7 The Pastor- hours in the Church Sludy arc till 12 Tuesdiyi and Thursdays A Cordial To All PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew D Minister Mr A Hansen Orginist and Choir Master SUNDAY NOV 15th 9 i m Church School for Kindergarten and Grades 1 to am Ministers Church Membership Class for Grades and up 125th Anniversary Services II am The able Church 7 rn The River of God Guest preacher the Rev ham CJ A of Si Andrew Church Campbeliford Special music at both ices and Visitors be made most welcome EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE PAOC Churchill Road Rev S M Thomon Pastor SUNDAY NOV 1000 am Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship 700 Evangelistic Service Tuesday 8 Prayer Service and Study Thursday 7 JO Crusaders Thursday Christ Ambassadors For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God to Hie committee established by the Council of Christian mod Churches In Canada to maintain contact with the Canadian government recognizing the national crisis of our country sent the following telegram to Prime Minister Trudeou As our nation trembles in agony we pray that the Govern will wield Its sword of justice with firmness but also with compassion and mercy deplore the brutal death of Mr and pray that God will comfort his family and all who mourn While we support the decisive measures taken against the revolutionaries we Implore the Government to take equally decisive action to right the wrongs injustices and discriminatory practices that foster the revolutionary spirit Citizens and governments who revolt against God given directives for life in society and declare their own autonomy foster revolution God will only bless and preserve our great country In this time of crisis If we together as Government and citizens seek to reorder our society on the basis of Godgiven principles of Justice and liberty On be half of thell families of the Christian Reformed Church Canada William S luck f if PHOTOGRAPHY Industrial PHONE RaySonin strolls Down Memory Lane MondaythroughThursday at 805 pm IFIr3ll11il ONTARIO S FAMILY STATION MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C Loimes Here is our sincere imitation to the whole to attend church SUNDAY NOV 15th 1970 am Sunday School All ages Morning Service 700 Evening Evangel Georgetown CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister The A Walter Fosbury BD 124 Ave Phone SUNDAY NOV 1970 1100 am Worship Service and Church School Rev Ted Pouher Chaplain Toronto General Hospital Visitors are Welcome at all Church Gatherings at the Church on ihe Hill TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Gordon B Turner BJ Director of Music Dr George Elliott MA SUNDAY NOV 1000 Morning Worship am Nursery 1000 am Church School to Grade 1100 Church School Grades 5 We Welcome You and Your Family to Take Part in the Life and Worship of Trinity The Evelyn Shoppe Mam SL North Georgetown SUFFERED SMOKE DAMAGE RECENTLY WE ARE REOPENING THURSDAY AT 2 PM WITH OUR USUAL TOP QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS 50 UP TO CASH OR CHARGEX ONLY DURING THIS SALE

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