Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1970, p. 1

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No liquor plebiscite yet council decides Tuesday night Council by a split vote accepted the recommendation of the committee and passed the following resolution Whereas Council is of die opinion that an Insufficient number of tax payers are in terested in a plebiscite con liquor outlets and whereas Council Is of the opinion that the time is not appropriate for such a plebiscite and whereas any Interested group In the municipality may cause a petition to bo signed and if such a petition Is signed by a sufficient number of tax payers that the Council must proceed with a plebiscite Be It therefore resolved that this Council take no action on a liquor licence plebiscite In 1070 and be It fur ther resolved that the Acton Chamber of Commerce be so notified Two opposed Deputy reeve Tyler and councillor Marks opposed the passing of the resolution Deputy Reeve Tyler asked the committee what poll had been taken to determine If enough rate payers were Interested In holding a plebiscite Councillor Coats replied that It was the opinion of the committee and pointed out that If sufficient Interest were shown by per cent of the electorate by presenting a petition lo council a plebiscite could be held at any time Councillor Marks said if 15 to cent of the people support the holding of a plebiscite and say they are prepared to pay for the plebiscite through taxes or If someone Wants to pay the whole shot he would support the holding of a plebiscite Councillor Coats said the subject had been given to the ad ministration committee for study and the committee felt a reply should be Riven Immediately He also said the resolution presented by the committee now was In no way binding on any future council NinetySixth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1970 Twenty Pagos F floon Cents Close Michigan Bulb years in Acton ACTON MEADOWS club champion for the second consecutive year Mike tries on the traditional champion green jacket as men s executive president Bill Wilson lends a hand Mike also won a huge trophy for his efforts Staff Photo Where have the deputations gone For the first time In months the township council chamber was free of large deputations as council sat for their regular meeting Monday night A handful of observers In eluding Jim Kerr and Don Murdy of Indusmln Quarries and critic Peter Bowman attended but did not address council Deputations made up of residents on the townships Sideroad Fourth Line truck The Michigan Bulb Co will completely close Its Acton operation this Friday and move to the Province of Quebec Employees of the company which is located In the Acton Industrial Centre were shocked when they were notified of the decision last week Six permanent employees and part time help which numbers to at peak periods will be affected by the closure Sold In July The company Canadian operation was sold by Michigan Bulb Co of Grand Rapids Michigan O E of Montreal In July of this year There was speculation then that the Acton operation would expand to almost double Its volume Employees were given a raise in pay and there was no Indication of a shutdown Officials of the company arrived from Montreal last Tuesday and notified Gordon Goodman who ran the Canadian operation that they were closing the Acton plant which is a mail order house for flower bulbs shrubs and trees for customers all across Canada Although It was a shock to permanent em ployees some of whom have been with the company for 15 years Mr Goodman told the Free Press he anticipated the closure The company moved to Acton from Rockwood 14 years ago and has been operating from the Industrial centre since that time Millions of mailings Mailings of millions of bulbs and shrubs have been handled by the Acton post office which also will suffer a drop In revenue from the decision to close the Acton operation Postmaster Gordon was not available for comment but the Press was told the postmaster has notified Toronto head office of the closing It Is not known whether the closing will also mean a reduction In the post office staff which handled thousands of parcels despatched each year Post offices are not graded by the amount of revenue they produce as was once the case Permanent Michigan Bulb employees affected by closing Include Mrs Dave Cohen Mrs Hugh O Rourke Don Tomllnson Lll Ron and Betty Cole Mrs Cohen the Free Press all are looking for employment Many of the part time employees Including students will also be on the lookout for work After Friday there will be nothing left here ex the mice Mrs Cohen said sweeping her arm In a circle The company has been one of the largest flower mall order houses In the country Its extensive ad in national weeklies and periodicals produced customers from Newfoundland to British Columb a WILL THE AIRPORT be that close to Acton asks Mayor Les Duby of the federal Minister of Transport Don with help from Mayor Brian Best of Milton But Mr Jamieson although he was the soul of courtesy released no new Information The mayors heard the transport minister speak at fhe Halton Liberal dinner dance In Oakvllle Friday See Inside for a report Staff Photo Announce jetport site by end of Novombor Transport Minister Don told Mayors Lea Duby of Acton and Brian Best of Milton that on announcement about the site of the new let airport would be released within a couple of weeks and by tile end of November two mayors questioned Mr Jnmlcnon following his speech to Halton County liberals at their annual dinner and dance In Friday night Mr said he hoped to sec Premier the next week and he would then release the report of the findings to the mayors The transport minister told the mayors and press representatives It would Ix If he the report prematurely leading to murh land speculation Mr did that one place has been ruled out as the silt quashing speculation that supposed Halton locations have been d from the list Delay In the announcement has been attributed the difficulty In arranging a meeting with Premier route and from have been Jamming the chamber at recent meetings Two weeks ago by recorded vote council changed the route but last week pressured by a large delegation of drivers company executives and driver owners Reeve George and councillor Wilfred Leslie changed their minds and council once again by a recorded vote agreed to allow trucks to return to the Fourth Line route Most of participants finish 20mile Walkathon Saturday THE FINISH of the mile Saturday first place finishers Mike John Hansen and Bernie Taylor a little beef up their time It took this energetic trio only four hours and seven minutes to eat up the mile distance Staff Photo Possibly the best organized yet piled up dollars for Saturday as walkers strode along a 20mile route Drenching rain the Saturday before forced cancellation of the walk and the wait produced a fine sunny fall day for the now annual event Most of the walkers were from the town s two public schools with some from Speyslde a half dozen so from the high school and chill and down to the M Z Bennett school The walk began at a First Mike The first in at were a trio with Mike lAity making a last second spurt to get in his home school door Just a second ahead of John Hansen also of M Z Bennett school and Bernie Taylor Robert Little student Next to come along was Michael Masters from school who said he had In pledges backing him up He was clocked In at 1 20 p m At 24 Jim Gentles Steven McKnight Terry Charles George Binder At 1 Michael Fletcher First girl la At Louise Johnston the Firefighters collect over 1200 to assist Muscular Dystrophy fund People In Acton have got big have That what Frank Murphy executive director of the Muscular Dystrophy Association said after Acton Firefighters presented him with a cheque earmarked to fight the disease Uniformed firefighters made the presentation Sunday afternoon in the fire hall Acton a contribution amounted to per cent more than the usual for communities across the country averaging out to over Be per head compared to the average of Be per capita Firefighters collected over In a doortodoor canvass around town in September Campaign chairman Bern Van Fleet delighted with the response said he and his committee wished to thank the people In town who cooperated making this year donation to help fight muscular dystrophy Frank Murphy was more frank It was a case of muscular dystrophy benefitting because best people in town were working for with big Firefighters across Canada have collected over three million dollars for the MD fund Without the firefighters they be able to do the research on the disease and assist the number of people we Mr Murphy Insisted compliment back lo the people of Van Fleet passed the Acton who contributed the teachers were Gerry Brouili who teaches French and grade Z Bennett school staffer David Boycott Both finished Not too far The route was felt a reasonable distance for youngsters to go Three Tyler transport buses took the eager young participants to the starting point about five miles above Hillsburg They and topped all existing records down seventh line to for the campaign Balllnafod went west to Chur Coffee stones broken by cemetery vandals Following last week decision by Council to restore the vandalized Cove Chapel Cemetery on township works crews have collected all the grave stones and trucked them to the township office Employees hope to fit the broken pieces of headstones Staff Photo Big hearts together and come up with a design for a cairn There are not sufficient funds In the 1970 budget but council hopes to plan the work In new year Meanwhile It is applying for a provincial historic plaque to mark the cemetery The council agreed last week to post a si reward for In formation leading to the con of the vandals who top pled and broke the headstones If the reward is not collected by April the money will be used for a cemetery restoration fund with work to be completed next May Council plans a Founders Day service to the cemetery Esquesing approves grants Council Monday night approved payment of grants to the recreation com mittees of the towns of Acton Georgetown and Milton to help pay the way of township minor hockey players using facilities in each of the towns Out of a total of Georgetown will receive for boys enrolled Milton 70 for 60 enrolled and Acton 45 for boys enrolled ACTON FIREFIGHTERS present a Van Fleet made the presentation with the Muscular Dystrophy Association cheque for over to the executive committee members left to right Don accepted lauding the firefighters and the director of the Muscular Dystrophy Van Fleet Sam Tennant WMf people of Acton as people with big Association In a brief ceremony Sunday and Lloyd Mclntyre Frank hearts The Acton campaign netted 300 afternoon Campaign chairman Bern Murphy of Toronto executive director of per cent over the national average minor hockey in Grants were based upon number of boys enrolled first girl and a high school student Hector Dalgle Wayne Allan Gary Bannon At 1 44 Jamie Vlckery At 1 45 Ron TurkoBZ At 1 Wayne Bannon Steven Salt and Dave Salt At 49 Peter Miller and Mike Mitchell Tremendous effort About 90 per cent finished the course estimated principal Elmer Smith who headed the organizers The kids were tremendous he enthused Cars patrol A lead car like a motorized Pied Piper led the lively long parade bearing a sign warning cars to watch for walkers Three cars constantly patrolled the route and behind the last youngsters came another car also with a big placard warning traffic The two ends of the parade Continued on Page Actons population up There are 180 people in County this year of them In Acton The county population total was released this week by the Brampton office of the Regional Assessor which has taken over the assessing and population tabulation from the local municipalities Slight gala Acton made a slight gain of people over the who were listed as residents of the town a year ago The county made a gain of 2992 over the total of 1969 Other municipal totals with the increase or decrease shown in brackets are Burlington 82620 1255 Georgetown 15 Milton Oak viUe 1S9 and

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