Community Update Phone: 905-337-5560 Fax: 905-337-5571 e-mail: ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.comForward announcements of non-profit Exhibitors needed for third annual Rd. E., reception at 6:30 p.m., tasting at 7 p.m., tact 905-849-4559 or info@distresscentre-local events for Community Update to Environmental Awareness Day July 9, barbe-$35/members, $45/non-members, register Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., cue raffle, community clean up, earn volunteeronline at Village Residents AssociationOakville, ON L6K 3S4; e-mail ablack-hours, green exhibits by local vendors, contactHAPPEN Linking People and (BVRA) annual general meeting, 7-9 p.m., or call Registration at 11:30Opportunities Networkingsupport group for Walton Memorial United Church, 2489337-5560. Free.a.m., event is noon to 2 p.m., Tim Hortons, 111business professionals in career transition meets Lakeshore Rd. W., everyone welcome, contactBULLETINCross Ave., Oakville (Trafalgar Village, entertain-at 8 a.m., Burlington Art Centre, 1333 Lakeshore Employment Services @ ment, raffle proceeds to Big Brothers, Big SistersRd., Burlington, $10/members, $30/non-mem-FRIDAY JUNE 24Sheridan College Information Session re: of Halton. Contact Joanne Scattolon at info@bers, contact 905-339-0268 or Wine Enthusiast Club Tasting, St.Employment Ontario services, Mondays, or 905-845-6613, ext. 21THURSDAY JUNE 23Volodymyr Cultural Centre, guests welcome,2:30 p.m., 407 Iroquois Shore Rd., register in WEDNESDAY JUNE 22Krazy Kanuck Kloggers perform for the registration mandatory, contact oakvillewine@Room A11 prior to session or call 905-845-9430, Three-session Osteoarthritis Group forHalton Stroke Fellowship, 7 p.m., Knights of or visit 8160.people diagnosed with osteoarthritis to learnColumbus Hall, 2400 Industrial St., Burlington Royal Astronomical Society of CanadaOakville Parent-Child Centre accepting more, free, Wednesdays June 22, 29, and July 6,(fully accessible), free for all Halton stroke sur-Mississauga Centre meets at 8 p.m., University of registrations for summer nursery schoolfor Arthritis Society, 460 Brant St. Suite 11,vivors, family and friends, call Brian Mather at Toronto at Mississauga, Room CC2150,children two-and-a-half-to six years, mornings Burlington, free, contact Darlene at The Arthritis905-634-3591.Communication, Culture and Technologyor afternoons, call 905-849-6366 or visit www.Society, 905-632-9390, ext 0 or 1-800-321-1433,Classic Car Show, Sir John Colborne Building, free, all welcome, park in Lot 9, 1301Recreation Centre for Seniors, Lakeshore Road/ing after meeting, visit Region Museum Foundation needs Community Foundation of Oakville annual Third Line, parking lot, 6-9 p.m. in the event of Wing Night at Oakville Legion, Branch 114,new board members to help with fundraising general meeting, 5:30 p.m., Hilton Gardeninclement weather, call 905-815-5960 to find out 5-9 p.m., 50 cents/wing, all welcome, 36 Upperprojects, volunteer position, three hour mini-Hotel, 2774 South Sheridan Way, speaker is Jeff if car show will be rescheduled to the Wednesday, Middle Rd. E., patio now open, wear red supportmum commitment per month, contact margot.Zabudsky, Sheridan College president, contactJune 29 rain date. If you have a classic or vintage our troops, contact 905-845-6271 or McPherson at 905-844-3562, ext 302 orcar to show, registration is free. Contact Julie for June 25 first annual motorcy-visit at 905-815-5960 or Bronte Legion Fish Fry, $10, 5:30-7:30cle Ride for Dog Guides, poker run between Abuse Support Group, confidential groupOakville Distress Centre annual general p.m., immediately followed by karaoke, no coverOakville and Breslau, Ontario. Registration for women, 5:30-7:30 p.m., register with Themeeting, 7-9 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, charge, all welcome, Club Room, 79 Jones St.,opens at 10 a.m. at Lions Foundation of Canada, Women's Centre at 905-847-5520. 1494 Wallace Rd., (off Speers Rd.), Board of contact 905-827-4722 or www.brontelegion.152 Wilson St., minimum $25 donation required Ontario Wine Society, Oakville Chapter Directors presentation on Our Progress and participate, contact Heather Fowler at 519-hosts Summer Sipping with Coyotes RunPlans for the Future, annual review and election Battered Men's Peer Groupmeets 6-7 p.m.,648-3307 or Estate Winery, Julias Ristorante, 312 Lakeshoreof board members, refreshments, cash bar, con-Oakville Town Hall, Room B, 1225 Trafalgar OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 22, 2011 24