Spring Home & GardenPerennials are a gardener's friendDesigning a landscape and keeping the gar-deadheading to promote new and strongerden looking beautiful can take a keen eye. Itgrowth and some cleaning up after winter5 YEAR WARRANTYalso may require a lot of time and commitment.before the new blooming season takes place.NOW AVAILABLEIf home gardeners have to replant items yearOnce the early spring season arrives and theafter year, gardening can become time-consum-ground is not too muddy or rain-soaked, clearFULL-TIME CERTIFIED CONCRETE DESIGNER ON STAFFing and expensive. Turning to perennial plantsout any leaves and debris that have gathered Over 30 Years of experience Seniors Discount Fully Guaranteed. Best Quality. Best Price.and flowers to serve as the anchor for a homearound where perennials are located. Gardeners Well beat any competitors price on exposed aggregategarden can make the process easier.can also till the mulch or soil in these areas toPerennials are plants that live indefinitely. Inaerate the planting beds.Office 905-827-8266 Cell 905-208-8824terms of flowering plants, perennials will bloomUsing shears, cut down any dead grasses,every year. In essence, they have the stayingstems and stalks from spent perennials thatSee the Difference a PRO Makes!power of shrubbery but are more delicate inoverwintered. Remove any dead wood and bro-nature and often appealing to the eye.ken branches. Be careful not to trim spring-There are perennials for every season, soilblooming shrubs because some flowers bloomtype and sun exposure. Perennials come in aon year-old stems and this can cause the plantwide variety of blooming flowers or attractivenot to flower.foliage. Chances are if a homeowner wants toPerennials that aren't flowering as well as theyadd perennials to the garden, there is a varietyused to or have dead centers may need to beavailable that will fit his or her needs.divided to promote stronger growth. This shouldHere are some perennials that can be addedbe done in early spring before the plant blooms orto the garden:late fall before the winter arrives. Dividing plants lavender, ornamental grasses, astersand replanting not only grows the garden, but also chrysanthemums, irises, poppies, hostasit is a healthy revitalization for the plant.Exposed Aggregate & Concrete Pattern Specialists milkweed, goldentufts, daylilies, peoniesGardeners who prefer to take a laid-backOnce perennials are in place, there is rela-approach to gardening may appreciate the ease8 YEARS IN A ROW ALL DIAMONDStively minimal maintenance that is required.with which a beautiful and easy-to-maintainVisit our website to see our video testimonials WWW.PROCONCRETE.COMThe tune-ups that may be needed are somelandscape can be created with perennials.Need help with cleaning?Let us do it for you!Discover house-cleaning thats affordable,reliable, and convenient.Call us today for a free estimate!905-567-1199For current specials visit us at:www.Sunrise-Cleaning.caandIts Time forIts ie forTry-out special !Spumrinmge rC Cleleaaning! !Spring Cleaning Special.Summer Cleaning Specials.or 1 extra hourof cleaningFREEfor a 10-hour appointment(two maids for 5 hours).Fully personalized to your needs.on your first cleaning session.1-866-425-8661* Coupons must be presented in order to receive special price or discount. HST applies where applicable.Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. No cash value. Exp. 31/Dec/2011www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, June 17, 2011 24