To Advertise in this section call Jessica LangeroUpdateHOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone: 905-337-5560 e-mail: 905-845-3824 ext. 299jlangero@oakvillebeaver.comForward announcements of non-profit local LAfrique, 229 Lakeshore Rd. E., $75, contact 905-338-6797events for Community Update to The Oakville or SEALINGfCanadian Home ProBeaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6K 3S4; FRIDAY JUNE 3416-708-7269fSmartSeale-mail or call Northern Praise Ministriesmonthly worship gather-905-491-6927fCeiling Restorationwww.sealyourhome.ca905-541-5292905-337-5560., 7:30 p.m., Oakville Italian Club Hall, 467 Speers Rd.,BASEMENT LEAKSfEastlake Home ImprovementsWEDNESDAY JUNE 1right side of building, contact Michelle at 905-844-0909.f905-847-7054Leakybasements.caHalton Environmental Networks annual dinner fea-Lunch with Tim Hudak, Leader of the Ontario PC905-484-6242fLicence To Art & Design Inc.turing Sean James on Sustainable Gardening, Tarboosh Party,International Union of Operating Engineers Banquetwww.leakybasements.ca905-464-5129Tent, 1011 Upper Middle Rd. E. 6 p.m., tickets $30 at the Hall, 2245 Speers Rd., registration at 11:30 a.m., luncheonBASEMENT WATERPROOFfP. Jay ContractingfCROWNSEAL Basement 905-616-3150door. Visit event runs from noon to 1:30 p.m., $35/chamber mem-Waterproofi ng Inc.fTriforce Building ServicesAbuse Support Group, confidential group for women, bers (plus HST) and $45/non-members, contact www.905-564-3575905-407-99475:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., call The Women's Centre at or Nesrene Salem at nesrene@oakvil-www.crownseal.cafVanden Noort Home Improvements5520 for registration. or 905-845-6613, ext. 28.CHIMNEYS905-842-2868THURSDAY JUNE 2Fish Fry at Oakville Legion Branch 114, 36 UpperfA.M. MasonryHOME RENOVATIONS416-893-7354CharterAbilitys annual Spring Cruise for a Cause, Middle Rd. E., 4:30-8 p.m., $9/person, patio now open, callfRuby RenovationsCONSTRUCTION905-691-0124Bronte Harbour (debut departure from this harbour), sail 905-845-6271. Visit Constructionwww.rusobuild.comthe Wayward Princess for a dinner cruise. Hors doeuvres on Bronte Legion Fish Fry $10, 5:30-7:30 p.m., immedi-905-484-6242LANDSCAPE DESIGNthe dock at 6 p.m., dinner/dance cruise from 7-11 p.m., $60/ately followed by karaoke, Club Room, 79 Jones St., contactwww.drconstruction.cafValenwood Construction Inc.ticket, in support of CharterAbility and boating for persons 905-827-4722 or disabilities or mobility challenges For tickets, call 905-Concert to benefit Carol Hamilton Junior Basketball Alpine 905-828-1320466-2016 or 905-844-7208, e-mail Camp Fund and the Kinsmen Redeemer Ministries Inc.,LANDSCAPINGwww.alpinedeck.comfDusil Design & Landscape Inc.or visit by Glen and Lystra Hamilton, 7 p.m., St.fArtistic Deck & Fence 905-333-3683The Wine Ladies host An Evening Of South African Matthews Catholic Parish, 1150 Monks Passage, adult tick-905-844-4456www.dusildesign.comSplendour, in support of the World Chef's Tour Against ets $20, children to age 12/$10, those five years and under/fThe Deckmans Professional fEarthworksServices Limited Hunger, red carpet 6:30 p.m., event is 7-10 p.m., Touch De free, contact 416-779-4899.905-638-0790905-645-0426www.earthworks-landscaping.cafThe Deck Team (behind Terra Greenhouses, LAWN CARE905-691-0124Hwy. #5) fJakes Lawncare & MaintenanceDECKS/FENCE REPAIR2273 Hwy. #5 289-242-1969fSunshine Deck and FenceLAWN MAINTENANCE905-336-7725905-875-3325fLawn Cutting & TrimmingDECK WASHING/STAINING905-630-7609www.burlingtongardens.cafSparklewash InternationalINTERLOCK905-681-7688 Top Soil Triple Mix ManurewwwfEuropean Interlocking Stone.sparklewashbytrefethen.com1 YardS905-337-7366o Pebbles Manured LoamilEAVESTROUGHS SacDsELIVPAINTINGERfThe TErough Protector Inc. Black Loam MulchesDStarting at647-218-1490fGlobal Painting Aggregates Grass Seed$www.thetroughprotector.com905-617-17971 Top Dresser & Bins0ELECTRICALfInter-Can Painting Inc.9(plus taxes&905-469-0092 for Rent dfeDp. Sayers Electric Inc.osit)905-257-3728fLets Remodel Delivery or Pickup Available905-208-8335fFurena Electric Ltd.www.letsremodel.ca905-274-2363Plus a large selection of rockeryfPaint AllFOUNDATIONSand flagstone905-822-9338fTechno Metal PostfPipes Paint905-467-3172www.technometalpost.ca416-558-8756FLOORING/RENOfRichard Professional PaintingfWood N Floor647-449-1775905-338-1881fRoyal Decoratingwww.woodnfl oor.ca905-827-5584GARAGE DOORSWarm Up To The Latest Trends!fTaylor Contracting ServicesfB&M Garage Doors905-822-4685905-569-9133PAVINGwww.bmgaragedoor.comfC. Valley PavingGROUT905-637-0155 ext. 301fGrout ExpectationsfKing York Paving Ltd.905-257-0055905-257-5168www.groutexpectations.caPROPERTY MAINTENANCEHANDYMANfSKP Property ServicefCristas Renovations905-466-8686647-281-2084www.skpservice.cafHandymanREUPHOLSTERY905-510-0015fRays UpholsteryHOME IMPROVEMENT416-318-3152 fA Plus RenosWINDOWS/EAVES289-242-5719fA Proper PlacefSoften That Spot905-466-5298905-338-8942See full Home Improvements MASONRY & FIREPLACE DESIGN SPECIALISTSwww.cobblestonembers.casection in The Oakville Beaver 406 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE every ThursdayACROSS FROM RONA LANSING OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 1, 2011 18