Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 7 Jan 1960, p. 6

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 BREAKFAST FIT FOR A KING FRESH j HEINZ CP P G KETCHUP 2 1 - 39c CoIIu IGAXOFFEE I Gr^A-large^ : SUNNY MORN 'i «». bag 49c Oil KELLOGGS QO hSPECIAt "K" 2 49« S • . .- ' JANUARY 7, 8, 9 IGA CHEESE ^-------â€" â- -.s ' WE RESERVE THE RIGHT - n^i, . y IF ^ TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SLICES ® ',2 8 oz-pkgs- 5 J4 h'l.- __' __ -'. •" v TABLE RITE QUALITY MEATS | TO START THE BUSY DAY OFF RIGHT IGA ROYAL GUEST SLICED RINDLESS "" A REAL BREAKFAST TREAT >• W ROYAL GUEST SMALL LINK - PURE III ^^^ PoifcSausage 39* SPECIAL FROZEN FEATURE I SWANSON MAIN COURSE £ BEEF GRAVY WITH POTATOES 39' . T ' ' « * •. g " â€". . " - • ' . - 4 ' ~~ •. . , ' rtpr - .v ~ ' 1 L i SM fcv TENDERGARDEN-FRESHâ€"UTS-NOH -<;<)()!) ^ | j NEW CABBAGE -fc^&D -1 FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 10 « 49< | Passing Olandes % Gamble ^ AN OLD YEAR'S RESOLUTION To begin with, let me explain that my last week's column was a belated Christmas column. It's my fault; I didn't submit it in time. In deciding to use it last week, my editor had no alternative but to cut out all the bits pertaining to Christmas; thus giving the article rather a shoppy appearance. I first noticed it while I was reading it aloud. Since my wife vas present, I asked her opinion, . ' sying, "How did that .sound to j, ou?- Hcr-answer is too clasical s o be omitted. Shooting me a '. ilirie glance, she replied, "Like *Iack the Knife,'. sung backwards v i 1 Sanskrit, by Mr.'McGoo." Well,- I guess I asked for ..it, f ut seriously, I'm sorry my~edi- ( br's scissors slipped when he ( ante to the part where I wished •II my readers a Merry Christmas c tnd a pleasant New-Year. I hope t's liot too Tate to extend this j yish, and to send a special 'lhanfc ! I •ou' to those kind readers wjio ent me Christmas cards. Well now^what had Hn mind j iir this week? Oh. yes, now Ii ' ;cmember! You know it has always been my ambition to'open a bank account but I never seem- 1 -.d to have enough money. I nearly did it a ycai-ago:" Yuu see,- finished up 1958 by borrowing ' lie "money to drink a toast to 1 -4959, ----â€"â€"----â€"....... â€" < I con still remember that L'.UK. -! > Vcw Yeaii'-s JA'Ci-party; it was=^»â€" I - yild .o.ns,. I guess-I was„i:fially ; 6 blame. I mean, I-just couldn't ; cc the point in borrowing money to drink to one measly little year? wJiat.wilh putting.my. name on all those bits of paper and chasing around trying ;.to find co-signers and so forth. I figured if I had to go to. all that trouble, T might as well drink toasts to all the years I had missed, so I borrowed a bundle. | Well, as I mentioned, the party I U'ac a wild fine___.Theâ€"guests -Imost came to blows, trying ^o i.e'cide on a good year to begin ivith. Onq idiot suggested the | vear '65' A. D., since that was the ; vear Nero kicked his wife, 1'op-oaea, to death: thus striking the first blow towards the freedom I of henpecked husbands. The g wives present, almost kicked this II character to death for bringing | it'Up. ^____. However, wcF8tJ setTle^tbT' tUBG, the year that has 'All That' after jt. as -being a good one to commence with. I bclicve-.it has something to do with-the Battle - of Hastings, or-some other Eng-! lijl.t seaside town, if my memory â-  | serves mc well. â- _ In any case, by [ the time we got to 1-153. the I Turks were capturing Constanti-I noole, and was I glad.. Somewhere, around 1798. I was cheering my fool head off for a young. Cofsican soldier by the name of -Napoleon Bonaoarle, Who oddly.enough, was .trvi.ng to sneak-into India bv way of Et«pt. Too many traffic lights the other wa<; I guess, j After that. I skipped, a .few _:------j_:_:_:_ years and-, would probably have emerged as the least inebriated -guest at the party if we hadn't ..come -to the year Bardot- was born. All my reserves were shot right there. '• "'-.; -------', Nineteen hilnflred' and -fifty, nine was . fast approaching, and with only seconds to go,-soVik-one switched on the.TV. We all stood poised: glasses held aloft in readiness for immediate action. - No sooner had the little 'cupid' guy conic Icaring through the calendar than someone yelled. "Happce Nuo Yeari" and -the1â€"smacking sound of colliding lips echoed through the building. We drank a toast to '59. and when the last goblet had shattered .in the fire place, the party fell flat on its' face^ W.e had run out on years, and- no one could -think-of-a-thing-to-do:------- Soon, everyone was astecp-cverydnc, that is, exctpt' myself and onfriOthc'r'stalvfArL who was Kneeling: in fhe-cerit'cr of the floor; still toasting" tlic wifc-kick-iiig Nero. ,... - '. t crawled into a "corner, with a fresh b'oltle of champagne. That was lUy moiufint.of truth. As an escape from. tliV boredom, I began subtracting the. number of bubbles, in the ,bottle, from the iiuni-. ber of dollars in the. interest on my loan. The aiisw.er was. fabulous. '.It was then -that my'New Year's resolution was' born,1 I Would open tny first bank account 'in- -Ifl59:- ', .V> 'â- " ' " • ' ""Nineteen . Hundred and" fifty-nine'piogressed, and by the tinic _the last leaf of Autumn had fluttered to the grass to die and the angelic expression on ray Thanksgiving turkey's face indicated that it had-relinquished all hope for reprieve, I was no nearer tny goal. It seemed as if I wasn't going to make it. I just didn't â-  r • sec lioW I -could possiblj* open a bank account-without money. .Then, when all appeared to bo lost, my many friends rallied-to rliy aid. Thli' gifts came pouring in ami with Ihenva sudden brainwave, I sold the gifts. ' Now, before proceeding further, 1 sliould-mcntion that, as .a cliild, one df the fitsi. things I did was to makd ii list of all the people I would distrust as'I ambled my ambitious way '.• .through-' life. Third place on that list, just below 'rumor-mongers', I award-_ cd to salesmen. '... . : -- . Dc spile this.; h.owetfer, I have ! to admit that after, my own experience as a salesman, I am now • left with a 'certain anjount of ' adinkation--forâ€"thisâ€"high-pres-. sure'.- fraternity. The stubborn 5â€"l-csista n w^-thcv'-lia v e-t o-s t i-ug g 1 e against is apilalling. I did it. I. and Cknow. .» 5 For example, have you over . tried to sell a pair of used ballel shoes to a .market gardener?. Well, it isn't easy. I had a heck SlL a Job convincing him thai the _ .oldâ€"lady who_bad_previously- owned them, only da/iced on Sundays. But it was the clean heels, which had hardly been used at all, thai finallv did the trick. " •-â- â€¢â€¢!_'.- y Another, gill, which I bad-sonic â-  troilble unloading, was a Lottie of dandelion-wced kilter. "Fights __jdandclions wilh a vengeance," the label - guaranteed, litov most people know that although' this sHiff figltis with a vengeance,, il never wins. So, resorting to f p rather sneaky bit of stralcgcm ^ I chanpcil the label for. one en- c JJtled. "Hair Restorer." If yoi l sec a guy walking'around will j. 'black "aiitl blue' dandruff, he's th< (I one who bought il. ' Anyway, with the money I re d ceived for these two gifts, plus n the 98 cents I got for.the pair o 0 pipe Vacks. liiarkcd 'His' and (0 'llers'. wlpch sonic wise guy sen (l inc. I finished up with the prince D Iy sum of SG.35. ' (j -Trying lo open a bank accoun with this amount, is anolhei ,e stoiy-onc which I. shall -relati /s next week. a __' Teachers Urge, End Municipal Bickering Mr. Willard Fish, of Newmarket High School staff was among the 250 delegates from all parts of Ontario who attended the three-day assembly of the 11, 000-member Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation in the last week in December. Don Thomas, principal of In-gersoll District Collegiate. Institute, Ingersol, Ont., was-electcd i president of Ihe federation for i I9B0. Greater independence for trustees was urged by Dr. II. O. Barred, retiring president of OSSTF. ;. . •', ' In his presidential address he suggested the bickering between boards'of education and humici- pal-cblineilsâ€"shouldâ€"l7e-en<fed:-- One means.of ending-such disputes, he '.bought, would be legislation to give boards of educa-tioe the right to fix their own nl i 11 rates. "The financial . responsibility of boards of education is well established bv law." said Dr. Barrett. "If most councils operated as quietly and efficiently as . .^:hejnL.4i(iaicl£:r-^v,y> -â- ^nii-gliti'r'-liave-fewer petty- political struggles cluttering ip the pages of our newspapers. "The spectacle of municipal-councillors lecturing trustees for alleged â-  extravagance is a farce put o»- annually." . Dr. Barrett also.said secondary ; school teachers might usefully be given some ol the freedom from" supervision and in'spcctioi\. ' enjoyed by university professors. | Ncarlv-half of Ohtari6's boards ! of .trustee's have- accepted tlic •- ..,. levels of professional cer-' tification.established by the fed-;, crstion following last year's assembly. Seventy-three per cent of Ontario's teachers are paid on tho basis the four levels pro-- vide. - â€". |. Dean B. C. Diltz of Ihe Ontario College of Education; told the annual dinner of OSSTF that teachers .should not lose sight of the real end of education. y - • • ';'• -- ----- :j! ' "Knowledge," lie said, "that is ,nol rooted ill the verification ra-J tiler than the variation, of pbser-| vation is as useless as tumble-(j weed. Facts are alive when they direct thought." Dean Diltz predicted that Ontario secondary" -schools will need more than three times as '• many teachers in 1969 as they ,'l will need next year. Ontario -will needâ€"7,000 n4\v secondary school teachers in 1969. compar-' ed with 2;t)00 next year. :LOBSINGER HOCKEY CASE ENTERS COURT One of the most interesting legal battles in some years will come before the Ontario Supreme Court in January. The cast involves the three Lobsinger Brothers who live and attend school at Mildmay, Ont. The three brothers played juvenile for Mildmay last season and this year sought release to play in Owen Sound some 80 miles away. Mildmay still had minor teams and a new junior D team for which the boys could play. They agreed to release all three if Owen Sound moved the boys to Owen Sound and provided a job foi' one and schooling.foi- ihe others..â€" In turn Owen Sound played the boys in league games without releases aiid Mildmay in - JiiilLXe.fJlsfiri. Jq .ielcas.e_Uie_bQIvi sincc their terms were not carried out. A gam.c.in which the boys played was awarded the opposing . team and tluTOwen Sound manager was suspended,by the Ol.lA"*. Legal action has been instituted to .lest the playing certificate, . release and waiver lights of the Ontario llockey Association and ,their affiliates, the Ontario Minor L Association and the Western Ontario Athletic! Association. - and ' the Mildmay hockey club. ^-Representing the boys are John â-  J. Robinette QC. Toronto, Owen Arthur "S. Marion QC. Owen Sound. Charles L. Dubip QC. | Toronlo, represents the OH A and the Mildmay Hockey Club and T.-A. M. Ilulse QC. Aurora, represents the Ontai'io' Minor Associa-I lion and the Western Ontario - Athletic Association. WI RADIO PROGRAMS York County Women's Institute radio programs are heard over CJRH Richmond Hill every Tuesday at 12.15 p.m. Jan. 5, Remarks on Mary Stewart Collect, Mrs. G. Francy. Jan 12, Family- night at Women's-Institute.. Mrs. R.' Burton, o Jan. -19. Libraries and tli'c 'Women's"Institute^,Mrs. D. Yorke. Jan. .26. History of ACWW. Mrs. B. Rolling. Guide And Scout News First King Scouts Pre-Christmas investiture of First King Scouts was held in a ceremony at the United Church rooms, King City. Now enrolled are Pat McGrath, Harold Rutledge, John Lomas, Chris Malcolm, Nick Henshaw and Bill Thompson. First Star's were presented to Cubs John Watson and Lorne Faulkner. Neil Hamilton, a newcomer to King- City, has transferred from Newmarket Cub Pack to First King Pack Attending - the Scout Groppi Committee meeting, Dec. 10, \vas| Mrs. Marion Laing.'wbo will represent the Scout Ladies' Auxiliary al group committee meetings. 'Mrs, Laing; is an officer of-the-auxiliary. > ., â€"* | -- â€"- - --- . iâ€"â- â€"fâ€"â€"------j- - The annual 'Chrjslnias ebneert! for the Guides,:-Brownies, CjubS and Scouts "tifi'der the auspice? of -Ihe Local Association, was held iii Holland Landing Community Hall recently. Garfield Wright _of_Fast Gwilliniburv presided and introduced the ..presentations' by each of the groups. : "Apart from iPte seasonal skits, recitations-" and solos by the members of each troup, the ga-; ihempg provided an oppoiduniiy -for our, leaders toTftresenl ..tfic -bad(jesâ€" service stars and awards to llu- children in .the presence of lhcir pare 1115=:ansllfriendsâ€"' , "Mrs. A. Worthington; president . of Hip Local Association, then expressed the thanks of the association. â-  I hen expressed the jhajik-1-:.-"!.-'1"' as-wi^lion..tb:miil : Icadfi-. Mrs. Burke, Brown Owl, Guide Captain Dorothy Morning, ' Scout Captain Joe Southall and' Cub Akela-Mary Southall. Girl Guide Linda Atkinson then called Santa Claus, who arrived amid cheers and the ringing of bells. ' •<"" Santa then gave each member of each group gifts from the local Association, Pop Walker and their leaders. He also presented every pre-school child in the hall with a chocolate bar and an orange. WE'VE MOVED! â-  i - " â-  . , DUE TO EXPANSION WE HAVE MOVED FROM : 153 DAVIS DRIVE TO . - , 87 RYE CRESCENT E^T GWILUJVW5UP ffi North^if Davts~Dr."fromtlie NeWmarket l^ 1 aza between the BA and Texaco-station», then to the left till you »ee~6ur atgn. â-  - â-  . [ For Directions Phone.TW 5-6544 New Appoin ttfient:' ""'â€" ';."" -7 ;' - . :â€"......-r:. : " TT Cumming. to oMr s^TT., -We M ^^thatMr; yi*pot*xpcr}- ^emrtr-wilHbe-a-^rrihit~Tt»«et-^b'pur^T irmv . â-  . 4 BOOKKE E^INGS YSTEMS BOOKKEEPING PROBLEMS. AND TAX PREPARATIONS J , : SlSS 5 OUR: SPEGIAlTY : V v..." J" : ' > FOR INDIVIDUALS .,:. . BUSINESSES'-... . F^RMERg _ ; v • -;â-  V, . COMMjSSIONrSALESMEN "•;' . ; , ; ". .• - BOOKS SUPPLIED ATNO EXTRA CHXllGE : ; > ^yrC^East^fiwillimbu^Heiglit^ RUBBER STAMPS HANDY IN HOME AND OFFICE MADE TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Elman W. Campbell Stationery -'Books --"--China and Glassware NeViiiarket, Ontario^ "

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