Renewed focus on badminton leads to GHAC titleBy Herb Garbuttbadminton team needing players,OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFhe joined. Some of the skills from tennisAfter a fifth-place finish at thiscarried over. His tennis serve gaveyear's Halton championships, Matthim a strong smash in badmintonGirgis wondered if a return trip toand the footwork of moving aroundthe provincial high school badmin-the court came naturally. Girgiston tournament was in his future.soon found himself enjoying bad-The previous year, Girgis hadmintons faster pace and having tothrown himself into the sport, play-make a decision between the twoing in Ontario Badminton sports.Association tournaments and work-I had to look at the bigger pic-thing himself up to 18 in the pro-ture, he said. Was I going to getvincial under-19 rankings. He wonanywhere in tennis realistically?the Halton title and then finishedHe chose badminton.second at the Golden HorseshoeI just get more enjoyment outAthletic Association (GHAC) cham-of it, he said.pionships to qualify for the provin-Girgis plans to attend thecial tournament.Massachusetts College of PharmacyBut after cutting back on hisand Health Sciences next year andplaying schedule in his final year of though hes not sure if his coursehigh school to concentrate on hisload will allow him to play competi-studies, Girgis wondered if less timetively, he said hell continue to playon the court was taking its toll oneven if its at the intramural level.his game.Girgis will be joined at OFSAA MICHELLE SIU / OAKVILLE BEAVERFor sure, I was definitely doubt-by White Oaks Ehsan Kharal, whoFAST IMPROVEMENT:King's Christian Collegiate student Matt Girgis won the Golden Horseshoe Athletic ing myself, the Kings Christianfinished second in boys singles atConference boys' singles badminton title recently after finishing fifth at the Halton championships.Collegiate student said.the GHAC tournament; AbbeyBetween the Halton and GHACParks Leena Juneja, who was sec-there physically.Now Girgis will take that focusflight quarter-finals.tournaments, he worked with hisond in girls singles; and T.A.And with badminton returninginto next weeks OntarioRegardless of the results, Girgiscoaches and getting on the courtBlakelocks Simon Harmgardt andto the priority list, Girgis was allFederation of School Athletichas come a long way since firstwhenever he could. Just as impor-Trevor Hoff, who were second inthere. He won the GHAC tourna-Associations (OFSAA) tournamentpicking up a badminton racquet intant as sharpening his skills wasboys doubles.ment, not allowing any of his oppo-in Aurora. Hell be looking toGrade 9. Girgis was playing com-restoring his belief in his abilities. Beaver sports reporternents to score more than 12improve on last years resultspetitive tennis at the provincialFor me, its more mental, heHerb Garbutt can be followedpoints.when he was knocked out in the Blevel at the time but with the schoolsaid. If Im there mentally, Imon Twitter at @Herbgarbutt2011 Summer Soccer Camps Focus on soccer activitiesThree out of park adventures for full?day campersPre/Post care and bus transportation availableComplimentary T?shirt and Friday lunchAthletic therapist on siteHalf Day Camp 9 a.m. to 12 noon ?$200* per week. Available for ages U4 to U6Full Day Camp 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ?$300* per week. Available for ages U7 to U16Weekly sessions on the outdoor fields at the Pine Glen Soccer Centre. *Pre/Post care not includedSession Dates: July 4?8, July 11?15, July 18?22, July 25?29, August 8?12, August 15?19For more information or to register visit www.oakvillesoccer.caProud sponsor of the Oakville Soccer OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, May 5, 2011 32