Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 4 May 2011, p. 4

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Young looks forward to majority Tory governmentContinued from page 1an election basically every sixmonths.tion, however, several accusations He added running a minoritywere thrown around. Young government is very distractingaccused Burton of canceling because one might have to fightcouncil and committee meetings an election within a month orso Burton and fellow Liberal-two, when in any organization itsupporting councillors could help takes years for a leader to getKhans campaign. He also accused positive results.Khan of not being a resident of The night of the election,Oakville.Young thanked his volunteersIn return, the Liberals have and said Canadians can trust theattacked Young for his Inside stability of the economy with aOttawa householder going to peo-Conservative government. ples homes well into the election.We will stay on track with lowDespite the hostilities, Young taxes and a jobs agenda and makesaid the results of an election are this century, Canadas century.a mystery and he just continued We invite the other parties to jointo move along his campaign.us, he said.All you do is you keep work-He said it wasnt surprisinging on your campaign and keep that Harper got a majority gov-talking to voters and knocking on ernment in the election.doors, which is what I did.Stephen Harper is a brilliantWith the election over, Young economist who steered our coun-wants to work for Oakville again.try through a world-wide reces-He said a majority government sion, he said.will be dynamic and will be able We came out of it sooner. Weto put policies through much MICHELLE SIU / OAKVILLE BEAVER came out if it in better shape withquicker than before.GOOD NEWS:Paula Boshoff (right) cheers the election results as they are announced on television as Oakville more growth than the other G7.Young said the government Conservative MP Terence Young watches from another table nearby.Our banking system is the mostwill be able to put forward a num-stable in the world. Theresber of measures to combat crime The federal budget will also bevery stressful on people, he said.Stephen Harper has been Prime 500,000 new jobs and Canadiansthat it could not pass for years implemented.Its stressful on members, minis-Minister for five years, in a minor-want a million more jobs andduring the minority government. A minority government isters and the Prime Minister.ity government with a threat of were going to do it.Voter turnout slightly upDemocracy is on the rebound slightly Brown in 2008.anyway in the ridings that represent Khan drew 17,830 votes or 30.6 per centOakville the Oakville and Halton ridings.of the vote.In Oakville, of the 84,466 registered elec-Other results are as follows:tors, 58,208 cast a ballot in Canadas 41st Andrew Chlobowski (Green) 2,240General Election.(3.8 per cent)It represents a 68.9 per cent turnout, up James Ede (NDP) 8,159 (14 per cent)from the 66.3 per cent seen in the October The Oakville riding includes the townCommunity Living Oakville2008 election.between its eastern and western boundaries,In Halton, of the 130,026 eligible voters north from Lake Ontario to Upper MiddleCordially invites you to attend ourin whats now one of the largest ridings in Road.Canada, 81,096 exercised their right and cast The Halton Riding includes Milton andChair Affair Fundraising Eventa ballot. northern Oakville and Burlington.That was a 62.3 per cent turnout, up In Halton, Conservative incumbent Lisafrom the 60.8 per cent seen in the October Raitt handily retained her seat in OttawaFriday May 6th, 20112008 election.with 54.5 per cent of the ridings votes orThe local turnouts top the national aver-44,206 which represents a marked~ ~FEATURINGage of roughly 60 per cent.increase over the 47.4 per cent she garneredDinner and Live Auction of BeautifulAdvanced poll voting was way up this to oust Garth Turner in 2008.Muskoka Chairs Painted by Local Artiststime around in the Oakville Riding with Liberal challenger Connie Laurin-Bowie{ ????iU??`?i? ??U? ?>???i?,553 ballots cast over the 6,244 total from drew 20,903 votes, or 25.8 per cent.2008.Other results are as follows:Le Dome Banquet HallIt was up, too, in the Halton Riding, with Pat Heroux (NDP) 12,960 (16 per1173 North Service Rd. East, Oakville www.ledome.ca12,710 ballots cast there compared to 4,931 cent)/?V?ixii??>Li?vʣ`?ViV?>?n 2008.Judi Remigio (Green) 2,778 (3.4 perIn Oakville, Conservative incumbent cent)To order tickets, please call:Terence Young easily bested a challenge by Tony Rodrigues (Christian HeritageTina Christie at 905 844-0146, ext. 239 www.oakcl.orgLiberal candidate and Town of Oakville Party) 249 (0.3 per cent)Councillor Max Khan.The victories of Young and Raitt followedPlatinum Sponsor:Young went home with 29,979 or 51.5 their partys decisive majority and aper cent of the votes up from the 26,011 Conservative clean sweep of the regionsvotes he received to win the seat from for-four ridings, which include Oakville, Halton,Community Living Oakville - Supporting Full Community Participation for People with Developmental Disabilities mer long-time Oakville Liberal MP Bonnie Burlington and Wellington-Halton Hills.www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 4, 2011 4

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