Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Apr 2011, p. 3

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Jobs and economy the focus of CAW debateBy Kim Arnottby, which results in a demand for cheap prod-SPECIAL TO THE BEAVERucts that are typically made elsewhere.What does it matter if the economy is It wasnt particularly surprising that jobs,doing well, if the people arent doing well? corporate tax cuts and the economy were thehe said. We always support keeping good hot topics at last weeks all-candidates meet-quality jobs in Canada especially union ing organized by CAW 707, which representsjobs, because thats the best way to ensure autoworkers at Oakvilles Ford plant.they are good quality jobs.It also wasnt surprising there was littleYoung argued that ongoing corporate tax agreement among Oakvilles four federalcuts by the Conservatives, when combined candidates on exactly how to protect andwith similar reductions in Ontario, would grow the type of well-paying manufacturingattract new jobs to rebuild southern Ontarios jobs seen in the automotive industry.manufacturing sector.Conservative Terence Young, who hasThis is Canadas century if we move for-represented Oakville in Ottawa since 2008,ward with a low tax and jobs plan, and free trade spoke for developing new free trade agree-with terms that benefit Canada, he said.ments, which he said are starting to result inHowever, Khan argued for investing in shipments of Ford Edges to China and Brazil.families rather than cutting corporate tax He also promoted his governments policy of rates.cutting corporate taxes.Canada already has one of the most We need to make a more competitivecompetitive tax rates, he said. Corporate environment, so that cars that are built heretax cuts will not eradicate poverty. They will can be sold in other countries, said Young.only make the rich richer.PHOTO BY MICHELLE SIUThe other three candidates greeted hisBoth Ede and Chlobowski spoke in favour position with skepticism.of reforming Canadas voting system to ON THE JOB: Yvonne Carr, retired CUPE union worker, fights tears as she poses a question If corporate tax cuts gave us jobs, wedintroduce a system of proportional represen-about replacement workers to Oakville's federal election candidates during the all-candidates have a lot of jobs in this country, said NDPtation, which would award seats to parties debate hosted by the Canadian Auto Workers Union Local 707 last Thursday evening at the Galaxy candidate James Ede, to laughter from thebased on the number of votes they receive.Club 707 in Oakville.audience of about 90 people.Chlobowski urged voters not to assume a I think that free trade has been a disastervote for the Green Party is a wasted vote.Green Party candidate Andrew Chlobowski around the economy and the future of the for this country, he added, arguing that theStrategic voting doesnt bring change, said he supports developing a competitive countrys manufacturing sector.world is only interested in our raw resources,he said. Voting Green means you push our auto sector based on energy efficient vehi-Ede said he sees many Canadians in a finan-not our manufactured goods.ideas into other parties' platforms.cles, but added that he believes future job cial situation where they can simply scrape Oakville councillor and Liberal candidategrowth will be in areas such as renewable Max Khan said auto workers will be bestenergy and mass transportation, rather than protected by his partys planned investmentthe manufacture of private automobiles.in research and development in areas such asHe said the Green Party doesnt oppose fuel efficiency and hybrid vehicles, as well asfree trade, but thinks agreements need to be retraining to ensure workers are prepared forrenegotiated if they have a negative impact high skilled jobs of the future in areas suchon Canadas people, jobs or environment.as bioscience and digital communications.While candidates faced questions on a I am here as a friend a product of thevariety of subjects, ranging from nuclear Helping You Make automotive industry, said Khan, who toldpower to the state of democracy in Canada, the autoworkers that his father made athe majority of questions from both CAW career working with Ford and the CAW. Irepresentatives and the audience revolved Smart Decisions will fight for the automotive industry.About Your MoneyPeter Watson MBA, CFP, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI220 Randall Street Downtown Oakville Phone: 905.842.2100TK2741www.peterwatsoninvestments.comNext Seminar In May3 Wednesday, April 27, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com

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