Spring Home & GardenTransform your home improvement project with Hermes Mozaik BoutiqueWhen it comes to tile options for your stone tiles and mosaics, visit Hermes Tile Portfolio (www.peratile.com), an inno-on their complete flooring packages. If home improvement projects, natural Mozaik in Oakvilles Kerr Village.vative line of tiles, mosaics, and accentsinstalled to specification and buildingstone is among the most popular choices Hermes Mozaik is the only tile bou-inspired by traditional design elements ascode, your floor cracks or comes loose,these days. For beautifully crafted natural tique in Canada to offer the exclusive Pera well as emerging architectural trends. InHermes Mozaik will reinstall your floor ataddition to the Pera Tile Portfolio, theNO COST - guaranteed. boutique also offers a variety of high-endMore than 1000 products offered by5 YEAR WARRANTY NOW AVAILABLEluxury products and high-quality low-Hermes Mozaik are imported from coun-priced options, making it a great sourcetries all over the world that are known forfor every budget.impeccable natural stones, including Italy, 905-827-8266OFFICE CELL905-208-8824In addition to stunning natural stoneSpain, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, FULL-TIME CERTIFIED CONCRETE DESIGNER ON STAFFproducts, Hermes Mozaik is pleased to offerIndonesia, China and more. For environ- Over 30 Years of experience Seniors Discount Fully Guaranteed. Best Quality. Best Price.their clients an in-house interior design ser-mentally conscious homeowners, the bou- Well beat any competitors price on exposed aggregateSee the Difference a PRO Makes!vice. Recent interior design school gradu-tique carries grout made from recycledates will assist you in your selection of glass beads, which meets LEED certifica-colours, motifs and designs so that your tiletion criteria. choice suits your vision perfectly.Hermes Mozaik Boutique is located onVisit Hermes Mozaik for everything youthe southeast corner of Lakeshore Roadneed for your floor and backsplash project,and Kerr Street and is open Monday tofrom subfloor to mortar, and grout toFriday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (8 p.m. onsealer. Whether you take advantage of Thursdays) and Saturdays from 10 a.m. toExposed Aggregate & Concrete Pattern Specialiststheir in-house installation service, hire a3 p.m. For more information about Hermes8 YEARS IN A ROW ALL DIAMONDScontractor, or do it yourself, HermesMozaik Boutique Ltd., call 905-582-6431Visit our website to see our video testimonialsMozaik offers a LIFETIME GUARANTEEor visit www.hermesmozaik.com. WWW.PROCONCRETE.COMOPENINGSaturday, April 23Transforming Stone Into Art 10am-6pmExclusive Mosaic Portfolio Lifetime Guarantee on all InstallationsIn-House Design Services 10 Years Experience Cutting Edge KnowledgeHermesMozaik_TempSign.pdf 4/19/2011 1:30:22 PMCMCYMMCCMYYYK86 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville 905-582-6431 www.hermesmozaik.comwww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 22, 2011 26