Clean SweepWhy Voting Green Makes Sense for OakvilleMy name is Andrew Chlobowski and I am the Green Party candidate for the riding of Oakville. Far from being a single-issue party, the Green Party of Canada has a complete vision for a healthier, happier, and more sustainable future. We understand Canadas economy and have a road map of how to provide Canadians with a high standard of living without degrading our natural environment.The Green Partys platform has been devised with the help of thousands from academia, industry, NGOs, and Andrew Chlobowski Green Party everyday citizens like you. Many of MICHELLE SIU / OAKVILLE BEAVERCandidate for Oakville Ridingour policies are already in place in SPRING CLEANING:Oakville Mayor Rob Burton, St. James Catholic Elementary School princi-other nations around the world and have a proven track record. If you want pal Pat Vigna and more than 300 St. James students pose for a picture before participating in the a serious, realistic, and sensible option to old-line parties and old-school Oakville Clean Sweep Friday at the school. The Oakville Clean Sweep, part of the 20-Minute Makeover GTA-wide litter cleanup program,politics, youve come to the right place. The Green Party platform is based on saw Town staff and local residents participate in a spring cleaning of Oakville's roadways and green spaces.three pillars: Smart Economies, Strong Communities, and True Democracy.Smart EconomiesSpeak up!You can comment on any story in The notion that we have to pick between the economy and the environmentis false. Evidence has shown economic growth while preserving the integritytoday's Oakville Beaver at oakvillebeaver.comof our environment is possible. The Green Party proposes economic growth bygenerating jobs in renewable energy, expanding passenger rail and public transit,and retrofi tting thousands of buildings to high energy effi cient standards. These are ROHDE MEPHISTO BIRKENSTOCK RIEKERhighly skilled and highly paid jobs that cant be shipped offshore.If we want to see less of what we dont want and more of what we do, we have toget prices right. Pricing carbon is an essential step in fi ghting climate change. ThisWarehouse Storepolicy will not provide more money for the federal government nor will it be a burdento Canadians because the costs will be offset by reductions in personal incometaxes. Additionally, billions in subsidies to the nuclear and fossil fuel industries needFamous European Brand Namesto be eliminated so their true costs are brought to market.All Under One RoofStrong CommunitiesThe Green Party believes in building strong communities. We propose tointroduce full income splitting to reduce the tax burden on married couples andfamilies. We want to place a focus on telecommuting, working fl ex hours, creatingfl exible child care, and supporting those that want to stay at home to raise theirchildren or those who need to get back to work while their kids are still young. Wewant to provide long-term funding to municipalities to repair crumbling infrastructureand support recreation, transportation, water works, arts, and culture. True DemocracyThe Green Party calls for proportional representation. People should beable to vote for who they believe in, not for who they dont. We need to seriouslyconsider the risks of fi rst past the post and follow the other 82 progressivenations already using some form of proportional representation. These countriesinclude Australia, Brazil, Germany, and Sweden; all countries where Greens haveLOOK FOR US ON representation in government. If Canada had proportional representation in the2008 election, the Green Party would have 21 seats in parliament. Nearly onemillion votes went unheard.Closed Good Friday & Easter SundayINGEBORGS WAREHOUSE1681 FINFAR COURT, MISSISSAUGAHours: Mon.-Fri. 9 to 5 - Sat. 10-5 - Sun. 11 to 4(905) ROHDE MEPHISTO BIRKENSTOCK RIEKER ARA13 Friday, April 22, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER ROHDE MEPHISTO BIRKENSTOCK RIEKER ARA