Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 20 Apr 2011, p. 10

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What is your plan for strengthening Oakville's economy?Throughout the election campaign The Oakville Beaver will be asking candidatesJames Ede - NDPin the Oakville and Halton ridings to respond The NDP recognizes that theto a weekly question. For this week's ques-health of the local economy is vital totion we asked "What is your plan for strength-the health of the community. Oakvilleening Oakville's economy?" See page 12 has a strong local economy, includingfor responses from Conservative can-many retail shops and local industries.didate Terence Young and Green Party Profits and wages from these busi-nesses tend to stay in our community,candidate Andrew Chlobowski.further strengthening our local econ-omy. Max Khan - LiberalsRather than just hand money overto large corporations, the NDP wouldMy plan and my partys plan for a the G8. Liberals will restore prudenttarget tax breaks to small business,prosperous Oakville is to create and budget planning. Canada under theand tie incentives to actual job cre-attract new businesses by providing Liberals had 10 years of balanced bud-ation. We would reduce the smallthe best prepared workforce and gets. We know how to balance thebusiness tax rate from 11 per cent toJames Edeincentives for innovation.books.nine per cent, to help a sector produc- As a Town councillor, I work every Oakvilles small and medium busi-ing half of all new jobs in Canada. Wephysical and social infrastructure, day with this communitys economic nesses the real job engines willwill extend tax credits for investmentfrom sewers and water treatment, to development priorities. As a Bay Street benefit from increased Liberal invest-in equipment and introduce creditshealth and education. This would pro-lawyer, I work with major Canadian ment, job creation and youth hiringup to $4,500 per new employee hired.duce new jobs in areas such as engi-and international companies. incentives. Investments in innovation,The NDP would invest in a greenneering, construction, nursing and Our strong business base and green technologies and clean energyeconomy, using the sale of emissionsteaching. highly-educated workforce should will boost sustainable growth. permits and green bonds to fundWe would make major invest-position Oakville well for future eco- People work best when theyre notrenewable energy, conservation, andments in affordable housing, which nomic and employment growth.worried about their families. Our eco-Max Khanpublic transit. Oakville desperately needs. But we are competing with com-nomic plan includes significant invest-Oakville already has many busi-By investing in poverty reduction, munities around the globe for both mments in family care for childrenents wasteful spending. Our plannesses involved in the green economy,health and education, and a greener investors and bright minds. We have toand sick loved ones. In a knowledge-does not require increases in the GST,from home renovation to renewableeconomy, the NDP will be creating be proactive to succeed. based economy, learning is essential.personal income tax or small businessenergy and the NDP would help thesenot just jobs, but also a foundation for Oakville will benefit from theSo our Learning Passport providestax rates. Harpers tax cuts for largebusinesses to expand. a more stable, healthy and sustainable Liberals realistic plan to reduce the$4,000 to each college and universitycorporations will be cancelled, althoughThe NDP would also invest in ourOakville for the 21st Century. deficit and cut the Harper govern-student. rates will remain among the lowest inWALK YOUR BUTT OFF!When fi tness leader Lee Scott started powerthe Marathon Walking Coach for Prevention walking in preparation for the 2001 Vancou-magazine.ver Marathon, she could not have predictedScott and her coaches are again teaming up how walking would change her life and thewith the Running Company at 118 Thomas lives of others. Since then, she has designedStreet to present an introductory program North Americas leading coaching programfor interested walkers. Walk Your Butt Off: for people who want to get fi t from walk-High Performance Level 1, meets on Saturday ing and she has become a recognized expertmornings for 8 weeks beginning Saturday, on how to coach walking athletes. She hasMay 7. Walk Your Butt Off Fitness meets 3 walked 18 marathons and numerous othertimes/week for 6 weeks on Monday, Wednes-distance events. In 2008 she won the walk-day, and Thursday evenings starting May 2. ing division of the Cleveland Marathon withBecause of the small group environment and a time of 4:55:58 and in the fall of 2009 sheunique coaching method, both programs suit won the second annual Kitchener Waterloopeople of all fi tness levels who want to im-Walking Classic 10k in a time of 1:01:35. Herprove their cardiovascular fi tness. The high personal best for a half marathon is 2:15:00.performance course is geared for people who These race fi nish times and that of WoWmay consider walking a marathon or other trained walkers are comparable to those of distance event at some point!many runners. Scott has been featured inYoure going to be amazed at how walking magazines, on television, and at confer-can change your body and your life! This is ences across North America. She has beenwalking with a WOW factor!Call us at 416-766-0774 or e-mail us atinfo@wowcompany.net for more information.www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 20, 2011 10

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