Worship atPALM SUNDAY April 17thST. JOHNS St. Pauls United10:30 am ServiceUNITED 454 Rebecca St. beside YMCAGOOD FRIDAY April 22ndDunn & Church Streets905-845-342710:30 am Service262 Randall 905-845-0551fiwww.stjohnsunited.caoffice@stpaulsoakville.comEASTER SUNDAY April 24thOakville Community ChurchPalm Sunday, April 17EASTER WORSHIP SERVICES1225 Rebecca St. 6:00 am Sunrise Service 10:30 am (between 3rd & 4th Line)Palm Sunday, April 17that Appleby College Who Is Your Jesus? Rev. Don Gibson905-827-5324Worship Service 10:15 am10:30 am Service at the ChurchMaundy Thursday, www.salvationarmyoakville.caApril 21,Maunday Thursday, April 21 7:00 pmTenebrae ServicePot Luck Supper with Table CommunionReadings and Hymns focused on Gather at 6 p.m. Supper at 6:15Jesus last week.Good Friday, April 22Good Friday, April 22GLEN ABBEYWe invite you to join us at at Knox PresbyterianTrinity United at 10 amSermon, Rev. Don GibsonUNITEDCombined ChoirsEaster Sunday, April 24th9:30 am Hot Cross Buns1469 Nottinghill GateSunrise Service - 7:30 am10:30 am Worship Serviceat Bronte Harbour(905) 825-5292See our website for further info.Easter Sunday, April 24Spirited, Progressive, Inclusiveglenabbeyunitedchurch.comEaster Breakfast 8:30 to 9:15 am9:30 am Communion in The Worship Service 10:15EASTER SERVICES:Memorial GardenEASTER SERVICESPalm Sunday, April 17Ministers: Rev. Lexie Chamberlain10:30 am Family Service 10:00 am Family Service with Seeing Jesus Rev. Don GibsonApril 17th 9:30 amwww.stpaulsoakville.comChildrens programmeAll ChoirsPalm SundayGood Friday, April 2210:00 am April 21st 7:00 pmTrinity Special Programming for Children of All AgesWALTON UNITED Maundy Thursday 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-827-1643United ChurchEaster Sunday, April 24Corner of Bronte & Lakeshore Rd. W.April 22nd 10:00 am8 am Family Outdoor ServicePalm Sunday Service, 10 am www.waltonmemorial.comEgg Hunt and CommunionGood FridayTaize ServiceMaundy Thursday Service, 7 pm(1053 Burnhamthorpe Rd. E.)Walton Welcomes You10:00am Traditional Easter WorshipGood Friday Service, 10 amApril 24th 9:30 am Palm Sunday April 17(Munns United Church)Easter Sunday Service, 10 amE9:30 am Larger Family Serviceaster Sunday905-257-8435Sunday School and Nurserywith CommunionWeb: Trinityunited.com 5 Dundas St. E.11 am Traditional Service(Dundas & Sixth Line)Minister Rev. Barry King Wednesday Worshipwww.munnsunited.comEveryone WelcomeWed., April 20 @ 6:30 p.m.Holy Week and Last SupperCongregational Pot Luck The Passover MealGood Friday April 22 Pancake Breakfast 8:45-9:30 am Service 10 amPrayerful Pause 12 Noon - 6 pm Easter Sunday April 247:30 am Service Bronte Pier8 am Breakfast in Bronte Hall9:30 amFamily ServiceSunday School and Nursery 11 am Traditional ServiceCHECK OUT: WWW.WALTONMEMORIAL.COMwww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, April 14, 2011 32