PHOTOS BY MICHAEL IVANIN / OAKVILLE BEAVERHARD AT WORK:At left, volunteer Nancy Bromberg pushes a cart of oranges a new item atFareshare Food Bank. At top right, volunteers Pat Topolnisky, left, and Olga Rideout sort oranges and atbottom right, volunteer Claire Dorsey ensures apples are not forgotten in the mix. Filling Easter basketsContinued from page 17over year, even statistics that show, of theclients offered food, say apple juice orAt Fareshare, Clarke works closely withchicken, all dont always take it, leaving it inwarehouse volunteer Ron Ziegel, the formerthe store for someone else who does wantHalton District School Board principal whoit.worked at Oakville Trafalgar High School inI would really like to see a reduction inthe 1980s.the number of people needing help, but thereThey are among the longest-serving vol-are a lot of people coming here who willunteers at Fareshare though Ella Allan wasalways need a helping hand, even in the bestthere from the beginning 23 years ago.of times and the population is growing, saidThough the numbers crest and fall, andClarke.sometimes monthly orders must be pared byUntil any level of government seriouslya can of soup or two, food donations remainaddresses issues of poverty, there will alwayshealthy as the Oakville community neverbe a need for a food bank, and Clarke said hefalters in its support of Fareshare.doesnt envision such progress being made inOver the years, even supermarkets thathis lifetime.once required food donation bins be removedAs long as we continue to get support, weafter a food drive, now leave Fareshare bins inwill continue to do what we can to help allevi-place in their stores year round, smiles Clarkeate the situation, said Clarke as he and theproudly.other unsung heroes at Fareshare carry onCash donations help fill shortfalls in foodwith their day and their work.items and also provide perishable items and Clarke notes that 4,287 food orders weresupermarket vouchers for milk or turkeys atfilled last year. That serves approximatelyThanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter the1,100 people 44 per cent of whom arelatter for the first time this year.children.While, of course, many dont want a tur-While all non-perishable donations arekey, Clarke said the decision is the clients aswelcome Fareshare particularly welcomesto whether they prefer chicken or roast beef,cake mixes and icing, cold cereal, instant cof-or other food.fee, cookies, soda crackers, canned fruit,Other firsts this year are the addition of canned peas, canned potatoes, rice, cannedoranges as well as apples and an offering of salmon, side dishes such as rice, pasta andthree vegetables to clients.potatoes, dry soup, chunky stew, regular andFareshare is totally non-profit. It is runherbal tea and canned tomatoes.solely on the donations of the communityCash donations also help.and the efforts of volunteers.For more information or to donate, visitClarke came on board 19 years ago to lookFareshare at 1240 Speers Rd., Unit 6 or callafter financial matters.905-847-3988.Today, he has graphs that map usage OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, April 14, 2011 18