Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Apr 2011, p. 3

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CAW hostsGloves and garbage bags providedInsidebrooms, wheelbarrows and shov-Road and Pheasant Lane, Fourth Continued from page 1Oakville election els, if they can. Safety reminders Line and Upper Middle Rd., Dorval The event, the organization Opinion.............................................6will be posted at the locations.Drive and North Service Rd., said, will promote both awareness debate April 21Living .............................................18The following is a list of clean-Indian Ridge Trail and Woodgate and respect for local nature, Artscene.........................................38up and meeting sites, grouped by WoCanadian Auto Workers unionoods.including trails, parks and water-Worship..........................................44Local 707 is hosting an all-candi-area.? North-central Oakville: Holy ways.Sports.............................................45dates debate with on Thursday,? South-west Oakville: Hopedale Trinity Secondary School, This helps protect wildlife and Real Estate.....................................48April 21.Park, Woodhaven Park, Bronte Shannon Creek Trails, Oakville benefits peoples health and Classified........................................51BlThe meeting will featureuffs Park and Lakeshore Woods.Park, Litchfield Park and encourages environmental activ-Full Delivery: ? South-central Oakville: Hogs GlOakville candidates in the federalenashton Dr. and Trafalgar Rd.ism.Leon's Furniture, Dell, Smart Source,Back Parkelection. The four Oakville candi-, Lakeside Park and ? North-east Oakville: Morrison The Clean Up is a family activ-Total Market PowerPartial Delivery: dates are Andrew ChlobowskiTanner Park.Valley North, Algrove Park, ity that will be remembered for Dr. Green Lawncare, Home Hardware,? South-east Oakville: Ravineview W(Green), James Ede (NDP), Maxay and Pondview years to come. By participating, Holland park Garden, Skuo Thai,Halton Vaccuum Depot, Stone Link,DKhan (Liberal) and Terence Youngunvegan Park, Brookmill Road Place, Sheridan Valley Park, parents will educate their children Starsky Finest, Oakville Maytag,Brid(Conservative).ge and Clearview Park.Iroquois Shoreline Woods, Golden about the importance of the natu-Mississauga Booster, Dorval Optical,Michael's of Canada, Suburban Life, ? North-west Oakville: Bronte MeaIt will take place at 295 Southdow Park, Joshua Creek Trails ral environment, Dankowich Shoppers Drug Mart, National Sports,Creek Provincial Park, NottinService Rd. 7-9 p.m.ghill and Postridge Park.said.Bonnie Togs GThe event will start with threeate Park, Loyola Secondary For a list of meeting places and Gloves and garbage bags will be For home delivery & customer serviceauto related questions followedSchool, Aldercrest Park, Monastery information on which sections call (905) 845-9742 Mon., Tues. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed., Thu.,provided. People should bring and Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. (open for calls only after 5 p.m.)Drive near the plaza, Sandpiper will be cleaned uby an open mic from the floor.p visit www.Closed Sat. and Sun. NEW SUBSCRIPTIONStheir own pick-up sticks, rakes, call (905) 845-9742 or subscribe online @ www.oakvillebeaver.comDISCOVER CAMEO BEAUTY. INSIDE AND OUT.AND FINE CABINETRYCELEBRATINGLUXURY. TORONTOMISSISSAUGA/OAKVILLE1020 Lawrence Ave. West3050 Vega Blvd.FASHION. (west of Dufferin)(Dundas and 403)35Tel: 416.256.2553Tel: 905.820.4841YEARSEXCLUSIVITY. Nowinwww.cameokitchens.comOakville 0EOIWLSVI 6SEH )EWX Est. 1983 3EOZMPPI ? ? [[[ FYVVS[WGPSXLMIVW GSQBUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE IN THE GTA?With nearly 200 Sales Representatives and Brokers, RE/MAX Aboutowne is the perfect choice. From starter homes to luxury waterfront properties, from residential or commercial rentals to investment properties, we can help you, and guide you every step of the way. We can even help you buy or sell a business. You can start your search on the web at www.remaxaboutowne.com or you can phone us at 905-338-9000 or 905-842-7000. Well make sure you make the right choice.RE/MAX Aboutowne Realty Corp., BrokerageIndependently Owned and Operated Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers under contract with another brokerageChoose wisely.Choose2011-04-153 Friday, April 15, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com

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