Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Apr 2011, p. 10

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PHOTOS BY MICHELLE SIU / OAKVILLE BEAVERJailbirds bailedFUNDRAISER:Nine jailbirds helped the HaltonUnit of the Oakville Cancer Society raise $11,300 atits Jail-N-Bail at Oakville Place on Wednesday.Pictured here are (clockwise from the top) Judge(Ward 4 councillor) Rodger Lapworth sentencesDon Abma, Re/Max Aboutowne broker, under thewatchfull eyes of Constables Laurel Barnett andMike Dinsmore; Oakvile Beaver Managing EditorRod Jerred is arrested at the office by Abma; jailbirdConor Boyd, was locked up for trying to bring backthe powder blue leisure suit; Constable Les Fulopstands guard as Sheryl Bates, and Jerred, right, lookout from behind prison bars; passerby David Lloyd,whose wife recently passed away from cancer,receives an embrace from Linda Leatherdale afterhe gave a $50 donation.TK1541www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 15, 2011 10

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