SweetheartsWEIGHT LOSS that works.RESULTSthat last.I lost 25 pounds!FOR SICKKIDS:Sweethearts forSickKids, Luke's Legacy Fund fundraiserwas held at Whole Foods Market,Oakville last Sunday. The cookie-deco-($50.00 Value) *Offer expires 3/31/11rating event, dubbed Sweethearts forSickKids, is in memory of Luke Holmeswho died with a heart problem at age22 months. The goal is to raise enoughfunds to have Luke's name on the car-diac care unit of Torontos Hospital forSick Children. Pictured, clockwise fromtop left, Luke's mom, Carolyn, deco-rates a cookie, Krizia Natale looks outthe window of the upper level of thestore, where the event was held; MayorRob Burton decorated a cookie; IsabelleRollin shows off the cookie she madewith Natale; Phoenix Bock (right) andRonin Curtis (left) decorate their cook-ies.PHOTOS BY ERIC RIEHL/ OAKVILLE BEAVERTHISTLECREEKHEALTH CARE LTD.Helping Families Every Step of the Way!metabolic?Specializes in:Love is No Substitute for Professional Fertility Issues PediatricsIn-Home Carecare clinics Low Back/Neck Pain Pre and Postnatal Care Sciatica Naturally Turning Breech BabiesHOMEMAKERS/COMPANIONS Posture and Osteoarthritis Headaches/MigrainesPERSONAL SUPPORT WORKERSHEALTH CARE AIDESWellness care for the entire family!NURSING VISITS2501 Third Line, Oakville250 Wyecroft Rd., Unit 15, Oakville, ON OPEN HOUSEWednesday Feb 23, From 10am - 2pmDr. Jenna Davis905-825-3800Family Chiropractor/Acupuncturist905-582-9519 905.844.WELL (9355)www.metaboliccareclinics.com www.acornhealth.ca drdavis@acornhealth.cawww.thistlecreekhealthcare.cawww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, February 17, 2011 16