April is more Chris Young impressed with quick learnersContinued from page 15the opportunity to sing at the countryI hope to meet many of thethan just poetryYoung, who helped write it, was music awards.stars back stage. I loved theimpressed by the quick work of the "I hope to meet many of the stars backContinued from page 14youths.connection I had working with stage, she said. "I loved the connection IThe discussion is not just poetry. Its every-They pick up stuff so fast, he said in had working with Chris Young and BrettChris Young and Brett James in thing. Its periodicals, its the newspapers, its the release.James in Nashville. They didn't see us asbooks, its novels, Enola said.Nashville. They didn't see us as There are musicians I know that aren't different. It was a natural process, we wereDavid Tucker, who works in film and televi-different. It was a natural process, that quick on remembering melodies and all musicians-singer-songwriters workingsion, even has concerns about the printed word.we were all musicians-singer-words. Being able to sit down and have together - no judgments. It was trulyOne of his concerns is what happens to the them all be excited about giving ideas - be songwriters working together.meant to be and, it is God's way of announc-narrative when you have the whole digital completely open to sharing their ideas with ing to the world, that there is beauty inimplant, Enola said.everybody and giving everybody encour-difference."Karina ScaliShe added the event will feature four informed agement was fast. I mean, that's one of the Scali is a member of the White Oaksindividuals with different points of view and back-they have this marked interest and fascina-fastest songs I've ever written.school choir, a member of the Oakvillegrounds to discuss an issue. There will also be Eltion and talent in music? she asked in theisabeth Dykens, director of the Choral Society and for the past five yearsaudience participation.Vanderbilt Kennedyrelease. Centre, said the orga-has studied guitar at the Oakville SuzukiThe event will also feature a number of poetry nization hopes to understandScali said she loved her visit to Nashville, why people Association.readings at places like Timothys World Coffee, with Williams syndrome are so otherwise known as Music City. She andfascinated Aside from learning music, she is anthe Moonshine Cafe, and more. The poetry read-bythe other campers got to work with coun- music.active member in a number of socialing events include both open mic as well as set try music stars to write a song and then to"How it is that people with Williams awareness and activism groups at schooltopic readings. Registration is required to many record it at a professional studio, as well assyndrome - who are missing just less than and beyond.of the events.30 genes on one of their chromosomes -sing at a karaoke, and to sing before an The country music awards will be broad-For a full schedule and list of events and reg-how that smaaudience at the Ryman Auditorium.ll missing piece leads to this cast live on CBS at 8 p.m. from the MGMistration information visit www.oakvillepoetry.cascade of fascinatingNow that same camp trip is giving her effects and why it is Grand Garden Arena.org and click on the Poetry Month link.Chicken Adobo and Peanut QuesadillasFINE JAPANESE INNOVATIVE (NC)The fresh taste in these hotter, stir in a little more adobo.CUISINEquesadillas will make them every-2. Brush a large frying pan,day dinner favourites. More great preferably nonstick, lightly with379 kerr streetrecipes can be found online at oil. Set over medium heat.oakvillewww.peanutbureau.ca.Depending on the size of your tor-905.842.8988Prep time: 15 minutestillas, filling will be enough for 4 orwww.okicuisine.comCook time:3 minutes6. Add 1 tortilla to pan. SpoonMakes 4 to 6 servingsabout 1 cup (250 mL) of fillingIngredients:over half the tortilla. Fold otherGINREFFO 3 cups (750 mL) shredded half over filling, pressing together.WONUNE cooked chickenCook until underside of tortilla isM EERF-N 2 cups (500 mL) packaged golden brown, about 2 minutes.ETULGgrated Tex Mex or Mexican Carefully, turn and cook other side cheese blenduntil golden brown, 1 to 2 min-TUESDAYS cup (175 mL) peanuts, utes. Keep warm in the oven.DINNER FOR 2 for $50 coarsely choppedRepeat with remaining tortillasWEDNESDAYS cup (125 mL) frozen corn, and filling.$4.50 MARTINIS thawed3. Slice each into 4 wedges.SUNDAY-LICIOUS cup (125 mL) roasted red Serve with sour cream, guacamole$29.00 pepper, patted dry and choppedand salsa on the side. cup (60 mL) chopped cori ander 1 lime 1 to 2 tsp (5 to 10 mL) chilli in adobo sauce, minced vegetable oil 4 to 6 large tortillas, your favourite flavour Garnish: sour cream, guaca mole and salsa (optional)Directions:1. Place chicken, cheese, pea-nuts, corn, red pepper and corian-der in a large bowl. Cut lime in half Chicken adobo and peanut quesadillasand squeeze juice of one half over FINE JAPANESE are so delicious and easy to make,top. Add half the adobo sauce and okiINNOVATIVE CUISINEstir. Taste and if you like things they'll become an instant favourite.17 Wednesday, March 30, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com