Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 Mar 2011, p. 7

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Residents honoured for preserving local heritageBy David LeaSmyth was not the only oneof which has become part ? Two tree plantingOAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFto be recognized during theof the artifacts permanent events with Groundawards ceremony.record.Breakers for the MayorsThe Town of Oakville paidPhilip Brimacombe receivedNoah Djurfeldt, Tristan Annual Tree Planting attribute to those who keep his-the Lifetime AchievementHolk, Billy Reeves, Jordan Iroquois Shorelinetory alive, last week, recogniz-Award for being an advocateKarrys, Jordan Gravely, Woods;ing several Oakville residentsand educator of local history forJoseph LaFerriere, Jessica ? A Garlic Mustardwith the Ontario Heritage Trustmore 30 years.Speedie, Justin Fontaine, (plant) Pull to counteractAwards.Lorne Joyce received theAlessia DiCarlo, Mitchell invasive species;Since 1996, the Ontario2010 Lieutenant Governor'sKothleitner received the ? Participation inHeritage Trust has asked OntarioOntario Heritage Award forYoung Heritage Leaders Oakvillegreens Urbanmunicipalities to nominateLifetime Achievement for hisNomination in the Natural Forest Tree Tour, whichindividuals in their communi-dedication and passion in pre-Heritage Category, for took students around theties who have made a significantDAVID LEA / OAKVILLE BEAVER serving the unique heritage of their commitment to pre-community to visit signif-contribution to the promotion,Bronte, local harbor and marineserving Oakvilles natural icant urban forests andHERITAGE AWARD: Gloria Young (centre) accepts Ontariopreservation or protection of heritage.heritage through their significant trees for theHeritage Trust Award on behalf of David Smyth from Oakville Mayor RobOntario's heritage.Andrew Bucknall was hon-work with the Rotherglen purpose of teaching themBurton (right) and Ontario Heritage Trust Board Member Melanie Hare. The awards recognize indi-oured with the Built HeritageEnvironmental Program.about the history, valuevDavid Smyth who was posthu-He was only 20 years old.iduals and/or groups for lead-Conservation Award for hisThe Grade 8 student and the people who savedershmously awarded the YouthTown officials said Smyths ip of natural heritage con-ongoing advocacy for the con-group from Rotherglen forests and specific treesCultural Heritage Award for hisnomination was prepared and servation and restoration proj-servation of Oakvilles heritage.School meets each week for the communitys ben-ects, longvolunteer work with the Oakvillepresented to Heritage Oakville -standing voluntaryCatherine Kavassalis tookafter school to discuss efit.Museum at Erchless Estate.and Town council in the sum-service to local heritage organi-home the Natural Heritageenvironmental issues and It feels like we justzations, pSmyths time with the muse-mer of 2010, before his death on roduction of local his-Award for her commitment toengage in renaturalization did what everybodyum, which began in the winterSept. 3, 2010.tory publications and participa-preserving Oakvilles naturalprojects.should be doing in theAs Smyths family could not tion in the preservation oof 2009, saw him undertake anf heri-heritage through such activitiesSome of these projects community, saidinventory project of artifactsbe present, Gloria Young, a fam-tage buildings.as organizing volunteers to col-included:Djurfeldt.within the museums perma-ily friend and wife of Oakville We are thankful to havelect seeds from genetically supe-many vonent collection and spendMP Terence Young, accepted lunteers in our com-rior native trees for futuremunitymonths working on a majorthe heritage award on Smyths who do so much toplanting.honour our towndigitization and information-behalf.s history andSheila Aldoroty received thewho take up the chagathering project involvingIts probably one of the big-llenge of Cultural Heritage Award for herphundreds of 19th and 20th cen-gest honours and privileges Ive reserving our heritage, saidwork with the costume and tex-Oakville Mayor Rob Burton durtury documents.had in my life to accept this -tile collection at the OakvilleHe also served as a touraward on his behalf, said Gloria. ing the Town Hall ceremony.Museum at Erchless Estate.guide at the museum.David was very keen on history We are proud of all theAldoroty has been research-Ontario Heritage TSmyth, whose fight againstand as I understand it the rust awarding the history of the artifacts inleukemia has sparked nation-Oakville Museum was one of his recipients in our communitythis collection and providingand congwide interest in increasingfavourite places and this award ratulate them on theirdetailed information on theCanadas bone marrow registry,really speaks to that and it is recognition.materials, techniques, styles,Among the recipients waspassed away last year.just so very special.dressmakers and merchants, allQEWHOPEDALE MALLRebecca St.1515 Rebecca Street, OakvilleLakeshore Rd.OPEN SUNDAYSBreakfast . Lunch . DinnerEl SperoSpecial Kids MenuFAMILY RESTAURANTThank You Oakville for Voting One of the Best...GREAT FAMILY DINING FOR OVER 38 YEARS!We have leagues for all ages Seniors Favourite - Diamond ay DBreakfast - Platinumlland skill levels. AFamily Restaurant - PlatinumMeet new people, have fun and compete Breakfast! all at the same time. Call for information.Also:Saturday Evening Special Birthday party packages, Glow in the Dark, Fundraisers,(served after 4:00pm)Corporate events, etc... well customize a package to t your needs.Roast Sirloin Beef w/ Yorkshire Puddingserved w/potato vegetableTHANK YOU OAKVILLE . . .$13.99#1 Winner in BowlingLocated in the HOPEDALE MALL3 years in a row!1515 Rebecca St. Oakville(905) 827-4281905.827.4851www.hopedalebowl.caMon.- Fri. 9am- 9pm, Sat. 8am-8pm, Sunday 8:30am-3pmhopedalebowl@bowlontario.caBronte Rd.3rd Line4th LineDorval7 Thursday, March 3, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com

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