Volunteers sought for annual Earth Week clean-up We are looking for people whobeen confirmed for clean up. or trail in your neighbourhood thatNew sites and co-ordinatorsOakville Community Centre forwant to help organize a clean-upThere are many more nature will need a good spring cleaning onfor the annual Earth Week clean-Peace, Ecology and Human Rightsin their neighbourhood this springsites that need our attention and April 16, said Dankowich.up are being sought by the(OCCPEHR).during Earth Week, saidshould be cleaned up as part of our It has come to our attention,OCCPEHR executive directorcommunity-wide effort to beautify thanks to the Parks Department,Stephen Dankowich.Oakville, protect and enhance the that there are several sites that We are very excited about ourlocal natural environment includ-really could use a clean up includ-20th annual Earth Week Clean Uping its flora and fauna, and get ing the area around Upper Middlewhich is scheduled for Saturday,more people doing something for Road and Third Line around theApril 16 from 9 to 11 a.m., saidthe benefit of the environment and plaza, Lancaster Woods at EighthDankowich.our health, said Dankowich.Line, Morrison Valley and the trailAlready 30 nature sites havePerhaps there is a ravine, park from Postridge to Trafalgar, NipigonTrail around Sixth Line and theDepend on the largestpipeline, and at the Fourteen Milewww..comDealer in the Golden HorseshoeCreek north of Upper Middle Road,he said. TO RECEIVE UP TO OCCPEHR tries to make theNOW OR NEVER $1690 IN GOVERN-MENT REBATE OFFER event as easy as possible.ENDS MARCH 31LAST CHANCEIt provides bags and gloves thatONLYare donated by the Town of Oakvilles$*Gas FurnaceParks and Open Space Department399096% EFF.and has posters for display andINSTALLEDPACKAGE INCLUDES:event newspapers to deliver to 96% High Effi 10 Years Factory Warranty ciency Two Stage encourage attendance at specific Variable Speed Gas Furnace*A fter Government, Aire One and Manufacturer 15.75 SEER High Effi ciency Rebates. Must have existing Furnace and A/CEER Sclean-ups. 5mbined. OAC..7*C all now for details. Offer cannot be co 5 Central Air R410A Refrigerant1Accessories excluded. Call us to see if you qualify.To register as a new site co-ordi-LIMITED TIME OFFERFurnacenator or volunteer at an existingWhile Supplies Lastdiagnostic service Only$clean up location, contact49OVER 60,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERSDankowich at 905- 849-5501, info@oakvillepeacecentre.org or by mail9 Locations To Serve You Better!to P.O. Box 52007, Oakville L6JA+ Rating905-849-49987N5.www.aireone.com 1-888-827-2665*Call Dealer for Detailswww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, March 3, 2011 22