Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 Mar 2011, p. 9

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Nearby residents oppose St. Luke's redevelopmentBy David Leaexcessive parking problems under the best of is a good idea in the long run and for our com-people in favour of the development, which was OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFconditions. Parking is possible and permitted munity, but the objections mentioned above presented to council on Feb. 14, because the on one side of the street only and such parking are our main concern. signatures in that petition are from St. Lukes Oakville residents living near St. Lukesis severely limited, she said.Black echoed these concerns about declin-parishioners.Anglican Church in Palermo are voicing theirSince the building of the Palermo School, ing property values stating that having a seven-Black said, most of the parishioners do no objections to the development proposed for theduring special events at the school, our streets storey retirement home next door would make live in the surrounding community and as such site.are overwhelmed by parked cars, legally and the homes on her street very difficult to sell.have no investment in the consequences to be The developer, Fram Building Group, isotherwise. During special church events and Springforest Drive resident Brian Barrett suffered by homeowners in the area.seeking a zoning bylaw amendment to allow aweekends with visitors to the retirement home also called the development plans ill conceived Black said she and the other residents seven-storey retirement residence to be builtfacility, this area will be a virtual parking lot. and again referencing increased traffic con-opposed to the development were not present on the western side of the property while theThe development plans do include parking cerns. at the Feb. 14 meeting because it was Valentine's eastern side would see the relocation of St.for both the church and the retirement home, Black said during the course of one after-Day and many of them had plans.Lukes Anglican Church within the same prop-but Black does not believe this parking will be noon and evening she was able to get signa-Ward 4 Town and Regional Councillor Allan erty and the development of a new parish hall. extensive enough to stop overflow onto nearby tures from 67 local addresses calling for a halt Elgar also said he told these residents that While no one objected to the project duringstreets.to the development plan.because it was Valentine's Day they didnt have a Feb. 14 council meeting, in which the subjectBlack was not the only voice of opposition. She said this petition is far more significant to come to the meeting as long as they submit-was discussed, several residents have sinceArea residents Kim and John Florence also than the petition bearing 121 signatures from ted their written comments to Town staff. voiced their concerns stating the developmentexpressed their opinion on the matter.would negatively impact the surrounding com-We would like to be very clear, we are not munity. in favour of this development and have some YoudFeelOldLivingAnywhereElseSpringforest Drive resident Cynthia Blackserious objections pertaining to the develop-objected to the development on a number of ment. In particular, the serious increase in Eventhoughyou'reactive,winterisn'tyourbesttimeoftheyear.grounds. She is particularly worried abouttraffic, access, safety, congestion (especially in what the addition of a retirement residencelight of the school traffic which we are all expe-Thisyearyoucanactuallyenjoywinterbydoingmorethanjustand a bigger church would do to parking andriencing now), parking for our residence itself, puttingintime.TheDelmanorexperienceisaboutdailyactivities,traffic in the area.overflow parking on our street), height of Springforest Drive and Cardross Court is abuilding, esthetics/lack thereof, and deprecia-plannedexcursionsandafocusonindividualempowermentallvery quiet and narrow street, consisting of tion of our home values, they said via e-mail.inacommunityofpeopletoobusytoactretired.Asamemberoftownhomes, which chronically experiencesWe do feel that having a retirement home theTridelGroupOfCompanieswecomebythatattitudehonestly.Joinus.Callusordropby,stayforcoffeeandtea.WellputspringTeamed up for destructioninyourstep. In an effort to help protect people fromCanada, which robs the Canadian economy identity theft, Halton Crime Stoppers andof more than $2.5 billion per year.Joinus...Shred-It have teamed up to help peopleOne of the best ways to protect yourself RSVP(905)469-3232toavoiddisappointmentdestroy sensitive documents safely.from identity theft is to shred any paper that 1459NottinghillGateThe two organizations will host fourhas your name and other personal informa-Fri.Mar.11-2:00p.m.(westofDorval,southofUpperMiddle)Community Shred-It events where peopletion, said Cal Millar, chair of Halton Crime St.PattysBidEuchrewill be able to bring unwanted privateStoppers, in a press release.Prizes,food&fun.papers or documents to be safely destroyedCriminals can use a few details collected in late March and early April around thefrom a discard utility bill or bank statement Wed.Mar.16-3:00p.m.region. This program is also in recognitionto fraudulently obtain credit cards, drivers MusicalSensationof Fraud Prevention Month.licenses, health cards or other forms of iden-FiddlestixIn Oakville, the event will happen attification in your name, he added. It can be Oakville Place Mall on March 26 from 9 a.m.a nightmare for anyone trying to repair the to 5 p.m.damage to their credit rating and reputation At the Shred-It events, Crime Stoppersafter becoming a victim of identity theft.will be asking people for a $5 donation forHalton Crime Stoppers is hoping its part-every shopping bag of personal papers ornership with Shred-It will not only increase $10 to shred the equivalent of a bankersthe awareness of identity theft and the crime box.that stems from it, but will directly protect According to the organization, identityresidents in this area from becoming vic-theft is one of the fastest growing crimes intims.Visitdelmanor.comforallourGTAlocations.KMT CONSULTING ASSOCIATES PROUDLY PRESENTSMarch Break &SummerComputer Camp Learn how to use your Blackberry, Facebook, Skype, Twitter, and SMARTBoards Innovative Technology Camps for Parents, Students and Teachersinterested in learning more about integrating technology into everyday life Learn how to complete assignments faster and more effi ciently with cutting edge technology. Learn how to use assisted technology to complete/administer theOntario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT EVENINGS COURSES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE.), IEPs and IPRCFor more information and to register, please visit our website at: www.kmtconsultingassociates.comor call647-234-53739 Thursday, March 3, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com

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