Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 11 Feb 2011, p. 7

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Letter to the editorRegional chair responds to editorialAs Halton Regional Chair, I take great excep-The 1.4 per cent total combined impact of tion to theOakville Beavereditorial from Feb. 9 the Regional services budget and the Haltonthat suggests the Region did not appropriately Regional Police Services budget was appropri-disclose the full impact of its 2011 budget for ately reported by the Region. taxpayers.The editorial also suggests that reporting theThe Region's media release about the 2011 tax reduction for Regional services was mislead-Budget contained complete and accurate report-ing because it did not include the budget foring of the impacts of the Region's budget. water and wastewater services. To clarify, waterIt is unfortunate that the Oakville Beaver didand wastewater services are not paid for by prop-not take the time to understand the Regions erty taxes.budget or the Regions accountabilities before Water and wastewater services are paid for bypublishing such inaccurate information.users, who are billed through the local hydroThe Beaver editorial provides me with an companies based on the volume of water theyJanuary 29 to April 10, 2011; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; RBG Centreopportunity to explain to residents how taxes for consume. The 4.1 per cent increase in water andRegional services, Police services, and water/wastewater rates reflects the cost of providingwastewater are determined.safe drinking water and sewage treatment to theExplore natures symphonyWild Music: Sounds & Songs of Life is a production of the Science Museum of On Jan. 26, Halton Regional Council unani-community. The impact of this budget was alsoImmerse yourself in the wild roots of Minnesota, the University of North Carolina mously approved a 0.2 per cent decrease in appropriately reported by the Region.at Greensboro and the Association of sound and music in this highly interactive, Science-Technology Centers. Original major property taxes for Regional programs and ser-Regional Council is very conscious of thefunding from the National Science family-friendly exhibit. Special activities vices. The budget for Regional services includes total tax impact on Halton households whenFoundation, with additional support from Harman International Industries, Inc. and things like curb-side pick up of garbage, recy-making decisions. As members of council, weeach day see www.rbg.ca.NEC Foundation of America.cling and GreenCart, ambulance services, social hear from our residents and know that increas-FUNDING PROVIDED BY:service programs like affordable housing, and ing taxes are a burden on residents and theirThe Charles H. Ivey the maintenance of Regional roads, etc. This is families. This is why, for the past two years,Foundationthe budget that Regional Council has control council has worked hard to ensure residents doover in determining how services are delivered not pay more for the Regional programs andYUBand what service levels are provided to the com-services they rely on.BECOME A MEMBERelinnGlass under GlassOamunity.I am proud of this achievement. This is onewww.rbg.cBuy or renew at www.rbg.caIt is precisely for transparency reasons that of the best records in all of Canada.Friday, January14 r1of2WINTERADMISSIONAdult: $10; Senior/Student:the Region separates the police budget from the The Regions budget process and budgettoSunday,February27exhibits$7.50; Child (age 5 to 12): $5.25; Family: $25; Regions. The Police Services Act does not per-reporting are open and transparent. If residents10a.m. to5p.m.; Child under age 5 and RBG members: FREEmit Regional Council to alter the police services have any Regional concerns or comments theyMediterranean Garden,RBG Centrebudget. Setting the police services budget is the would like to share, I encourage them to e-mailRBG Centre, 680 Plains Road West,responsibility of the Halton Region Policeme at gary.carr@halton.ca.Experience glass art in a glass house.Hamilton/Burlington 905-527-1158Services Board.Gary Carr, Halton Regional Chair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neAdmit O7 Friday, February 11, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com

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