Nuclear industry expert at Canadian Club Feb. 17The Canadian Club of Halton Peel will Conference & Banquet Centre at 2340 advises companies on developing plans toRegistration is at 6 p.m. followed by din-feature Dr. Neil Alexander, past-president of Ontario St. at the Bronte Outer Harbour access opportunities in the nuclear industry.ner at 7 p.m.the Organization of CANDU Industries (OCI) Marina on Power, Jobs and Life Itself A As part-time president of the Organization of Admission costs $30/members, $40/non-Feb. 17.Biography of Ontarios Nuclear Industry.CANDU Industries he represented themembers and $15/students. Reserve by con-Alexander is now president of Bucephalus Alexander is a senior nuclear industry Canadian nuclear supply chain at home andtacting or 905-827-Consulting and will speak at the Harbour executive, who through his organization, abroad.6302.The RegionalMunicipality of Haltonwww.halton.caNOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #2Sustainable Halton Water and Wastewater Master PlanMunicipal Class Environmental Assessment StudyBackgroundHalton Region has initiated a Regionide 5ater and 5astewater Master Plan to identify a preferred servicing strategy toaccommodate growth to the year 2031. This strategy will accommodate the 2031 population / employment and intensiation targets set out in the Places to Grow Act (2005). In accordance with this Act, the residential and employee population in Halton Region is expected to grow by 300,000 and 1 0,000 respectively.The study area for the Sustainable Halton5ater and 5astewater Master Plan (refer to map) includes -akville, urlington, Milton and Halton Hills (including Georgetown, Acton and the Highway 01 Corridor).Problem StatementTo develop a comprehensive strategy for providing water and wastewater servicing to existing and approved growth areas in Halton Region to 2031.The ProcessThis Sustainable Halton5ater and5astewater Master Plan will dee existing problems/opportunities, consider and evaluate solutions, and identify a preferred water and wastewater servicing strategy to the year 2031.A key component of the Master Plan involves consultation with interested stakeholders including the public, special interest groups and regulatory agencies. The study work plan provides for two rounds of Public information Centers (PICs) at four locations (onein each*ocal Municipality). At the st round of PICs held on May 2 /2 /31 and(une 2, 2010, the water and wastewater servicingconcepts under evaluation were presented.Since thest round of the PICs, the Region has completed a review of potential impacts on the natural, social and economicenvironments associated with each of the water and wastewater servicing concepts and alternatives that the Master Plan Studyhas identid. The review has resulted in the selection of preliminary preferred water and wastewater servicing alternatives. These preliminary preferred alternatives will be presented during a second round of PICs as shown in the following table:Public Information Centre LocationsThe PIC will be a dropn format and provide residents/interested parties with an opportunity toMunicipality"ateTime Locationreview and comment on the preliminary preferred alternatives. Representatives from the RegionHalton Regional Centreand its consultants will be present at the PICs to answer questions and discuss the next steps inTown of Oakville5ednesday, February 1 , 2011 :30 :30 p.m.1151 Bronte Road the study.(North Auditorium)7ou are encouraged to attend the PIC and provide your comments regarding the preliminaryAssumption High SchoolCity of BurlingtonThursday, February 1 , 2011 :30 :30 p.m.3230 5oodward Avenue preferred servicing alternatives as they will be considered inaliXing the recommended water(Cafeteria)and wastewater servicing strategy. Comments and information regarding this study are beingMilton Sports Centrecollected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and toTown of MiltonTuesday, February 22, 2011 :30:30 p.m.605 Santa Maria Boulevardassist the proHect team in meeting the requirements of the Class EA process. 5ith the exception(Banquet Hall)of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.Town of HaltonChrist the King High SchoolPlease contact either one of the following project team members if you have any questionsHills Thursday, February 2 , 20116:30:30 p.m.161 Guelph Street,(Georgetown)(Cafeteria)or comments related to the study, wish to obtain more information on the study or wish to beadded to the study mailing list:Mr. David SimpsonMr. Chris HamelAdditional information related to the study and consultation process may be obtained through 5ater Planning, Public 5orksProject Managerthe study RegionAECOMPhone: 0525000 Ext. 601105 Commerce4alley"rive5est, th FloorFax: 0525 22Markham, Ontario L3T 53Email: david.simpson@halton.caPhone: 05 562This Noticest issued on February 3, 2011.Fax: 05 6 Email: chris.hamel@aecom.comPlease let us know as soon as possible if you will have an accessibility or accommodation need at a Halton Region hosted event or meeting.1151 ronte Road, -akville, -ntario * M 3*1 k "ial 311 or 0525000 k Toll Free 1 2 k TT7 052 33 k OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, February 11, 2011 12110211