Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 14, 1971, p. 13

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thursday october 14 1971 the tribune pgt 13 phone 6402100 today wbttne classified ads u 24 hour service whitchurch stouffville mirlcham area 6402020 45 building trades and household directory j s taylor beating contractor phone sunffrllle 610180 furnaces oil burners 24tf duct systems- hot water boilers 45 building trades and household directory windows doors siding awnings railings free estimates stouffville i ie improvements ltd 6401891 50tf superior auto body collision repair refinishing 25tf stouffville 6403051 ken jones rr2 markham hwy 48 5 miles n markham typewriter and adding machine service all makes 23ti free pickup and delivery in town call 6102114 anytime erie hoover electric alterations repairs custom wiring electric heat hot water tanks new work 12tf ksj markham phone 6401591 49 pet stock supplies kennels deer hourds lor sale black and tan and walker hounds pups 9 wks old 6404261 brook designs builder custom carpentry additions alterations kitchens rec rooms 9xl free design 4 estimating claremont 6492839 dry wall bob wood sons dry wall insulation acoustic ceilings 8881135 47tf home improvement service painting decorating carpentry heinz blum rr- 1 stouffville telephone 6404712 after 4 pm 48tf h brown fencing con tractors all types residen tial commercial and indus trial fencing prompt ser vice expert installation for free estimate call 773- 4009 oak ridges 8tf r whittaker fencing contractor all types of farm fences 18tf for information call 8881753 or 8881746 bartdale excavating grading backhoe work trenching 2941870 174 or write box 180 markham farm fencing wire board pole rail dave king 7273983 18tf roshan kennels regd 22tf labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow dogs a cats boarded yearround accommodation claremont 6495336 50 miscellaneous canadian cancer society markham unit stouffville branch for information re garding patient ser vices films call stouffville president 6401507 service to patients s 403244 38tt 60 sales register auctions ter road j mile south of mount albert east gwil- limbury twp property of gordon harrison farm sold terms cash sale at 1 00 pm sold by number alvin s farmer phone 8375311 auctioneer 183 saturday oct 16 auction s3le of household furniture the property of john mclachan will be held in tne vilhg of can mngton cameron st w willis piano 9 oc dining room suite good settee 2 chairs platform rocker good antique chairs an tique dishes frig stove chesterfield gate leg table hall seat bedroom furni ture movie camera and e- quipment still camera wicker chairs qu of other furniture property sold terms cash sale at 1200 noon reg larry john son auctioneers ph 705 3573270 60 sales register auctions 53 personals i william e card jr will not- be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife nina conger card or her son gary joseph card as of this date october 7 1971 193 wilsons water wells ltd pumps sales service 8875337 27tf 46 gardening and supplies top soil and clean fill for sale by the load call jack beach 6402872 174 good quality top soil for sale delivered phone 640- 3903 for sale well rotted man ure for gardens and lawns by dump truck loads 895- 9461 or 8881712 12tf 48 groceries meats produce for sale feed potatoes john bos- worth potatoes ltd rr3 newmarket 8955422 19tf grapes for sale blue red snd green jim cowan mongolia 6403068 arts electric for all your electrical services 55 blake st 6404421 13tf free estimates all work guaranteed n may and f smith brick stone work fireplaces chimneys carpentry work 8527288 8tf 6403237 gale contracting home improvements general repairs fc alterations concrete floor finishing 13 church st markham 2912056 7tf apples for sale mcintosh and delicious phone 640- 1536 j m nighswander 54 legal notices for sale beef and pork delivered ready for the freezer carl reesor 640 3292 15tf 2 potatoes 100 per 75 lb bag john bosworth pota toes ltd rr 3 newmar ket 89955422 16tf oboyles abattoir beef ii pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer ah meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6401343 27tf notice to creditors and others in the estate of arvilla may forester spinster late of the town of whit church stouffville in the regional municipality of york all persons having claims against the estate of the above named deceased late of the town of whit church stouffville in the regional municipality of york spinster deceased who died on or about the 3rd day of june 1971 are required to file proof thereof with the under signed on or before the 22nd day of october ad 1971 after which date the estate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed dated this 23rd day of september ad 1971 george w barrett executor button armstrong 6 main street east stouffville ontario solicitors for the estate 183 saturday oct 16 clearing auction of anti ques household furnish ings old dishes antique pine pieces china cabinet oval extension table oil lamps reflector old bull violin in case antique bed quebec heater toilet set silverware amber wa ter pitcher antique odd chairs mantel clock an tique washer carpenter garden tools pair good snow tires and wheels rabbit cages power emery and power saw etc etc only a few items listed the property of oliver madill on 16th ave at markham- pickering town line u mile ne of lo cust hill 7 hwy sale at 1 pm atkinson wilson sale mgrs and auction eers 59 lost found lost in stouffville black and white collie male no collar bobby 6403955 strayed holstein hei fer in calf calf may be at side in the mongolia area denton brown phone 2940615 tuesday oct 19 auc tion sale of farm stock implements and furniture the property of the late leslie taylor lot 3 con 3 brock twp 14 mile south of blackwater 2 miles west or 3 miles east of leaskdale 22 head of high grade hereford cattle 7 cows calves by side good 2 steer rising 2 yrs 4 heifes 2 steers rising 1 yr 1 heifer rising 2 yrs 3000 bales of hay 1963 a ton chev truck rcconditioned motor nd new paint job skiwhiz snowmobile new in march only used a few hours mf 35 gas tractor ood mccormick no 64 combine pull type with motor mf mower ac spreader pto sedore snow blower full line of good machinery frig stove glass door pine cup board quebec heater chesterfield copper boiler qu of other furniture terms cash sale at 12 noon furniture sells first reg larry johnson auction eers phone 7053573270 gerald graham clerk vroomanton ladies will serve lunch the ranches inspected by a government veterinary before sale cattle sold in truck load lots 2 year olds yearlings calves approx a third of each please sell ers have your cattle in ei ther day before cr early thursday morning so we can have them grouped and tagged before 11 o clock woodville live stock auction sale arena located i miles east of woodville juit off 46 highway or 16 miles north and west of lindsay 193 60 sales register auctions ner full possession on completion of sale see posters for further details auctioneer clarke pren tice markham 6403686 202 cattle kawartha klassic 4th annual consignment sale aberdeen angus breeding stock from four prominent herds drynoch carlsway creditdac and mtm stock farm at pet erborough ontario satur day october 23rd 60 lots featuring bulls cows and calves bred heifers heifer calves and steers send for free catalogue to a c mc- taggart sale manager box 123 aurora ontario tel 416 7274923 183 custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross hetherington phone stouffville 6103033 32tf northern well drilling ltd and up wells apples potatoes squash turnip cabbage cauliflower broccoli brussel sprouts pepper leeks cooking onions spanish onions beets carrots parsnips etc 19tf goodwood gardens highway 47 ml east of goodwood 6101852 6402666 res closed mon thurs open frl sat sun thanksgiving 10 am 8 pm 60 sales register auctions auctioneers w d atkinson stouffville a s farmer phone gormley 8875311 reg johnson sunderland ont herongate country auctions every thurs day night 730 pm locat ed off no 2 highway 4 miles north on altona rd at rouge hill or 1 mile south of whitevale on altona rd a good selec tion of anitques modern furniture glass china appliances etc every week good consignments accepted henry kahn auction service phone 416 6686189 or 2940426 7tf al glenn phone 2945606 four seasons aluminum sales 22tf aluminum awnings aluminum windows railings doort evergreen sodding and landscaping home and yard cleanup rototilling gardening service and odd job free estimates phone s536460 or ss27707 4tf harpers fresh meats halves quarters of beef halves whole pigs cut and wrapped for your freezer 47tf all meat guaranteed and government inspected c4047i1 or 6402813 49 pet stock supplies kennels dalmatian puppies registered champion stock- call port perry 9357220 puppies for sale st ber nard mother 3500 phone s87550s collie pups six weeks old 2 00 each ph 294- 2640 beef type consignment auction sale at stouffville sales barn thurs oct 14 1971 at 730 pm 192 cows fresh calf by side stock heifers steers wednesday october 20 12 noon 100 holsteins gay- kare holstein dispersal for bruce acton rr 1 sunderland selling at the farm at victoria corners one mile east and 5 miles north of uxbridge on county rd 10b 85 regis tered 15 grade 50 milk cows 25 bred heifers 25 will be fresh or springing at sale time 30 carry ser vice to elmcroft pontiac chieftan ex st all from unit sires 18 by clipper extra 7 by per seus mark ivg extra 3 by shamrock perseus extra 12 by orchard vale 8 by chieftan ex etc a herd of big stiarp dairy cows and heifers sale at 12 noon lunch av ailable lloyd wilson and wd atkinson sale man agers and auctioneers saturday october 23 auction sale of farm stock implements and furniture also quantity of antiques ron bailey lot 19 cone 1 brock twp 2i miles south of blackwater or 1 mile north of saintfield nd 2 miles east 20 head of hereford and holstein cattle 9 cows with calves by side 2 steers 1961 chev ton truck good allis chalmers round bal er good condition viking electric cream separator cutter good 8 pc oak dining room suite glass display counter 2 antique box stoves cranberry hob nail shade hanging lamp victorian brass good cranberry pull down type hall light aladdin hanging lamp coal oil lamps 2 brass coach lamps plat form rocker 56 pc anti que dinner set hoover washing machine good hundreds of other antique dishes cruet sets cookie jars milk jug with monkey on back etc terms cash sale at 12 noon sharp fur niture will sell first reg larry johnson auction eers phone 7053573270 gerald graham clerk 202 saturday october 30 clearing auction of ant ique furniture farm im plements antique tractors and gas engine etc for the estates of the late clif ford and fred preston at lot 14 con 5 whitchurch twp being 7 miles se of aurora more details lat er sale 1 pm atkinson wilson sale mgrs and auctioneers 202 lemonville school community centre fine if price is right residents saturday oct 23 livestock machinery hay grnin some furniture the property o jack graziotto lot 21 con 4 third line twp cartwright one mile south and three miles east of biackstock including 2 tractors plow mower spreader baler snowblo wer 35 hend of young hol stein cattle 4000 bales hay 1000 bu mixed grain 1964 chev l ton pickup farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm ted spenceley grant werry auctioneers 202 dickie barber friend to everyone markham this area has lost one of its best known and most highly respected residents in the passing oct 8 of mr richard john dickie barber mr barber 81 died in markham lodge where he had been a resident following his release from scarboro general hospital about one month ago previously he had lived at milliken for a period of 25 years later moving to the village squire apartments main street markham dickie barber first covered his wholesale confectionery route by horse and rig he was commonly called the butterscotch man in spite of his busy schedule he always for the late melbourne had time to stop and pipher who passed lemonville while some residents are more enthusiastic than others an opinion poll conducted by the tribune among residents in the lemonville area indicates almost unanimous support for the purchase of the former school as a future community centre most however preface their remarks with for a price indicating the suc cessful bid should be within reason such was the comment by mrs grant wells an active worker with young people in the district mrs wells feels that a figure of 15000 is out of line particularly since some money will have to be spent on interior repairs and renovations the proposal seems to have generated con- siderable en thusiasm she said and if it tends to pull the community closer together then its an excellent idea she noted that up to now the church had been the focal point for most meetings and gatherings she ob served however that local folk had been most cooperative in opening up their homes when the need required a great idea said bruce burton he suggested that the propertys location on a private road should reduce its cost were very much in favor said mrs hans hirsch we should have something we can call our own its not always convenient to go into stouffville she said her main concern was how a community of so few people could be ex pected to raise the required amount of money also expressing agreement was mrs john mullen whose home is on the same private road as the school but some distance from it she said they were not concerned over traffic problems that might be created she praised the committee that had been organized to promote the centre idea theyre a hard working group she said mrs clifford winger world war veteran service was con ducted from the oneill funeral home on tuesday afternoon wednesday oct 20 auction sale of farm mach inery the property of the late bernard hall lot 3 con 7 mariposa twp 2 mile s 1 mile east of ma nilla just east of cress- well cockshutt 30 tractor cockshutt seed drill on rubber 115 disc cockshutt spreader 2 wheel on rub ber geo white threshing machine mccormick culti vator qu of farm machin ery approx 2400 field tile etc terms cash sale at 1 pm reg larry johnson auctioneers ph 705-357- 3270 gerald graham clerk saturday oct 23rd auction sale of good house hold furniture electric ap pliances movie camera screen projector trimmer dishes glassware silver ware bricabrac orna ments books bedding lin ens utensils garden lawn handymans tools numer ous home items effects etc property of john brass sr at part lot 32 33 con 7 pickering twp vh miles north of no 7 hwy from green river school corner see posters for full listings etc sale at 1 pm terms cash day of sale no reserve owner re turning to the united kingdom clarke prentice auctioneer markham 640- 3686 202 saturday oct 16 auction sale of farm stock implements 20 head of holstein a- shorthorn cat tle 60 hogs chunks and weaners 4 brood sows cockshutt tractor xo 35 threshing machine red ri ver 24x28 mil clipper combine 6 ft cut mccorm ick trailer power mower pto mh spreader cock- ihutt seed drill hay eleva tor full line of implements about 900 bus cats about 50 bus rye about 3000 bal es of hay about 500 bales straw qu household furn iture at lot 8 con 8 cen- saturday oct 23 1230 auction sale of farm stock implements and furniture including 22 cattle 6 reg istered holsteins 9 here ford sleers and heifers 6 cows milking and bred charolais hereford mc cormick w4 tractor me cormick rubber tired wa gon and rack new hol land hay conditioner case pto manure spreader cockshutt 3 furrow plow mccormick threshing ma chine mccormick 8 ft pto binder on rubber mccormick power mower hay elevator viking elec tric separator like new fb double disc numerous other farm items and c- quipment 3 antique bed room suites antique side board gramaphone 2 trunks antique lovescat antique spool cradlle rec king chairs toilet set 3 crocks antique dishes flour barrel hoo years old umcrous other items the property of george stew art 3 miles west of un- bridge on county rd 8 to rosevillc then south vn con 4 uxbridge twp to first farm sale at 1c30 furniture sells first lloyd wilson and w d atkinson sale managers ar auction eers 2u2 wednesday oct 27th by public auction 100 ac res approx 45 acres clear ed large valuable pulp- wood treed being of lot 1 con 1 twp of bcimont in county of pctcrboro vx miles south of no 7 hwy midway between havclock and marmora on tcwnline excellent hunting camp grounds and close to trent canal system property of e k lafountnc offered at 230 pm subject to re serve bid terms five hun dred cash day of sale bal ada fresh cattle jutt off i on 1st mortgage with ow- wednesday oct 20 auction salt of household furniture appliances an tiques books kitchenware iiouse utilities cupboards sink bathroom fixtures plumbings forced air oil furnace duckwork elec water heater garden tools misc articles etc also 6 room lj storey pine frame house garage poultry house barn for removal or demolition property ol mrs f h leaf part lot 9 con 4 markham twp on don mills rd j mile south of xo 7 hwy sale at 1 pm terms cash xo reserve property sold house utilities and build ings offered at approx 3 pm see posters for full listings etc clarke pren tice auctioneer markham 6403636 talk to friends along the way whether over the counter at a corner store or over a coffee at a neighborhood restaurant dickie barber loved flowers and whatever spare time he had was spent grooming his lawn and cultivating his garden while living in his markham apartment a special floral plot prepared by away at his home on rose ave stouffville saturday mr pipher was in his 77th year he was a veteran of the first war and had lived retired in town for a number of years coming here after the death of his brother the late clifford pipher he was born in whitchurch township a son of the late mr was and mrs john pipher the deceased was most superintendent for his active for his years personal enjoyment and his gardening and while residing in toronto he and his brian wretham wife the former blake wretham and marjorie bingham david barber gordon attended norway hughes and donald anglican church later rattle transferring their surviving besides membership to grace his wife are two sons church markham richard william bill the service monday of rexdale douglas e from the dixon ted of milliken and funeral home was two daughters jean conducted by rev mrs cecil wretham david peasgood with west hill and isobel interment grace mrs douglas car- church cemetery scallen weston rather than flowers it there are two sisters was mr barbers wish mrs marjorie pullin that donations be cambrae california forwarded to the heart and mrs elsie martin foundation brampton mr barber pall bearers were had eight grand- four grandsons children and one great michael barber grandchild stouffville fish chips fast takbour service i stouffville plaza said that while she could not give her personal approval to such activities as euchre parties in the proposed centre she would be pleased to support its purchase if that was the wish of the majority yes im in favor if the price is within reason said mrs donald lawson like some others she felt the campaigns ob jective of 15000 was a little high mrs w anderson duckett said that while her own family were now grown up she was still interested in the welfare of other peoples children i think a community centre would be a fine thing for the area and if not for that what other use is there she feels that ac commodation in the church is not adequate for all activities that could be promoted lik mrs winger hector worsfold said he would be pleased to go along with the wishes of the majority agxpxcmanaemsccgbbxaaagegep h keith limited realtor is pleased to announce that mrs adele armstrong is now their local representative mrs armstrong can be reached at 6401904 or 8875822 rxtritrrrrrrrsxjirrtmtrrttifi wexall household assistance endeared him to many of his neighbors the funeral service was conducted by rev douglas davis and rev john hamilton interment was made in lemonville cemetery mr pipher is survived by five nieces and two nephews ladies league stouffville may foord topped all competitors in the oct 7 schedule of the 7 oclock ladies bowling league she rolled a high single of 238 others with 200 and over were marny mclennan 219 dorothy barkey 210 linda blacktopp 206 shirley wright 203 marg wagg202 judy armstrong 200 audrey gibson 200 91st birthday congratulations to mrs sarah grubin formerly of church st stouffville and now a resident of parkview home on the occasion of her 91st birthday oct 22 dhlel now on at houstons pharmacy 1 main west stouffville 13th annual fall stocker sale thurs oct 21 at ii oclock in the morning o- vcr 120o head consigned by 52 farmers and ranch er this is ore of the best quality sales in can 64011732 chesebrough ponds j canada ltd requires permanent temporary operators for the afternoon shift 3 30 pm lo 1 1 30 pm please call mrs jones i 2943510 space for rent heritage plaa in the town of markham 1 northeast corner hway no 7 4 wooten way i one mile east of no 48 f climate controlled mall c 1 zoning i being built by home smith properties limited 35 old mill road toronto 18 for enquiries coll 2391191

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