thursdjy sept 9 1st the tribune page it phone 6402100 today wrthum classified ads the peoples marketplace for siouffville markham uxbridge and district 45 building trades and household directory 1 43 groceries meats produce for sale larkin construction trrorhinc lxravalin septic tanks installed and repaired stoqffvillr s402s7 ror salt- fresh jrwec corn for freezer ana corn carl recsor 640- 3292 151 for ae beef and pork delivered reudy lor the freezer car recsor 640- 3292 15tf custom osje and mdustb1al electhic wiring electrical ome heating ross hetherington phone stouffville c402033 32tf northern well drilling ltd 4 wells and up toronto 2971397 51tf nrwmarket 8952912 brlssel sprouts cauli flower cabbak cucum fcrs tomatoes iwppers eggplant lor sale- all in mnjsqii s jensen w3560 hwy 18 x mik north of hinjjwood 12tf o boyles abattoir beef 4- fork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer all meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6101343 27tf harpers fresh meats halves a quarters of beef halves whole pigs cut and wrapped for your freezer 47tf all meat guaranteed and government inspected 6404761 or 6402813 60 sales register auctions r40 auctioneer d atkinson stouffvillc a s farmer phone gormley 8375311 reg johnson sunderland ont herongate couitry auctions every thurs day night 730 pm locat ed olf no 2 highway 4 miles north on altona rd at rouge hill or i mile south of whitevale on altona rd a good selec tion of anitques modern furniture glass china appliances etc every week good consignments accepted henry kahn auction service phone u6 6686189 or 2940426 7u glenn phone 2945606 four seasons aluminum sales 22 tf aluminum awning aluminum windows railings doors h erown fencing con tractors all types residen tial commercial and indus trial fencing prompt ser vice expert installation for free estimate call 773- 4009 oak ridges 8tf evergreen sodding and landscaping home and yard cleanup rototilllng gardening service and odd jobs free estimates phone 8526460 or 8523707 49tf r whittaker fencing contractor all types of farm fences 18tf for information call 8881793 or 888176 apple picking festival every weekend at devins- llorton orchard 3 miles east of aurora follow signs pick your own from 20 varieties s300 per bushel a delightful family outing 8881738 153 49 pet stock supplies kennels greyhounds phone 6495986 4 months thoroughbred stmlliori s251no hunter foals ph 6495960 beagle puis six weeks purebred wormed phone 6404013 kit 1 ens bimtiful seal point 9 week old trained s2000 8523502 free to a good home border collie 8 years old excellent henlth good with children phone 884-2138- erle hoover electric alterations repairs custom wiring electric heat hot water tanks new work 12tf rr2 markham phone 6401591 typewriter and adding machine service all makes 23lf free pickup and delivery in town call 6402114 anytime 46 gardening and i supplies top soil and clean fill for sale by the load call jack beach 6402872 124 for sle well rotted man ure for gardens and lawns by dump truck loads 895 9461 or 8881712 12tf poodles toys and min iatures regd most colors all breed grooming pick up and delivery available 8875956 or 2971865 144 saturday sept 11 auction sale of household furniture 21 cubic ft gen oral deep freezer good condition and china cabi net electric thor washing machine wringer type ex tension dining room table with 5 leaves 5 pc kitchen set bedroom suite mc- cleary electric relrigcrator dishes radio cooking uten sils table lamp kroehler chesterfield antique full lhe furniture jars crocks in the village of zephyr frnpcrty of fred holsiock terms cash ale at 1 pm alvin s farmer phone 8875311 auctioneer 142 sales register auctions ture frame inultgrph printing machine blxk walnut ovk ehtre stove w hcr cement mixer books etc 1 nm nu re serve orval mclzan auc tioneer 324279 lindsay thoroughbred welsh mountain pony mare six years in excellent condi tion phone 8875562 or 8891081 dog obedience training classes will start mon sept 13 and wed sept 15 at 730 pm for informa tion phone forgctmcnot kennels 2971363 142 48 groceries meats produce for sale i2 potatoes s100 per 73 lb bag john bosworth pota toes ltd rr 3 newmar ket 8955422 plums for sale reine claude james cowan 1 6403038 lombard prunes mongolia organically grown vegetables and herbs otto rlchtcr sons ltd lo- cust hill nth line south of hwy 7 2941457 w roshan kennels regd 22tf labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow docs 4- cats boarded yearround accommodation claremont 6495338 saturday sept 11 auction sale of farm mach inery antique car and trucks furniture etc the property of the late gord on rynard lot 25 con 4 scott twp iv4 miles east of zephyr or 5 miles north of sandford ford dexta tractor tdicscl 2 ford tractors sawyer massey threshing machine 36x50 nh baler with motor dear born tiller 2 ferguson plows potato cutter plan ter dragger digger duster etc 2 antique turnip drills furnco grain box and wa gon full line of machinery acorn stable cleaner 340 ft cable used 3 yrs anti que cr oldsmobile 1931 1929 ford stake truck 1930 ford stake truck democrat cutter 2 buggies model a car engine box stove large oak roll top writing desk excellent condition pine cupbeurd- dough box horse shutters wooden churn rope bed iron pot many other antiques terms cash sale at 1230 furniture sells first reg larry johnson auction eers ph 17051 3573270 gerald graham clerk ze phyr ladle3 will servo lunch 142 thursday sciiu 16 auction sale i farm mach inery and household furni ture and log huue the pro lixly of the late hurley bitlcr lot 3 ci n 4 eldon twp i mile cast ef wood- ville li miles north an lique horse power buggy grandfathers rlock- wagon box and spring seat high wagon buggy wheels qu of scrap r c oak dining room suite wooden tele phone bedroom suites pump organ nd stool cop per boiler findlay oval tove clarion box stove cranberry pitcher ox yoke imwder horns china cabinet 7 pc toilet set good antique clock hells ntique childs rocker moustache cup cruet ap ple peeler hundreds of o- ther articles also offered for sile subject to reserve bid a log houso 20x30 terms cash sale at 1230 reg larry johnson auc tioneers ph 7051 357- 3270 gerald grrhom clerk saturday sept 18 clearing auction of wal nut and pine furniture oil lamps dishes crockery silverware glassware bed ding etc for mrs chas reddick in whitevale 5 miles cast of markhaml note this auction brings to a close one of the oldest homes in tile district more details later make this sale a must sale 1 pm property sold atkinson and wilson sale mgrs auctioneers 133 saturday sept 18 auction sale of household furniture large number of antique articles dining room suite china cabinet moffntt electric stove 3 continental beds irid mat tresses 39 stereo record player and radio 4 ft ca binet cut glass cranberry glass carnival glvss gard en tools russian lace grcn ilutcd bowl mous tache cup and shaving mugs will be sold at 21 essex ave thomhiu 4 mile west ot yonge st of no 7 hwy second st east of bayvicw the property of n d hicks terms cash sale at 1200 noon sharp alvin s farmer phone 8875311 nuctliitecr 152 50 miscellaneous canadian cancer society markham unit stouffvillc branch for information re garding patient ser vices films call stouffvillc president 6401507 service to patients 403244 saturday sept 11 extensive auction sale of heated swimming pool camper trailer contractors workmen handyniens builders equipment tools riding lawn mower house hold furniture antiques suites dishes glassware u- tensils large quantities of misc home articles etc all of private parties and estates consignments at prentices auction yards 48 hwy 115 miles north of town of markham sale at 1 pm no reserve terms cash day of sale see post ers for full listings clarke prentice auctioneer mark ham 6403686 142 3btf 51 transportation taxis ride wanted from altona to early morning bus go train or city 6403904 fresh vegetables in seaion buy direct from grower for freshness and quality quality guaranteed goodwood gardens goodwood 6404852 lllfhwar 47 k ml cast of goodwood new iiolrs cemmcnclnc srpl i men thur it7 frl son 109 1su 59 lost found saturday sept 11 auction sale of household furnishings including 9 pc walnut dining room suite bedroom suites fleetwood television mcciary refrig erator findlay combina tion wood electric stove eatonia washing machine oak table chairs rocking chairs kitchen cabinet oc casional chairs picture frames dishes 12 pc set of english china antique bells and many other arti cles the property of mrs frank hardy 194 brock st west in uxbridge sale at 1 pm terms cash lloyd wilson and w d atkinron sale managers and auc tioneers saturday sept 18 auction sale at 100 pm nt the mt albert community rarx tiectric slave refri gerator propane gas stove woshing machine desk hall table lamps picture fram es garden tools sponsored by mt albert and district lions club 152 ontario department of lands and forests auction sale of firearms a sale of firearms and other related items will be offered to the highest bid der on saturday septem ber 18th 1971 commencing it 100 pm prospective buyers may iew the items on thurs day september 16th and friday the 17th 900 am 900 pm and on satur day september 18th from 00 am to 1100 am the viewing and sale will held at the district office of the department a lands and forests which is located m mile north of ihe maple sideroad on the ast side of duffcrin street 152 saturday sept 111 auction sale at 11 am of furniture antique items 1925 ford car including various pine sideboards cupboard mirrored and glass door top solid end e keswick high back oak bed wlthilarge assortment of near matching dresser wlthjnew household furniture long mirror side drawers appliances including 21 cu auction sale sat sept 11 pollard auction barn lost black siamese cat answers to name bobo green eyes white mark on chest 6403149 lost vicinity stouffvill veterinary clinic black tt white persian male name boots childs pet reward 2971101 weekend visitors with mrs russell weatherbee com mercial street were mr and mrs john weatherbee bay ridges mr and mrs raymond- patterson highland creek and mr and mrs wayne peterson and family scarboro and washstand pine tables chests of drawers nursing rocker high chair very old chicken coop and spin dle back chairs dough box toilet items number of old pictures and picture fram es various other pine it- cms misc dishes glass ware garden tools etc large brown bear ikln for the estate of the late a a lex mackenzie 23 mack enzie st woodbridgc cor ncr of islington ond no 7 hwy parking at wood- bridge arena lot tcrmi caih cord orr auction ccr 8336360 tuesday sept 14th auction sale ot antiques furniture eilitc of late roy maybee cannlngton behind restaurant side board tabic heds drcmen wehtand trunk an tique clock upright piano 8 tier tectlonal bookcase lamp basin and pit cher lets nntlqut coal oil lamp blanket boxca dl- he rocker crock pie- ft chest freezer frlgldalre refrigerator 30 mcciary clcc range 21 rca port- oblc tv eurcki vacuum hoover spin dry washer clcc dryer ge console tv walnut bedroom suite with t mr mrs dresser and mirror ccaar chest swivel 5 dc chrome set ovul rug floor polliher nlo wringer wbhcr sectional and bed chesterfields ninrj pong tabic power mower kitch en dishes and utensils girls bicycle bedding quilt etc mny other or- tlclcs too iumerou to mention note above articles all high quality ard in a new condition lnrge aalc must tart promptly rcglitcr early on dijplay from 10 am sale time 1130 pm term eaah stan pollard auctioneer 711illt auction sale complete machinery inventory the property of morris yacoob located ox no 36 hwy at the north east corner of lindsay across from union carbide plant sat sept 1 1 sale time ida sharr giving ip farming list of eqiipment tractors m moline model m5 75 hp diesel tractor fully equipped willi ptops 3 p hitch live hd 1200 hours nuffield model 46j 65 hp 4 cyl diesel tractor ex cellent shape low hours international model 430 row crop model comp lete with loader and hy draulic buckets and 3 p hitch massey ferguson 35 diesel tractor new overhauled motor complete with massey ferguson loader m moline 4 14 3 p hitch semimounted plow with trip beam and notched coulters massey ferguson three furrow 14 3 p hitch trip beam plow massey ferguson 12 3 fur row trip beam plow 34 tooth triple k cultivat or nine foot international 3 p hitch dee tillage ult 11 3 p hitch george white cultivator cockshutt 4 row 3 p hitch adjustable corn or row crop cultivator with in dividual gage wheels international 16 run fertil izer drill with all attach ments like new international 4 row corn planter 3 p hitch model 185 adjustable allpur pose unit hay equipment new holland model 68 pto international 7 hay con ditioner international t power mo wer massey ferguson ilolobar rake new holland hay elevator with 1 hp moor six bale stooker three timkcn bearing i ton hay wagons with rrcks corn equipment new idea 2 row picker sheller witli separate husking unit low hours separate huskng unit new- four 120 bushel steel grin boxes on four am live ton timkcn bearing wa gons 35 pto or motor driven 6 portable auger 28 combination hay ond grain elevator 1 hp mo tor 4 21 grain auger model 400 continuous and automatic mathews corn and grain dryer 100 bu shels per hour capacity fox forage harvester with one row corn head and extra tine cut attachment for hnylagc fox high lift pto forage blower two new 16 fox self un loading wagons two bea ters and one bunk feeder attachment for above these arc on george white seven ton axle wa gons and adjustable ton gues mc forage harvester for direct cut in o grazing 16 trailer with racks miscellaneous peerless 114 ton capacity rolnmix pto driven mill in new condition with magnet attachment international pto spread er model 140 140 bushel capacity with new chain new farm hand mix mill 2 ton capacity 20 ham mer mill 3 extr screens massey ferguson 28 plate 3 p hitch disk new holland 90 busnel pto spreader 3 p hitch 100 gallon weed sprayer no reserve terms cash no reserve w r bud mckee auctioneer 73 pottlncer st lindsay ontario 3242472 most of this equipment is less than five yrs old and well maintained please try to attend paul steffler rrl milliken recently completed a longdistance bicycle trip travelling 1800 miles to northern new england and the maritimes paul a grade 13 student at thornlea secondary school was accompanied by staff teacher jay holdsworthy markham fair grant not automatic claims council auction sale for lloyd bectty lot 29 con 3 rich mond hill former markham twp be ing south of aurora on 11 hwy to gorm- ley- stouffville rd then east to 3rd con south 14 miles to farm sat sept 1 1 commencing at 1 pm the following 14 young beef cows proba bly all with calves by idc at sale time 7 yearling beef heifer 3 yearling tccf itccra 5 holjtcln hei fers bred januaryapril 5 holitcln heifer 1c18 mthi open 2 holitcir heifer 810 mth reg hereford bull born june 22 1s69 3 good tractor john deere 620 3 ph live hydraulic upto power tccring john deere 2010 3 pm lpto power cerlng john deere s30 3 ph live hydraulic l pto markham if the executive on the markham pair board wish to obtain their annual 400 grant from markham town council theyll have to ask for it this members agreed tuesday when the figure was placed before them councillor murray henderson wanted to know where or from whom the request had come but no one including the clerk seemed quite sure mr henderson said he disliked the idea that such payments should be automatic they should come to us he said i councillor roy muldrew said the amount to his knowledge had never been approved by the finance committee cancel pheasant shoot mayor anthony roman recommended the matter be shelved until the fair board could be contacted councillor muldrew disagreed let them contact us he said no action followed mrs andrew green passes at parkview stouffville a lifelong resident of the area mrs andrew green passed away saturday in her room at parkview home mrs green 80 was born near mongolia and lived in the community all her life she was active in the united church the funeral service was conducted monday with rev carter officiating assisted by mr arthur brodie pall bearers were gordon tarr elmer harris lambert stouffer richard neville bert tapscott and elmer lewis mrs green was buried in siouffville cemetery she is survived by her husband sons don and kenneth and one daughter mrs doug neville pitcher top batter stouffville stouffvilles peewee pitcher howie jones literally exploded with his bat in a league playoff game against markham in four trips to the plate he belted a triple a double and two singles stouffville won 153 every member of the team had at least one hit kevin morley was hot on the heels of his mound mate with three jim wideman fired a 4hitter on the stouff ville hill markham there will be no pheasant hunt in markham this fall council members agreed tuesday that much of the area was now too populated to permit the con tinuance of this annual shoot it was agreed too that the majority of problems stemmed from this practice now no licences will be issued until later in the fall possibly nov 1 and of these only 200 will go to non residents win hey kids cash prize the first week of school 2 winners 1 boy and 1 girl power steering equipped with john deere 45 loader selling complete good line of tillage haying and harvesting equipment clay silo uiiloadcr with 5 hp motor set up for 14 silo will handle up to 20 silo with added augers even how ensilage distributor craft bulk milk cooler 2280 lb capacity igood cord john deere 10 hammer mill 50 endless belt 34 extension ladder 2 horse cutters electric dc- foggcr dike new number of the uiinl farm misc it ems lomo household furn iture including mendelsohn piano tcrm cah day of sale farm i told lunch booth neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be reponibe for accident or property ion ernie severn auctioneer r r 1 aulton phone 4j5747ac 70s just till out a coupon and deposit it in the counter box see our great range of school supplies some are listed below binders rulers paper pens tang covers mod pencil cases slide rules math sets graph paper tribune office supplies phone 6402100 main st stouffvillc student cyclist to coast buttonville a trip to the maritimes on a bicycle is a pretty ambitious un dertaking especially when you detour through the northern united states to see the green mountains paul steffler 17 recently returned from such a jaunt he was gone six weeks riding his french 10speed gitane his com panion jay hold sworthy returned last week down through new york vermont maine and new hampshire the two cyclists en countered persistent rain they spent a few wet days in nova scotia and prince edward island as well the travellers usually slept in a tent pitched in someones field or in a provincial park but on several occasions they were driven to seek sturdier shelter in spite of this paul is enthusiastic it was great he said theres really no better way to see the country pauls return trip was cut short by an attack of influenza so he and his bicycle returned from fredricton by train he estimates they covered about 1800 miles living in a world of hurt with more snow than programme on channels 2 3 4 6 7 9 11 17 19 or 29 or no picture at all more than 1500 tv antenna systems in this area indicate a lack of acceptable quality and ample snow we quarantee maxi mum reception for life of our antenna systems call today for the whats wheres whens whys and hows get the facts or suffer all winter with snow birds from si 00 to s200 installed and guar anteed courtaty evaluation test by raquait call today your antenna specialist inegard k antinha m trade in your om antenna and get 10 dlicourt pott oftie sttmt ksormley 8875713