thursday sept 2 iwl the ribune page 9 phone 6402100 today wrthum s classified ads the peoples marketplace for stouffville markham uxbridge and district 5 building trades and household directory dry wall bob wood sons drywall insulation aeousc ceilings tttlus 7t home improvement service painting decorating carpentry heinz blum rr 41 stouffville telephone 6101712 after 4 pm 48tf 45 building trades and household directory typewriter and adding machine service all makes 23tf free pickup and delivery in town call 6j0i1h anytime wilsons water wells ltd pumps sales service 27tf arts electric for all your electrical services ss blake st 6404421 131 free estimates all work guaranteed n may and f smith brick ii stone work fireplaces chimneys carpentry work 8527288 8lt 6403237 a larkbn kivnri construction trenchlnff excavatinc septic tanks installed and repaired stouffville 6402877 u custom omk and dustbiax elsfctbic weehng electrkml home neatlnn 46 gardening and supplies top soil and clean fill for sale by the load call jack beach 64c2872 124 for sme well retted man ure for gardens and lawns bv dump truck loads 895- 9461 or 8381712 12tf 48 groceries meats produce for sale clapps favorite pears duchess apples also white kittens free to rood home phone 8875367 2 potatoes 100 per 75 lb bag john bosworth pota toes ltd rr 3 newmar ket 8955422 50 miscellaneous storage building for rent 000 sq ft on two floor baliamrae 2944330 evenings canadian cancer society markham unit stouffville branch for information re- gardng patient ser vices films call stouffville president 6401507 service to patient 403244 a 38tf 51 transportation taxis wanted ride or stu dent t resdale area from gormlcy phone 8875240 ride wanted ltm ahona to ci rlv morning bus go train or city 6103904 60 sales register auctions rides available to toron to and back business hours times flexible with in reason call collect dave stacey 4371043 sutton 59 lost found organically grown vegetables and herbs otto richter sons ltd lo cust hill 11th line south of hwy 7 2941457 brussel sprouts cauli flower cabbage cucum bers tomatoes peppers eggplant for sale all in season s jensen 6403560 hwy 48 4 mile north of ringwood 12tf harpers fresh meats halves quarters of beef halves 4 whole pigs cut and wrapped for your freezer 47tf ah meat guaranteed and government inspected 6404761 or 6402813 ross hetherington phone stouffville 6402033 32tf northern well drilling ltd 4 wells and up 51 tf toronto newmarket 2971397 8952912 gale contracting home improvements general repairs alterations concrete floor finishing 13 church st markham 2942056 7tf alcan siding al glenn phone 2945606 four seasons aluminum sales 22tf aluminum awnings aluminum windows railings doors oboyles abattoir beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer all meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6401343 27tf fresh vegetables buy direct from grower for freshness and quality quality guaranteed goodwood gardens goodwood 6404852 highway 47 mi east of goodwood open daily 10 am 9 pm fri sun holiday until 10 pm 8tf lost small white toy poo dle answers to the name of winter family pet re ward 6492574 60 sales register auctions auctioneers w d atkinson stouffville a s farmer phone gormley 8875511 reg johnson sunderland ont herongate country auctions every thurs day night 730 pm locat ed off no 2 highway 4 miles north on altona rd at rouge hill or 1 mile south of whitevale on altona rd a good selec tion of anitques modern furniture glass china appliances etc every week this week a collec tion of approx 200 earth enware crocks good con signments accepted henry kahn auction service ph 416 6686189 or 2940426 7ti h brown fencing con tractors all types residen tial commercial and indus trial fencing prompt ser vice expert installation for free estimate c3ll 773- 4009 oak ridges 8tf evercreen sodding and landscaping home and yard cleanup rototilling gardening service and odd jobs free estimates phone 8526460 or 8523707 49tf r whittaker fencing contractor all tvpes of farm fences 18tf for information call 8811753 or ms17fc baling hay straw cut raked baled bundled claude kerr ringwood stouffville 6401375 erie hoover electric alterations repairs cuitom wiring electric heal hot water tanks new work 12tf bk markham rllone 6i0is51 49 pet stock supplies kennels pups for sale part collie 5500 each 6492317 fox terrier pups 10 wks black and white healthy resl sharp s2500 phone 2938734 poodles toys and min iatures regd most colors all breed grooming pick up and delivery available 8875956 or 2971865 144 thur sept 2 730 pm monthly dairy cattle auction sale era deep freezer good condition and china cabi net electric thor washing machine w i inger type ex tension dining room table with 5 leaves 5 pc kitchen set bccsrooiv suite mc- cleary electric refrigerator dories- radio cooking uten sils table lamp krochler chesterfield antique full lin furniture jars crocks in the village of zephyr froperty of fred holstock terms cash ale at 1 pm alvin s farmer phone 8875311 auciianeer 142 saturday sept u auction ale of farm mach inery antique car and trucks furniture etc the property of i he late gord- rynard h 25 con 4 scoti twp i miles east if zephyr or 5 miles north of sandford ford dexla tractor ulieseli 2 ford tractors sawyer massey lhieshin- machine 36x50 nil baler willi motor dear born tiller 2 ferguson plows potato cutter plan ter draggcr digger riusler etc 2 antique turnip drills furnco grain box and wa- goh full line of machinery acorn stable cleaner 340 ft cable used 3 yrsi anti que car loldsmobile 1931 1929 ford stake truck 1930 ford slake truck democrat cutter 2 buggies mudel a car engine box stove large ak roll top writing desk excellent condition pine cupboard dough box horse shutters wooden churn rope bed iron pol many oilier antiques terms cash sale at 1230 furniture sells first reg iarrv johnson auction eers ph 705 3573270 gerald graham clerk ze phyr ladies will serve lunch 142 driver watches station wagon go up in flames saturday sept 11 extensive auction sale of heated swimming pool camper trailer contractors workmans handymans builders equipment tool riding lawn mower house hold furniture antiques suites dishes glasswrrc tnsils inrjfe quantities of misc home articles etc all ol private parlies and estates consignments at prentice auction yards 48 hwy li miles north of town of markham sale at 1 pm fo reserve terms cash day oi sale see post- rs for full listings clarke prentice auctioneer mark ham 6403686 142 132 stouffville sales barn wednesday sept 8 auction sale of farm stock implements hay small quantity of furniture the property of fred marshall lot 9 con 2 mariposa twp 3 miles south of little bri tain and 2 miles west or vt mile south of sonyo and 3 miles cast 2 cows calves by side langus and here- iord 4 angus heifers 2 yrs open i pb angus bull heifers and bull are from ep taylors herd 2 year lings angus and charolaisi 2 saddle mores with colts by side good to ride 2500 bales of hay ac tractor d10 ac plow ac cultiva tor ac double disc 1965 h ton truck mccormack wa gon and rack etc 1 sow due time of sale 2 sows ready to breed owner gi ving up farming terms cash sale at 1 pm reg larry johnson auctioneers ph 705 3573270 gerald graham clerk saturday sept 18 clearing auction of wal nut and pine furniture oil lamps dishes crockery silverware glassware bed ding etc for mrs chas roddick in whitevale 5 miles cast of markham note this auction brings to a close one of the oldest homes in the district more details later make this sale a must sale 1 pm property sold atkinson and wilson sale mgrs auctioneers 133 adorable sfsmesc seal- point kittens for sale 8 weeks old 3 males left 25 each call evenings 619- 5760 dog obedience training classes will slart won sept 13 and wed sept 15 at 730 pm for informa tion phone forgetmenot kennels 2971363 14 rosiian kennels regd 22tf labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow docs cats boarded yearround accommodation clarcmonl s4953u 50 miscellaneous top quality stable ha space available for toard- ing horses especially young riders excellent in struction and facilities gormley 2943328 saturday sept 4 auction sale of farm im plements and furniture 1958 allis chalmers tract or new rear tires new en gine with loader and dra per 1949 ford dump truck with hoist and new engine llis chalmers 3 furrow plow 3 plh allis chalm ers 2 furrow plow bale el evator with motor grain auger 8 ft ihc power mo wer side delivery rake cultivator lull line of fair implements about 200 ba les of old straw quantity of furniture some antiques at lot 3 cone 4 whit church i mile north of gormley on don mills rd property ol mrs grace- evans sale at 1 p m al vin s farmer auctioneer phone 8875311 auction sale sat sept 4 antiquk household furniture the estate of the late miss hudson thornhill highway 7 ji mi e of yonge st china cabinet trunks china dolls stirling picture irames collections of stamps flags postcards collectors items in china limoc sevres brass sil ver wrought iron bed drop leaf table oak wardrobe chests of draw ers brass lamp qu of old prints books magazines umbrellas tea caddies flat irons sealers qu of cloth ing tl920 in as new condi tion hangins whatnots coal oil lamps qu of gar den tools elec supplies lso range tv refrigera tor above being on ly a portion of hundreds of nail antique articles to be offered at this estate sale 132 sale time 1230 pm jtcrms cash stan pollard auctioneer 7223112 howard hunter right of belhaven watches grimly while his ford station wagon goes up in flames the vehicle caught fire on don mills road south of victoria square and was completely destroyed mark niblett town conservation area a haven or hangout residents wonder dined with prime minister stouffville whats the true story on reported oc currences in the- area- of stouffvilles flood control dam between church and edward streets is it really the greenbelt haven it was meant to be or a hangout for kids with nothing to do nearby residents would like to know so would the police all summer there have been rumors and rumblings of teen gatherings in the area but frequent visits by officers have revealed nothing more than a few lads enjoying a skinnydip in the manmade lake to cool off the latest episode around 2 am aug 18 had police on the scene again but as soon as the lights of the cruiser were spotted the crowd dispersed there was evidence however that someone had been injured a considerable amount of blood was visible on the ground one church street resident said the screams of a girl were so laud it woke him up others were similarly startled it is believed that a companion accidentlly fell off the dam abutment into the ater and was feared drowned one informant told the tribune that several of the people were high on drugs at the time editors mail measure kart noise auction sale for lloyd beatty lot 29 con 3 richmond hill former markham twp sat sept 1 1 comnirnclnc at 1 pm thursday sept 9 auction sale of household furniture the property of the tote thomas honning- en vill be held in the vil lage of seagraye isimcoe st eam refrigerator bar ber chair dining room tab le 2 pine cupboards fgluss terms dtmr- coal rockci wash stands parts veris ng ol toilet sets 4 antique ymall glass lamp shades bra candle holders cu- ckmi clock dressers bookp rocking chairs dishes etc tmm terms cash sato at 1 pm beg and larry johnson auctoneers vh 7g5i 35- 32to gerald graham clerk- the sale offers 50 head of cattle 3 john deere trac- haying harvesting equip ment craft bulk milk cooler 22p0 lb cap ome household furniture mis items cah day of sale ron and bra- bed farm i sold il lamps wicker directions and further ad- pext week ernie severn auctioneer rr 1 alliton saturday sep u auction sate of household furniture 21 cubic ft- gen- all progress is based upon a universal in nate desire on the part of cvey organism to live beyond its in come samuel butler dear sir please let me clarify what seems to be a misunderstanding by your paper concerning the activities of pollution probe and the canadian en vironmental law foundation in ux bridge township these voluntary organizations jointly provide a noise complaint service which attempts to give information and ad vice to anyone in terested in or troubled by noise on sunday 13 june 1971 1 took sound level measurements at the goodwood cartways gocart track on the second concession road in uxbridge township this was done at the request of the bell family owners of the track who wished to know if their machines con formed to the local bylaw my advice to them was that while most of their gocarts came within the bylaw limit of 90dba ai 75 ft a minority of them did not i suggested that they improve their noisiest machines and tnen seek another possibly more official sound level measurement on sunday 25 july i was again on the second concession road this time at the request of and on the property of mr g lauterbach the go- cart noise near his house measured in excess of 60 dba during parts of the afternoon patricia f reed noise complaint service fastball results stouffville tonight thursday markham will come to stouffville to play the juniors in fastball action at the same time greenwood will be in pickering rounding up fastball activity greenwood and markham battled to a 55 draw whitby over greenwood 53 victoria square topped whitby 62 victoria square winning 90 in a defaulted game against markham markham shutout claremont 200 and whitby squeezed out stouffville int 76 redhead she sure gave you a dirty look blonde who redhead mother nature stouffville danny roy is a much- travelled gentleman on his current visit to canada which makes a total of 14 he spent some time visiting his daughter mrs sheila mccleod of stouffville mr roy 81 is a civil engineer and described himself as semiretired my son runs the business now he said i just putter around pretending to do things the highlight of this visit was mr roys participation in the calgary stampede he was one of the earliest members of the stampede in 1912 danny roy rode in the parade as a member of the canadian light horse guard this year he had a special invitation and ended up eating breakfast next to prime minister pierre trudeau not content with merely seeing the calgary stampede mr roy made a tour of the new england states during his 10- week visit he is keenly interested in soccer and claims to have visited every playing field between calgary and new york city in his home town of sterling scotland he is a director of the local soccer club danny roy may be back again next year as he will receive another special in vitation to the 60th anniversary of the stampede well see how it works out he said space for rent heritage plus a north east corner 7 and wooton way home smith properties ltd direct rental enquiries to 3630195 visit england mr and mrs john nigh watson drive have returned from an enjoyable trip to england they were accompanied by mr and mrs rod torrance and julie markham rr i while overseas they called on mr and mrs ben talbot and bill formerly of ninth line north and now living near oxford falls coming on summers almost gone and the snow birds looking for a permanent winter home on your present antenna installation check closely youll see him on practically all tv channels be ready to enjoy this winters new programs now install a special snow bird trap by winegard antenna systems engineered guaranteed for color including black white vhfuhf installed fall specials 40 tower cb35 aerial accessories 9995 cb35 aerial accessories 4995 40 tower cb38 deluxe aerial 50 elements rotor accessories 19995 cb38 deluxe aerial accessories 9995 courtesy evaluation test by request call today flntl stbt1mb trade in your old antci na and gpt10 dlscoiu 4 post office street igormley 8757 summer is here dont start that trip without first stopping at our ser vice department and having your car thoroughly checked we have the latest in tune up test equipment i the allen ironic analyser takes the guess work out of tune ups the most modern method to maintain peak engine efficiency neil patrick motors ltd jast west of tht new sloulmik shopping ctalrs powtiac min su west sumfftifls 40m50 buicx acadian gmc