page the tribune thursday just 24 1971 mr and mrs jas weir congratulations from the queen markham the home of jim and nellie weir 4 erlane avenue markham is a floral beauty spot inside and out mr weir enjoys wonderful success at raising roses mrs weir loves african violets on june 15 they shared all this plus many wonderful memories with close to 200 old friends good neighbors and family relatives the occasion was their diamond wedding anniversary while dozens of cards enhanced their interior of their living room a most j treasured keepsake was a telegram from her majesty queen elizabeth others were received from prime minister pierre trudeau premier wm davis mp barney danson and john diefenbaker s both are natives of p the malvern area mr weir the son of john j weir and mrs weir the former nellie hall daughter of mr and mrs john hall mr weir a onetime champion football player will mark his 90th birthday next december hes an avid euchre player r they attend st an- r drews united church in markham the celebrated j couple have seven children four sons 1 neil of bradford jack blake and chester of unionville and three daughters peggy mrs harold lawrie markham ruth mrs f norman pike s brampton and nancy r mrs wm mccowan t pickering there are j 25 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren the tribune is j pleased to add its congratulations to the many already v received and wish both many more 2 years of health and happiness together decoration j day june 27 by ruth hutchings green river the annual memorial day service bruns- wick cemetery is june 27 with service in the church at 3 pm the evening worship j has been cancelled i sympathy is ex- tended to the family of the late mrs l levett in her recent passing 5 more than 40 persons attended the fun night at the church june 17 several from here attended the shower for david hawthorne and his fiancee in the r atha community centre june 18 the combined sunday school picnic for whitevale and green river will be sprite british engineered trailers m w is the sprites built by worlds largest trail er manuf offer light weight rigid steel frame coil springs shocks automatic brakes fiber glass insul 5 foam scats stainless steel sinks 3 burner stoves gaselectric fridges th 400 1995 ideal for compacts th alpine 2520 incl recirc toilet the musketeer 2750 safe at any speed 48hy4nf47 bob ellis trailer sales mall slonfftllle bos s phone 603416 bank financing available mr and mrs james weir erlane avenue markham celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary june 15 they received many messages of congratulations including a telegram from the queen jas thomas welcome church members by lillian jamieson balsammt zion five young people were welcomed into the congregation of mt zion united church sunday they were mary and holly allbright ruth and held june 30 at the greenwood con servation area supper will be served at 830 pm ann hoskins and lorraine carson mrs iva mclntyre of manilla visited for several days recently with mrs lewis jones mr and mrs bur nett jamieson and mr and mrs donald jamieson attended a 25th wedding an niversary for mr and mrs elmer jamieson islington mr richard day a resident at lakeview manor beaverton was able to attend a picnic supper sunday with mr and mrs cliff martin and mrs day the way kids wear their hair now you dont give your son money for a haircut you take him to three barber shops and get estimates business directory licensed public accountants chiropractors william allen chartered accountant po box gg4 go tindale kcl stoultville out phone 6101832 bregman sharpley co chartered accountants 22 main st w stoultville ontario resident partner s kusatz ca tel giomm 9611370 toronto line leonard r rosenberg associates chartered accountants 84 yomjc st s aurora telephone 8847110 james turnbull chartered accountant box 369 rri unlorivillc residence 2972175 j s delaurier dc 201 slain street west stoultville ontario office hours by appointment only monday to saturday telephone 6403562 ontario land surveyors d h black ontario ijuhi surveyor 310 painted post dr corner of markham rd scarborough ont phone office 2825283 res 2821508 wm s baird dc chiropractor by appointment 2940701 369 main st n markhani gormley chiropractic centre goimleystouffville rd cast of don milis ka ted mcdonoiigh dc by appointment onlv telephone 8875652 r g mckibbon ontario land surveyor 204 wellington vv markham phono 2943754 malcolm phillips ontario land surveyor 157 main st w stoultville phone g404031 opticians thomas e withers bconim ria chartered accountant po box 192 12 palrmvood gate stoultville out phone 6103378 electrical electrical architecture industrial commercial residential electrical service 2945100 howard g mills regd optician 286 main street west stoultville prescriptions filled appointments made contact lenses phone 6103465 optometrists john c avylie fia licensed public accountant auditor office residence wylle acre mussel- mans luke rd rr 8 stoufmlle phone 610314 1 funeral directors oneill funeral home stouffville funeral director mrs fay minton continuous telephone service day or night ph stouffvllle 6i02xv f richard black od optometrist stouffville medical centre for appointment i 6103722 hours 10 nm 8 pm every tuesday tribune classified ads get results i auditors report to the supporters of the york county board of education we have examined the revenue fund and capital fund balance sheets of the york coun ty board of education as at 31 december 1970 and the statements of revenue fund revenue and expenditure and source and application of capital funds for the year then ended our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of ac counting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances in our opinion these financial statements pre sent fairly the financial position of the board as at 31 december 1970 and the results of its operations zrd the source and application of its capital funds for the year then ended in ac cordance with accounting principles generally accepted for ontario school boards except with regard to institutional salaries as noted on the financial statements applied on a basis con sistent with that of the preceding year toronto ontario 2 june 1971 signed p e held license no 3974 of dunwoody company auditors a e stair s l g chapman chairman of the board director of education york county board of education elementary schools revenue fund balance sheet as at 31 december 1970 assets cash investments at cost accounts receivable municipalities including under and over requisitions other due from revenue fund- secondary capital fund elementary other assets arbitrators awards receivable total liabilities 10730 19896 902018 102067 711622 671589 40125 2458047 720578 bank indebtedness accounts payable and accrued liabilities municipalities including under and over requisitions 36859 government of ontario 96318 other 745936 other liabilities deferred income 3666 arbitrators awards payable 754690 reserve for working funds 100000 total 2458047 note the financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis with the excep tion of instructional salaries as at 31 de cember 1970 the unrecorded accrued liability for elementary school instructional salaries is approximately 720000 elementary schools revenue fund statement of revenue and expenditure for the year ended 31 december 1970 revenue local taxation requisition and supple mentary taxes 9572639 less net over requisi tion to be adjusted in 1971 39792 9532847 government of ontario government of canada other school boards individuals fees other total revenue 8891085 26502 50092 39355 75638 18615519 expenditure business administration and computer services 420941 instruction 11746573 educational services 567540 attendance 13334 plant operation and maintenance 2169573 transportation 843001 tuition fees 7608 capital expenditure nonallocabler 188586 other operating expenditure 62109 debt charges 2381254 nonoperating expenditure 215009 total expenditure 518615519 c total eafi jrvwwwvwv elementary schools capital fund balance sheet as at 31 december t970 assets accounts receivable 26244 due from capital fund secondary 15s3229 fixed assets 35216535 total 3682600s liabilities bank indebtedness 1307637 due to revenue fund elementary 6715s9 accounts payable and other current liabilities 241631 longterm debt 19677000 reserve for working funds 208630 investment in fixed assets 14719521 total s3682600s elementary schools statement of source and application of capital funds for the year ended 31 december 1970 source par value of debentures issued 282000 capital expenditure from the revenue fund 339228 other 109041 total application fixed assets buildings 853154 furniture and equipment 323372 school sites and improvements 354861 730269 total 1531387 net change in capital funds 801118 unexpended funds or amounts not permanently financed balance at beginning of the year 189734 balance at the end of the year 611384 york county board of education secondary schools including trainable retarded revenue fund balance sheet as at 31 december 1970 assets cash accounts receivable municipalities including under and over requisitions government of ontario other other assets arbitrators awards receivable 6035 829934 609766 151615 167805 total 1765155 liabilities accounts payable and accrued liabilities municipalities including under and over requisitions other due to revenue fund elementary other liabilities deferred income arbitrators awards payable reserve for working funds 300000 s 78603 626546 711622 2904 45480 total 1765155 note the financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis with the excep tion of instructional salaries as at 31 decem ber 1970 the unrecorded accrued liability for secondary school instructional salaries is ap proximately 645x100 secondary schools including trainable retarded revenue fund statement of revenue and expenditure for the year ended 31 december 1970 revenue local taxation requisition and supple mentary taxes 8517946 less net over requisi tion to be adjusted in 1971 72462 s445484 government of ontario government of canada other school boards cafeterias individuals fees other total revenue 7350290 44701 53831 354326 100396 451488 16800516 expenditure business administration and computer services 333434 instruction 10955279 educational services 312012 attendance health and food services 401860 plant operation and maintenance 1633033 transportation 587366 tuition fees 32924 capital expenditure nonallocable 309259 other operating expenditure 75039 debt charges 1851947 nonoperating expenditure 308363 total expenditure 16800516 secondary schools including trainable retarded capital fund balance sheet as at 31 december 1970 assets accounts receivable fixed assets 2075175 38847258 total 40922433 liabrlities due to capital fund elementary accounts payable and other current liabilities longterm debt reserve for working funds investment in fixed assets 1583229 1312734 15100921 19149 22906400 total 40922433 secondary schools including trainable retarded statement of source and application of capital funds for the year ended 31 december 1970 source 25000 par value of debentures issued contributions from gov ernment of ontario 2938874 capital expenditure from the revenue fund 326359 other 138926 total 3429159 application fixed assets buildings furniture and equipment school sites and improvements other total 5300709 1399996 43867 60223 net change in capital funds 3375636 unexpended funds or amourts not permanently financed balance at beginning of the year 2554318 balance at the end el the year 820788 vmamammaarwimmrarrmrrwwwvvwuvwvwwvwvw