Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 8, 1971, p. 9

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thursday april 8 1971 60 sales register auctions 45 building trades and household directory b s custom farm service custom plowing discing cultivating seeding fertil izer distribution 4l for information call ss753u or 3973091 48 groceries meats produce for sale 2 potatoes 100 75 lb ag john bosworih pota toes ltd 8955422 7tf feed potatoes john bosworth ltd 8955422 for sale potatoes 34tf for sale beef and pork delivered ready for the ircecer carl reesor 640- 3292 444 beef pork and lamb reedy for your freezer government inspected geo stewart 8881004 453 54 legal notices 3 stouffville ontario to ruth diahne spears dated at uxbridge this 25th day of march 1971 harris harris a main srreet south uxbridge ontario solicitors for the applicant 413 60 sales register auctions villc on owners henry kahn and creignton carr auctioneers ph 6636109 oboyles abattoir beef a- pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer all meats government inspected wc also do custom killing and curing bus 6101343 27tf harpers fresh meats halves quarters of beef halves whole pigs cut and wrapped for your freezer 47tf all meat guaranteed and government inspected 6404761 or 6402813 notice to creditors and others estate of rose elizabeth tyson all claims against the estate of rose elizabeth tyson late of the town ship of whitchurch in the county of york now the town of whitchurch- stouffville in the region- ri municipality of york married woman who died on or about the 13th day of april 1970 must be tiled in writing with the undersigned solicitors for the administrator before the 301 h dly of april 1971 after which date the estate will be distributed without regard to claims received thereafter dated at maikham on tario this 2nd day of april 1971 henry francis tyson administrator of the estate of rose elizabeth tyson by his solicitors herein mingay shibley 81 main street north markham ontario 453 55 tenders 49 pet stock supplies kennels golden retriever pups registered ckc 6492428 collie pups s500 each 8881034 tcaster bunnies all sizes and colors fh 8875777 free to good home 8 week old poolie puppies 6404229 st bernard pups show and pet stock alndon icnnols claremont 649- 2286 siamese cat male serv ice required pick of litter return evenings 049- 5760 how about a pet for easter 5 australian sheep cog puppies 8527133 even ings for information rosiiax kennels regd 22tf labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow dogs boarded yearround accommodation claremont 6495336 dog training classes make your dog a pet not a pest we train you to train your dog all breeds accepted two trainers 452 call dave richardson uxbridge 8523626 dog obedience training classes for all breeds will start tues apr 13th at 730 at forgctmenolkennels in iocut hill 4 miles cast of markhrm road on 7 hy for registration phone 2971363 town of wiiitchurcii- stouffville tender for gravel sealed tenders marked gravel tender will be received by the undersign ed until 12 oclock noon tuesday april 13th 1971 1 to supply crush deliv- er and spread on any road under the super vision of the road su perintendent or his rep resentative 20000 tons more or icjs of crushed gravel 2 to supply crush and load on town of whit- churchstouffville trucks at pit 8000 tons more or less of crushed gravel town tender forms must be used and may be ob tained from the clerks office at stouffville or the road superintendents off ice vandorf ontario a certified cheque for 100000 must accompany each tender lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 442 r e corner clerk municipal office 19 civic avenue stouffville ontario wednesday april 14 auction sale of farm ma chinery the property of the late lome puckrin lot 7 con 1 pickering twp mile east of ajax on hwy 2 cockshutt no 1650 diesel tractor 2075 hours good condition cockshutt 1350 gas tractor good cockshutt 550 gas tractor cockshutt 540 tractor rebuilt motor ford tractor new holland self propelled combine no 975 cut 1 crop 11 foot grain header 4 row corn header equipped with cab ac combine no 66 tox- owick grain dryer used 1 season 350 bu rosco steel granary 5010 bu ne ver been aembled cmc 2 ton truck with hoist chcv 5 ton truck with hoist cockthutt 5 furrow trip beam plow good cockshutt double disc on rubber 13 ft- good mf seed drill on rubber 17 d full line of good ma chinery sale called to set tle estate term cash sale at 1 pm note this machinery was all owned by the late mr puckrin and operated on his farm last year reg johnson son auctioneers phone sunderland 705- 357- 3270 gerald graham clerk no 205 self propelled 10 ft 2 yrsl mf double disc 1g ft on rubber cock shutt corn picker 2 row 1 yrj spreadmaster ma nure spreader 2 grain box es 120 bu mccormick 2 row corn planter- nji baler mccornick seed drill 16 disc on rubber full line of machinery- farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm reg larry johnson auctioneers ph sunderland 705- 357- 3270 gerald graham clerk 452 thursday april 15 auction sale of farm stock and implements the pro perty of browne bros lot 14 cone 6 north gwillimbury twp 2vz miles west of sutton and 2k miles south 40 head of holstein cattle 1 1 cows calves by side no of bred heifers no of small calves 28 suffolk ewes 42 lambs good suffolk ram if not sold by sale date this is a real good fleck of sheep surge milker craft bulk tank 22 can mf 165 diesel tractor 3 yrs power steering mf 35 gas tractor and sedore loader jd 2 cyl ar tractor 2 roller bearing wagons 1 geo white wa gon nh baler mccormick manure spreader 125 bu hydreen plow 4 furrow 12 in bottoms nearly new weed sprayer jbd mh clipped combine 7 ft full line of machinery ow ner giving up farming terms cash sale at 1230 reg johnson and son auc tioneers ph sunderland 705 3573270 gerald graham clerk 442 wednesday april 21 holsteins complete bsrtview holstein disper sal owned by donald bar ter rri uxbridge sell ing at stouffville cow pal ace 55 head 40 registered 15 grade a young herd irom such noted sires as c 1 i p p e r thornlta perseus etc more details next week folders avail able lloyd wilson and w d atkinson sale man agers and auctioneers thur- april 22 auction sale of farm machinery and household furniture the property of harvey jannak at lot 10 con 10 reach twp 1 mile south of grecnbank turn west one mile at jet highway 12 and 47 mf 35 diesel trac tor and loader good con dition mh no 44 tractor mccormick baler no 37 mccormick combine self- propelled no 105 10 ft 8 in 3 yrs new hol land manure spreader 163 bu 1 yr mccormick seed drill jd manure spreader kongskild culti vator mf 3furrow trip beam plow full line of ma chinery qu of furniture farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm reg larry johnon auctioneers ph sunderland 705 3573270 gerald graham clerk 452 58 business services income tax bookkeeping services 25k j w shadforth 8523000 uxbridge 59 lost found dalmation dog found altona area fh 6401830 lost 4 your old male beagle called doe brown spots on legs family pet call cord todd 6401580 after six reward for anyone find ing gold chain bracelet in claremont lost march 30 call shirley hodgson 649- 2466 60 sales register auctions auctioneers 50 miscellaneous canadian cancer society markham unit stouffville branch for information re garding patient ser vices films call touffvllle president 6101507 service to patients 640341 54 legal notices notice take notice that an application will be made before his honour j c anderson a judge of the county court of the coun ty of ontario at his clum- crs in the court house 605 rowland road east in the town of whitby in the county of ontario on thursday the 29th toy of april 1971 at 10 00 oclock in the forenoon by ruth dianne heath of rr d atkinson stouffville a s farmer phone gormley ss75311 antique auction sale at victoria square commun ity hall victoria square ontario thursday april 15 1971 at 7 pm furni ture pine butternut cup board brass bed brass and iron bed washstands pine bench pine stool prcsscd- back childs high chair 4 bcntwood chairs rockers desks good ones spinning wheel and wool winder many articles of canadian pressed glass including block maple leaf nugget wildflowcr horseshoe pat terns pitchers spooners cake stands comports etc china including hand- painted nippon royal bey routh rs germany iron stone royal doulton cran berry mary gregory wash sets flowblue pitcher fruit bowls and nappies oil lamps including hang ing lamp bracket lamp handpainted bristol lamp crockery including foot- warmer gingerbcer bottles bennington spittoon pud ding molds moonshine jug jelly molds miscellaneous regulator clock gingerbread clock doublebarrelled muzzle- loading shotgun stevens single shot 22 very old powder horn domed trunk old tools including broad axe various old prints brass scales brass jelly pan iron pots iron tea kettle bells butter prints round and rectangular butter bowls coffee grind er partial listing refresh ments will be served pre view from 4 pm on henry milberg auctioneer antique auction sale april 21 12 noon oshawa auction iiousk taunton ltd mile cast of 5 points rilson ltd oshawa glass china primitives beinggeneral collection of e wilcox who has had heart attack no reserve no hidden bidders guar anteed bob ehlert auc tioneer canadian md american items all small extremely saleable for dealers desirable for col lectors curved glass china cabinet and 1916 up right edison phonograph will be sold at 1230 voice of edison rare record 1st item sold preview satur day am lion carnival pressed blown glass can adian sunrise or ray gob lets flow blue plotters nippon etc etc 200 items company farm telephone md northern electric in original perfect original condition seth thomas and sessions mantel clocks running no modern mat erial fast sale 4 hours only sale by number pay and pick articles any time wash room seating for 160 snack bar 452 sat may 1 clearing auction of house and lot also the household furnish ings for the estate of the late hannah chapman at 257 main st stouffville i complete details later sale 120 pm atkinson wilson sale mgrs and auctioneers a bachelor is the fellow who not only has bad habits but is free to enjoy them reg johnson sunderland ont gel your highest prices call vm a collins bruce porter auction service farm sales household real estate etc phone 9s64673 4413 saturday april 10th at 1030 am auction sale of house cottage paints barn ptinta se roof coatings approx 300 gil aluminum paint apprcx 500 gal red paint 4 shad es approx 150 gal char coal qlnck approx 150 gal green aoprox 400 gal browns tans yellow and salmon shades above paint is all this years stock and is in 5 gal pills to be sold at quonset hut loeatcd between brooklin and whitby on no 12 hwy corner of 4th concession and no 12 hwyk terms cash or good cheque sup reme painting co corby- tuesday april 20 auction sale of farm stock implements straw and corn the property of win wesley lot 8 con 11 brock twp 5 miles north of sunderland 1 miles west or 3 miles west of cannington 1 mile south 1 4 west 12 here ford and shorthorn cows calves by side and spring ers crib of cob corn qu of baled straw mccorm ick no 624 tractor diesel good condition mf no 50 gas tractor and loader ford tractor mf combine coming soon sale 2 for the price of 1 plus 1 cent houston pharmacy 1 slain w stouffville 6402222 apply box 468 the tribune office space available in uxbridge new building centrally located air conditioned heated road policy the tribune paje 9 stouffville the council town of whitchurch- stouffville will establish a policy scon with regard to maintenance of all private roads within the municipality this decision was recommended by mayor ken laushway march 23 following receipt of a letter from john macdonald a resident on faulkner avenue leading off cone 7 north of the aurora road the correspondence was addressed to betty vanxostrand coun cillor ward 1 mayor laushway noted that the several homeowners in the area were taxed like everyone else yet lacked a serviced entrance to their properties councillor merlyn baker said that while he couldnt understand how the homes ever came to be built there in the first place he felt the situation and others like it should be investigated its a condition that cannot continue said the mayor the least we can do is visit the area and talk to the people councillor van- nostrand suggested that rather than one person investigate the problem the entire council should go mr macdonald in his letter said the road had been impassable for three days due to spring breakup ke explained that residents were con cerned should an emergency occur and an ambulance or fire truck required councillor gordon ratcliff agreed to arrange an inspection trip to the site township of uxbridge 1971 taxes ratepayers are hereby advised that pay ments made in the year 1971 will be in 3 instalments 1st instalment due april 15th being an interim payment of 40 mills based on assessment used in 1970 the remainder of the taxes shall be divided into two equal instalments namely the 2nd instalment and the 3rd instal ment to become due and payable on the 15th day of july and the 15th day of october respectively o s kennedy tax collector spring shower of values new dawn hoir colour mfrs sugg list 250 york county board of education invites quotations for grass cutting specifications and particulars are available at the following locations area 1 247 lome ave newmarket mr a peppiau tel nos 8955155 4763722 area 2 127 wellington st aurora mr b hunter tel nos 7273135 8875115 area 4 59 yonge st n richmond hill mr w morley tel nos 8844477 8875721 lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted a e starr chairman s l g chapman director rriii -v- trivisol drops 50 cc mfrs sugg list 418 249 s u a v e shampoo 1 2 oz mfrs sugg list 99c j j j soff puffs absorbent cotton balls 100s mfrs sugg list 69c tame creme rinse with body 16 oz mfrs sugg list 219 39 your home or res to cmfz like magic your old place will look like new soft n dri antiperspirant 14c off deal 7 oz mfrs sugg list 175 98 so fast with so little muss and fuss yvll think youre dreaming john iikaton 6404338 bunt uvis 6404519 interior and exterior finishes roy lllvaton 6401205 experience its part of your every prescription years of study and training years of experience and dedication these are the exira ingredients that go into pre scriptions your registered pharmacist fills you can trust him implicitly aikens l a pharmacy 35 main west stouffville phone 6401722 over 10000 items discounted daily houston pharmacy l main west stouffville 6wiiiz use tribune classified ads business directory licensed public accountants bregman sharpley co chartered accountants 22 main st w slouffyille ontario resident partner s kusatz ca tel 0401991 ilfil1370 toronto line chiropractors j s delaurier dc 201 main street west stouifvillc ontario office hours by appointment only monday to saturday telephone 6403562 ontario land surveyors d h black ontario ijiml surveyor 310 painted post dr corner jof markliam ltd scarborough ont ihonk office 2825283 kcs 2821508 leonard r rosenberg associates chartered accountants 84 voiijje st s aurora telephone 8847110 support century city the committee in support of century city has expended considerable time and effort in what we believe to be in the best interest of our community our committee would appreciate public sup port in the form of a donation so we may con tinue our efforts to bring about a satisfactory solution to this problem donations or other support may be made to the sectreas mr fred lewis rr 3 claremont ont james turnbull chartered accountant box 360 kki unlonville residence 2972175 wm s baird dc chiropractor by appointment 2940701 309 main si x markham gormley chiropractic centre got mleystouffville rd east of don mills ea ted mcdonough dc by appointment only telephone 8875g52 r g mckibkon ontario ijuid surveyor 204 wellington w markham phone 2943754 malcolm phillips ontario land surveyor 157 main st w stoiitvlile phone cto1031 i opticians electrical thomas e withers bcomni ria chartered accountant po box 192 12 palrmvocml gale stouffville ont phone g403378 attenliinuugii electrical architecture industrial commercial residential kleelrical service 2915100 howard g mills regd optician 286 main street west stoiiftvllic prescriptions filled appointments made contact lenses phone 610 3165 optometrists john c wylie fia licensed public accountant auditor office residence wylle acres mussel- mans lake kd rr 2 stouffville phone g10 3144 funeral directors buy office supplies at the tribune oneill funeral home stouffviixe funeral director mrs fay minton continuous telephone service day or night ph slonffvllle 6402855 f richard black od optometrist stouffville medical centre for upimiintmrnt 0103722 hours 10 am 8 pm every tuesday tribune classified ads get results

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