pse 8 the tribune thursday april 8 1971 phone 6402100 today classified ads the peoples marketplace for stouffville markham uxbridge and district rem estate 1 agent properties properties i bedrooms 1900 dn near plaza in stouffvillcs west end two years old 2 storey home with attached 2 car garage separate dining room ih baths excellent terms call sybil houstton 6402082 640172g like country living 10 acres with stream and some trees 660 ft frontage on paved road in pickering township artistic rail fence and gate across front age its choice call ccc hendricks 6102092 for rent office or lock up store at 101 main st w stouff ville 3 panelled rooms conveniences call cec hendricks 0402082 why rent this older 3 bdrm frame home on 1 i acre treed lot right in stouffville will carry for 163 mthly if you buy now at only 25300 a real good in vestment call today har rison schliciiter 2 houses for sale only ooo down stouffville 2 storey brick 4 bedrooms attached garage 23900 terms call george iiarvie 3 acre lot corner lot with half bush has perfect setting for your dream home near stouff ville asking 13900 call bob dart 6402082 phones 6402082 2971270 business office 155 main st w stouffville w 1m3wuma itamurai b4ds323 want to sell fast want action remember we dont just list we sell low priced homes 19900 four bedrooms brick modern heat central must be sold make offer uxbridge area 30 acres scenic high land excellent value 21900 terms call karl dows- we1l 5 acre horse farm remodelled 6 room farm house good barn nice treed 627 on main road only 8 miles from stouff ville just off paved road asking 34500 with 7000 down call hal morris retiring goodwood lovely 2 bdrm brick home modern on ig lot asking 22900 terms call george iiarvie principals only- colntry branch real estate information services ltd you can sell your property without an agent avoid commission costs once only registration fee of 13500 free to home buyers facts photos of properties that suit your needs for details literature call 6554492 or write box 254 itrooklin ont 434 4 farms for sale rent wanted for rent 34 acres of good pasture phone 942- 3787 443 pasture 35 acres in cluding 10 acre hay field with stream 6402319 14 in memoriam cards of thanks 8 coming events dance to the tune of the northern ramblers utica hall april 17 modern and old tyme door prize spot dances 300 per couple stouffville legion wine cheese party social saturday april 17 at 8 pm s200 each grand dance saturday april 24th 9 pm 309 eoupte j rythmaires tickets after 7 pm 6401714 452 easter cantata the choir of the stouffville missionary church 159 main st e will present the cantata no greater love on sunday april uth at 7 pm everyone is welcome farmer can have 43 acres of tillable soil if he will plow and double disc another 3 acres kingsway farm rr2 stouffville mother goose nursery school open house may 15 2 to 4 pm interested parents are welcome to come and see equipment and discuss the program offered possibility of swimming lessons being made available operator pat byer 443 5 lots for sale wanted stouffville east 12 rolling acres scenic area close to hwy 14500 terms call earl dows- well 2 acres creek stouffville hwy 47 nice tidy 6 rm bungalow heated breezeway attached garage barn or shop on lovely landscaped lot act fast call harrison schliciiter ballantrae modern 2 bdrm home full basement on lg lot trees try 15900 with 2000 down call george iiarvie 6403131 or 297 gerry meharg ltd 2283 realtor 17900 close thing large lot 2 bedrooms to every- ia story 15900 new 3 bed rooms close to stouffville large lot easy terms land priced to sell 950 full down payment 10 acres trees 660 ft front age only 13900 590 full down uxbridge serviced lot stream etc 5900 full price 17900 5 acres pond trees beautiful building site close in must bo seen 7700 i acre close to stouffville nice lot in quiet country setting terms honesty is our policy courteous service guaranteed stouffvillcs own local broker be wise see vm w b4023 s3 23725do peter walley ltd real estate broker i have a client with about 50000 who is looking for a 4 bedroom home on a lot large enough for a pool if you have such a pro perty and are interested in selling please give me call at c401632 or 2941158 building lot wanted uxbridge twp area 649- 5641 6 vacation proper ties for sale rent wanted for sale charming 2 bedroon furnished cottage ready to move in on well- treed lot steel garage good well quiet area at lake simcoe priced to sell at 7500 call 6401303 7 financial mort gages business opportunities we will cater in your home or hall for teas weddings any occasion at all large or small call 40tf mrs milne 6492189 a sincere thanks to all the relatives and friends tor the surprise 25th annivers ary party given us en sat urd2y evening it was wonderful evening and will never be forgotten elva and roy smith mrs margaret frew and family would like to ex press a very grateful thanks to their many friends and neighbours for the kindness durg our recent bereavement also all the members of the ucw for having friends back to the centre for re freshments and to the rev flcetham for his visits to house hospital his com forting words and prayers at the service in mceach nie funeral chapel kindergarten registration will be held at goodwood public school april 14 from 91130 13 children must be 5 years old on or before dec 31 1971 9 births for houses farms land lots phone john nigh free appraisals no obligation 45tf representing john m baird realtor bus 2941131 res 6101680 for real estate fte4d2323 2372500 what an absurd thing it is to pass oyer all the valuable parts of a man and fix our at tention on his in firmities addison i buyers need a poker face win timbers now dont got us wrong wo tloni mean a dour gloomylooking countenance with a personality to match a buyer is best ailviseil lo have an attitude of natural politeness when nego- tinting what may be the most important purchase of ids life excess enthusiasm can throw a wrench into vital price negotiations that could come later owners being human beings naturally desire to get as much as they can for their pioperty and may well mistake excessive enthusiasm of a prospective buyer as accept ance of a high asking price when it is not the result could lie that the owner re fuses to budge on a high price anil a dead lock risults if you are madly in love with a pro perty keep in mind that you have to con sider the price also confine your enthusias tic comments lo your realtor he is working to achieve a solution satisfactory to both parties alinoot all irhtties ultimately sell for their true valor but sometimes only after a little slveamltake bargaining with adjust ments by both sides you will prejudice your bargaining po- ilion by being too eager and perhaps even hinder the concluion of a satisfactory final agreomot fred cook real estate ltd realtors 16 wellington e markham 3jh2990 need a mortgage funds available for 1st 2nd mortgages we also have clients waiting to pur chase your mortgage on best of terms discuss your needs with us in confidence 43tf gerry meharjj ltd realtor 6403131 stouffville plaza member of ontario mort gage brokers association mortgages we have funds available for first or second mort gages at current rates if a mortgage is the answer to your financial prob lems a phone call will bring you prompt court eous service if you have a mortgage which you wish to dis pose of we can arrange a prompt sale on the best of terms for all mortgage prob lems call 22tf john m baird ltd realtor 107 wellington st e markham phone 2941431 member of ontario mort gage brokers association allman kathy and gordon allman of london england are happy to an nounce the arrival of their daughter franchesca kate on march 30 at queen mary hospital roehamp- ton england both doing well caudle don and joyce are happy to announce the birth of their daughter kimberley jane on march 31 1971 at scarborough centenary hospital many thanks lo dr pctric winger ray and evelyn nee bennett arc happy to announce the arrival of lisa pauline 7 lb 11 oz march 31 1971 a sister for kevin timothy and debra a special thanks to dr hay ami kirby and bate and the nursing staff of york central hospital while still in very heart felt sorrow over the sud den loss of our dear daug hter and loving sister kathy we would like to take this opportunity to try and thank everyone including relatives friends neighbours nd organiza tions for the beautiful floral tributes cards and gideon bible memoriums and all the other acts of kindness shown to us during our recent bereave ment a very special thank you to ken milroy rev e linstead royal can adian legion and legion ladies auxiliary without all your help our burden would have been iyavtcr to carry our deepest grat itude for remembering us at a time when we needed you most lillian and lloyd brenda and kevin mpcgregor 21 wanted to rent couple wants 2 or 3 bed room farmhouse or bung- alov stouffville or pick ering area occupancy ear- lv june jan stanton after 630 2934364 articles 22 articles for sale 22 articles for sale acorn fireplaces wood stoves accessories glass screens metal chimneys heatalators at fireg lo centre 46 steele ave w 8893133 8 cedar posts for sale 6401830 wood for sale fill your car trunk 150 ratcliff lumber 6402351 39tf broadloom rugs our cost f 15 on 20000 orders installation quotations free washer spixdryers simplicity easy hitachi sanyo 12495 to 17995 general freezers 8 cuft 144 20 cuft 189 12 cuft 159 25 cuft 215 15 cuft 169 brices furniture don mills rd queensvllle 484175 45tf wheel chair good for up to 300 lbs used 9 months 5000 call 6402099 refrigerator push button defrost in good condition phone 2971335 gift giving ideas from the tribune office supply store birthday books hand somely bound in attractive covers gold imprint themes of good fortune 2 arborite office counters friendship a practi- 10 ft- and 8 ft both in cxijaj gift with a pasting use- cellent condition make illness only 100 12tf 32 motor cars for sale volkswagen for dune busgy with excellent mot or for sale 4736022 1970 plymouth road run ner 383 high perform ance 4 speed with twelve other options asking 3100 phone 6492392 452 before you buy see our fine selection of guaranteed ok used cu and trucks 35tf giles chevolds 6401610 2972391 tv 23 admiral also 15 fleetwood portable rea sonable 6402785 offer ph 2944262 24 findlay gis range 3500 1 set left hand golf clubs bag and cart s5000 phone 6404572 baycroft in loving memory of a dear husband and father richard c bavcroft who passed away april 9 1970 treasured thoughts of one so deai- often bring a silent tear thoughts return to scenes long past years roll on but mem ories last sadly missed by wife rnd family randall in loving memory of our eldest son bill who passed away ap ril 7 1969 sadly missed by mom dad tom and susan accommodaticn 15 accommodation available 2 pair of drapes covers 32 ft 96 long will sell for s5000 a pair beige fibrc- glas nearly new 6402246 stereo tape player plus new speakers 7500 or best offer 6102308 after 6 pm easter ideals the beaut iful inexpensive gift christian supply center 170 main st w prom gown or brides maids size 10 worn once also matching picture hat eves 6403755 grandfather clock weight driven movement 6 ft 7 inches 34500 ph 6495731 trade and save or sell for cash brices furniture barn wants used furniture and appliances 4784175 41tf 54 main street stouffville phone 6402100 23 articles wanted fibre glass or aluminum boat with about 30 hp mo tor and trailer wanted 4736022 pumps pressure systems- shallow well deep well construction pumps irriga tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call betz construction phone stouffville 6401424 43tf 23 articles wanted old guns wanted by pri vate collector please write or telephone col lector box 241 union- ville ontario 4162971480 434 one open front refriger ated display counter one door and refrigerator unit for walkin cooler t l wilson sons 2941951 bicycles nil sizes mens and boys bicycles in good condition cards dominion hardware 640- 3622 10 engagements mr and mrs thos chowns stouffville ore happy to announce the engagement of their daug hter susanne emily to mr earl charles carter son of mr and mrs ayl- mer carter claremont wedding will be in the fall 24 hour approvals 2nd and 3rd mortgages arranged in the convenience of your home low cost you can call to 11 pm today for helpful courteous service prompt investment corp ltd 330 bay street toronto call collect 4116 3669586 evgs 2318140 announcements 8 coming events register for stouffville lions bikeathon on sal 9 am to 1 pm at stouff ville municipal offices euchre april 8 8 15 pm legion hall spon sored by ladies auxiliary proceeds to welfare whitchurch town ship annual sunday school convention thursday may 13 1971 in the vivian church starting 930 am ort house mrs paxton will be hold- ins open house 2 to s t to si thursday april 15 at the home of mr and mrs ivan mclaughlin in honour of her 9sih birth day mr and mrs walter s winn stouffville rr 1 irc pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter janet marilyn to mr eugene grant lewis son of mr and mrs m james lewis stouffville rr 3 the wedding to take place on saturday may 15 1971 at 300 pm in baker hill baptist church 14 in memoriam cards of thanks modern office space approx 400 st ft located on main st stouffville phone 2944202 442 2400 rent room con sq ft building for oil heated 2 wash- 17th ave 7th markham 2940368 17 houses for rent 2 bedroom house in central stouffville available may 1 17500 monthly no pets c402c07 modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow with garage in markham abstainers re ferences 6404801 18 rooms for rent room for rent board available if required lad ies only ph 6402890 19 room board available 1 wish to express my ma ny thanks for visits cards and enquiries during my stay in centenary hospi tal all was much apprec iated roy smith we would like to express our thanks to our friends relatives and neighbours for all their help before during and after our re cent auction sale leslie and barbara hart i extend my sincerest thanks to my friends and relatives who kindly re membered me with cards flowers telephone calls on my 85th birthday charles atkinson i would like to thanks all my friends neighbours and relatives who remembered me with cards cake visits phone calls which helped to make my 80th birthday such a memorable one wallace vaughan we would like lo express our thanks to our friends and neighbors for their ex pressions of sympathy and kindness shown to us in the passing of a loving fa ther and grandfather a special thanks to rev thomas flcetham for his consoling wordt in our sorrow slan june hoar and family room and board avail able in stouffville non- smoker nondrinker ph 6402827 20 apartments for rent leather wingback bed chesterfield excellent con dition pine chest captains chair drop leaf table oth er items 6403596 whiteelna sewing ma chine agent 129 main st markham village parts service to all makes new and used machines for sale trades accepted phone 2942241 50tf typewriters adders calcs cashregisters desks files chairs new used rentals service discount prices open tues wed thurs bill hamilton brooklin 6554179 25tf wanted pianos antiques and used furniture immediate pick up call 33tf 8841146 richmond hill employment 1965 pontiac 4 dr 6 cylin der automatic radio blue with matching interior 1967 buick le sabre 4 dr v8 automatic power steering power brakes radio white walls wheel discs turquoise with matching interior 1967 chevrolet blscayne 4 dr v8 automatic burgundy with black interior 19g5 oldsmoblle f85 v8 power steering power brakes radio white walls wheel discs dark blue with light blue interior 1966 ford galaxle 500 2 dr hardtop v8 automa tic power steering power brakes radio white walls wheel discs dark blue with light blue interior neil patrick motors ltd main st west stouffville 6403450 40 farm items for sale wanted farm service or crippled picked up promptly for direct line call long distance and ask for zenith 32800 at no cost to you radio dispatched trucks for better service ed peconi sons ltd 14tf woodvule ont licence no 324c67 dead or crippled farm stock picked up pronptly phone collect hampton 4162632721 39tf margwill fur farm rr 5 bowmanvllle licence 328c71 41 farm machinery ford tractor for sale model 8 n 4 speed 3 point hitch new clutch tune- up exhaust system and valve job asking 49500 6401636 gravely convertible garden tractor with rotary mower sickle mower rot ary plow utility wagon and snow blade 1960 gmc ton truck 6 cylinder excellent condition phone 2945595 42 livestock for sale purebred charlois bull phone 8957543 33 trucks for sale 1968 int dump truck single axle used only 14 months al condition heavy duty coll 6402718 61 ford falcon panel truck low mileage good condi tion ideal for handyman sacrifice 20000 6404479 27 help wanted primarily of interest to men experienced help wan ted loader operators craper operator screen ing plant operator truck drivers gormley sand gravel ltd 8881232 28 help wanted primarily of interest to women waitress wanted gcs call 6401808 good typewriters adders calcs cashregisters desks files chairs new used rentals service discount prices open tues wed thurs bill hamilton brooklin 6554179 14tf hahn riding mowers 5 hp briggs 26 from 33500 cut 425 bill walls ph 8881998 bcthcsda health foods local supply of natural foods natural vitamins herbal remedies agents for thuna health sup ply centre massage by appointment 454 phone 6103569 one bedroom apartment for rent hwy 48 47 ringwood 6403619 for rent one bedroom apartment in stouffville area ph 8523235 454 selfconlained two bed room apartment four miles west of stouffville phone 6403197 21 wanted to rent urgent wanted to rent small farm oil heated some land up to 16000 a month pickering or iiark- ham area 281806 house to wanted rent urgent need hcissc with small barn for 2 horses as soon as possible stouffville markham area preferred call sloufi 6101199 or tor 4854131 rolled ask for mike arthurs wet basements combine waterproofing decorating with new floor and new walls by resilacrcte products cards dominion hardware 6103622 companion for elderly lady lo live in town of uxbridge 8523986 teller required for scotia bank unionville experience will be on asset phone mrs stroud 297- 1202 receptionist assistant tuesdays and thursdays 130 900 pm saturday 900 am 200 pm reply with handwritten resume only to gormley chiro practic centre rr4 stou ffville ontario 31 employment wanted custom made wrought iron free estimates ph after 6 2945066 14tf houses and cottages re paired painted cleaned up reasonable rates ph tom 2945245 35 motorcycles for sale bicycle special save 2600 raleigh fireball 6 speed reg 8395 now for 5795 high bars banana scat choice of colours tires white walls red stripes your raleigh ccm kawasaki honda dealer altona feed supplies co ltd 37 snowmobiles storage available for snowmobiles and trailers enclosed building 2500 per season 8875216 442 63 good 6553038 chunks for sale 2 holstein bull calves 2459 640- 20 chunks 40 to 50 lbs for sale 6402916 six purebred yearling heifers phone 8523731 hereford for sale one good holstein heifer due middle of april war ren rae 6402367 feeder pigs 14 average weight 120 lbs 40 average weight 50 lb each phone 6403620 after 7 44 poultry for sale wanted 45 building trades and household directory dry wall bob wood sons drywall insulation acoustic ceilings 8881135 47tf arts electric for all your electrical services 55 blake st 6404421 13tf free estimates all work guaranteed n may and f smith brick a- stone work fireplaces chimneys carpentrv work 8tf 8527288 6403237 r whittaker fencing contractor all types of farm fences 18tf for information call 8881753 or 8881746 carpenter and general contractor custom homes alterations rec rooms gar ages carports and porches floor ceiling tiles ex pertly installed every type of carpentry work guar anteed for 12 months 25 years experience 30tf call gunther ivens const co ltd 6402185 alcan siding al glenn phone 2945606 four seasons aluminum sales 22tf aluminum awnings aluminum windows railings doors custom hatching hen pheasant quail peacock guinea fowl eggs groves hatchery rr2 markham 6403418 453 services 45 building trades and household directory collins refrigeration air conditioning 25 years experience well equipped service truck around the clock service 474 rupert ave stouffville phone 6404558 39tf s snowmobile storage we will prepare your ma chine for summer store it and service it next fall for just 3000 garys small engine service coppins corners 6492926 farming 40 farm items for sale wanted day care available in my home for 2 or 3 preixhool children in stouffville ph 6404692 lumber 2x4 economy 5c per lin ft 1 x 6 economy 4c per lin ft i x 6 utility 3c per lin ft plus taxes ratcliff industrial yard 4 miles west of stouffville carries utility and economy grades in all sizes rough or dressed for real savings to you call 6402351 for prices on any size paper creme finger moistener paper crcme is a high- quality finger moistcner a touch of the fingertips tc paper crcme adds just the right amount of adhesive ness to speed and case col lating or other paper han dling work its perfumed its pink its pretty only 159 each tribune office supplies 54 main st stouffville mt2i0o 30lf young woman like 2 or 3 days houseclcaning conscientious would week reliable and 6403462 alterations done ex pertly ladies gents and childrens dressmaking and drapes a specialty phone 8881056 31 employment wanted competent woman av ailable for baby sitting at your cottage for july and august excellent referen ces apply to box 466 the tribune 442 automotive hay for sale large bales 40c at the barn 8526545 for sale 600 bales second quality hay 2945328 wanted tractor fer guson 2085 or ford reas onable 6403167 for sale aged poultry manure by dump truck load 3959461 or 8881712 42tf superior auto body collision repair hefinishing 25tf stouffville 6403051 ken jones rr2 markham hwy 48 5 miles n markham alcan siding windows doors siding awnings railings free estimates stouffville home improvements 6401891 50tf brook designs builder custom carpentry additions alterations kitchens rec rooms jfvf free design a estimating claremont 6492839 ray winterstein masonry specializing in brick work and fireplaces 24tf also carpentry claremont 6492338 flarkin construction trenching excavating stouffville 6402877 41tf gale contracting home improvements general repairs alterations concrete floor finishing 13 church st markham 2942056 7tf herta seed barley for sale grown from register ed seed cleaned and treat ed phone 8875475 for sjle 300 bales of wheat straw 600 bales clover hay 200 bales tim othy no rain carl rccsor c403292 seed cleaning and treat ing steele briggs seeds phone 4732932 case and dike highway 48 mount albert 453 32 motor cars for sale 1964 ford galaxie 2door hardtop in good condition phone 2944677 we are buyers of ontario oats barley and mixed grain 13tf master feeds staurrvine m0im custom home and industrial electric wiring elect rleml horn heating ross hetherington phone stouffville 6402033 32tf j s taylor heating contractor phone stouffville 6401908 furnaces oil burners 24tf duct systems- hot water boilers wilsons water wells ltd pumps salts service m7sm7 27tf typewriter and adding machine service all makes 23lf free pickup and delivery in town call 6402114 anytime warn e electric ltd contractors 445 res comrn indusl farm electric heat unionville 2971400 uxbridge 8523767 united painting and decorating interior and exterior painting and paperhanglng floor finishing tiding and sandmg free estimates 6192911 44tf the fellow said his wife is an angel always up in the air about something