Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Jan 2011, p. 9

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Diverse group of Halton residents help plot regions futureBy Christina Commissosocial services and the econ-Congestion is an issueeconomic development andmake predictions as to whatWere hoping to enhanceMETROLAND WEST MEDIAomy everything society isLewis is more than familiarservices for youths and sen-recommendations the panelcivic engagement and theGROUPcomprised of, said Kaul,with, having watchediors make up the all-encom-will forward to council forpanel is an additional tool towhos lived in BurlingtonsMiltons population balloonpassing discussion amongstthe strategic plan develop-hear from more people.Miltons Victoria LewisTyandaga neighbourhood forfrom 30,000 to 80,000 in lessparticipants. ment, Cockfield said hesThis Saturday from 1:30-believes a region-wide tran-10 years. Everyone was sur-than a decade.You can really see theconfident the group will3:30 p.m. a public round-sit system will help alleviateprised to learn there isThe biggest concern fordegree of interest from pan-make excellent suggestions.table meeting will be held attraffic congestion through-poverty in Halton. Evenme was the increase in traf-elists, especially in regards toThe public will have furtherthe Halton Regional Centreout her once small town.though we live in a richfic, said the 58-year-old.(regional) services thatopportunities to providefor members of the panel toIn Burlington, Himadriregion and most people arePerhaps connecting thetouch their families, saidfeedback to regional councilliaise with residents. ForKaul hopes the populationable to stay above the pover-region with some kind of co-Cockfield.as it settles on the planmore information, visitinflux wont transformty line, there are about sixordinated transportationWhile its too early tothroughout the spring. www.halton.ca/strategic-Halton into anotherper cent of people livingsystem would help peopleToronto, the type of environ-below the poverty line,get around Halton seamless-ment she didnt want to raisewhich includes childrenly.her four youngsters in. Andtoo. Lewis, whos lived inOakvilles Sean Balog thinksThe mother of four saidMilton for 30 years, said aftera plan to eliminate povertyone of her biggest concernstwo panel sessions shesshould be on the top offor the region is to maintaindeveloped a feeling ofregional councillors to-dothe values that many Haltonbelonging to the region andlist.residents cherish amidst awith her neighbours inSALEThe three Halton resi-population boom, which isOakville, Burlington anddents come from very differ-expected to continue untilHalton Hills. Learning theirent walks of life and have2030.concerns and their point ofvarying priorities for theLike everyone else in theviews gives you a big pictureregion they call home.region, I feel nervous aboutof Halton as a whole.BUY ONE ITEM @50% OFFTogether, along with aboutHalton becoming anotherAs the youngest member30 other concerned citizens,Toronto. I moved hereof the panel, 23-year-oldthey make up Haltons first-because there was a small-Balog said he knew little ofever citizens referencetown feeling, friendly peoplethe regional governmentsBUY TWO ITEMS @ 60%OFFpanel. and a good place to raise myresponsibilities prior to theTwelve residents fromchildren. However Kaul hassessions. both Burlington andalso learned that growthThey do a lot more thanOakville and six from bothisnt necessarily a bad thing.people give them credit for,BUY THREE ITEMS @ 70%OFFMilton and Halton Hills wereThere will be morehe said.chosen to participate.opportunity in the region forThe Oakville native said* New Arrivals & Accessories Not IncludedHalfway into the piloteconomic growth and ourlearning about poverty inproject, which will see the 36children will have a betterHalton was an eye-opener. randomly selected panelistsfuture. I know very few peo-Id like to see a lot moreprovide council with a set ofple live in Halton and worksocial programs in thepriorities for the regionsin Halton, they travel out-region, especially focusingfour-year strategic plan, par-side the region to earn anon mental illness or suicideticipants say it wasnt longincome. prevention, said Balog.before they discovered whatShe said the denser popu-Rick Cockfield, Haltonsthey had in common alation will bring more jobsdirector of strategic plan-desire to serve their commu-and services to the region,ning said hes impressednity.along with more traffic con-with the curiosity andWe were bombardedgestion and poverty twoinsightfulness of the 36-with so much statistics andissues she hopes council willmember panel. Social issues,data on businesses, income,keep in mind.the environment, growth,Vision To be the most livable town in CanadaThird LinePublic Open HouseProposed Skateboard Park at Glen Abbey ParkGlen Abbey Community CentreThursday, January 27, 2011Tennis courtsDrop-in from 79 p.m.Room B, Glen Abbey Community CentreSobeys Plaza1415 Third LineResidents will have the opportunity to provide input and feedback into the development of a proposed skateboard facility at Glen Abbey Park.If you are unable to attend the meeting in person and wish to provide comments, please email floconte@oakville.ca or fax to 905-338-4188. For additional information, please call 905-845-6601, ext. 3158. Potential Baseball diamondskateboard park locationN9 Wednesday, January 26, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.oakvillebeaver.com

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