www.carstaroakville.com547 Trafalgar Rd.905-845-7579www.dentistoakville.com2212 Wyecroft Rd.905-842-6030905-847-2595HALTONTRANSMISSIONwww.brantfl orist.com/ob905.639.7001559 SPEERS ROAD, UNIT #3SNA NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR 2010ONTARIOS TOP NEWSPAPER - 2005-2008(905)842-0725Beaver TrailsTravelA member of Metroland Media Group Ltd.Vol.49 NoY20,2011.8USING COMMUNICATION TO BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIESTHURSDAY,JANUAR32 Pages $1.00 (plus tax)CatholicSpecial performanceboard dropsgay-straightclub banBy Tim WhitnellMETROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUPThe Halton Catholic DistrictSchool Board has revoked its recent-ly passed equity and inclusion policy,paving the way for its high schools toform clubs or support groups thatcater to gay and lesbian students.At a school board meeting Tuesdaynight that was attended by more than100 people, including an overflowcrowd outside the boardroom, trusteesvoted 6-2 to overturn the equity andinclusion policy passed by the previousboard of trustees last November.Oakville trustee Anthony Dankoand new Burlington trustee JaneMichael voted against replacing thepolicy, which banned Gay-StraightAlliances (GSAs).It is replaced by an interim policy,the Ontario Education ServicesCorporation's (OESC) Catholic tem-plate policy, which was accepted on atemporary basis following an 8-0 voteby the board.The Equity and InclusiveEducation Policy, as written andapproved in November 2010, was toorestrictive and narrow in focus andthe boards decision to rescind thepolicy, which included a ban onMICHELLE SIU / OAKVILLE BEAVER GSAs, is based on this acknowledge-ment, said board chair and OakvilleWORLDCLASS: Emily Boycott of the Oakville Butterflies shows off her flexibility during her routine at a Special Olympics rhythmic gymnastics regional meettrustee Alice Anne LeMay.Sunday at St.Pauls United Church.Boycott and three other Butterflies will compete in the Special Olympics World Games later this year in Greece.For moreSee Danko page 3coverage of the meet,see page 28.SAVEBuyOneTire,GetSecondTire%40Buy one of the Tires listed, Evertek RTAltimax ArcticTiger PawWrangler TerritoryBrake pads, shoes, rotors and drumsat our regular price and get the 13-4104X/4200X/16-1500X/2700X2nd identical tire for Half PriceReg from 19.57 ......................Each from 11.74Friday, January 21 to Thursday January 27, 20111100 Kerr Street (Kerr & QEW) 905-844-0202DUNDAS & TRAFALGAR ROAD 400 Dundas St. East 257-TIREWhile quantities last. Sorry, no rainchecks.STORE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8:00am-9:00pm Sat. 7:30am-6:00pm Sun. 9:00am-5:00pmSTORE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8:00am-9:00pm Sat. 8:00am-6:00pm Sun. 9:00am-6:00pmQuantities may be limited. See store for details.