presented byThe Oakville BeaverUnlimited possibilities:Imagine what Fern Hill can do for your child At Fern Hill School, there are countlesswith a well-rounded education that includeslook at when choosing a school and we areFor more information, visit the schoolopportunities available for students toart, music, athletics, drama, French startingproud to offer a dedicated faculty, a beautifulOpen House on January 22, 2011 or contactembrace learning and experience unlimitedin Preschool and Foreign Language studycampus with top-notch facilities and pro-the Admissions Office at 905-257-0022 topossibilities. including Mandarin, and Spanish. grams that offer an enriched and individual-register for the admissions assessment day onFrom reaching out and making a differenceThe Fern Hill curriculum ensures ourized approach to education," says Beamish.January 29, 2011.through community service or discoveringstudents develop the powerful reading, writ-new concepts during math class to audition-ing, and mathematical skills that are so nec-ing for the school musical or joining the Legoessary for future academic success, saysRobotics team, the possibilities are endless. Laura Beamish, Director of Admissions. Fern Hill offers its students from PreschoolWe also encourage and enable our stu-A Highly Customized Approach to Grade 8 a breadth of experiences enablingdents to make dynamic contributions to thethem to become engaged and passionateworld of tomorrow by promoting volun-learners. teerism in the community today, including toTraditionalPrivateEducationThe program inspires intellectual curiosi-leadership opportunities so our studentsty, leadership skills and confidence and offerslearn how to be inspiring leaders and to sharestudents an enriched, customized program. their successes.LOOsFern Hill believes in providing students"We know there are many factors familiessaHlCC ySr eTvE RnitAcademic &AppliedAsdMraSoBtramCoursesS Little Readers AcademyBeyond TutoringAdvantage ProgramHomework SupportAges 3-6 yearsGrades 1-8High School SuccessGrades 1-8tEveryStudenthasanIndividualEducationPlanSome kidst 30,000squarefootOPEN HOUSE modern facilityreally do Sat. Jan. 2210am-2pmlove schoolt 12StudentsperclassSchool doesnt always have to be a struggle. In fact somekids love itand not just because of friends or good grades.They love it because theyre willing to try, and becauset #VTTJngand GOStationthey feel confident in their ability to learn.All kids can love school. It just takesshuttleavailableOxford Learning to show them how.t MultidisciplinaryteamBetter confidence. Better motivation.Better grades.including a comprehensiveCall today, or visit oxfordlearning.compsychologydepartmentOakville North905-469-1929Oakville South905-849-4027ChisholmAcademyHigh SchoolChisholm1484 Cornwall Road t 905-844-3240t www.chisholmcentre.comOxford Learning Centres15 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER