Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 16 Dec 2010, p. 22

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ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m ?OAKVILLE BE A VER Thursda y, December 16, 2010 ?2 2 $000,000 - 4 slevel spide split in Headon Forest. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished rec woom with gas fireplace. New ceramics in kitchen. Hardwood floors in living room & din- ing room. Large professionally landscaped, pool-size lot. New roof in 03, windows replaced 04. Hi-efficiency gas furnace. Master bedroom with full ensuite. Neutral decor throughout. Open House this Sunday at 000 Main St., Burlington.. PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 for more details. SAMPL E SIZE Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the For details call 905-632-4440 and HOME AWAY FROM HOME BURLINGTON TOWERS FURNISHED 1,2, BDRMS 905-639-8583 corporatesuites.ca $ Best Cash Paid $ We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Paintings, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com Homes for Sale Mortgages/ Loans FREE YOURSELF f rom debt Money for any pur- pose! Debt consolidation 1st, 2nd, 3rd mortgages, credit lines & loans up to 90% LTV. Self employed, mortgage or tax arrears. Don't pay for 1yr program! #10171 Ontario-wide Fi- n a n c i a l C o r p . C a l l 1-888-307-7799 www.on ta r io -w ide f i nan - cial.com $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI- DATE Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mort- g a g e # 1 0 9 6 9 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 8 2 - 1 1 6 9 www.mortgageontario.com Office/ Business Space for Rent/ Wanted OFFICE SPACE on Kerr street. Up to 5000 sq/ft available, great rates, Call Jeff (416)-230-8472 Help wanted!pS Help wanted! P d Industrial/ Commercial for Sale AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- LY. 3180 sq.ft. Commer- c ia l space. 650 P la ins Road East, Burlington. Mr. S i ngh , 905 -793 -5599 ; 647-280-2704 Homes for Sale Townhouse/Condos for Sale STUNNING 3-BEDROOM t ownhouse i n Oakv i l l e Woodlands, finished walk- out basement, upgraded appliances, granite kitchen, hardwood floor. Close to a l l amen i t i e s , t r ans i t . 1 9 0 0 s q . f t . , c a l l 647-834-9928 Apartments for Rent 1 , 2 & 3 - B e d r o o m Oakville from $875. 190 Kerr: 905-845-1777, 392 Pine: 905-337-0910, 1265 6 - L i ne 905 -842 -8960 . www.livehere.ca 3055 GLENCREST Road, Burlington. Central loca- tion, quiet, well main- tained, hydro and heat included. Spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. Call 905-637-3921. B U R L I N G T O N DOWNTOWN- Spacious renovated 2 -bedrooms. C l ean , q u i e t b u i l d i ng , A va i l a b l e J an .1 /Feb .1 $ 9 7 0 / m o . C a l l 905-464-5308 905-634-0846 B U R L I N G T O N - 3 0 2 0 Glencrest Road. 2 bed- rooms, available Decem- ber/ January. Starting from $979/mo. Upscale quiet building, close to major shopping. 905-632-0129. OAKVILLE~ AFFORDABLE Rent ! Large 1 & 2 bed- rooms, hardwood, suites with balcony. Appliances, laundry, quiet, clean, near transit/ schools/ shops. 905-339-3245. Apartments for Rent BURLINGTON CORE- 2 bedrooms, lower l eve l apartment, minutes from YMCA, Centra l L ibrary, GO station. No-smoking, no pets preferred. $1100/mo. inclusive. Available January 1. Call 905-333-9062. BURLINGTON- LARGE, 2-bedroom (825sq.ft.) C lean qu ie t bu i ld ing near downtown. Starting f rom $895/mo. Ca l l Gabe, 905-634-5885. BURLINGTON TOWERS Upgraded 2-bedroom available immediately, Dec/Jan. Features in- clude: newer ceramics, parquet floors, newer appliances, 2 full balco- nies, in-suite storage, A/C. Walking distance to Lakefront, Mapleview Ma l l , c lose to 403, Q E W , G O . C a l l 905-639-8583, FREE IPOD with rental. DUNDAS/ TRAFALGAR, Large basement apar t - ment, 1-bedroom, spacious den/ great room w/ kitch- en, appliances, uti l it ies, parking. Suit single mature pe r son . Non - smoke rs . $935/mo. Available Imme- diately. 416-891-9516 LARGE BRIGHT 2 -bed- room suite $820/mo. plus hydro. No pets pre- ferred, includes parking. 905-635-2491. OAKVILLE- 200 Queen Mary Drive. 3 bedrooms $1460/mo. Available imme- diately. Also 3 bedroom, available January 1. Also 1 b e d r o o m a v a i l a b l e February 1, $1070/mo. 905-844-1934. www.taylorgroupproperties.ca OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bed- room townhouses available immediately, appliances, H o p e d a l e M a l l A r e a . Lakeshore Management 905-876-3336. OAKVILLE, 4TH L ine/ Bridge Road. 2-bedroom 2-storey apartment in reno- vated house with laundry, a t t a c h e d g a r a g e . $1100/mo. plus hydro. Ava i l ab l e Immed ia te l y. 289-218-8046. OAKVILLE NEAR Sheridan College. Basement 1-bed- room $750/mo. includes utilities. Immediate. Prefer no pets/ non -smok ing. 905-845-8915. Apartments for Rent OAKVILLE DOWNTOWN, Kerr/ Lakeshore. Totally renovated large bright 2- bedroom, low rise, quiet adult building. No pets pre- f e r r e d . $ 9 7 5 / m o . Available January. (parking included). 416-948-8321. TYANDAGA APTMNTS Burlington. Spacious and bright lovely 2 bedroom Seniors discount. Hydro i n c l u d e d . C a l l D i a n n e 905-332-8979 TYANDAGA TERRACE, Burl ington. Low rise bu i ld ing s i tua ted on p a r k - l i k e g r o u n d s . F resh l y pa in ted . A l l rooms w/individual ther- mostat controlled heat- ing. 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms. 1440, 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive. 9 0 5 - 3 3 6 - 0 0 1 5 , 905-336-0016. WATERDOWN CENTRAL location, walk everywhere 1&2 bedrooms $785/mo; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; www.livehere.ca Furnished Apartments WWW.TRAVELSUITES.CA L a r g e 1 - b e d r o o m , Bronte Harbour Club, S p e c i a l f r o m $1195.+* Unfurnished.; Furn ished Corporate R e s i d e n c e s ! D a i l y, Weekly, Monthly! Busi- ness, Family, Travel Visits! Full Kitchen, Free Laundry, Pe t s O .K . ; From.... $49.95*/night! We will Beat anyone's Best Price. Page Us @ 905-681-7355 Houses for Rent BRONTE CREEK- 3 bed- rooms, 2 jacuzzi baths, ha rdwood and g ran i t e fl oors, laundry. $1700/mo. inclusive. 416-833-2394, 416-907-6829. BUNGALOW HOUSE, Oak- v i l le . 3 + 1 bedrooms, 2 b a t h s , 2 k i t c h e n s , separate entrance, extra l a rg e , d r i v e w a y a n d garage. Close to Schools and YMCA. $1550/mo. plus util it ies. January 1. 9 0 5 - 3 3 8 - 3 3 4 5 , 905-599-3345. DETACHED HOUSE, Dor- val/ Kerr St. 2 kitchens/ washrooms, 2 separate en- trances, $1600/mo. plus u t i l i t i e s . A va i l . J an .1 . 416-710-0932 Houses for Rent GORGEOUS 4 bedroom, Headon Forest. Grani te kitchen, hardwood through- out, f in ished basement, n ew f u r n ace , ga r age . O p t i o n t o b u y . Call 905-529-2424. Townhouses for Rent 2 STOREY, 4 -bedroom townhouse, 2.5 bath, 5 ap- pliances, 4 car parking, $1600/mo. Immediate. 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 - 3 8 6 5 , 416-716-9345 2039 WALKERS L ine , 2 bedroom units, hydro included. From $964/mo. F o r m o r e i n f o c a l l 905-524-2985. 3 BEDROOM Townhouse. White oaks Blvd. Off Trafal- gar and QEW. Private drive, ga rage . 5 app l i ances . Immediate. Near Oakville Place, GO, Sheridan Col- lege. 905-842-0254. BURLINGTON- LARGE 3 bedrooms, immediate. App l i a nces , h a rdwood f loors, qu iet park l ike sett ing. 905-681-0070. www.rentaltownhouses.ca GEORGIAN COURT Es- tates- 611 Surrey lane. large bright 2&3 bed town- houses w/ful l basement and utilities included. Park l ike sett ing w/seasonal pool, splash pad, tennis and basketba l l cour ts . Open House : Monday, W e d n e s d a y , F r i d a y , 10am-4pm and weekends, 11am-2pm. 905-632-8547 www.realstar.ca Travel & Vacations FORT MYERS Beach , Florida, ocean front, 1-bed- room Condo fully furnished. Available January, Febru- ary, March (ful l months, weekly or season rate) Call 905-257-5876. Rentals Outside Canada FULL SKI Season Rental, D e c e m b e r - A p r i l . Ellicottville, New York. 3 bedroom cozy new home on 70 acres, 9 m i nu t e s t o s k i h i l l . Suitable for famil ies. Call 905-331-9880. Trailers/R.V.s MUST SELL: 1-bedroom, 30 ft trailer, great for sum- mer home, needs some w o r k . $ 3 5 0 0 O B O . (905)-876-4776 Lost & Found FOUND: BLACK cat Brant and Leighland. We cal l S e r i n a . P l e a s e c a l l 905-637-7325. FOUND: BLACK cat Leigh- land and Brant. We call Vanessa . P l ease ca l l 905-637-7325. F O U N D : C A M E R A i n Hopedale Mall near the end o f N o v e m b e r. C a l l t o identify 905-847-3912. FOUND LADIES watch in the No Frills parking lot last Wednesday. Call to identify 905-333-9868 ask for Lor- rie FOUND: S IAMESE cat Appleby Line and Upper Middle. We call Saphire. Please call 905-637-7325. Lost & Found FOUND: ORANGE and white cat Appleby Line and Dundas. We call Captain J a c k . P l e a s e c a l l 905-637-7325. Child Care Available DAYCARE AVAILABLE i n We s t B u r l i n g t o n , 6:30am- 5:30pm. Hot meals, lovely and edu- cational environment. Police Check, CPR. Pat- ty 905-632-4638. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in m y h o m e , 1 0 y e a r s exper ience. Fun lov ing safe environment. Third L ine/ Br idge, Oakv i l l e . R e f e re n c e s , re c e i p t s . 905-469-0499. Child Care Wanted MOTHER OF 2 looking for daycare in my home from 3:30-4:30pm - 6pm, 3 days/ week. Stu- d e n t s W e l c o m e . 905-635-4576. Articles Wanted TOP PRICES paid for used laptops, any condition and Vintage Computers. Free pick-up. Cal l Joe, B&D A u t o r e c y c l i n g . 9 0 5 - 2 0 8 - 3 6 5 2 , 905-827-8015 Articles Under $100 2 END Tab les, 24x22, dark brown with glass top $60 ea. 905-637-3989 2 LAMPS, with shades, $40 ea. 905-637-3989 2 MICHELIN all season tires, 225-60-16, lots of tread, over 80%, $100, 905-332-3973 2 SNOW tires, 195/75/14 like new must see, $100, 905-332-3973 5/16" STEEL cable, 67', 4 clamps, 2 grab hooks, l i k e n e w , $ 4 0 , 905-842-0029 AKAI DVD/CD player, 5 disc changer with remote control, exc cond, $30, 905-257-5456 BATTERY RECHARGER, f i t s A , AA, C, D, $10, 905-842-5834 CLOTHES RACK, 5'6"W x 5'5"H, $45, 905-842-0029 COLLECTOR PLATE in box with certificate, floral design, $8, 905-465-0507 DOWNHILL SKIS, polls & bindings, Fischer, $100, 905-639-6244 DRAWERS, 4 solid pine colored drawers including handles, 16" x 20" each, n o c a b i n e t , $ 4 0 , 905-842-5834 HAMSTER CAGE & acces- s o r i e s , $ 3 0 , 905-599-6355 JUNIOR GOLF set with bag, putter, driver, & 2 irons, good shape, $60, 905-637-2497 LARGE DISPLAY cabinet, 3 sections, pine grain, lots o f d rawers & she l ves , $100, 905-592-0059 QUEENS JUBILEE tea set, teapot, sugar bowl, cream- er, 4 cups & saucers, $55, 905-257-5456 Articles Under $100 RALEIGH BIKE in good condition, 24" wheels, 15 gears, $60, 905-637-2497 RING & Neck lace set , .925 sterling with pink CZ & WH. Topaz, nice gift box, $40, 905-336-0667 S C H W I N N C O A S T E R childs bike with 16" wheels i n g re a t s h a p e , $ 4 0 , 905-637-2497 SKI STORAGE rack, holds 2 pair of ski and poles, $7, 905-465-0507 WALL MOUNT for regular TV from Ikea, will hold up t o 55 l b s , n ew, $25 , 905-842-5834 W I N T E R B O O S T E R cab les, l i ke new, $12, 905-842-0029 Articles for Sale **A1 MATTRESS Facto- r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y available. All sizes in- c lud ing custom Spl i t boxsprings, Orthopedic 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g $240. 30yr t ight - top sets starting $340. De- luxe no-f l ip Pi l lowtop &'Crown' series, Euro- top sets f rom $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontin- ued i tems ava i lab le . 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 CARPETS- I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stain- master & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do living-room & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation ( 3 0 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 www.car- petdeals.ca DRESSER W/MIRROR, m a h o g a n y , 30"Hx19"D,x65"W, 9 draw- e r s , $ 2 6 0 . ; A r m o i re , 62"Hx41"Wx22.5"D, solid wood, light brown $160. Antique Chairs, call for de- tails. 905-637-3989 HOT TUB (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Ca l l 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 www.thecoverguy.ca L IV INGROOM FURNI - TURE, Queen Anne design, very good condition. Sofa and armchair, cherrywood frame, material Italian vel- vet/ tapestry. Coffee table, two end t ab l e s , so l i d wood, asking $600. Call 905-484-5595. MOVING- 2 love seats, 2 chairs, china, wrought iron server, bar, diningroom ta- ble and much more! For more in fo and p ictures email: lfsgood@cogeco.ca SNOW TIRES, for Honda Civic, barely used, $500 f o r a l l f o u r . C a l l (416)-738-0289 WEIGHT LIFTING multi-po- sit ion work-out exercise bench with accessories, $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ Stackable exercise step- per, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exer- cise bike, paid $325 ask- i ng $85 . So l i d row ing exerc ise machine, pa id $385, asking $90. OBO for all. 905-842-7404. Health & Home Care SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Care- givers will provide up to 24 hour In -home care . 905-634-2400. Articles Wanted Dogs CHRISTMAS PUPPIES: 2 months old Cross Bijon- Fr ise/ Shi Tzu puppies, white/ chocolate brown $450. 905-631-0297. COTON DE Tulear pup- pies, home raised, ethical CKC CFC breeder, 1 male & 1 female puppy 8 weeks old, excellent health, 1st shots, micro-chipped. Reg- is tered. Ready for new homes! 705-689-0815. www.lakecountrycotons.ca F1B LABRADOODLES p u p s . F i r s t v a c c i n e / m i c ro c h i p p e d . F a m i l y raised. 905-692-5925. www.macleoddoodles.com GOLDEN RETRIEVERS/ Husky puppies, fi rst shots, $500. Pupp ies need a good home before Christ- mas (905)-876-4776 HABANESE PUPPIES- CKC Registered, males and females available. Peepad t r a i ned . Ready t o go ! Brenda 416-704-7104. POMERANIAN PUPPIES 3months , 2 - fema les , 1 -ma l e , 8 mon ths o l d w h i t e / b ro w n c o l o u r , house raised/ trained. Call 905-901-3951 SANTA PAWS Golden Re- tr ievers, purebred, f irst sho t s , dewormed , ve t checked, Ready December 20th. (905)-628-5280 Pet Supplies/ Boarding/Service TAIL WAGGER Pet Sitting, Burlington- Oodles of love, attention, special diets, rou t i nes honoured . A l l small pets welcome. Rea- s o n a b l e r a t e s . 2 8 9 - 2 1 7 - 1 0 8 4 , 905-483-8269 Cars 2001 RAV4, 5 speed, manual, 200,000km. A/C, AWD, power windows, power locks, roof rack, $6995 Call 905-827-8318 2003 FORD Exp lo re r, Eddie Bauer- 260,000km, totally reconditioned with all necessary papers. Safe- ty and e-tested. $8500. Call 905-842-3203. FOR SALE 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser, 4 Cylinder, Am/ FM/ Cd player. A/C, OD, tinted glass, 50, 600km. $6495, (905)-690-6660 Cars 2005 HONDA Accord, LX. i-VTEC 2.4L. Excellent Con- d i t ion . Or ig ina l Owner. Regularly serviced. Safety and e-tested. Must see! $9995. P lease contact Scott at 416.819.7614. Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking ***ALWAYS CASH*** $200. (Average) Paid for usable and scrap ve- hicles. Free pickup. Also Free dead battery pick-up. 905-320-3287 pedder@ rogers.blackberry.net CASH PAID- $200.00+ for any Complete vehi- cles driven in/ $150+ for vehicles picked up. Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). MOT legal trans- fers. 905-827-8015. CASH PAID fo r Scrap Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 Auto Parts & Accessories GOODYEAR ULTRAGRIP snow tires 195/70 R14, without rims. Used 2 win- ters for local trips. Call 905-844-1058 Careers CareersBURLINGTON TOWERS INDOOR HEATED POOL INDOOR HE TED POO TENNIS COURTS, BBQ AREA TENNIS COU TS, BBQ ARE FITNESS ROOM FITNESS ROO RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES RECRE TIONAL ACTIVITIE INCL. HEAT, HYDRO, A/C, ONE INCL. HE , HYDRO, A/C, ONE PRKG SPACE, WINDOW CVRGS PRKG S ACE, WINDOW CVRG ON-SITE MAINTENANCE & ON-SITE MAINTENANCE SECURITY SECURIT LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION TION, TION, 905-639-8583 burlingtontowers.com 1, 2, 3 bedrooms 2 3 bedroom To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Fax 905-632-8165 OAKVILLE Beaverclassifieds AD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5.DEADLINES: Monday 5 p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tuesday 5 p.m. for Thursday publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure its accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication. Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:30 p.m. on the following Monday. CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Classified Call Centre 8:30 am. - 5:30pm. For Circulation inquiries, please call 905-845-9742

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