Cowan, William (Died)
- Full Text
The village of Grimsby lost one of its most highly respected citizens on Friday evening last when Mr. William Cowan passed away at his home on Ontario St., in his 67th year. The late Mr. Cowan and family had lived in Grimsby for the past 30 years, coming here from Hamilton in 1887 when Mr. Cowan became section foreman on the Grimsby section of the Grand Trunk Railway System. Previous to that he had been in the employ of the Grand Trunk Railway and the Great Western Railway for 19 years, so that at the time of his death he had been in the railway service for 49 years, just one year short of half a century...He is survived by two sisters, Miss Martha Cowan of Hamilton, and Mrs. Mary Fairweather, of Hamilton; his widow, three sons and three daughters. The sons are Fred of Hammond, Indiana, where he is a passenger brakesman on the Southern Central Railway, and William and Ewart, both in service of their country in the trenches in France. The daughters are Mrs. Barnum, of Grimsby and Miss Olive and Miss Lena at home. The funeral took place from his late residence on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, services being conducted at the house and graveside by the Rev. Mr. McLaughlin assisted by the Rev. Mr.Radcliffe and Masonic services being held at the graveside.
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- Media Type
- Genealogical Resource
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Obituaries
- Date of Publication
- 28 Feb 1917
- Date Of Event
- Feb 23, 1917
- Last Name(s)
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 43.20011 Longitude: -79.56631
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Grimsby Public
Agency street/mail address:Grimsby Public Library
18 Carnegie Lane
Grimsby Ontario