Lori Paton RN, RRT Nurse Next Doors services range from a 3 hour a week concierge service to an onsite 24 hr per day Registered Nurse. Nurse Next Door Home Healthcare Inc. Offi ce: 905.257.3452 Website: www.nursenextdoor.com Making Lives Better One Visit At A Time Making Lives Better One Visit At A Time Unopened mail or past due bills Poor grooming/ personal hygiene, soiled clothing Mishandled medications Loss of appetite or changes in cooking/eating habits Spoiled/outdated food in fridge or little food in house Reluctance to socialize and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities Difficulty concentrating, memory loss, poor judgment Personality changes, irritability, persistent fatigue Difficulty walking or recent falls HOW DO I KNOW IF MY LOVED ONE NEEDS HELP? Far too often, families dont realize that there is a need for assistance until the situation becomes critical. This results in high levels of stress and anxiety for all involved. By becoming aware of and observing for some of the warning signs listed below, it may be possible to recognize concerns while still easily manageable. If you have concerns that your loved one may be experiencing any of the above warning signs, call Nurse Next Door for a complimentary in home nursing assessment to identify individual needs. Issues can often be improved or resolved, with only a few hours of weekly support from a caregiver, when identifi ed early. If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: Ask the Professionalsc/o The Oakvi le Beaver, 467 Speers Road, Oakville L6K 3S4 orfax to: 905-337-5568 Work-Fit Total Therapy Centre Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (905) 845-9540 Q: Why is Exercise for the Elderly So Important? Hospital Owned & Operated www.WorkFitPhysiotherapy.ca.c NET PROCEEDS SUPPORT HOSPITAL PROGRAMS To commence an exercise program, or if you have pain that prevents you from exercising, call for an assessment by one of our Registered Physiotherapists. A: As people age, physical changes can occur: Increase or decrease in body weight Decrease in muscle strength and muscle mass Bone loss which can lead to weight loss Decrease in bone density which may result in osteoporosis Decrease in balance and func ? on Reducing the e + ects of these physical changes is the driving factor in exercise in the elderly. Benefits of regular exercise may include: Be ? er quality of sleep Greater social interac ?on- this can lead to a healthy state of mind; reduce depression Weight Loss Avoidance of chronic disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes Decrease risks of falls Improved Func ? onal Independence Prior to commencing any physical ac ?vity, please contact your physician. Hopedale Shopping Centre 1515 Rebecca Street Suite 220, 2nd Floor 905-827-0301 OakdaleDental.ca Dr. Rosenblat D.D.S. Q: How are womens dental needs differentthan mens? A: Good dental health is essential to good overall health. Women face unique challenges in maintaining their dental health due to hormones and how they fluctuate during different stages of life and pregnancy. These changes can make women more susceptible to gingivitis and gum disease. And gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of problems including heart disease, pre term low birth weight babies and a womans ability to control conditions like diabetes. How do a womans hormones affect gum disease? Well basically it starts at puberty. An increase in female sex hormones coincides with an increase in gingivitis (mild to severe) when a girl reaches puberty. This is due to changes in the gum tissue, the response of the oral bacteria to those hormones (oral contraceptives too!) and the reaction of the gums to the irritation of plaque and debris as a result of these changes. This is a common theme throughout a womans life as natural cycles cause changes in those hormones regularly. Canker sores can often occur prior to a womans period as well. During pregnancy the hormone changes can be much more exaggerated. 60-75% of pregnant woman have some gingivitis, some may be severe enough to cause pain, bleeding and even need minor surgical correction. Later in life, menopause may also cause dry mouth, oral pain with red or inflamed gums and osteoporosis may worsen bone loss around teeth due to gum disease. A healthy diet, good oral care at home and professional dental care can help minimize and treat these issues before they can become serious enough to cause tooth loss. Great things start with a smile! Visit my blog at OakvilleFamilyDentistry.com Susan Leung Certified Teacher/DirectorQ A How can I help my child develop better study habits so he/she can be successful in school? Sylvan offers a comprehensive Study Skills program for students in grades 4 -12. For additional tips, visit www.SylvanLearning.com or call Oakville Sylvan Learning Centre 905.469.6353. t Manage time. Encourage children to estimate the time they will spend on homework and help them to complete it within that timeframe. t Emphasize organization. Keeping class materials organized helps with test preparation, so work with your child to determine the best method for her/ him. t Keep a schedule. Your child should keep a schedule of all classes, assignments and key dates, such as project deadlines, test dates and extra curricular activities. t Take effective class notes. When taking notes, students are encouraged to listen carefully when a teacher elaborates and then briefly summarize the main ideas. t Develop test-taking strategies. Being well prepared for a quiz or test helps reduce the students anxiety on exam day. Developing effective study habits is essential for a childs academic success. Students with weak study skills can become frustrated, waste time and often receive low grades. The educational experts at Sylvan Learning recommend the following tips to help students improve their study habits: 4 R V B S F 0 O F t 1 P S U $ S F E J U & S J O . J M M T t 0 B L W J M M F 1-800-338-2283 www.educate.com reveraliving.com Revera: Canadian owned since 1961 with over 200 locations. Q: How should I prepare to visit a Revera Retirement Residence? A: Prepare a checklist of the things that are most important to you in a retirement residence. These may include: property location, surrounding amenities, on-site medical support services, culinary options, social programs, suite selection and the financial commitment. Also bring along any questions or concerns you have. To learn more about your options, visit reveraliving.com or call 1.877.929.9222 today, to schedule a personal tour at one of Reveras retirement residences in Oakville. Churchill Place 905-338-3311 The Kensington 905-844-4000 Trafalgar Lodge 905-842-8408 0453 4 w w w . o a kv ill eb ea ve r.c o m O A KV IL LE B EA V ER Th ur sd ay , O ct ob er 7 , 2 01 0 2 4 To advertise in this section call 905-845-3824