Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Aug 2010, p. 69

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To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Fax 905-632-8165 OAKVILLE Beaverclassifieds AD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5.DEADLINES: Monday 5 p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tuesday 5 p.m. for Thursday publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure its accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication. Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:30 p.m. on the following Monday. CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Classified Call Centre 8:30 am. - 5:30pm. For Circulation inquiries, please call 905-845-9742 69 ?Thursda y , August 26, 2010 OAKVILLE BE A VER ?ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m $000,000 - 4 slevel spide split in Headon Forest. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished rec woom with gas fireplace. New ceramics in kitchen. Hardwood floors in living room & din- ing room. Large professionally landscaped, pool-size lot. New roof in 03, windows replaced 04. Hi-efficiency gas furnace. Master bedroom with full ensuite. Neutral decor throughout. Open House this Sunday at 000 Main St., Burlington.. PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 for more details. SAMPL E SIZE Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the For details call 905-632-4440 and Homes for Sale DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE condo, spotless, spacious, fully renovated, 2-bedroom, 2-bathrooms, appliances in- c luded, s teps to l ake , $ 3 2 9 , 0 0 0 , c a l l 905-844-1616 SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE 3-bedroom, end unit, ravine lot. Open house Sunday Au- gust 29, 2-4pm, Unit #22, 1276 Silvan Forest Drive, Burlington. $329,900. or Call 905-332-5302 Mortgages/ Loans FREE YOURSELF f rom debt Money for any pur- pose! Debt consolidation 1st, 2nd, 3rd mortgages, credit lines & loans up to 90% LTV. Self employed, mortgage or tax arrears. Don't pay for 1yr program! #10171 Ontario-wide Fi- n a n c i a l C o r p . C a l l 1-888-307-7799 www.on ta r io -w ide f i nan - cial.com $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI- DATE Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mort- g a g e # 1 0 9 6 9 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 8 2 - 1 1 6 9 www.mortgageontario.com Business Services SAVE UP to $400 on your car insurance Good driving record? Call Grey Power to- day at 1-877-603-5050 for no-obligation quote. Addi- tional discounts available. Homes for Sale Business Opportunities C O M M E R C I A L C A R De ta i l i ng Bus iness fo r sale. Fully equipped. For mo re i n f o rma t i o n ca l l 905-333-8589, 647-203-7275. START A Home based business, full -t ime, part- time. Serious inquires only. 416-410-2740. Office/ Business Space for Rent/ Wanted DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE- Prime location. Office/ Re- t a i l / B us i n e ss space , 1 1 0 0 o r 2 2 0 0 s q . f t . Available Immediately. Please call 416-573-7446. OFFICE FOR lease in Oakville- $18.00/sq.ft per a n n u m a n d 6 6 6 s q . f t $1,100 ALL INCLUSIVE. Close GO/ QEW Please call 905-616-5586 Apartments for Rent 1 B D R M f o r Sept./Oct. Ut i l i t ies & blinds included. On the lake. Parquet f loors. Sauna rooms. Sir Rich- ard Towers Oakville Call 1-866-499-1607 1 / 2 / 3 B E D R O O M O a k v i l l e f r o m $ 8 7 5 www.livehere.ca 190 Kerr: 905-845-1777 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 1265 6-Line 905-842-8960 Apartments for Rent 2-BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment, Burlington, sep- arate entrance, 4 applianc- es , $740/mo. Oakv i l l e ground f loor 2-bedroom w/exclusive use of base- ment, $895/mo. Albert M c D o n a g h R e a l e s t a t e 905-632-5690 BURLINGTON 2154 Lilnan Crt. Spacious reno- vated 1-bedroom apar t - ment. Clean, quiet building, Oct.1. $865./mo. Incl. p a r k i n g , h e a t . 905-464-5308, 905-634-0846. B U R L I N G T O N - 3 0 2 0 Glencrest Rd. 2 bedrooms, a v a i l a b l e S e p t e m b e r / October. Star t ing f rom $959/mo. Upscale quiet building, close to major shopping. 905-632-0129. FACING BURLINGTON Mall. Lovely 1 bdrm suite. Brand new kitchen. Seniors discount. Hydro included. Landscaped grounds. Call Don 905-681-8115. UPGRADED 1-bed- room available immedi- ately/Sept. Free IPOD. Cal l now. Bur l ington Towers 905-639-8583 G R E A T L O C A T I O N Downtown Burl ington, Bachelor, 1-Bedroom a n d 2 - B e d r o o m s a v a i l a b l e . C a l l 905-484-0990. GUELPH L INE/ Wood - w a r d . 2 b e d r o o m s , available October, $895/ mo . u t i l i t i e s i nc l uded . C lean , qu ie t bu i ld ing . Burlington. 905-632-4265. PRIME DOWNTOWN Bur- lington. Upgraded suites 1 2 bedrooms. New win- dows. Modernized eleva- tors. Scenic views. 478 Pea r l , 477 E l i z abe t h ; 9 0 5 - 6 3 4 - 9 3 7 4 , 905-632-1643 BURLINGTON TOWERS INDOOR HEATED POOL INDOOR HE TED POO TENNIS COURTS, BBQ AREA TENNIS COU TS, BBQ ARE FITNESS ROOM FITNESS ROO RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES RECRE TIONAL ACTIVITIE INCL. HEAT, HYDRO, A/C, ONE INCL. HE , HYDRO, A/C, ONE PRKG SPACE, WINDOW CVRGS PRKG S ACE, WINDOW CVRG ON-SITE MAINTENANCE & ON-SITE MAINTENANCE SECURITY SECURIT LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION TION, TION, 905-639-8583 burlingtontowers.com 1, 2, 3 bedrooms 2 3 bedroom OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bed- room townhouses available immediately, appliances, H o p e d a l e M a l l A r e a . Lakeshore Management 905-876-3336. OAKVILLE~AFFORDABLE Rent! Large 1&2 bedroom ha rdwood , su i t es w i t h balcony. Appliances, laun- dry, qu ie t , c lean, near transit/ schools/ shops. 905-339-3245. WATERDOWN CENTRAL location, walk everywhere 1&2 bedrooms $785/mo; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; www.livehere.ca HOME AWAY FROM HOME BURLINGTON TOWERS FURNISHED 1,2, BDRMS 905-639-8583 corporatesuites.ca Apartments for Rent TYANDAGA TERRACE, Burl ington. Low rise bu i ld ing s i tua ted on p a r k - l i k e g r o u n d s . F resh l y pa in ted . A l l rooms w/individual ther- mostat controlled heat- ing. 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms. 1440, 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive. 9 0 5 - 3 3 6 - 0 0 1 5 , 905-336-0016. Furnished Apartments BURLINGTON (ALDER- SHOT). Cozy furn ished bachelor basement apt. Pri- vate entrance. No smok- ers/ pets. Available 1st Sept. $750/mo. 1st & last. 905-520-6639 WWW.TRAVELSUITES.CA L a r g e 1 - b e d r o o m , Bronte Harbour Club, S p e c i a l f r o m $1395.* Unfurnished.; Furnished Corporate Res idences ! Da i l y, W e e k l y , M o n t h l y ! B u s i n e s s , F a m i l y , Trave l V i s i t s ! Fu l l Kitchen, Free Laundry, Pets O.K.; From.... $49.95*/night! We will Bea t anyone ' s Bes t P r i ce . Page Us @ 905-681-7355 Condos for Rent LUXURY 1-BEDROOM, marble/ granite decor. Luxurious indoor pool and hottub overlooking Lake Ontario. 24hr se- curity. 6 appliances, un- d e rg ro u n d p a r k i n g , exercise room. Sept.1. 905-336-6086 SHARP 1-BEDROOM con- do at Pier 12 (Lakeshore/ Bronte). Ensuite laundry, C/A, indoor pool and exer- cise room, private under- ground garage, rooftop garden with BBQ. Available October 1. $1275/mo. Ca l l Be t t y LaChape l l e , Co ldwe l l Banker Home a n d F a m i l y R e a l t y 905-825-7777. Houses for Rent BURLINGTON- 4-LEVEL split, garage, familyroom, 3-bedrooms, recroom, off Guelph Line $1450/mo; B u n g a l o w, 3 - b e d ro o m +den, off Brant, large re- croom, 2-bath, hardwood, garage, $1230/mo; Bur- l ington Mal l , 3-bedroom semi, new broadloom, 2- bath, $1145/mo.; Cape- cod, garage, 4-bedroom +den, 3 bath, $1495/mo. M c d o n a g h R e a l e s t a t e 905-632-5690 Houses for Rent IN OAKVILLE, garage , ap- pliances, laundry, 2-bed- room basement apartment, f i rep lace, separate en - t r a n c e , a p p l i a n c e s . 9 0 5 - 9 0 1 - 3 9 5 1 , 416-550-2968. Townhouses for Rent BEAUTIFUL 5-YEAR old 3-bedroom townhouse, fin- ished basement, 5-appli- ances. Avai lable Oct 1. $1555/mo. 905-332-6096 BURLINGTON- large 3 bedrooms, immediate. App l i a nces , h a rdwood f loors, qu iet park l ike sett ing. 905-681-0070. www.rentaltownhouses.ca BURLINGTON LUX town- home, 2+ bdrm, near RBG, hardwood floors, granite counter tops, 5 appl., fi n. basement, $1550./month. Avail now, 905-719-3407 EAST BURLINGTON on Lakeshore , 3 bedroom t o w n h o u s e . A v a i l a b l e September 1. $1205/mo. includes hydro and 1-car parking. Call for appoint- ment 905-632-1750. EXECUTIVE FREE hold town house, 2200 sqft , 3- bedroom, 4-bathroom, fin- ished basement, garage and appliances, in upscale orchard area. Available Oc- tober 1st. 905-469-4461 GEORGIAN COURT Es- tates- 611 Surrey lane. large bright 2&3 bed town- houses w/ful l basement and utilities included. Park l ike sett ing w/seasonal pool, splash pad, tennis and basketba l l cour ts . Open House : Monday, W e d n e s d a y , F r i d a y , 10am-4pm and weekends, 11am-2pm. 905-632-8547 www.realstar.ca GUELPH LINE/QEW 4- bedroom, 1.5 bath, gar- age, recroom, $1130/mo; Appleby Mall 3-bedroom condo, garage, 1.5 bath, recroom, pool, $1160/mo; Burloak 4-bedroom, 1.5 bath, recroom, door to gar- a g e , f e n c e d y a r d $1140/mo. Albert McDo- n a g h R e a l E s t a t e 905-632-5690 O A K P A R K , 3 - B E D - ROOMS, open concept liv- i ng room, La rge ea t - i n kitchen, 5-appliances, A/C, h a r d w o o d o n m a i n f l o o r , 1 . 5 b a t h r o o m s d o u b l e g a r a g e , n e a r parks/ schools. Oct. lst. $1550/mo. plus. 416-565- 9161. Rooms for Rent and Wanted B U R L I N G T O N E A S T- Large furnished bedroom, private washroom, over looking lake,underground p a r k i n g , i m m e d i a t e $600/mo. 905-639-1236. FURNISHED ROOM on Northshore, across from hospital. Female or male, smoker or not, $100/week 905-639-7517. Travel & Vacations Itll fit your lifestyle! Be a Wee Watch Provider! weewatch.com/youtube Safe Educational Reliable Burlington: 905-632-0551 Oakville/Mississauga: 905-823-2625 FLAGLER BEACH, FL , North of Daytona Beach, 2- bedroom w i t h ga rage . S ho r t wa l k t o o cean . Available Dec 1/10 to April 30/11. 905-336-1822. Travel & Vacations SARASOTA, FL. Luxury 2BR/ 2 bath, newly reno'd, ground flr condo in Tara Plantat ion backing onto Golf course. Country club membership incl. unlimited golf & pool. Photos & de- tails, call 416-567-3896 Cottages for Rent COTTAGE LAST Minute Deals- Aug/Sept. New 3- bedroom, haliburton area, view video f i r e g u y @ c o g e c o . c a 9 0 5 - 6 3 0 - 5 4 4 0 , 705-286-4004 Lost & Found FOUND: BLACK and white cat Guelph Line and New St. We call Archimedes. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: BLACK tabby cat Plains Rd and Waterdown R d . We c a l l K o r t n e y. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: BROWN tabby cat in the Pearl St area. We cal l JR. P lease cal l 905-637-7325. FOUND: GREY and white cat, Plains Rd and Kings- way. We call Madam Mim. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: ORANGE tabby cat Appleby Line and Upper Middle. We ca l l Mer l in . Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: YOUNG b lack with white cat Appleby and Fa i r v iew area . We ca l l Aaron. Please call 905- 637-7325. FOUND: YOUNG brown tabby and white cat at La Salle Park. We call Kyle. Please call 905-637-7325. LOST: SIAMESE Cat in Burlington, Palmer/ Guelph Line. Friendly, 10 years, m a l e , n o c o l l a r . 905-630-3984. NEW IPOD shuf f le was found on the Burl ington Waterfront trail on Sunday morning August 15. The owner can let me know the name that is engraved on it and the distinctive colour. Call 905-315-1880. Personals/ Companions PLAN YOUR vacation easi- ly by searching 100s of unique holiday home ren- tals. Rates start as low as $47/night. Rent your own private vacation home at www.myhol idayhomeren- tal.com . Nannies/ Live In/ Out LIVE-IN CAREGIVER in Oakville for family with 3 boys. $10.25/hour, ful l - time hours with flexibility. 416-570-9521 Child Care Available BEFORE/ AFTER School & ha l f days. Daycare available near St. Paul's School, Burlington. Will pick-up. Healthy snacks provided, Police check, ref- e r e n c e s . D a n a 905-634-1670 BRANT/ MT. Forest. Full- time space available. Hot meals, educat ional pro- grams, all ages, ECE. Lots of T.L.C. 905-331-9147. Child Care Available BURLINGTON CHILDREN'S C e n t r e h a s s p a c e avai lable star t ing in September. 30 years serving Burlington fami- lies. 1600 Kerns Road, 905-332-3971. EXPERIENCED CAREGIV- ER available. Hot meals, lots of activities. Referenc- es, police check. Receipts. Grosvenor Street, Oakville. Call Fifi , 905-849-8119. EXPERIENCED, LOVING daycare in my smoke-free home, River Oaks. Refer- e n c e s a n d r e c e i p t s 905-815-1293 HOME DAYCARE, over 15 years experience, re- c e i p t s & r e f e r e n c e s available. Babies welcome. 8th Line/ Upper Middle. 905-844-3146 ONE SPACE available in home daycare in Bur- lington. Excellent refer- e n c e s . C a l l E v a 905-334-4310 Q U A L I T Y, R E L I A B L E childcare available in my home (Upper Middle/ Tra- falgar). Children over 2. Full/ part-time, before/ af- ter schoolcare. Smoke- free, indoor/ outdoor ac- tivities. Nutritious meals/ snacks. CPR/ First Aid. Se- curity Clearance. Receipts. References.905-338-6226. SOUTHEAST OAKVILLE- Before and After School Program. Drop offs, pick ups, snacks, crafts, help wi th homework. A l l the comforts of home. Limited s p o t s a v a i l a b l e . We l l established program. Call 905-617-8777. TRUSTING, CARING, De- pendable home Day- care, North Oakvi l le. 12mos. and up. Struc- tured environment, out- door fun, no pets/ no smoking. Pol ice check, CPR, refer- ences , rece ip t s . 17 years experience. Call 905-465-1169. Child Care Wanted BABYSITTER WANTED, in my home, Monday- Friday, 7:30am- 3:30pm, Burling- t o n . P l e a s e c a l l 905-335-1702. CHILDCARE NEEDED for 3 Children at their home in Bronte Area, ages 4,6,7, Mon-Fri from 3-7pm (ish) S e p t e m b e r / 2 0 1 0 t o J u n e / 2 0 1 1 . D r i v e r s License required (vehicle p r e f e r r e d ) . C a l l 905-469-7517. WANTED: PART-T IME Ch i ldcare in our Nor th Central Oakville home, be- fore and after school for our 2 boys aged 5 and 8. Reply to 905-330-8977. Child Care Available Articles Under $100 1 QUEEN size box spring and mattress with frame , excellent condition, rotated r e g u l a r l y , $ 1 0 0 , 905-332-4453 26" HITACHI TV, works p e r f e c t l y $ 9 0 . 0 0 , 905-332-4453 55 GALLON Aquar ium, suit rept i les. Lid, heat lamp, ballast, rocks, logs a l l i n c l u d e d . $ 7 5 . 905-570-3919 6 SHELVES & book case door folds out for desk, 6' H x 2 'W x 18 "D , da rk wood, a t t ract i ve , $25, 905-632-7178 A IR -K ING 17"square room fan, 2 speed, exc cond, $14, 905-842-0029 BUREAU, 42 x 30", top drawer 3 " ta l l , bot tom drawer for hanging files, $45, 416-818-4940 COMPUTER 14" VGA 366mghz, 120 HD, Asus s c a n n e r , $ 7 9 , 905-847-2511 DRESSER WITH 9 draw- e rs , dark wood, g rea t shape, $50, 905-634-2217 END TABLE, marble lower shelf , scal loped edges, round knobbed legs, $40, 905-336-2779 ENTERTAINMENT UNIT with draws & rol l down front ,room for above tv & other electronics, $100, 905-332-4453 FIREPLACE STAND & 4 tools, sol id brass, new, $50, 905-336-2779 FREE- BEDSIDE Table. Call 905-465-0873. FREE- COFFEE Table. Call 905-465-0873. FREE: KITTENS and cats to loving homes. Black and white and par t Persian. Please call 905-335-9695. FREE- TV Stand . Ca l l 905-465-0873. FRENCH WOODEN door f o r o u t d o o r, t h e r m a l , $100, 905-825-0015 FRIDGE, BAR size, l ike new. 4.3 cubic feet, white, $99, 905-847-8438 HIGH CHAIR-SWING in one, Fisher-Price, Like new folds, $75, 905-842-0029 KIRBY VACUUM, includes all accessories, works well, $50, 905-632-1070 KITCHEN TABLE with six cha i r s good cond i t i on $ 7 5 , m o d e r n s t y l e , 905-617-3182 LADIES CCM bicycle, 10 speed, ideal for cottage, $40, 905-637-3691 POOL LADDER for above ground pool, new $260, a s k i n g $ 1 0 0 , 905-842-5834 Articles Under $100 NORDICTRACK PROFES- SIONAL exercise ski ma- chine. Pristine condition, great cardio workout, paid $699, asking $99. Cal l 905-842-1212. NOTRE DAME H.S. girls uniform - $75.00, 2 x grey pants, 27w; sweater, vest, white dess shirt, l.s.white golf shirt, s.s. white golf shirt, all sized small-medi- um, 905-332-3084 QUEEN COMFORTER, 2 shams, bed skirt, valance & 1 cushion, brown & gold, $25, 905-336-2779 RADIO & record player, Dielcraft cabinet, plays all r e c o r d s , $ 6 0 o b o , 905-333-5229 ROLCRAFT CHILD strol- ler, folds, 8 wheels, like new, $12, 905-842-0029 SANYO COMPACT fridge, 33.5"H, 21"D, 18.5"W, $85, 905-681-7647 S M A L L G O L D S T A R fridge, 4.3 cubic feet, $40, 905-469-1812 SUNBEAM MICROWAVE, g rea t cond i t i o n , $15 , 905-802-3027 WALL MOUNT for CRT type of TV, holds up to 5 5 l b s , n e w , $ 5 0 , 905-842-5834 WESTINGHOUSE WHITE ceramic top, excellent con- d i t i o n , $ 1 0 0 o b o , 905-466-6143 WINDMILL ORNAMENT for yard, steel, approx 9' tall, $50, 905-825-0015 Articles for Sale 2 0 F T R E T R A C TA B L E trailer awning, $600. An- tique kitchen Hoosier with bake table, flour storage sifter, $600. Antique china cabinet, $500. Ladies golf c l ubs , $75 . Bag $35 . 905-825-3812. **A1 MATTRESS Facto- r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y available. All sizes in- c lud ing custom Spl i t boxsprings, Orthopedic 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g $240. 30yr t ight - top sets starting $340. De- luxe no-f l ip Pi l lowtop &'Crown' series, Euro- top sets f rom $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontin- ued i tems ava i lab le . 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 APPLIANCES: Washer, dryer, fridge, stove, also apt. size stove 24" white. Excellent condit ion. Wil l separate. 289-337-1328 CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes car- pet, pad & installation (25 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 D I N I N G R O O M - E L E - GANT, modern 'Br iana' (Italy) table, 72" x 41", plus 20" leaf, honey colour. 6 stylish upholstered chairs. $ 6 5 0 . M u s t b e s e e n . 905-631-9855. DUFFERIN POOL Table for sale, $900.00 obo. Must be picked up. Call 905.466.6722 HOT TUB (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Ca l l 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 www.thecoverguy.ca $ Best Cash Paid $ We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Paintings, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com Articles for Sale DUNCAN PHYFE c law foot drop-leaf dining table and 4 petit point chairs with custom-made covers. Dell fl at screen monitor, all- in-one printer/ copier/ fax, mini laptop, printer, 2 ex- ternal CD drives... all work- ing. Small antique rocking chair. 905-844-0117. FREE FIREWOOD for pick- u p , P l e a s e c a l 905-529-5612. MEDICAL TILTING Elec- tric chair (new), Tilting Lift Cushion (new). Best offer. 905-845-0638 MOVING- 6PC beige sofa $250; din ing table w/4 chairs $250.; 2 recliners, be ige $200/both ; I kea bookshelf, white $25; Ikea desk table $75; Single bed w/night table $75; Oval coffee table $75; all obo. 905-469-8229 MOVING SALE, Mattress and box (king size), 2-glass desks, boy and girl Ikea bed, reclining suede couch (6-piece), household items, and much more. Everything 6 months used only, must go. 905-580-2268 T R E A D M I L L - I M A G E 15.5S, 10 inc l ines, 10 speeds, reads heart rate, calories burned etc. Pro- g r ammab l e p rog rams . $300. 905-690-6890, little1@bell.net WEIGHT LIFTING multi-po- sit ion work-out exercise bench with accessories, $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ Stackable exercise step- per, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exer- cise bike, paid $325 ask- i ng $85 . So l i d row ing exerc ise machine, pa id $385, asking $90. OBO for all. 905-842-7404. Articles Wanted Medical/Health Needs BRAND NEW Scooters at used prices! Low monthly payments. Call for a free i n fo package . To l l f ree 1-888-400-1994 SCOOTER, 4 wheel, brand new witrh warranty basket. Call 905-689-9373 WALKER, BRAND new with large whels, basket, seat and brakes, $135. 905-689-9373 Follow us on y www.twitter.com/ myhaltonads

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