Ontario Community Newspapers

York Commonwealth, 4 March 1859, p. 1

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'foot K*gi- > mat-flea'Maggg 1’ li E $)«{* CommonipealtUt IS ITBUSHKI) EVERY Fill DAY MORN I Nil. And despatched to Subscribers by ttie earliest mail*. or other conveyance, when so desired. The YORK COM MON W KaLTII will ithvH\> be ton lit. to contain the latest and most iinpot - taut Foreign and I'rovniciul News and Mar- kets. and the greatest ca-e will he taken to render it accepiatm to the man ol business, aud a valuable Famih Newspaper. TERMS .â€"Seven and Sixpence j*ei Annum, o advATiCfc ; and if not paid within Three Mourn-, two dollars will be charged. ALEX. SCOTT 8l CO. PUBLISH KR* ANI» PIIOPKI K*l ORS RATES OF \DVEHT1KIXG (> it Six lines and under, first insertion £11 Each subsetjtieni inseitioi:.... Ten lines and under, tirs: insertion Each subsequent insertion.... Above ten lines, first in., per lino Each subsequent insertion, per line 11 It ttZT* Advertisements without written ilirtn - t:ou> inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. All transitory advertisements, from stranger oi irregular customers, must be paid for wiiei.. handet: iii for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties n<l- r*iti»h>g by t lie year. All advertisements published for a Ie** pt- rien ihan one mouth, must be paid lor in ad â-¼ anee. All letters addressed to the Ed.tor must i> post paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages nr paid : and parties refusing (tapers without pa\ â-  I tit up. will be held accountable lor tiie sub fcripuon YORK CO VI tlONWEAi/l'II Booli ;nul .fob fi*riulhi& ESTAMLISMEN T. C\RDF.KS for any »>t the undermentioned / de-cription of I'LA I \ aud KA.NC'V JOl» WORK will be promptly attended to : â€" BOO K % lA'IV UII.I.S, IICSIMSS lAIU'S, IAKOI AM SM Ml. 1‘OSTI US. cl M t! I A IIS, I. \ Y\ FOli Ms, Mil.I. Ht.AI>S.HA.\K t HI CKS.IIi IFTS, A Ml I* A M I* II I. K I S . And everv utliet' kind of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING ! done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assort n pen t of J< > 1 > ’I V i F. is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A I art".* vai ei.'. of new Fancy Type and bn,rleis. or Cards. Ciiculars. A ( . l.i j t a I v r.' > ti bi i <!. iUifttnrs# DCrrcton?. Dr. JAMES LANCSTAFF, 52 i r h m o a d Si i / f DfcrmUir. ISoR. I tf * J AND RICHMOND IHLL ADVERTISER. Vol. S. i'll IS I’I.OII(.11 RICHMOND Mil.I. GOOD ACCOMMODATION PoK TK \ V Kt.t.F.US. KoBKitT RAVMOM), l"i op i ietor. diohmond Hill. Feb 1^5!). 6-1 v JOHN COULTEK, 3'aiior aiul Clothier Yonge St., Richmond iiiil. Utvernber. Ir.'H. I it LJLOKGE ]>OLD, Vcierinary Surgeon Lot *!(>. 4th on.. Vnufjbaii. • HOUSE A FARRIER” INN. glo I - If J. VERNEY, ( Hoot and shoe Maker* I iU€IIMO\i> 111 IjIa* FRIDAY, MAiJCia 4. 1850. I\’o. 14. T. MAC* Elll, Jur., CARRIAGE, SIGN, â€" A.'ID â€" Oriiij.aeiilal Painter Richmond Hill, Feb. 17, lb53. t->7-1 v BUCK IIORSE HOTEL lfokmkki.Y kki*i hy WM. KOI.ph.] / *()R>E!i of Fajaee tid (ieorge st eets, e'isi V_ of the Ma ket Sqnatv. Toro*.to. Him d Si per day. Good Stti'biinjy and attentive Hostlee i hvay* in aitendanc**. An omnibus to am) from the Railroad Station. I IIOMAS t'AL.YIRIi. 1‘roprietor. To’onto. Feb ‘^6. 1858. t.'i8-lv NEW M storf, • VITOSITE A. LA Y\ »c, Yonge street, ILcb- V ) mond 11 iii. RieUkuoiul Ilill» pORNFJlol \V riohi Si Yonge st> e< ts \J (’heap (Tfocerifs mill Provisions ~~~ --â€"--------------- â€"--- ! t ioekerv and Glassware cheap for Ca-b. N< YONGE STREET HOTEL, K’redi-. * u. 'uofklns. AURORA. L)eo. 3. 1H5S. J-if l.adies’ and Gentlemens •unde aiter theiatest st\ ies. December I80S boots and Shoes. 1 - dm Vv ims anil I.kjuous I l.\' elleiit A^eoiitino- 1 a. met s, and otl.ei s \Good supjilv of aL\ ay s os* lianti. d-'tiioii tor Tiavt-li.-is 'igars ol ali brands. I >. MCI KOI). Proprietor. \u o'a. Juh fi. O.'H ,r>' bin TIIORNIIILL HOTEL. I .i. N. L'EJi), li VSIl A ,\ .V t l li a i; o ! i. 1 Corner of \ ottjre a ml (.’i tiire Str*~ets, 't Jittr ii i\ S 1 I hi rniber H.'H. 10-1-tf tin be os to intonn itas leisi'tj tire ;«i»«>v»- them up in a neat and 11 K Snl)scrilu-t I'liblic that Iu* p emises. atid fitted com foi taide sty Jo. Roaiders aud transient visitors will find the accomodations in every wa\ agr^eabie. The be t oi l.iijicr- and t i<rars carefulK selec ed. Good stabluiJ and aitenuve hostler I ll.NRV I.KMON, JOSEPH KEI.LEK, )AJI.II- F j } t ourt. <;lli L'ecember. 1 HAS. oroi.id and Tlii d 1 )i \ i Richmond i Iill. IO.N 1-tf . R I)EE(;!EI?, I’POIN | FI) CO VS y\ !>LF, A CONS I lilt' Coil' at tmio and Siiucoo. Me id. Wright and .on^e Street', i Esq’s. Richmoiitl l!il". !)'â- <•. lR.r*. the Y o 11'. (> n - Co ner oi Wright. b‘) 1-tf iv xVC/it S Flu i LI Tlioi nh 11!, J.m yd, li Prop, ietor. I r 1 re t i o ii â- > O i IN \U n*.e oroiito. ©com! er. i \ f * I i: ronl un) i • ror; b!ot k c;i>l ol tl>e â-  s re* Is AiarkeI. is: JOHN ROACH, 1*1 oprieior. :n»-i-tf ROBKirr Boo? 51 s? cl t . SIV E", <iv EDWARD CRO'WN, HAS alwavs on hand a la'ge and well assort, d stock of uRAI LliV. GiiU- CI.R1. S. 1.00 i .> and Is iOl.S. Ac. Ac. wine!.’ will be toid at pi ices that will defy emu- tetuuiii. 'I hoi ti li il*.. Jiih 3o. I8’>8 G )-1 \ I)JOININ(i the Wesleyan Method's \ t'i.fpti. Votive St eet. ftichmoni) Ilill. \ choice, ^e'ectiou of 1 .cutleiiieu?’, t.acfes’ no f hildiens’ ivoon- and Shoes e.oustanth on tud, and mane to oidtt on ihe Shortest No L 1 T r I. E 11 OSE. She comes wi h fairy footsteps ; Sofly tiieir eci.oet* fall; _ And her shadow plays liite a summer shade Acio s me garden wall. Ttie jro.den light is d inci.i^ bright, ’M d tiie mazes of her hair. And her far vonjr locks are waving free To the wooing ot the a.r. Like a sportful fawn she bottudeth S>. i!locality alonif. As a wild y<»Uiig bird sh» warbleth 1 bti liuideti of a song. Tiie fU.timer floweis are clusterirg thick Around lur dancing leet. And ou he ciit’eiv me sunrner breeze is breathing soft and sweet. The very punb iiuiis seem to linger Above that holy bead. And the wild Sowers at her coming Their richest fragrance shed. And oh ! ho.v lively liyfitt and fragrance Aiinlo iu the life w ithin ! Oh ! how fondly do they nestle Round the. s.ul that knows no sin. She comes, the sprit of our childhoodâ€" A tiling of inoil'il birtll, \ et beaiiii'.r still a b eaili of heaven. To icdeem her from t!ie eartij. .'•lie conics m bright robed innocence, Ijiisiiied by biot oi b ijrilt, And pas etn by our wa. waid path, A lea iu o, an^el l.jjht. O.i ! b essed .liinijs are children ? Ttie jii!‘tis o be venly love ? 1 hey stand betwixt o ir wo ldl\ hearts And better things above. rl'liey link with the spirit world liy pu it_t aud trutii. And keep our ho.irts still fresh and young Writ ji t'.-.e.ice of their \outh. '] I1E itO.SE AND Til E rsr i i.e. O” A II ki.ids Sboem»ker> tiicbmund lull. Lee 18.’;8. Fimlirg or vale. CKOSHV, OODS. GROCERIES, |Sr|jg ] »rv Go< i ^Wines. Liquors, liardwaie. Ac Richmend Ilill. Dec. 18.>S. 1-il LOUCESTER HOTEL,! IliHKK Mll.hS N<i|iTW UK TOKONlO VONGK-ST, T. J. WHEELER, WATCII & CLOCK MAKER, JEWELL IB. frc RICHMOND HILL. Oct. 1. 18.53. b't I v THOMAS tSEDMAN, FUNERAL FURNISHER, carria«;e, W.i^ion >!akcr> Opposite tiie White Swan Inn. R.cbmond Hill. Dec 18o8. 1-tf fitted up i i neat and Tr>iii^:i in visito s and mi mod riot s to he t ha t the charges will be e.\- j’HE nb. ve H-.iel [ com oriab'e sty I omers w li tied the a. o the first cla^s. w hit uemely low, (L/* Good Stabling and an attent ve llo-tier TIIO.M \S COA I ES, Proprietor. Yonge Street, Dec. L-.'jB. f>2-lv HAL-WAY HCUSB, MCHMOkD HILL.! if. . ul»sfiit)i r bfj-s to mini in in.- I mmiM I I|S L al r t|s and ti e j.tibiii j â-  i al lie Ims icinovid Irom ti c V\ lute .'wan lielei Li tin- at>o\e Pi< mi-e' w !u re t liei'e Will lie Irtlllt! rX'cilenl M(- i;()ii>iiioilatioii lor 1 iaveilers, tint, yootl • 'tabling. 1 ioms ami Buggies for Hi;e. JOSEPH OAHV. Proprietor. fli‘ Ifiontl Hill, Oct. 22, 18;*)b. 72 7m GREEN BUSH HOTEL, K MILI.S >i UKIH Of 'I OK ON * O ON IHE YO> GK STIU.J. r DR. J. W. GRIFFITH, MARKIIA.M VILLAGE, C.VV. Dec. 2, 1858 ,W-ly CHIUSriAN WURSTER, SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER, i \ OUl.I) tnforni tin* inhalvtants o: MaPI.k \ \ V ll.i,auk and sii.-iouii(iing c â- Ulitrv, lluit he lias oi ene'1 a Shop in the <i>>ove line, where he will, bv strict attention to all orders, t-ndeavor to in*.rit a shuie ol tin ir suppoit. Repairing neativ and <*xj)ediciously attended to. .fj’ All Work WnTrained. Maide V’dbige. Aug 20. Is;»8. G3-6m 1 TIE Prnpnetor b os lo inform (lie public Iliifl lie lias j ti cl ased t(!•- above Hotel, and has recently refitted and furnished it throughout in a conifo table stvie I ne liar will beconiinuallv suppin d with good Liquors a mi ( ignis, (lomi Mabi.k atthcl.ed to t'le premises, w .tb caie.ul Losiltrs to at- tend to travellers wants. THOMAS tsTEF.LE. Proprietor. (formerly of itie Roi.d L;.kf Hotel.) Sept. 29, ld.iH. (iif-lv Iii .‘i country st<uujwhoro in tho wm Idâ€"tit> nuiili r wfirr**â€"it tin; ! Am l'i fit: )'l'ob..l)l . . r tn y ho . t i IIC rotit I â€"1.1 j) I I IMli( t; i*t. tvSUUtl ii.o Ivoâ€"llti to ft sc a lai'ifo anti ii*nit .* hi ly â-  i y 1 s irint.lao <*i n s ut ic n*ilotl f i .ltuif ox out, and tho me) 11..i t jU.n t & tn lual ;n. o ft \ 1 t u n. 1. u \vo<iilli i Li .he in.iiiuiUt li>ru s (*iixiti* oil. Un Hu: nnnkulsnl llto low n ut t'o .â-  ui11 two h insesâ€"aiiko ! ni inn in h nn, in < xtonl, in value. *’ livu |u;;i^. ’ or “iv\o tans.” <r “two ! | ni-,” lit li ir. queiil1) dosfcribe i thoir j Mtiniai Hy. l\ow, ni ilurso t v\ o i.ouxts iivod I v\ o brothci sâ€"twinsâ€" | tin: only sells ol tho builder ol tl.ose | I wo Iiouj.1 s. Il had bee i :t laucv oi j tiie out man lo have ‘Mho h'*)'*,’’ iis no ealii (I lln in, |od<;ed alike ; aud Vo.irs passed onâ€".is they alwaysi doâ€"tud tin; younjj wives bet;./mo in .i I ie-ageil wom ;n. Sous and j Jd m^ii'e s eltisierod round litem, aud tne gr titili itn r. ol.i ,ind leeul.-, now liiinl on tlieso \ouug lun^s lot su;)- DO rt. Turio had worked a wouderotis chtinge in the two tirntiiersâ€"Ralph’s loid ol a ho ne*xlot'k til happiness, from whie.t lie drew largely, while Li ndell looked as il content and Happiness were not in the world al ail. At this lime, when the families of! ouch wore sponging up. anti needed money to be spool on them, m ed* i ueation, maniteuantte, and thu ditior* | out adjuncts ol their station, one ot j titose pan.es of the cnpniiercuti i world, whieli rum thousands, lo. k plae.e. Uuiorum.ttely, Ralph ; n i ms hi other had entered mio large j speculatious, which failing, they j were involve i in ihepieVfjiltnj; rum, i and i*.unti tiietnseives verging on baiiKruptoy. * lie ol good heart, Ralph,’ said h s wife, ' ti.ere is hi e.tu i.i thiji great I w orld lor ail. < )m line lar^e house, j our iservaiits, aud our ca r.a^es re ! . ot aUsoitiiely necessary to our hap- piness; we can d.» as oiiiers d« â€" live witliout them ; and the chiltl* leu, R.rpii ! tins les.sou oi atlversiiy may be l*»r then* we-hare. Take cuuilot t, U.dull I there is plenty *d that lei I I'll us ill the World, if our wealth h is lioAti away.’ * Yes,’ atiswereti her husband, as he t laspeti iter hand, an i drew l.erj lo himâ€"• Yes ! there is never-lad- j 1!)*; eomloi i here. Luev. L«od be J * I pr.tiseii lot' having gi\en mo one st) •meet to help’ ut •. both in joy and! Sol row, weaith aud poverty.’ * You shot tid have b>rseen llus! cri.-is, remarked ihe w lie ol Bo * - j deli. *autl not. allowed your children * to brought to beggary at th<iir age, j when just entei'uig on life. Ex-! penses are iinavoidable. U.iiess. in-i tleeti. t ev be edueaUd as the lal*or- 111g ehtssi sâ€"which fit*.t may be w*>rth \our wise eonsuleration.' fc“d»jeeaSeii wi'h a sneer on her. fae,-. *vJ‘her men would not Save been \ eutuisome Witn then* tn >ney, she runia* k ti. ’The iirowniugs. lor ins! in< e, and the (Smiths withdrew and Lionel liutngdou told me that your t: liiiren might thank sou, anti you only , ii starvation was their late. * In nn rev ceas *.’ replied her hus- band. * or you w ill drive me mad.’ â- J must put vour conduct tuiL before your eyeaâ€"it is my dots, Nile replied. * Then reset ve it until 1 am likel v ! his means b i .y ample, he had the to appreeiate your idiorl <tl this per- j power o| i.alulging his lancy. * 'J'he | lormanec ot the tilt’} !' aud under toys mat rietl, a-id ou the Wt tldihji ! lhai plea inanv ;*. haisit truth is n;- JAMES McCLUKK, I' NNKfr'KPKR. L'ceti'esl Am •tioneet for the ('tmtities ol \ mk. ()nt:oio ••inti Simcoe. Corner cf \ ouge and Bradford â- treei*. Holland Landing. December. 1 ^5S. 25-1-tf 1 12 KING STKEET, TORONTO. JAMES J iALL, T ] AS always on hand n la. jrp assortment of \ ? P»0- /'I S and S.v')ES, which will bo old ai paces to meet the times, tiehmond lltll, Djc 1858. ,r>d ' -1 y d.*y the li st stone of either home v\ ass laid. 4 l'ln.t* enough to get them finish- ed.’ said tne ill g uiletnan, as he iubbi d lus liiiiids in gieti ; won I want a nursery ior a twelve month, ai any rate. »5mall liou»e uo lib j I hen. | I he young brides were prest'm I wiieh lti.il itMMtk w;is made. Ode i blushed, and soiled ; the othei bitished. and liowned. It wi*s the JOHN 11 ARRINGTON, .Jr., 1 \EALEU in l)r\ (» > i l>. fSr ce i<»'. 'â- N in., . 1 / I.iipiors, lh<itware.(ilass. Esdlli tiwa'e, &c. oli’ Also. Licensed Auctioneer. Richmond Hill, Dec. Iei.)8. 1 t WELLING'TON HOTEL, AT EAR the R«i!ro*id JL\ Caroful Hosiier» alwi December 1S58. Stati'n, Aurora, is in altemltince. C. CA E. I’ropiit-ior. aa-i-tf w, hod;;!*: & Co. \ IIOLKSALF. and Retail Copper. Tin \ > a;a] non i lute VVo-ke/v, and I uinishing ronm iiger-'. l^Hrliei gifntf this bou-e n call • iii find their ni<!e*s piinoiuiiily aiteuded to. till the lowed n ice- eh.ir*;e l. nichiiioud Hill Lee. IFoH. 5-1 1-lv IIIC Ptihsciiber begs tn inSrin bi- fiemls ;nul llie miidic oem-;.!!y i ,u.,, |c .(„tJ llu- , again standing tltnt be h s opem d she above Hole1, opposite tho St. Lnwieni e Hall. I oi'i nio. His bar will altvais, be found tep'eie with all kinds of I iqnorsbf lirst-ia e quaiiiy. tiis 'Fable will a.mi be toiiml reclictte. Good {-'tables are attached to the (iremises. W. M. SHORT. VeiiNAt.v tuKGtos. 1’iop ieior. 'J'oronto Sept. 17. 1B.>8. (>7 ly WILLIAM I ]: 1) M a N D G1 i AIN G ER, DUTCH Ell. TIIOR VI11 LL. Fredi | R ^ ,J | ) and I’n kied Meat', oubrv, Ac., always ’ ' |'a,T Famiiie.s n hand iiuice. Thornhill, Dec. lc5S. ii|iplied on the shoi.Qst dese t|ition, by ressnnalde term's. 41-1 if MANSION HOUSE, SHARON. Attentive lloslns always in attendance. J. HAVANA Gil, December, 1 I’roprlt tor. 3.-1-tf CI.YDl’ llO’I'KL, SURE T EfiST, TO INTO. C\ OOD & tabling and Attentive Hostlers j JutLS tUloLS, I’raj.netor Decamber. 1 S'»S. »-H WILLIAM HARRISON, Vaddlennd Ilarnosf^ ASakcr> iNext door to (j A, Barnard's, Richmond I Iill. December, lc58. 1 tt S K E N E, ILL WRIGHT) A LTi ».\A, I lt.it lie is now pre- M ! LLS o| evei y on:ruet or otherwise, on lie is its* agent for some I of the best Foundtrs in ('aut oi. Ail c unmet | jobs vv .rrnl'ted iiom tlnee to six monti's. From tbiileen yems' experience ho liopes d give gftietil sati-f.iction. to mtim ite tl lo »*n*td JAMES JENKINS’, .•;>S0i'V ^ P»*>vis»on Store RI- X IkMOAD HILL GIVEN. Pio ne. taken in U1C11 MOND HILL 111) i’l.L. \ STAGE rii.us from ihe above lb-tel t*. I orouto 1-vnrv inoitiin.j. starling irom t,be Elgin Mi L at 7. a in <-ud reini mug at 7. p.IU. Fate 4s- i>d. e.-ieli wa.*. COOL! ACCOMMOIIA * toN toll Tli A V KI.LKRS. UlLiiALD NiCIiOt L>. i'riipriebir Richmoud Ilill, Dec. 2, 18oS l-io :<> c it Eli r exchange. The above is tile ohlest e -tablished Gfuce y ir.d I *; o \ i ton c^toro on the lit.I. l)e<-. i, Ib5s. 5.7-1 y s UVAN HOTEL. THORNHILL. Good Act omuiud tlioii for 'I'itivellers JOHN Sill ELS, 1 ropi ietor • riiornhili Jnn. 10. 18.7!). ~-lv £3,500 TO INVEST, For Eli pilule Far.a 3I;n*t- at red need intes I. A N G LO-A M E RICAN HOUSE! Mdt K.iAM VILLAGE. C1 OOD Aceoui i odatious. ines. Liquors^ f and L igars ol tiie cnoice t brands. R. AlAilii, J'lupncLur. Maikham, Dv-c, I85ti. 57-ly OANS NEGO'I Ia'I l.l) for Farmers and j olhe s llirt llgu til" ageue\ ot llie vn ions ' ni hit t i,in •a.mui and I'm a ’ B * a r 11 a lists. II ail d .â- â- (;. i. non of < OLA ir.A At. Sj.tU n t n 1ST. ) Ion; , ii short periods. R, N« GOOCH, i tlloury A' Genera/ M'\r)k('r>' (\EAU TUK TORONTu KXCIIANGE,) TORONTO, i vauuajy 8-10 sido by suit*. (Six months pvssotl, utiil the houses \\i ro ha I uj.â€"tbo old ^ontbMnuu iiiinsuil uiioolmj ;til tiio air.tn^o- UK. nlS o| l,n.; buddl. f'. • ii is ^oi.ti indeed ol your fattu;r. Uovv an oid in in, to tako an Ultr roRl in our foniiori, stud ono of th \ntiiit' \mvi s lo her i.ut*banti. • it.iijili'â€"that \v. s tho husbiind's iiiiiiiu â€" * you can never l eniiv Inn. lor lus kmd lueliUg aud his genel- osil y i * > us.’ • li is .ni absurdity lor your Lithei to I'iit i tne ;n elu’i'Ci, and almost lTi<-ki;i\er," ridii.irkeil l :ie oilier wile to her spouse. l>o\deilâ€"rliis ii.-iiik . • You should tell hint that it is in ou- sis'.rut unit lus railing and st*iioii.’ 1 11 is ri iiisistrnt v\ itu his 11 lea is ure.? remarked llie husband, * and there- fore I a n eou'eiit/ • L'ueive months passed, and tliei* the h'MtS' S were finished. â-  * i\urst*y ri.'iidy ii« time/ said the I good old man â€" ‘ready m timeâ€" ready in lion: 'I ne houses were oct*U[>ie(l, in the [ eoni se of I Wi.-lv'e months; the nur- |selirs w i fo oi•.eupied. also. j . * l’het'o are uueuasmg anxieties in I lie h.ul ad ;i mother’s lot, said tiie good wife o 1 {;t'|>h. ‘ nut tdifeasihj; jdeasur*^ tcfed. 'Ii i!> a duly!â€"so says the I ever-stiiri ihsi.-iniinariati, ami cold ! sli i n words are unveil lorth to j ii'emnle on an over-worked and i wetir.ed brain. * li is a dut\ ! J covers the et uel rebuke anti tiie se-j vere n joinder It may be a •dutv’i lo speaK | lainlv and boldly Hoiiif j tunes ; but it is a duiv to eimos*; i th : o po 11 11»\ when tiie speeeh m i\ b j s ccjpta') e, an i not fret did | e tale luo *» ).i,»detl heart b». a re-; pe tion of the very tin', s wuie.h. s . -nily roeo^uised, are g <huig it al- r aiiy. iio, dell knew quite well that he m ijlit h ive loreseeii and |>«rt «i ly I ititvi* p ovi It'll I’er th ; mehmehtdy j ovet.t v\ Ine t nad ttk .m plaee. liisi e nse.enee re|irouvheti him bitteilv I r earelessness. and ra>huess, aud n s wile’s words were not n t de i t*» â-  tid to ihe Stdl-reproseli, w hu ll lull lo nsi-ll. n'liiiht have worked Mime !»ooti bv producing a quiet den r iiin- illou to abnle I v t ie more sotter . * - i f.ottiivnls ot Kalpd m luture, bn i llalph s voice had been 'i ted against I Uie vei’\ speeuhtlioo wnieh had e.tused tiie j nut failure ot the bro- th ei s. Fretted and galled, and we.arietl of iite aud lilt: s strngies. B»\dell viiew not wiuther .o luru tor eom* fort aud eonsoial.on. Ills titherli.nl oeen gitiiered I«> the tle.nl ; his irotiim 1 li >\ dttll Wits too proud to lujirav Ins lack ol tlontesiic peaee to nun : his ciuldreu iinitaiuig the bad example of their mother, tinned tgamst him and ius’eatl ol cluster- ing around hnu iu tiie hour of woe. openlv blamed him for the course ltd. Ai itisi ii.s mind.torn by a thou- sand conflicting sorrows, gave wav <1 lin; town Wiic e he now dwt It â€" i smile .aivva- s vvi-i omed him wh u ie came h *uij fro.n the city’s toil tu i die. tired 'iih the business oi the day. heari»ick with its di»ap- p lin.tdHvitsâ€"rest an t p-'at4#. and happiness a^vaited Inm in that I ttlt: ini oc. 11 is children, tlr.i wing their tone from Ut it good wife anti mo- ther. thought onl. how they could sooihe tiie tired wanderer who nad returned to them, and make him forget, m the plat i i j *v of the pre- sent the unset v of the past. * Ralph.* biaid his wil \ * ne dav. 4 I would scarcely ex liaugc om present lot for thr? one we held when In st I been ne \our Wife. The,-e is an earnest.less m tins quiet Ide oi sir ct utildy vvli t: i is lost in the gilded d.ivs ol wealthx spl :nd >r. 1 am as h ipjiy here. It dpi), as if \ on had til iet:d me lit a palaceâ€"happir i indeetl----- lie siOjipeil her as he looked lov ingly into her yelllle face, * Not happier. Liicv/ In* added * not na pier, dear wife. Your na- liin: would c.n rv bliss as perfect as ill st world can bestow into an phase of lifeâ€"m*t h tpp er. L icy. hut as happy cither here or tu. ie. or an\ wh re on eiii thâ€"is happv ;ts suefi a kiutllv In Ai t as \ours can. ;mti shoul . ami wiil be a ivwhere/ Ralpii live ' to an oid ti^e ; lus hair as w it te. and his step t• *11 r- ing ; hut Ihe hem t and mind were firm still. IliS chiiilien were mar- ried, or ot erwise settled m the wot id ; Wealth had fallen lo the share o| suim*. eompetimey onlv b* ’he lot o( ot iters. But s nrow. kt:eii sorrow, irm fell on Ritlph. !,11e\ died ; and as lie saw the mould fall on the lowered ctdiiu until it was hidden from hm view, he whispered, as if to hoi who lay thereâ€"“I know what loss is now, ee u* wile ; 1 never felt its meiillinii b dore.’ B > tloh ill o hved to an old age. A pat tiui i*ti< ovi rv enabled iiim to return to lus home ; but he was no weieom g test there. Unkin I ness and waul f care had th: lesmt v\ 11 en 11i<_>ht ha vc been eXjiecte iâ€" he returned to tne as\lam hopeless- ly m id, ami tiled iho' o some \e.n> afiei'vvards to tne evident relief tn liis wife and children. i\ov\. m all hum.in probability, these two women vvoi ked tli : seq to to the fate ol Iheir hu»t*.mds. I’d' one by her gentleness soothed the wounded sprit, and lit seeking to bless In n. sovved it lul harvest ol blessings lor herseli. And the other; truly did she ‘cast her seed upon die waters.' and truly did sue * find it after many days.’ li w.is like the poisoned Ujias berry, tak ng root ami spring mg till ihe doadiy c.ast its ilestruc* tive ml)u.:iu;e on til is.; poor wret- cues who were beneath its manehes. too. And sin.- snnl d at the in no- a lunatic asviam became his home, c t.t fat*e <d tier sleeping hade. 1 while his children dragged oil a lile 11 vv women can l.k • the bo e of of misery. supp< rted by the mere chil iren I cannot nnag ue.’ rcm.irked chitiit v oi ro at ons. Iiei s ster-m-la u. as her « h.ll was Far tiifler n.tiy la red Ralph. In hastily given to its uuise. the humble cottage on tho outskirts siomsts up Iio n tiie coti’Urv Of course into the streets they will pour, if only to keep the rain in counten- ance. They generally progress in the ratio of three rustics to one utn- brella, trio two outside for the most paft carrying each under his arm a turkey in a pocket-handkerchief, which should lie a duck, not the pocket-handkerchiefâ€"(unless it were tiussia duck, and that would be a ca- pital canvass back)â€"I ut the poultry, so as ft) be insensible to the moisture. The plea.'.ute-s teking rurals being in a double pickle, through the soaking and ignorance of their wav, are the most draggle-tailed lugubrious, and ihspept c apparitions possible. They .tl seem to have arrived tn the Las* tern Counties Railvviy. and to have* spent the overnight iu playing Will- o'-the-'Vdsp and Jack-o’-Lanthorn in the Cambridgeshire Fens, consider- ably below tiie datum line of the Bedford Level hi those humid parts. I’hey go astray asa matter of course, and no sooner are put in the right way than they get into the wrong one, their recovers* being a momen- tous matter. Tne re are no shops open, consequently one fae.ie chain* of ii quiry for ti.e bewi'tlered yokel- in Loudon is cut off. A policeman, t all t tnes as rare as an extinct ani- nal, is to-day ii finitely mme scarce than ever, and probably three • ouidu’t be met with in the five miles between Apsley Mouse and Moses a id Sous’. If a native is en- countered he loxshkean enlarge- ment of tiie seal in the Zoological- G irdt?nsy an 1 is q. ute as snappish, if interrupted, while he drippingiy ihdes by. shi y, slimy, squasbily, wasliilv. The only resource, there- fore, of the agrieo'us inquirers are the cabmen ;â€"cabroeae) m^ed un- der existing circumstanecs. for they tie buds paramount ol the occca- sion. and give themselves the airs deserving each ot a special new Re- f r o Lt.il. of the best Bright manu- facture. as bei .g the only men of ornci’cai ** progress.*’ which they are. for assuredly there is no move- ment witliout them. Their proceed- ings to-dav entitle them t^ the spe- iaI attention of two public function- aries; first, the Chancellor ol the Kxehequer, as the r recipts must bring them within the operati >n of the income-tax ; and. set ondly, the secretary of me Anti-Cruelty to \nimals Society, for carrying four- teen passengers when licensed to carrv but four, saying nothing of tho pecuniary torture of double fares and the vehicular squeezery indicted on those conveyed. LO.NDOA 0.\ CHRISTMAS DA Y. From the Loudon letter of tiie Liver ooi. vi/b,<m we take the follow- ing iivelv sUeien of tiie appearance ol tiie Metropolis on Christmas dav : GemL-mcn Irom the Tonga Islands, w iofe business is eauied u m sixtfathoms, idui ladies make morning t til is m ini: manner of mermaids', < nlv leaving the.I* coud» .-•hi I inkin'• glasses uelm.d. might fit d t lemseUu** iii home in lins dismally -.»t i*itehed and tl. im-di uleti metropohs totia\. iNonody less amphibiou> could, would, or Siiotild. Vet can the cock- neys oe comp.tivd t'» notd.ug t»u.i lish out of water. liiough itiivuiig a Hii.cr- sa l u rat mg fXei'M ol live tiqueousel** • ut. ni. li has been raining tin: whole week I ng, but I.-dav 1,1 hits r;ilned ;is il it meant to complidc another weeKs wd before midi.ieht. The teelotalier'sgoddess. Untime, watery spirit, or spin* >>l wauo’s^ seems the ruling genius ol the hour ; .and to tne pantomuie ol that name at the ll.tv- mark.il should stream an overflow- ing house, it only on the principle ol the aflinlty ol lluals for each other cleat mg on i iln; How mg outline oft he uucri-.olineii curves of tho most cap- 11v;t• lug ol Columbines. All niisau- thiopes within ihe bills of inoriality should hi happy to-day, seeing that "merry Cld'.stm is ’* .s as miseiable as il everybody knew that the in •- '•ititblo | lum-puddmg were spiced with the i e a I legal m nslaughtering Bradford coiileeiionarv, ttud teat nightmares would be sitting on their stomachs this evening, aim Coron r VVakley on tiieir bodies to-morrow. London, vvh'cli has never tiie hveli- i s. of atmospheric iispects, !o >ks un- precedentetl y non-jiictui estpre to- day. The town teem* with excur- A BEAUTIFUL INCIDENT. In the public school in Coates street, above Twelfth, in New York, one tLv last week, while the school was in seasio i, a transom window fed out with a crash. some me ins the cry of ** fire ’ w;is raisetl, and a terrible panic ensued. The scholars rushed into til: street shriek- ing ni wild dismay. The alarm ex- tended to the teachers also, one of whom a young lady actuall* jumped from the window. Among the hun- dreds of children, with whom the niiiliiiiig was crowded, was one girl am »ng the best m the school,, who through all the fright fid scene main- toned entire composure. The co- tor, indeed. lorsook her cheek. II<jr iij, ipiivei'ed. I lie tears stood in her eves. But she moved not. Alter order had been restored, and her companions had been brought Oiick to their places, tho question was asked her, how she came to sit still, w iinout apparent alarm, w hen every- nodv else was in s uch a I right.â€" ** Mv tat her.” and sin;. “ is a fire- 111a11. and k sows wiiai to do in such ti case, and lie told me. d there was an alarm ot lire m tho school, 1 must inst sit still.*’ Wiiat a beau ilul ilius- \ ration of faith ! “My fa her told me so, and mv lather knows!’ A S i HIKING CONFIRMATION OF SCRIPTURE. One of the m s inter sting of the. monuments of an lent Romo rs th.e i i:iU.mphal arch e ret* to a to commem- orate the conquest <d Jerusalem by Titus, who, alter the destruction ot tiie temple, made a tr um, hit I march, to Rome. bn»g ng wiili turn a long tram <d captive Jews and tiie spoils, among which were tie.* sacred ves- sels of the temple. This pfocesiiiou, is represented m the sculptors on the beautiful arch, which thus furnish an il ustration of the Bible now'here else- io be found, ’.hese being the onjy tx>-. presentations that exist ot tbj! sacred, vessels, the table of the show bread, the golden caudlostiek with its seven branches, and the silver trumpets used bv the priests tt. proclaim the year of jubilee, the Roman (Senate and people l.i.ttie thought, when, erectmg this monument to a deified; emperor, that they were erecting a monument lo tho true Got! in tho ver fieaiiou of prophecy and lJivitie history. A recent traveller says, not olio of the Jews of Rome, of' whom there are about six thousand, will, even at this day. pass under the arch of ’Titus, although it spans one of tho thoroughfares o', the city j the y- shun it as a memoi ml of thesmjuga- tn>n of their n tion, which has never j yet been retrieved,, and regard it; ' with aversion.

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