Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Nov 1889, p. 4

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 \i- M P' 1^: C. W. Eutledge, Proprietor. MAEKDALE, NOV. 28, 1889. TA.X EXEMPTIONS. The question of abDlishing tax ex- emptions is havioG; a free and general discussion through the press as well as religious organizations of our prov- ince, and the outlook appears favor- able to an early change in the law on that question. If all men are free and equal under our constitution, why should the man who has one particular faith, or no faith at all, be compelled by law to support the institutions peculiar to the man who has a differ- ent faith We trust the day is not far distant when exemptions of every kind will be a thing of the past, and when Canada will have |but one law governing all, one language and one school eystem. TO OUR PATRONS. Another month will complete the present year, when the majority of subschptionB to the Standabd expire. The present is a favorable time to re- new for another year. We will be liappy to have all do so at your earliest convenience. Quite a number are yet in arrears for this year, and otliers for 1888, as well as some even longer. To all such we will allow cafeb rates if all arrears, together with one year in advance, is paid before New Years, otherwise $1.50 will be the price for arrearages. As a rule it is mere ne- glect that causes su many to be in arrears, while it becomes very embar- rassing to the publisher, having hun- dreds of dollars out in this way, which he requires to pay his expenses and live. Let us have a cheerful and prompt response and thus you will teel better and so will we. Examine your address label and bee how you stand. It gives the date up to which you are paid. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" H. H. Warner, of Rochester, has -sold his Safe Cure interests to an English syndicate for $5,000,000. â€" A Mood An ugly cross-grained, ill-tempered mood I Everything seems topsy-turvy, everything seems wrong side out. That which at another time would be a well-meant inquiry be- comes impertinent curiosity a bit of ftieudly counsel is an intolerable inter- ference a little kindly sympathy is most unwelcome pity and so it goes! Then we make a great resolve to rule the mood. Fight it Why, every one of us does that Ah, yes, we waste too many blows on the mood, never thinking of the cause of it. Nine times in ten it we would face the fact we should discover that somewhere we have been in the wrong. Then if we have courage to fight that, the mood will take care of itself. It is so easy tu foiget that "all looks yellow to the jaundiced eye," so mush more com- fortable to apply it to someone else. Zimberley. Standard Correspondence. There is a boom in the matrimonial market: On Wednesday, the 20th, Rev. .J. H. Watts tied the nuptial knot, in the church here, between the following couples respectively: Mr. II. Ellis to Miss M. Lawrence, and Mr. W. H. Stewart i Miss E. Ellis, nil of this vicinity. The interesting; scene was witnessed by a large nnm ber of friends. The best wishes of Tour correspondent follows them. Some of our uimrods captured a fine deer a few days ago. Mr. Bradberry has returned to our Tillage again where he int«nd8 starting 9 shoe riiop. Miss M. Watts, nf Eturenia, is the gae«( of ybn. Aldous. of tlus place. If yoa would like to take ()od Liver Oil m ft palttteUe tuna. Uj MMri«7' God Liver OU OnwoC Fltsuerton. Standard Correspondence. Richard Pedlar, Esq., the new bus man. has moved into town and will take charge of the royal mail and has line on Tuesday next. Mr. P. is «n energetic young man, and with close attention to business will soon become popular on the line. Mr. Crosley re- tires and carries with him the kindest and best wishes of all who required his services. Music AND THE Dhama. â€" For the next two weeks a rare treat on Mon- day evening next, under the auspices of the Independent Order of Odd- fellows, of this village the world-re- nowned Tennessiian singers will give one ot their popular concerts in ihe Town Hall. The Order is to be con- gratulated for securing so celebrated a company to entertain their audience. They are sure of a big house. Then a few days later (the 10th), the R. T. of T., of this place, intend to place ou the boards the interesting drama "Ten Nights in a Bar-Room." This was played here by a local company some years ago to very crowded houses. We believe it will enjoy the same populari- ty again. Professor Dyke, of Hamilton, is in this village this week working especi- ally in connection with the White Cross degree in the R. T. of T. Tbe professor held special short services m connection with his work after the services in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches on Sabbath after- noon and evening last. R. S. MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CAN ADIAN^TWEEDS ENGLISH and FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH ME LTON^S^'i^ROWSE m all the leading grades. SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIES, COLLARS. CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, c., c. Special attention is invited to the ITIantifncture of Buttons; Pf^t'f" bnttons of same material as their Rarmeuts, made m a tew minutes while waiting. AGBNi' FOR PABKER'S DYJE TATORKS. Tailoring done as usual. Custom work will receive careful attention Good work and reat tits. ^^ DRS. SPROULE -FHTBICI4N8. 8UBGE0KS, Accoc Office at Manley'8 Droo st„ day or night will be prorapay ^^»S T. S. SPROULE, M. 0. ^^^;^^ C. A. McBRlDE, m L.R.C.P.s.EDlXe^-j., Offitce at Stephen's Drug Late of the Lon don Hospital, En-],^ BARRISTER, SOLlciro; OFHCe-OyER McFAHAmsL MAEKDALE I. B. LA/CKsl BARRISTER, SOLleiToJt' u y â- AT OFFICE OF Wm. LUCAS, S, Co., Wm. Lucas in charge- Every Friday, during week and legal Bm'ttMs prompt attention Mill wishinp have them WM. BBOWV. DIVISIC N COUBT CLEEK. Issuer of Marriape Licenses fo Commissiouerj in IJ. H. (_ ConvejancinK'in alHts brancliesptowj attended to and carefully exeaited T N. B.â€" Money to Lend ou EealEsuJ curity. " Kollainl C«iitr«. Standard Correspondence. Messrs. Lilburn Bros, have erected a choppmg mill on tbo site of the old grist mill, and are prepared to attend to the wants of the community in that line. We wish them a large measure of success. St. Mark's church is at present undergoing some repairs which have been needed for some time. We un- derstand it is the intention to effect still further improvements during the season of 1890. Mr. A. Armstrong, our popular and efficient teacher, has accepted a simi lar situation in the Co. of Oxford,^ near Ayr. The inducement was, a larger salary and a free house. There is no longer any excuse for him remaining* a "lone bachelor." Would that we were a school teacher, so as to have a free house. On Friday, 15th inst., Mr. William Clements, of Eldershe, Co. Bruce, had a narrow escape from being seriously injured. It appears he was returning home from Markdale, and when op- posite Mr. C. Farley's, near here, his horse, a high-life creature, took fright at something and ran away, making a clean sweep of Mr. F.'s fence and up- setting and completely demolishing the buggy. Mr. Clements was fortun ately thrown clear of the vehicle and escaped with a severe shaking up, while the horse was caught near tbe orchard apparently uninjured. Fob backache, sprains, lumbago, sci- atica and rheumatism, use Manley's Good Samaritan Oil. Karvey Boomad. The Minister of Justice has wisely decided not to interfere with the sen- tence of Harvey notwithstanding the petition of over 3,000 names praying for bis sentence to be commuted to that of life imprisonment. Hia execu- tion will therefore be carried out on Friday, the 29th. So Xaka CblUren TLuwiHr. le CIISIAS GLOBE. The QDEEU of THE HOLIDAY NUMBER for 1889. FOTY PACKS et Beantiltil Illustrations and liiterary matter C^oated Paper, Colored £.itiiographs, mag^nificent Press Work, Handsome Colored Cover. TWO TAKCiE, SUPERB 1.ITHOGRAPIIIC PLATES, in 1« rolors, accompany this number, entitled FRIENDS THE CANADIAN MILITIA- Gen- Sir Fred. Middleton. in writing about the latter plate says â€" "1 must congratulate THE GLOBE upon having produced so creditable a picture. It is very well executed, and appeal's to me to be quite equal to any from home. The different uniforms are correctly givf.x, and the grouping not to stiff." The whole number is. without doubt, the BEST HOLIDAY PAPER ever issued in this country, and much superior to the great majority of English productions. No Canadian family should miss securing a C9py of this magnificent number. PRICE 50c. To be had from all Newsdealers and at the office of THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, TORONTO. Orders from the Old Country mast be accompanied by additional i^'ive Cents to cover extra postage. WILLIAM STUARtI KlMiiEBLEY, Issub.- of Mari-i(i;e Licenses. 51^] Loan on Keal Estate at low rates. A few Jjarms for sule. Trirms easv. J. P. MARSHALL, LJ DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TOEOSTO SCHii of Dentistry, will be atthellaiMakHri Markdale, ou the 1st and third tViiiii^,;j eacli month an^lalsoat jlnnshaw sHotci.Hjs ton, the day following tlie third V eda^i â- eacli mouth fertile practice of liis [iMts Commencing on.the 7th Seutember. MONEY o TO Ml N real estate security, at \m-a't\ interest, no connnissionchaiged. uess Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, 190 Pomoiia,P,ik FARM FOR m LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. E. Gla 100 acres, will be sold cueap i easy terms of payment, forfurtherpaititi! apply on the premises, or bv letter to J. S. BLACK, .190-tf. PotdcmPJ There is just one way, and that is to surrouud them by day and night with an atmosphere of love. Restraint and reproof may be mingled with the love, but love must be a constant ele- ment. "I found my little girl was growing unamiable and plain," said a mother to us the other day, "and, re- flecting on it sadly. I could only accuse myself of the cause thereof. iSo I changed my maua^emeut and im- proved my opportunity to praise and encourage her, to assure her of my unbounded affection for her, and earn- est desire that 8he should grow up to lovely and harmonious womiinhood. Ar a rose opens to sunshine, so the child heart opened in the warmth of the constant affection and caresses showered upon ber her peevishness passed away, her face grew beautiful, and now one look from me brings ber to my side, obedient to my will, and happiest whan she is nearest me. â€" L Women's News. NOTED CHEAP AND RELIABLE WATCH, Good nickel open face, stem-wind, pendant set, warranted 18 months, only $4.50. Also a fine line of higher grade Watches, with gold, gold-filled, t-ilver and nickel cases, screw bezel and hinged. Clocks from $1.50 up. A stock of new Alarms just arrived. 12 per cent, discount on all silver plate from now until Christmas also j a liberal discount on Watches, Clocks ' and Jewelry. I Monograms or presentation inscrip- tions engraved on all silver plate, watches, etc., free of charge, besides the discount. FACTS! Are stubborn things, and assertions will not dipproye their existence. The following are facts, and after you liave read them ask yourself if you can afffrd so buy your Flour any- where but at JOHN W FJRD'S Fact No. I .â€"We buy the best wheat ou the market, and therefore make the best flour. Fact No. 2.â€" We have the best faculty for cleaning wheat in the country. Fact No. 3-â€" We have a full line of rolls for reducing the wheat after it is cleaned, and what could you expect but first- class l?lour, which you never fail to get if you call at FORD'S. MARKDALE MARKDALE. • OE J. £ Marsh, Pi" W. G. RICHARDS BUILDER. CONTKACTOB, 4 AKS] TBCT, Markdale. R.J. SPROUU FLESHEETON Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator »ri.*3 Lender. Deeds, Mortgases, Le'f^^jL' drawn ujt andValnations uiadeon shortesi»» Charges very low. Apply to It. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Fleslieiw J TXTill Stodds THE TAILOR, ^^?Slf^°aSS^u^i«sC^1 choose from. _j-. at/iw Jfi Remember oTer McFarland • Store, m â€"IT PJLFfti TOâ€" Old gold or silver melted up and made into Brooches, Eings, etc. A fine Hue of Plain and Gem Eings j on hand. Initials engraved on Eings sold, if desired. Eepairiug iu all its branches prompt- ly attended to and satisfaction guar- anteed. l^yon ure troubled with djrspepsia, flatulency, constipation, or, anytbin^ •t^an from tbe blood, atomaeh. S. BREADNER, THE BUST JEWELIER. j-;.«M«^-.B,^.a««^ .LT.^':^-^" Bittwa. ley's Beef, Iron aod Wme. Mui- A3AIi THAT 18 THE lortlm lasiasss Ue^ o WE rv"soi:Tivi The best accommodation f o» Btadents The best methods of instructiOT ' stSdenKi^rte '""" *^* i»»tr«otion after I Owen Soun d Hot. ist, 188 "SHILOH'S CURB will iaunedi^t^^^Ji;; Croup, IWioopin* Coogh and Broadiitia. Sold by B. L. Sttspben. Thx Weekly Globe to uy addzeaB for tl for 1800. Commence now »H I b*iw9.^ this year free. 6 PEE CENI Honey loaned on Farm or Town lowest rates of interest. APpl5_to K. J. SPKOtliE ConveyancMT Postmaster. prDP*!l IMOIVEY to loa^ Private and Company 's fan* to '" i Estate at onrrent rates of mtere^' ^| TAMMB »OB BKUB A»B «• j^ All business private ani«"fr? md S «r for Canada Permanent i*»" Company. Toro»to. jj^l 486 JOHN WHIT»»' â- Â»- â-  Films Yonr attention is respeci to my itively ' (SBiP get Which for quality of ma' ,j^ leuee of workmanship RD'^y np is not excelled ^^J'^f^.^l Whether vou wisii y^^^r not, call and see us ^f^^\i^* work; we want to get •efl" todobnainewwithyoo- I NextdowtoMcKeuB«s shop. ^^ GEO. S. MATB^' «»totho fcttt i

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