Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Sep 1889, p. 5

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 ODS -ATâ€" rARLAND'S, r IMPORTER Ltish andOfm- iannfacturos. 3ottoin Figures i(g ' CASH north of Toronto taal due or ahow a grfiter| iFarland, GOODS. W« lorings iu Plain bl [ects Buttons, TimelJ flashes and Batiw ENGLISH ARI r TWEEDS, gi»o styles. Young vmi lo yourselves justioanoj hrough our a!=8ortm»nt| ol Tweeds 85,40,45.60 pol Shawls in Plaids aij Importation from ?m^ 1-Wool Grey, navy lannels. elvet. Piles Velveteeui eatly wrn this season ,3, wortli 75 cents. and Youths' Bead Siiits and Overcoats! shown, and large* vor Ulue in Jersey and. ;kets. Lry Show Boom is «oJ Ick full of N'^^^y^S L,^ha comes with fi4 ...udatums as a supej 1 er and MUhner will Ug Ucs. consult Miss Wa^ L yonr orders. AU I lliugs m great var m it to do a rushing bna fieady for it. â- ^ and our sa1e«' e and attentive /u:; U. Counters, 8]i«%yl oaded with gx^]%' 'pSJ Business b^ 1 \a and do your '" ' Tble establiflhnieDt. Ycurs faithfoUy. rFARU* Let ImpoJ^^' It forget, ^n L good, cosy J ' !â- â-  I â€" i^^fcaww easto: 'Ct-.^!"*,,T On Monday and Towsiag^ lafef die weather was gorgeons, 'and thai' i« tliai respect, favOTable for ^e shofw,' g( for the same reason l^nV :^erfe^ hindered from attending as tLe luariet ,f88 not quite wound up, thejartmoniB veek iiavinpr been wet, farmerp r«. jjjjiined at home to house the oQtatand- ,jj,T grain there was therefore a Very perceptible fallmg off iu almout aU" iiueFof tJie exhibition, thus damping the reporter's zeal iu such a manner j^g to shorten his report and paralyze )jia bost efforts. Tlie presence of a number of fakirs was an objectionable feature, and they seemed to do a Uiriviug business. The exhibit of cattle was better than usual, while the iadging ii this line as indeed in all others, gaye general ealisfaction. Xhrou^h the iiiijdaess of the oblig- ing secretary, Mr. Damude, we are euabled to give the list of successful oompeutord, as foIlowE: PEIZE LIST. i^f?S^S:r*^^'!?r»?».«««.i Btewars mmfL otbor 8tWKw.*f^*»tr-^ VMieivâ€" D. HEAVY DBAUGHT HOBSES. Pair geldings or mares â€" R. Patton, 1. Kells; brood mare with foal by sideâ€" J. Conn, W. Lewis 2 year old Gelding or Fillyâ€" J. Conn, W. Chard; 1 year old Gelding or Fiilyâ€" A. S. Madiil, A. S. MadiU Sprine: foal â€" J. Conn, W. Lewis. GENEKAL PDBPOSK. Pair geldings or mares â€" If. Pervis, B. Porteous brood mare with foal Dy Bideâ€" W. F. Chard, 11. Mercer 2 year old gelding or filly â€" W. Brewster, J. Hill spring foalâ€" W. F. Chsrd, R. Mercer. ROADSTERS OE OrHEB HOBSES. Pair geldings or mares â€" T. Kells, J. Bjwland pair carriage liorses not le,Bthanl5^ baudsâ€" D, Stiusou, D. Tuompson buggy horseâ€" Dr. Sproule W. Petch saddle Lorse â€" D. McLean, T. Timbuskie Special, speeding. walk, trot, go as you pltase â€" T Tim- bnskie, D. McLean, CATTLE DURHAM. Bull aged â€" L. Frook, J. Hutchison; bull two years and under â€" R. Mercer; Cowâ€" J. Mercer. AYSBSHIBE. Bull, aged â€" Geo. Stewart, .sr calf â€"A. Cairns; cow â€" A. Cairne two- year-old heifer â€" A. Cairns oue-yeur- old heifor â€" A. Cairns. DEAVON. Bnll.flgedâ€" E. Ohyer bnll calfâ€" R. Oliver cow â€" E. Oliver two year- old beifer â€" R. Oliver cow â€" R. Olivre. OBACE. Cowâ€" J. G. Carson, Geo. Stewart, sr. two-year-old heifer â€" W. F. Chard, \V. Buchanan, jr one year oldneifer -W.Buchanan, jr., W. F. Chard; callâ€" J. Mercer, J, Mercer pair oxenâ€" J. O'Brien pair 8 year old steersâ€" J. Stewart, J. Galbraith pair 2 year old steera â€" J. Stewart, J. Stewart Special for cow â€" J, Mercer trjss Ajreshre and Durham EHEEP COTSWOLD. Ram Lamb â€" R. Ohver, J. Stewart; pair ewesâ€" J. Stewart, R. Oliver Pair Shearling Ewes â€" R. Oliver Pair Ewe Lambs â€" R. Oliver, J. Stewart. LEICKSTEH. Ram, Aged â€" J. Stewart; Ram Lambâ€" Joe. Ohver, J. Stewart Pair aged Ewesâ€" J. Oliver, J. Stewart Pdir Shenrling Ewes â€" R. Oliver, J. Stewart Pair Ewes â€" -J. Oliyer, J Stewnrt. 1 K^*' f: ^^^4 Oate. blacK â€" 1 Ihompson, J. Brodie; Peas. arge-J. Brodie, J.Stewart; Indiai R^f* t^^'^T;^- a- Ferguson. S. Bea^^; Indian Coru. eUow-J Brodie. S JliompBon Timothy Seedâ€" J BnJdiei J Boland. -^ «*" " BOOIS Ann VEG«TABI.B4. Potatoes., Early ^oseâ€" J Carson; Potatoes, other variety-'W Buchanan K Res? Mangel Wnrtzels. Globeâ€" .T ^erris, J I Graham; Mangel Wunzels, Lrng-J Ferris. W Norton Turnips. Sweauihâ€" W Buchanan, J Boland Turnips, other fieldâ€" J I Graham. J Roland; Turnips, tableâ€" T A M IcrgHson, J I Graham Beets, blood â€" W Norton. J Oliver Beets, other kinJâ€" W Norton. D Thompson; Carrots, Fieldâ€" W Norton, J Ferris â-  Carrots, Early Hornâ€" J I Graham: D Thompson Parsnipsâ€" W Norton, J Ferris Onions, from black seedâ€" W Norton. D Thompson; Onions, Potatoeâ€" W Norton, R Best Cahbage Wmningstadtâ€" R Best, D Thompson Cabbage, Drumheadâ€" J Beecroft Cabbage, any other kindâ€" R Best, D Thompson Cauliflowerâ€" J Milnor, W Buchanan Celeryâ€" J Beecrjfi. J Ferris; Celery, Redâ€" J Ferris; Pumpkins â€" W Buchanan, Mrs Bul- mer bquashesâ€" Mrs Bulmer Cit. s â€" W Norton, T A M Ferguson Tomatoes â€" W Norton, J Beecroft Water Melonsâ€" C W Bellamy. W Norton. -Mrs. I^w*; W«.Flower.-5li^ Annatrong, l|r». Giltay; CoUeetioa ifhetee.â€" Mrg; Bulmer Cr»yon Dcaw- mgâ€" Miss DaonMie, Miss AnnrtrtiDfr J..Bro«fe.g.i;G^^:Vrr*^- g:«*«i»«ie Wark-»rB. Cpimors. Mm. _:r 'B._J:- V 12'?*^r^«6».^hite4ililiior; Bag Carpet^Mw. Btokea, Mrs. JfUloor; Pencil Wwingâ€" Mis* Armstarong, Miss Damode Water Color Paintidf^.- Hiss ItfinBtitaV CoUeciiou ^ainimgs and I^rawmgi-^ Miss Armstrong. Miss bamode Feather Wreathâ€" Mrs. Gilray; Cotton Batton Wreathâ€" Mrs. Gilray, Mrs. Milnor Farmer's Wreath â€" Mrs. Milnor. m BLOOD mmsmmfBm .!•â-  1 BOTTIE ON TRUL PLANTB. Table Bouquet â€" Mrs. j^eeoroft; Foliage PUntâ€" Mrs. Bulnwr, Mra. W Bellsmy; Geraniumâ€" Mrs. P G Cole. Mrs. Munshaw Fnsohia. double â€" Mrs. Munshaw Haninng Basket â€" Mrs. Munshaw CaUa WHf^Un. Â¥ G Cole, Mrs. Munshaw Begonia â€" Mrs. Bulmer, Mrs, C W Bellamy Collection Cut Flowers â€" Mrs. Bee- croft Collection Plantsâ€" Mrs. Bee- croft, Mrs. Bulmer. AND Stomach Bitters SOUTH DOWN. Iamb â€" T. Ferguson. Bam lambâ€" T. Ferguson. T. i'ergnson Pair Ewes, agedâ€" R. Oliver R. Oliver Pair Shearling Ewes â€" T- Ferguson .Pair Ewe Lambs â€" ^^- Oliver, R. Oliver. EHROPSHIBE. Ram, agedâ€" J. Buskm Ram, Shearliug_T. Fnrguson Ram Lamb -J. Buskin, J, Buskin Pan: Ewes, aged-J. Buskin, J. Buskin Pan: yearling EweFâ€" J. Buskin, J, Busk- "1 Pair Ewe Lambsâ€" J. Buskin. «W1SEâ€" BJBKSHIBB AND OTHBB BLACK BBEEDS. Boar, aged- G. Irwin; Sow, aged -tree. Stewart, sr., W. Mitcliell; Sow pig '89-W. Mitchell, G. Stewart, sr. SllFOLK OB OTHEB WIUTE BREEDS. Sow pig -89- Geo. Stewart, sr., J. 'â- â-  Graham. yOULTET, Brahmas, light uorni J. McGee Leg- s whiteâ€" W. Bamhouse, J, Mo- l^; Leghorns, brownâ€" J. Smith, J. gL ti' ^J^burgs, silverâ€" J. Mc- »2.' P°^dansâ€" J. McGee; Spanish, !J»« faced, blackâ€" W. Trimble, W. S • ^^ymoQtli Rocks-^. U. lu ' "• brodie Bantams, game, ack.rea__-^V.H.Tburston, W. Petch; jZ-' ""-^ ***^«'" kindâ€" J. McGee, T. trDdie. Geeseâ€" 8. Stoke^ J. (^14IN AKD BBJE98.. FRUIT. Fall Apples, â€" Red Astrican â€" R Ruthvan Dutches of Oldenburg â€" R Gilray, J. Stewart; St. Lawrence â€" R Ruthvan, R Gilray Grayensteinâ€" R Gilray, R Ruthvan Alexandriaâ€" R Ruthvan, R Gilray collectionâ€" R Ruthvan, R Gilray. Winter. â€" Northern Spy â€" R Ruth- van, J Stewart Baldwin â€" R Gilray, J.Stewart; Golden Russets â€" J btew- art, R Gilray Roxbnry Russets â€" J Stewart, R Ruthvan Pomme Grise â€" R Ruthvan Snow Apples â€" R Ruth- van, J Stewart Collection â€" R Gilray J Stewart Clapp's Favorite? â€" R Gil- ray Flemish Beauty â€" R Gilray, J I Graham Collection â€" R Gilray, J I Graham. Plums,â€" Lombard â€" J I Graham, R Ruthvan Smith's Orleans â€" W Nor- ton Coe's Golden Dropâ€" J M Thurs- ton Victoria â€" R Gilray; Reine Claude â€" J Chnton Gages â€" AS Madiil Collection^ J I Graham, J Brodie Collection Crabs â€" J Stewart, R Gilray; White Grapesâ€" J I Graham; Colored Grapesâ€" R Gilray, J I Gra- ham. DAIRY AND OTHEB »RODUCK. Honey, extracted â€" .T M Thurston, T A M Thurston Honey, in comb â€" J M Thurston Butter, roll â€" J Abbott J Milner Butter, crockâ€" J Abbott, J Ferris Butter, tubâ€" J Ferris, J Mil- nor Cheese, not factory â€" S Stokes, VV Norton Breadâ€" J Abbott, Mrs A Munshaw, MANUFACTUBES. Wagon, lumber â€" J H Heard Wagon, democrat â€" J H Heard Buggv, covered â€" J H Heard Cutter, eingieâ€" J H Heard, D McTavish Cutter, double- J H Heard Harness, heavy â€" D Clayton Harness, carriage â€"D Claytnn; Harness, Duggyâ€" D Clayton Boots, gents sewed â€" J Smith Boots, stogaâ€" J Smith. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, Pair Blanketsâ€" J Miluor Flannel â€"3 Milnor Unionâ€" W Buchanan Stocking Yarnâ€" W Buchanan, J Ab- bott; Woollen Mitts- Mrs, Norton, Mrs, Milnor; Woollen Socksâ€" Mrs. Milnor, Mrs, Norton Woollen Stock- ings â€" airs. Norton, Mrs. Abbott Patch Quiltâ€" Mrs. J. Carson, Mrs. Norton Knit or Crochet Quiltâ€" Mrs. t' G Cole, Mrs. Norton Any other kindâ€" Mrs. Kells, Mrs. Norton Col- lection Berlin Wool vrorkâ€" Mrs. Mil- nor Arraseneâ€" Mrs. Milnor, Mrs. Munshaw Braiding in Cottonâ€" Mrs. J A Lever, Mrs. Ferris ;- Embroidery iu Silkâ€" Mrs. KeUfl. Mrs. Milnor; Embroidery in Cottonâ€" Mrs. Noi ton, Mrs. Gilray Embroidery in Worsted â€"Mrs. J. Connors, Mrs. Norwn Crochet Work iu ^oolâ€" Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Milnor Pointand Homton Liace -Mrs R Mercer, Mrs Abbott; CrcKshet Work in Cottonâ€" Mrs, Norton. Mrs. Miiuor; Fancy Knitting «° '«?l- Mrs. Norton. Mrs. Gilray Wooheu Work on Canvasâ€" Mrs. Milnor. Mrs. Mrs.'^^A Munshasf Msflrame L^sc- CE "Will pay for the Standard For Indigestion, Flatu- lency, Constipation, Sonr Stomacli, Heart- burn, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite.or any disorder of the Blood, Stomach and Bowels, ONLY 50 cts. For a large bottle. T/y It be convinced. Manufactured and for sale at MANLEY'S DRUG STORE. E 9S5 Solid Gold Watch. SoldforSlOO. until Utely. B«ec tS3 wmeb In tbe world. I-clKt tilMkcrixr. Ylmx- rmutad. Bsftry Sblid Gold \lluatiDg Chm. Both Udiei' find gcuM' lixn, with workf .and cajwf of tqjoX valaa I One Person in aach lo. calti/ can aecnre one firee^ torether with onr large and ral- niUile line of Household Snmplca. These bamplea. ai well as the watch, we aend 3Free. and after you hara kept (Iteoi in Jim bona for S montha and ahown them to t«a who mar hara called, they become yonr own property. Thoaa -nbo write at ouea can bo aurs of raeeiTins the ^mten an.1 Snmples. â- Wanay all aiprejj. frrtKht.otc. AddMia To the end of the year to any address. Sub- scribe at once and get all the neighboring Fall Show prize lists. SaeeeMftil MitU eertui taMtSKti aiKl does not blister. Bead pzodt tidow. SnnamLLS. P.Q..lIajltMa Db. X KnBAu. Co., Biioalniiiih FaUa, Tt ecntlemen.â€" ItaaTci uaed KMi-l daU's ^[WTiii CiiteforSpaTlnaJ and also In aeaae of lameneai and 8tl^J«taM and tonndlta sure core bief ciy rofpect. loordlaUy lit to all honemen. Teqr napeetfoUx roan. J. BmClTAT.T. KEHMLL'S SP«in CORL at. TaamtM, P Q„ Am1123; VSfk 3AU. Ca, ItaMbOKh FBllS, TU Owilii liTn naed a few oottua of jonr Kan- 01. X, KBDALL Ca, BkMMl) Mrs, J^Uoor. H^. '^^^^ m^ ^^ daU'a SpaTin onn on t â- ^^ which waa anff B rhijr tra VB^^*^^, enaalnaTarybadloro, nfMlB av *wt Tonr KendalTa Iffii^BSm atada ennplete«n a^^^WH eon, tcanneoouneiidl ^liMJ^l5^e*«rfeaadlad. KI» UoD»o^»Sg:wtoabtotg^«aWed; taaaattaBtatM,** TooEatcMwtiniiijr CAN GET roE nKJ^-^JSSS^^"**^- omu.'s spini omL BLOOD PDRIFIER, Diamond Oil, But you can't get the -AT THH- POPULAR DRUG STORE These Medicines O. K. are GOME TO STAY! None of your Idaho Bill or Texas Johnie Mixtures about it which the Fangs of the Vulture has ^already embraced in its Cata- govy^ of deac^^ articles. mm p.*;! « Not so with the aDX-A.:iv£02STuD BLOOD PURIFIER. You are bound ^l^ottle tc it '^• w. m m M :;: ?1 V |i l| 1 ^;l W' 1 .* •R i " \: -â-  ]|: H: qt- 1^^ i -i" \m m r T: 4 I },i?^. ^.1.

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