mFWW^f"^^ ^^^miimimtK^^ *«•â- , and W5M sayiy into ^hSj swimmer I WhyioJ I strike out so hewtifBiJ Happy Wedlock. keenest of obieiTen i if dedncers indeed, t in more ^toniiUng thij Id era. Thongh we Uoj inioy having our wo vs by the babblingi i ren were at play, hat they grew tlnd chat that iimate prindpl r man to be alone," atn determined to hm aged eight, shoold mti and brother Harry wo«| that bind." id never heard a i B entirely ignorant b( I bat was heataloatj 7 what papa and i moant virtue, and so eagerly desired md aiaites of a happy or wedlock were requ Ide, und sravely obeyei you get np in the mpnJ 1 has bis br«akfaat in tir I good things to eat, i for his meals " on give her all the moi but does it not contain arried felicity T ma awful mad. ,m callers has goDMWiy w do you know! B begun to call nun ^0UNG_FOIiKS. ^,e fond of pigeons; ihey ne I at^^^Mre easily kept. All the known L. n't* *** i^traced back to three origiasJi i'^*'*?^/e. tbe Biog-dove ud the SVX*" ffocy pigeons h»ve been ' 'Z the ingenuity ol brewers, nod IMS than forty-four indepsndent tin "S' Tn blch contains several rarie- ***" Jl have some peouUaritle. in '^^ „« or flight. M«1 **« "wy ^^9 ** P^ie all o* *hem Is not only a (proinP^y ^go something of a natural- '^llkioe fancy pljreons, sometimes The are the FantaUs, i â- ^"'jfl i|k] varieties^ ^•l»^"Smbler8, Shakers, Cropper., »*^ J Ttoobines, Rants and Nuns. ^^.rt, J •CO" ^^^ ^j ^ff „f feathers. I«'°^ hlna has a nooa or run ra tewiaen, I«' wi on the back of the neok and jell pow« with. won't, fenoo iti P"r" bead of the bird. It gets its ciclM tn« resemblance of tno hood to "•".TftheJaoobine aonks. The head "y^A^smll and the eyes are bright "" I yellow is the best color for ^iihelT value depends on the lenjfth â- ^ ir«« of the appendage,. The Nnn ^!Se from a rimilar tuft, which • " !.nn'« veil thrown back from her ^iVeS perfect of the Nun vaijely vi« with the head and tail of another •ur;iw preferred. Some go so far as to %t »?£ -rixcf the flight feather. r toof tbe same color as the head and *ih,F»ntoil« we black, blue or red in â- hat the choice ones are white. It is a f '.howT pigeon, ^ith a tail of from twenty ^\jrL feathers, which it spread, out tfZ, It BtrntB about like a peacock. ••V*:" read and its taU so erect as to rfiofitahead One wiAlhirty. r°n feathers is considered a perfect bud. kZni the young they must have more Sthan other young pigeons, or the flwlhen will be injured, which wUl affect L.Untv and the value of the bird. rrrTrompeteris generaUs black-mottled, iuihort. feathery legs and a tuft of feather. Us root of the beak, and sometime, a tod »t the back of the head. It utten a L„md not nnlike-a trumpet. The Tnmblera derive their name from the jllw h»bit of tumbling or rolling over Cover to their fl)j?ht. They are consider- IduDongtie best of fancy pigeon., if they kive ill the points. ihe Canier is a noble- looking bird, with seek and bead erect. Around eaoh ImUt circle of 'oose akin, ranging in color Ibnidiill orange to a fiery red, the latter llor preferred. There are wattle, of rof t ah uonnd the bill, white in the ordinary jjnL bat t-lack in the roost valuable kind. fie plumajje is generally dun colored or ick, chcogh in £cme rare cases the bird i. I pied. In training them when quite «, flights of a mile are sufficient at a the diatanoe can be increased a. they qnire itrength and experience. They ut be fed, bat not overfed, before start- If boDgry they will turn aside to hunt |iir(i)od;il overfed, tbey will be likely to k, They mnat be watered or thirst will lad them to leek to quench it, and no boy 1 blame them for doing that. Another Inrg ia essential, they must be taken in a lioiorcorered basket to the place where liEf are to be lot loc3e. When liberated a [ocdbird will at oi e riae high, and after Enkiiig several circles in the air, it will lort off in the direction of its home with an laimBc certainty that has something liccderfnl in it. There pigeons were very liitid years ago in cartying messages before pie'egraph and telephone were invented. Ibe dove cotes may be made round, Kiire, triaogaldr or eight-eided. They Jtiiiild be placed on a pole out of the reacn pnta and mice and sheltered from the winds by a near-by wa'l. The |li«diEg cells should be large enough to pi^est overcrowding, and it is very eesen- plthatthe air ehould pass thr»ugb them. Iwe thoald be a projectii'g ledge in front |etthceH or tier of calls, upon which the KiDB can perch. Each pigeon know, his I domeetic retreat and wUl sit upon the IN in front cf the opening with a keen l«M of proprietorship. lie dove-cote shonla be lined with slate tplMtered with cement to keep it free vermis, which pester the birds very Semetlmee the woodwork is made so P«it can be taken apart and scrubbed. A T»-iB the roof of a house furoithea a tfood PfKte. The entrance should be in the Ft and the main points are freedom from J'paiM, free aoceas for air. plenty of room F»fety from cats. \Km begia to breed at the end of nine tt? and breed every month, except in ^cold weather. The ceiit boxes should "«pt clean and should be changed efter ^,7"eafew days old. Clean water I'Mtep. constantiy within their reaclui. ns'^t food and water boxes and bottles ' "m coatrivancea. They keep the birds ,j"!i"fg the food, which thay are apt »!„ "twanoccisional luxury to them tZ^"" " necessary, as it assists them in "^fflg their food. They are also fond of â- ^8 »t eld mortar. I V pigeons get sick they indicate it by Zl ' "y "efnsing food, by sittiag in T} "^7 ^^^ their feathers puffed cnt "â- sir Wlncfn i1vnnn;~_ t_ j, q/lm^ cauM, fumigate the k kill the ver- |ii-ie;^°» we subject to a disease oall- '«iaf«i.. ^® ^®t '«»P " caused by CoZ ' " ^^^ cold, and two or three """«fy other day 1. a good rem- oryroop u the wet roopwith a w, for which clovea or garlic U a o^^ther diaease U the canker, ^n when the birds fight and peck V/" •WW«J Imt of oouiM iio Jfa; ijMyyf thrwiyh hob b *• was yen, tiaAmmUyiAM Itrnm to^U " 111 toUMi wlu^w»«Mi do,* add Jin. fatter ithan I ««, htH. that wonid bm bo w "f»;rtgl»V wid Tip, after thiBkins awhilf •• anytiiing to get oat of eattns bread sad mUk overy meiJ. TH go ant now and pretend I'm yon. So g« Tell me how yea like the change Men." Tip had not told Jim of the W boy. in the f tinUy, or how they tied tin can. bi. taU that Mnt bim howling over the beue, while kitka were added to the noiM lie made. Jim nt down on the aide poroh, tMnVfag of hii good fortune. Suddenly he heard tome one calling " Tip, Tip," .o, m he had exchanged place, for a while with that indi- vidual, he annrered the rammon.. He went around in front where the ohildren were playing. " Here, Tip," oried Hatty, tiie fair yonng mietrew of the dog, "oome here, sir. Why didn't yoQ oome when I oalled yon " and, with this, die whipped him. Poor Jim, not lieuig used to raoh treat- ment, didn't tmow what to make of it, but he determined to put np with it till he uw Tip. "Come here. Tip, let me dres. yon up like a young lady." She picked up a doll dren and oommenoed putting it on him. Jim felt very nnoomfort- able and was glad when tiie deeve of tiie dren ripped and he wa. released. He stroll- ed aronna to the aide poroh and Matinjr him- self comfortably oommenoed thinking again, but his thought, ran in quite a different channel thi. time. Inetead of thinking of hi. own trouble, he- was thinking of poor Tip'.. " 1 11 go over and .ee how he enjoy, the life I led." So Mying, Jim moved quietly to the hole n the fencb and saw Tip looking happier than be had eveir seen him look buore. A" Why couldn't I be happy like that f thought Jim. " Well, I'll tey anyhow and MO how I sncoeed." Jim certainly did not accept the exchange for " always," but he learned that we must never judge from appearance., and went back to hi. old haunts better contented tlum he had ever been before. •â- Macdb Stockton. ' ' His Little Blunder. Nephew (trying to make a good impres- sion) â€" " Uncle, tms port h excellent." Unole â€" " Well, I shoold think « It is fifty years old." Nephew â€" "By Jove, you don't My sol What a roperb wine it must have been once " i tin paw of a dog r To Make Maniasie a Sncceas. DoUey â€" That seems to be a good rule which Mr. Gladstone and hi. wife ohMrve. Cumeo â€" what i. it t " When he insist, his wife submits when she insists he submits." "Yea, that's a good rule. My wife and I follow it, too â€" at least the last part of it." Quite Humorous* "The Vesuvius is a funny name for a dynamite cruiser, " remarked MoCorkle. " Funiy " asked McCraokle. " Ye. lavable, you kuow. " to a at iiitf,(„i v^ droopiDg. In most |Bj.r'*|^"'-Mprcveeto be the ^j,,' " remedy ia to fumigam li^ " »itb tobacco smoke to kUl the 5 "tiler, N^v'^u'"" "P" "hould be rubbed tK»i^'\5."*Jva made of honey andl ^«i hsailk ?®° pigeon, are generally which is likely to be while 4 yl "tunalating food, like hemp »iada!L*'?? " *^«»- Keep »•"» Can? ^^^ *^«y l*e charging their V»w?°* «»ffiron and old nwty nail. ** •' drink.-[Phiiadelphia Incompatibihty of Temper. Wife's Lawyer â€" "Gentlemen, the husband is brutal, violent, choleric â€" " Husbuid's Lawyer â€" "Gentlemen, the wife i. malicious, passionate, crabbed â€" " Puzzled Judgeâ€" "Bat, gentlemen, where the deuce ao you find the incompatibility!' Ho Lack oi EncouraKement. Motherâ€" "Does Mr. Stalate seem to show any siim of wishing to bring matters point. Louise " Louiseâ€" "Ye. I think he wa. nearly the popping point lart evening." Motherâ€" "Did you give him any encour- agement. Louise? ., T Louiseâ€" "Yes I got a. dose to him a. I ooald." \Ee Warned Her. "I wonder," said a husband to hi. wife, "what can-ws me to hiccough so." "Have you been drinking 1" adced the "No, madam, I have not." ... "I have heard," said hb wife, "that it u deduced from a cold settling between the ahoulder blades." ,, i. j "If that is the case," replied the husband. "I will thank vou to keep your cold feet near the dashboard of t he beds tead." Advioe. "Aw, Miss Belle." said G" ^e J»y. "Do you know Ive been thinking? " Indeed?" „ ••Ya-a-s; thinking of doing some work. "Then you had beitsr hurry up, or you wlU be so tired thinking that yon^wont have any strength left to work with. "Wait 'Til I Get You Home." Sheiwsa an intelligent, onltunnl, motherly lookinalady. a goodfohurch member and a SSSrofa SoSday who.1 ola«. but jhe Uoked in weU Emulated amMement at the .^t oMt o«idoobor when he paewd her K f SEt^Henta inchange for the quarter which .he had tendered. -Yesm one fare and two halt tare^ ox '^JlSiJSaf fi*«t" •b« rnjumntei, que.- they tieningly. Yes that bey a more t^an five year. An Uttraooosrfhl luligtnuioB. in warn mmast AlteaABiir~£ittiv fik^ «d a. aa UbHlKtioa the paw «f a oat. ^iratw." Mid dM. "yen have .n iM« "YM'Mfl.'^lrOMtlMoIaM. **A^foi " W«a,Itiion|^ tlie Mt's paw Menulike vanK ftan is, verorthelMS, oonoialed b it ~??*** "^*"«** Vi'^tbllrr' ' NoMwWir.^ " Tbe dog Mte.,* arittis. tMOber, •'when h«Li. in A^MT, bat What dim tiw wt " •^^oratcSe.," replied the boy. ' Correot," paid tbe teaohn, aoddiag her head ap]^Tlnglv. "Now, what hM the ut sot liiat the d«v hasn't." " WidriHttik" Mid a boy on the baek Mat, and the tlttw that ran aroond the oUh Inroaght the lesnm to a oIom. Blood is Tiuuuer Than Beer- Magirtratoâ€" "OBaUy, yon are oharged with assaulting and bmtaUy beatfag Midhaei MoDooley at the renidon of the O'Rally family ywterday. Have yon anything to O Rallyâ€" "Yes, yer'honor. The bloke's an impoathor, Mrr, and han't wan dhrop av the O'Bally blood in hi. skin, b^torrik Niver laid my eyw on him afore, yer Honor, an' he dhrank oop all of the beer." Magistrateâ€" " How is this, McDoolyT Are you a kinmnan of the prisoner " MoDoolyâ€" " Paix, an' rarisit i. that I am, yer Honor; his grandfather wor Pathriok O'BaUy av BeUMt, an'â€" " Rallyâ€" " An' bedad, phat do that prove, yerwonhip?' MoDoolyâ€" "An' Pathriok OBaUy's dooh- ter marrit me own â€" " O'Rally-" He's lyin' yer Honor; he's lying. Me $rrandfather never had any oheel- dren at all, at all, sorr." Tb tbe St. Len MiBonl Water 0». â- IIâ€" â- « Angnrt JL Obbtudov,â€" I OM 8k. Lwa MbMsal Wabr thTN tlMH daOf. Itod MOiBg regobtor aad to promote good health aad boofaat faeliaga. Sn Lsob b absply grand br tho wbob f K. H. TEOKFMir, Mayor. llMtimoabta M abore oomo from dl quart- era down to t*^ lowert deqpairinx aoffann. Aftwafteenwof St. Loea Watw all are ofaa^fod. rataed to iidlghta of health pMt ail former oonooptioB. PorohaM St. Leon. An oyster bed of nanamal sbs and riahnoM was dlMovecod rooontiy by a DaHah fisher- man near the ooaat 01 Jutland. It b Mme obTBB mUM from biid, aad fifteen miles long by seven mlba srtde. The Turtle Mountain Beacion. ThouMnd. of aorM of ohoioe frM govern- ment land, now open for Mttlet. b tite Turtle Mountain Regbn of Dakota. Hare wa. raised the wheat that took first premium at New Orleans Exposition. Rich mU, timber b menntaina, good aihools, churches, oongcidal soobty. For further information, maps, ratM, eto.. apply to F. L Whitney, G.P. T.A., St P., M. M. Ry., St. Paul, Minn., or J. M. Hnoklna, Can. Pass. Agt., Toronto. V 468 Ibe Altert Toilet Soap Coy'r Oatmeal Skin Soap MAKCS THE HANDS SOFT AND THE COMPLEXION BEAUTiruU 8«e tkat tk« G*y*a Ir StaHBed OB the Soa* â- â- aa theWcm»»er. Beware of Tssltarieâ€" TJie Dissatisfied Pus. p,^^' what meat 1" exclaimed '1^ t'l.** ^* *^^ed to pick the meat ^!«»ni,?8etting tired of thblHe. I ^378but bonea that haven't ^5tf,4j"®toeat. I wish I wa» the l^h.." Theirs gets everything he â- 1 as fat a. can hi, while Qes. I'll go and find him 't want to exchange placw the 'm Mven ye«»M."'»»"'«*2i ft! yonShrbquLtion. if •«,*»^"" BB. mJthor flashed V«^^^\J^J^ mSlike Ao would have tiie b.t word- 1 never paidfor M?^°^ .. q^thTOie terri- "Oh, ye^ y«°*"y*^J^-S«bblfah hb Ue infant, very ^^^J^^ " e-tanuu. claim of being » bWf^* ,„ vâ€" ---* her Hb motherMttled bwkfa her ««J J« faoethe battle ground of emotion. J*ai«io boy spoke amto^-,, •'Qaitnndgbmsu^ Hb mother wU»area I boy's ear that Mttbd Urn. â- omeihbgb «lw* Its Ohin Oaye it Away. "Dot vas a pooty baby, dond id," ex- claimed Hans Spellbreoker to the father of a new baby that has just been Umded b the houMhold. " Yes, it is a dumpling, sure," replied the father. " Who vas dot baby, a girl or a boy " asked Hans. "Can't yon guess T" asked the father. "VeU, I dink dot id vas a girl," sidd Haniu " Correct. But how did yon know." "Oh, yoost because he got m much ohb on ids face." A Goad InTestm^nt. b that whbh yields large returns from a small outlay. Reader the way is dmr I No speoubtion, no chance, big returns I" If you are like most of mankind you have some- where a weakness â€" don't feel at all times just M you'd like to â€" ^headache to-day, backache to-morrow, down sick next week â€" all beoauM your blood b out of order. A small outby and what brge returns 1 You bvest b Dr. Pierce's Golden Medioal Dis- covery and soon pure, fmh blood courses through your vebis, and you are another being I The Boheoner Lilly, which arrived at Ylctorb, B. C, on Friday night, report, that .he was boarded on August 6bh by the United States revenue cutter Rash, and 333 seabkbs were confiscated. "Things a^ Seldom What They Seem-' While the above b, b the main, true, still thsfre b an exception to the general rule, as ia the case tn many instances. We refer to Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which are not only all they seem, but more. In torpid liver, mdigestioh, sluggbhness of the bowels, bilioueness, and headache, the relief afford- ed by their um b wonderful. There is nothing loud alout the flannel sUrt. On the contrary, it b modest and shrbkiog. " The women tell me every day That all my bloom has passed away." But they could no longer chide you with loss of bleom and beau^ if you made use of tbe grMt restorative, D.-. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. All female' WMk- nesses and derrngementa vanish before thb excellent remedy. Thin, pale and emaciated women, who find existence bnrdenmme, on account of their ailmenti^ diould at once have recourse to thU unrivaled specific. Dmggbts. Cure Sentenne, the parish priest of Notre Dame, Montreal, Mveiely oritio»z»d in his Her mon on Sunday the oelebratioa of Laben day, which he said was a godlau demonstra tionreMmblingthefeteaof the French Revolu tion when the goddess of reason was th nipreme ruler. The Book of Lubon- A Man Without Wiklom Lives b a Fool's Paradise. A Treatise eapeoblly wrii-*en on Diaease. of Man, containing Facts For Men of All Age. I Should be read by Old, Middle Aged and Younjr Men. Proven by tbe Sale wf Half a Millbn to be the most Bopular, because written b language plab, foraible and instructive. Praotioa^resent- ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalid, who are weak, nervoiu and ex- hausted, rfiowing new means bv whloh they mav be cured. Approved by editor^ critics, and the people. Sanitary, So«dal, Sdence Subieots. Also gives a desoripUon of Sped- fio No. 8, She Great Health Renewer Marvel of Healing and Koh-i-noor o Medi- obea. It brgely explains the myatwiea of life. Bv ita teachinga, health may be main- tained. The Bwk will teach yon how to make Hfe worth living. If every ijdult in the dvlUzed world would read, understand und follow our views, there would be a mrld of Physiobl, fateUeotoal and moral SSi Thb B«k wffl be fund a truthful ^mentation of facta, oataalated to do good. Â¥Kok of Lubon. the T Jbmwi »« Healtti 1 WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION oi'COD IiIVER OII«'!nxB HYP0PH08PHITBS. It is Palatable ais 3£!Ik. It is three times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far snperior to all other so- called Emuldons. It is a perfect EmnMon, does not separate or change. rt is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedj for Consump- tion, Scrofola, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough an5 Colds." Sold, by aU HmggttU, SOe. and $1.00, AlanoL FUNDS i^ low nUe of laMreat* elaa. seeTlty, Ayyljte BEATTY. QIADWUK, BUCKSTOGK GALI, BasrUter. aa,4 aoUettan, WsIUBfteBSl., oor. ahnMh, (ovasBsak oCflasaalli TORONTO. ONT. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IR ALL PARTS Qr MANITOBA. Parties wisblnK to pnnhsas imprarad ManMoba Faims, tiom 80 sores upwaids, with immadteta poMsssioii. caU or write to 6. I. MADUMB, Mo- Arthur's Blook, Main st, WinnlpsK. IntomiBtioa fumiabed Ins of obarge, and satUsis asrislsd in aUng sslsoUon. At CoaasR Kavss or rjO^A.XT Allan Line Royal Mail SteanuUpi Ballin. dntliiK wlater tram Portland eTery Tborsday Hid Halllaz eveiySatnidaj to LfTsrpool, aadia suss- mer fram Qnebeo svaiy Saturday to Uvsrpool,aaUtB« L •OKâ€" Over 60.000 Pres^msken now proo^aim the woDdeif ol MoDovell Garment DrattiDg; Ha- chlna fri be the amatert InvenUon of the age. It cuta Buqaea, Cokta. Polonaiies. PrinoeMea, Wrap*. SleeveN etc., to peitectioo. Don't be without it. Rend for oifonlar. Head Offloe-4 Adelaide Stteet Wea^ Toronto. and TUMOR Spwialltt. Mrats Hosplul. No knife. Book ire*. G. H. MCMICHABI., M. D.. No.«sNlaKanSt., BuSUo,N.Y. CANCER TEACaiKKftoan make money daring vacation by oanvaminK for one or more of oor faat aelllag Book* wd Blbl a, especially Biatorv of Crnad*, by W. H. Wlthiow, D.D., latest and beat edition ever pnbliahed, pricea low, terma liberal, Trite (or iUuatrated oireotan and terma WM. BBIOa^i, dubllfher Totonto. WILLIAMS CO., -- SLATERS FELT ROOFERS UaDufaoturera and dealers In R loiln^ Mater- ial and Building Papers, eta Offics' 4 Adelaide St. east, T«r*ato. Proprieton of Williaa-a' Mat Slate R. of Telephone fill. H. COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. Write for dioulara from the largest Oommercial and SborUiand Ooliege la Canada. Over three hmi- dred pupils last year. BeopealiMC Moaday, Sep." Snd, 1889. Addreaiâ€" CANADIAN BVSINESA UNIVESSITT. Public Ubrary Building, Toronto. ' Tdqs. BaaooDQB, Chas. H. Brooks, President. Seeretarir and Manager. KEEP' y| NT \) ' DIM THIS [NITTING MACHINE Send for Dlnatrated Catalogue and lihia advertisement with your oraerf or 'oor NEW BIBBEK a d we wUl allow you lOFEmnKDISGOnHT AoDKiaa â€" mwm BROS.. H fgs eKOKMBTOWIf. ONT. Brian bloom to tho ohook, marangth to the gJJjTapd oy to the YM. It laa m«.ajro S^e Wlao and Othondaa. Lob«'a Spea- Si No 8. tho Srfrit of Health. Thoao who £5 1£ Uwa oVSiia b«* wffl b. orawnod a fadeloaa wreath. Vsat nnmbera ot ^e of Lttbon'a Spodfio No. 8. ^AU Men Who aw teokoa Down *»» -^Sw* «I^aanM.DOt menltawd intbelaboyo, £Sd^S f«r «.d road ifld. tal«Wo TwSsa. whioh wDl bo amt to any addrew, 3Si.SffX» to^ V, I«boo. worn W SOFflmt Slroat R, S««ito, Oaaada. THE BOILER INSPECTION I AND INSORANCC CO OFCARADA. Established .for the preveation of steam boiler ezpio Hon by proper.ioqpeotiona. Sir aiiBxassbr CiXPSsbL EC.M.O., Lt-QOT. ot Ontario, President Head eiBce, 8 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. CONSULT- VSQ JilNuINEBRS and SOLICITORS OF PATENTS Oso.C. Ross, Chief Engineer. A. Faissa, Seo'y, et^-.CHas dlWIadsl- at ^onderry to land mails aad pssssngsis tos Sooitand and Ireland also tram Balttanore, via Hall fax and St. John's, K.F.. to Liverpool fortnightly dnrlhs sommer montha The ateameia ot the Olaa gow Jtr tail dnrimg winter to and tron HalWas. Portland, Boston and PhUadsIphla aaddnrinffi mer between Qla»gow and Montreal weekT gow and Boston weekly, and Qlaagow and 1 phia fortnightly. For freight, paaaage or other Information apply ta A. SchnmMher A Oa, Baltimore S. Onnard Oo^ Halifax Shea k Co., St. John's, NfhL, Wm. Thostp* son k Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen ft Co., Obiegaet Love a Alden, New Tork H. BornUei, Xoraato Aliens, Bae a Co., Qnobeo Wm, Brookls, PhUadsK phis H. A. Allen Portland. Boiloa Hoawul. WHALEY ROTCE U Dealers in U kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- Agents for the BESSON and HIGHAM Band In- stroments. I^SHEEX MUSIO and MUSIC BOOS. Manoiaotorers of the **IHPBRIAL" BAND INSTRUMENTS. best in the world. Eight Years' Onarantoe. Send or Dlostrated Catalogne and leatimoniala. SSSYongeSt., TORONTO ft o Q o n ProYident Life and Live Stock Ass CHIEF OFFICE, D, ARCADE, TORONTO, CANADA OmCOKPOBATED.) A Mntnal Benefit Association. SOLItt INTESTMBKT-By paying to the abora Aaaociation ONE OENT PER DAY. a person aged twenty-two, and two cents per day a peraon aged fort} four can secure Five DcUaia per veek whlla disabled through sickness or a xsident, also for two and three cents per day, persons aged aa above can aeoure for their dependanta. Five Hundred Dollaia ia event of death. MVE STOCK OWNEK8 can provide against lost by death throush disease or accident of their stock, at easy rates. Those interested, send for proepeotusas eto. Reliable Agents wanted in nnreptesented dls* tricts. .«.'â- » WnLIAM JOEES. Managing bireotof. ENGRAVING fOP ALL A IlLU5TFAT1VC V ADVERTISING^" PURPOSES. O, J.L.JONES. TORONTO, CANADA BEATEE LINE8TEAMSHIPM. Sailing Weekly between HMmtEAl and I,ITBKPO*Ii. Salooon Tickets. 940, So**, and 96*. Return Tioketa, i80, «9C and 9110, acconUng to steamer and acoommodation. Intermediate 980 Bound Trip Tlceta, 980, Steerage, S29. Apply to H. E. nun AT, General MAager Canada SUp ptac t^o., 1 Custom Hoobb SaoAas, MovraaaL. or Looal Arents in all Towns and Cities. POSITT AND STBXNOTH COMBtNBO TS TUB EMPIRE BAKING POWDER Manufactured by Ellis EeigUey, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED lyWrite us at once If yon wish an AgeoT. The ValTersal Cooklac Crock •uprrsedea all other Stewinc and Boiling Choking Utensils. IfyMS want employmeiit or a Mon-BamliiS, AcM Proof Kettle, send for otrooitr, fully expiaming It* we and construction. Bt-membar, this Is a atandard article, not • novelty. The second can vaaaia often mote Buo e e oirfu l than th* fin*. Tarbox Bros. 611 King-st WJoronta 1 P.8.â€" We are Oanaciwi Agente firtiia Salf-WnngioK I Mops Sample Hop, wringer and cMh, 96c. WHEN LOGS ARE HELD OP FOR WART OF SHOW Take your Saw Mill to the Logs, by pnrchaaing one cf onr Portable Saw Mills Of 13 to 40 Horae-Power. ^^ frt«f lOSl, EffidMrf andEconomieai MinsBolH. Bead for Circnloza; WATEROUS Engind Works COMPANY. BRANTFOBD 8' 'i ' « I 111' I'n -.r. \- 'â- ' M: ^1. ' V\ '^â- â- ' \l â- â- â- \ ]H â- ^ 4 t:K fti ' '• "tl I ffir fiiilii'l^tiini