S-«3?gJ«^. â- "^s^^-Q^fS"i;'-:'^-~y3^^^f^m:^;s^9f^^^^,i S»sSf' 1% â- -tlf-- A" t r Stattdard t, â€" An attempt U 1 isteJ piurties to bsVo'ft' id at the varioas ers' Institute in iki Dg iruru Township ties the Government 3 uud having the 8$ pohzed by Electoral Ditt 3, Now, Sir. I hold tt] eme is unjust and nn(i srinore, adverse to tbe^ True nur County Agrici_ s are not what they sfaoiUii 1 d many of the Towni4up qual il not superior ib-j lues3 to their more ^ret bors â€" yet we cannot » :e of choking the Towiishi s off because the District-^ IS are losiog vitality acid iut iding Societies cannot the '^lion's sbara" of the ;^ given them we have no fail material improvement eveal gobbled up tL« porti^i now d by townships, and besideB.ti d put the benefits: fronxi those j )itionb out of reach^ of the gr, rity of farmers for sither elUil or witnessing what is shot ng this question may haye and disinterested consider^t h it deserves, I remam, A lEiKTKfJLYwC- VntTezston. â- m lard Correspondence. e wish the St4ndaju a pros year, as it is more than wt nee onr longing wishes haye fied by a heavy fall of bq« 'crston and suinroanding coai tir trom early morn till darl pread our now white earth, ir poet has- composed a woi 3 un the blissful grandear alight drives. Jle forgot to that naughtv snowdrift t the cutter â€" oujy lancy, fancy. #! n grist and saw mill is Ktvtl of satisfaction. Our smithy bt has greatly increased during ' We also notice ^at goods ongkt cheaper m our village me of our neighboring towns, early every one is hoping tfal -oad flag will soon float hero, iG â€" Ten cord a day for three ^j ap this. he Literary Society met to grapj an "iteresting subject. We anything so elevatmg belore, young men show and prove ty. ^e hear some of ojr boys are to get to China by digging do^ Look out you, don't sbri) ugh; ^hat we may expect soon â€" Cmnfl soma to deck a fair maid's bi our jelous rivals to go out driv a lov«ly maiden. BbeamhiT. Boyal Blaok XnlirlitB of balaaA. ounty Grand Black Chapter Y met in Markdale Orange " 9th, 1889, when the foUoi ers were elected â€" Sir Ht. Ji lie, Co. G. Preceptor Sir 8. Gilray. D. Co. G. Precepi S:i. Wm. McCleUand. Co. G.Cl Sir Et. Eobert Clemmist, D. 'haplain; Sir Et. Tbos. ElHc G. Eegistrar Sir Et. A. R. 7 'o. G. Begistrar Sir Et. Ji 3tt, Cc. G. Treasurer; Sir Bradey, D. Co. G. Treasc St. Joseph Gibson, Co. G. Sir Et. James Bryan, D. Oo. urer Sir Et. Wm. Madill, " Bearer Sir Et. John McF» Jo. G.St. Bearer; Sir Kt. att, Co. G. Censor Sir Kt. lerford, D. Co, G. Censor; James Erskin, Co. G. Pursut Et. Johnston Little, D. Go. luviant Sir Et. Thos. Hanbi jO. G. Committee Sir Kt. lahan, 2nd Co. G. Committ Kt. A. R. Parks, 8rd Go. G. ee Sir Et. Carson Price, 4th lommittee Sir Et. James Co. G. Committee Sir Kt. lelland, 6th Co. G. Committ Et. Charles Little, 7th Co. imittee. bxt meeting to be in Owen .. he fourth Tuesday m Jant \, at 2 o'clock p. m. â- â- .â- Uj TOU SUFFEB with Dyapepsiajj Complaint Shiloh's Vttalinr b i d to care yoa. For sale faj len. rrbMt ig Wheat........ rketB. ..il 00 to ... 1 OOto ... 50te .. SSto ... MtR ... 17 W .. UM ... 6MW ijâ€" J ij» i imt "swwaww»wica^â€"«r.'ii u.:^d»rrli s SCOi» oJ woH .T.-,-'t ,ii3?Y PtT/i »ii 1^1 .asritHKf^ • »H ahiufi^o- j«5 srtJ t9i( i«« bih ad fmA â- ' â- -ftr. ?«»«!«!»â- ' »â- «â- ^^ Si s-«5t!9t it " ,a:SiipnDPxaoT -i iV^ 'V HEW TO THIS LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." XLNTH TEAIl.-:Jfo. 437. MARKDAIJE, THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1889. C, W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietoi. largaiDS! Bargains!! -AT THK- BELFAST HOUSE 'or the next 30 days. lu order to make room for our new :k of Crockery Glass- fQfQ, we will sell the balance uf 26 Htock we hnve on hand lT cost lis h a gen nine v^^ in stuck -:- AT COST clearttiij sale. We IIHJIER SETTS, TEA SETTS, CHINA AND^_ COLORED TOILET SETTS, Ind a lull stock of white and colored jiuf sTvare, call antl see for yourselves. â€" â€" ^IN THE e can give yon the )est valne in the connty TAS! TEAS! TEAS! est 25 cent Tea in pown, good tea for 13 jents lb. Local and Other Items. NoTTCEB in the»e e(lumtis intended tohenefit mny individual or Society will he charged ten eentii a line for the first in«ertion and five aentf'h line each sub legvevt insertion. NOTICE.â€" Cwr'npnndence, coranuintca- tion*,, Advertiietnevtii. dc,. mntt he in this office by noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. -FULL LINE OF- lour price as same liU. Feed at the -OUR- IQUOR STORE, |s as Tisnal well snppli- jd with best brands. Jobbers in Cigars, dshing you all a happy md prosperous New ^ear. I remain, Yours truly, Wb are this week in receipt of a cir- cular from The Empire, stating that "The offer of Premimn Bast of Sir John Macdonald is discontinoed." Broypad Saad. Martin Cathrae, a farmet of Syden- ham, dropped dead in Owen Sonnd on Tuesday while nnloadinf; grain at one of the warehouses he was one of the oldest settles in the township. W. F. Doll,* the enterprising whole- sale jeweller, pf Winnipeg, Manitoba, has our thanks for a very faithful like- ness of that grand old man, the Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, which he is sending to his customers with the com- pliments of the season. â€" ^New York Jewellers' Circular for January. CtoTTMStioa. An iten apieared in the STANnAso two weeks ago stating that the freight on a car of coal from the mines in fenn. to Toronto was 924.87 while the charge from Toronto to Markdale was #28.14. The fact turns out to be that the freight first quoted was from Suspension Bridge only, being a distance of 83 miles, which makes the G. P. B. charges from Toron- to to Markdale equally as low as the Grand Trunk furthermore, when we take into consideration the fact that thousands of cars are shipped to Toron- to for every one to Markdale, the difference is in favor of the G. P. B. SocuL held in Township Hall.Glenelg, on Tuesday evening,; 15th, was in every way a success. The young ladieb sup- plied excellent refreshments. Themupic was good. In the election for dressing case between Mr. Jas. Kelly, of Gity Hotel, Markdale, and Mr. Geo. Sheehey of the British Hotel, Durham, the form- er gentleman won. David McAuliff won Ms. F. MacRab has returned to Minne- apolis. Mns Hattie Jknninos visited friends in Shelbnme last week. Some men are always in bad company â€" eyen when they are alone. Why is dancing like new milk Be- cause it strengthens the calves. ' The next Holland Show will be held on the 1st and 2nd October next. Miss BiTRCH wiU sell the balance of her winter MilKnery at cost. 437-2 Mbs. Johk McEenna returned recent- ly from an extended visit to Mono. Mb. and Mbs. B. Wbight are visiting friends at Chippawa Hill this week. Mb. Harbt McBbide, of Toronto, visit- ed his brother, Dr. McBride, last week. Modesty in woman is like color in her cheek â€" decidedly becoming if not put on. Mb. and Mbs. C. G. Lee, of Brace- bridge, are spending a week vrith friends here. W. W. Heming left town on Friday last having accepted a situation in St. Thomas. Be sure and read Benson's adv. this week. Special sale of glassware and crockery, at cost. Thb Ganada Printing Ink Co., Toronto, first prize for gtep dance and his brother I ?. H, Benson. W, J, Benson, HOTOS (Cure the shadow e'er the substance fades. rins is a good season of the year to ^ave your picture taken, and 1/cJVIJbTOJSI'S Is the plftoe t-o gflt satisfaction. size or style taken true to life finely finished. Any and -ALL KINDS- ALSO Vbums Selling Cheap. You cannot do better in the city â€" leall and be convinced. |j. HAMILTON, MABKDALE. will accept tbanks for a handsome calander for 1889. Mb. John F. Eaton, of Epping, and Miss Maggie Long, of St. Vincent, were married on the 16th inst. Miss Nellie Wilson, daughter of Rev A. Wilson, of Charleston, is now in To- ronto attending the High School. Thebe are two things in the world that are not safe to trifle with "A woman's opinion and the business end of a wasp. W. J. McFarland is attending County Council this week. We understand there is about 40 applications for the County Clerkship. Mb. Neil Shaw, of Alton, was in this district last week settling up the ac- counts of the estate of the late John Shaw, of Euphrasia. Mb. and Mbs. James Tuckeb and Mrs. E. S. Rutledge left last week for Fort William and arrived safe at their des- tination three days later. A OENTLEMAN in a neighboring town courted a dashing widow â€" he rued his courtship and she threatened legal court; the breach was healed by his paying $1350 for changing his mind. We are favored vrith another instal- ment of snow and the sleighing ia good this week, and as a condequenoe our streets [are literally alive with teams hanh'ng farm produce, wood, square timber, sawlogs, ties, tanbark, die. We want a large quantity of good Soft Elm logs also Baswood, Hemlodc and other kinds good prices paid in cash. Bnngns 3^nr custom savmig and we will let you have the lumber back with you. Abkbtbono Bbos., Markdale. The Band Concert which was postpon- ed at Holland Centre on Jaa. 16th, wil take plaoB on Friday, the S5th, when :for A BAaaiH.-IiMi j6 iM ^eorge8«.MuMi«. t^ Terms » W.tB!OU «(«^i^' Apply to tiie advertised pl^^rramme will be eairi' ed out with the valuable assistance of ,^oof. C G. Lee, tbe noted tMibrtoica*. "ETerybody ffn. A good time is es^secfeeSl, Wb have tocM k vtA tana. 1^ PnUishing Co. a book «Dtiiled, #6 ek. tbmlbi^9mkott^i ^mi^^\^ M""W I ^^ Charhe 2nd. On account of not getting in all the returns the drawing of the Bisho's picture did not take place. Per- fect order prevailed and no one can say a word against the conduct of the young folks during the social. The committee wish to^express their sincere thanks to all who aided them in their success. We clip the following from the Mnskoka Herald :â€" Mr. G. G. Lee â€" better known as Charlie â€" cleaves Brace- bridge this weefe"»or Alhston, where he takes a position near friends and with a salary greater, we believe, than can at present be commanded by employees here. Charhe has been in the employ of Mr, Humphries for nearly seven years during which time be has made many friends in Bragebride, and .his genial countenance is famiUar to almost eyery- body. His departtire is regretted, and he will be missed in many pleasant circles as well as behind the counter' We trust that prosperity may attend him and Mrs. Lee, hope they will give us frequent visits and some day again become residents of Bracebridge. Better Tlum Ever. It did «eem as though the seedsmen outdid themselves last year in the line of elaborate catalogues, bn^here comes Vick's Floral Guide for 1889, from Rochester, N. T., better than all pre- yioos issues. "Better" hardly expresses itâ€" rather, we should say, far saperior. It has been changed in every respect new cuts, new type, enlarged in ' size (opening like an old-fashionod sio^mg- book) ;oontahis threee^poitUthogxaphs (8x1^ inches) of Roses, Geraninms and Melon and Tomato besides a v«ry fine plate of the late James Yick and his three sons who now own and maiiage this large: boaineeB. These i^tozes jBQBt make the Flond Gnide vakii^le to Govaty WaxdiB. Mr. Bobt. McNanght, Beeve of Sara- wack, was unanimously elected Warden of the Connty on Tuesday evoiing^ On Wednesday, the 80th Jannauryi Mr. Alex. Mercer, Jr., will sell his farm stock, implements, honsehold effects, fto., without reserve at 12 o clock. Mr. Mercer is gomg to British Columbia and will sell all. See bills for particulars. Bow tlM Oxafk Tared. With the exception of one, every news- paper man in Western Ontario who was a candidate for municipal honors, came off victorious, this was J. Stephens of the Walkerton Telescope, who ran for deputy-reeye of Walkerton and got left by 49 votes. Among those elected were H. Butler of the Stratford Times elected mayor A. W. Francis of the Woodstock Times, reeve; James Bryan of the Lucknow Sentinel, alderman; W. R, Davis of the Mitchell Advocate, J.. M. Donnelly of the Sarnia Sun, and G. F. Robbins of the St. Marys Journal, coun- cillors. Conoert at BbeneMur. A very social ana enjoyable time was spent at the annual entertainment in Ebenezer church, 11th line, Euphrasia, on Friday evening last. Their church, which fs a commodious brick structure, was comfortably filled, and during the rendition of the entire programme per- fect order was maintained. The conce'rt was opened by singing aind prayer, after which the pastor. Rev. W. J. Sanderson, (acting chairman), gave a few introduc- tory remarks, and resumed his seat after calhng upon the speaker of the evening, Rey. Mr. Roberts, of Meaford, who gave a lecture on "church pews." Mr. Roberts is a speaker of more than ordinary ability. His remarks were well chosen, instructive and highly edi- fying, and was listened to with wrapped attention. Master Rennie was then, called upon, who gave a reading in a very creditable manner, and was follow- ed by a recitation by Mr. J. £. Richards, Rocklyn's merchant Idng, which was well rend^ed. The programme was interspersed by some choice selections by the Markdale Brass Band, who were repeatedly enchored. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Roberts' the band, and others who had taken part. The entertainment was brought to a close by the band playing the national anthem. At conclusion of concert the band boys were treated to an excellent lunch provided by the fair ladies of that section, and for which the boys were truly thankful as the long and cold drive out there had given them a good appe- tite. Proceeds amounted to $28.00. Business oeaiB. Fob knitting yam, both single and double, go to Ritchie's Woollen Mill. Wanted I â€" ilOO cords wood in exchange for stoves. Markdale Stove Foundry. lutjpBTANT to borrowers, 1 10,000 pri Tate funds to loan, apply to W. J. Mc- Farland, Markdale. 412-26 Neat and Tem.â€" For stylish clothing get your ganuents made by B. B. Cle- ments, oyer Hill's store. Otstebs I Oystebs Iâ€" If yon want good Oysters go to Sarjeant's he gets them direct from Baltimore. All selected good meats. Good stabling for farmers coining to market, also meals at all hours at the Railroad Temperance House. Henry Hamilton. Farms for sale and to rent in the townships of Glenelg and Euphrasia. Apply to G. S. Bowes, Markdale. Jan. 9th, 1889. 435.tf Wanted I â€" One hundred tons or more good dry timothy hay, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. B. Fanghner, Markdale. Wanted 1 â€" 500 tons of Hay, for which the highest market price will be paid. Give me a call before you sell. J, H. Carson. Fabm fob Sale â€" A decided bargain â€" lot 74 and 75 con. 3, West T. S. Rd. Holland, (the Wm. Rowe farm) 100 acres, Terms most liberal, don't all speak at once. Apply to Chas. King, Burhng- ton or Geo. Noble, Markdale. 333-tf Change in Business.â€" Mr. Joseph McCullough, late of Meaford, has pur- ' chased the pump business from J. T. Quinn, of Markdale, and is now in pos- session. Mr. Mc. is, we understand, a thorough practical pump maker, having had considerable experience and is now prepared to meet the wants of the com- munity in his hne. He warrants his pumps five years, which is an evidence that he understands his business. We bespeak for him aj}rosperous business and wish him success. ONE SIXTH .-â- ;,,â- . OFF '.y--':::v::-.r- WATCHES CLOCKS. Prise Oomp etion. "The* tiidr many th^msttbds :tif Mt»Mb^ i£t ibiBceimtry. B^fcpzm tt» tiie idaBBkavted by'tbbfoaid pdiea at the Sta*» J?**^ Last August R. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale, kindly placed a valuable prize at the disposal of the Teachers of the Markdale Presbyterian Church, to be giyen to the pupil who should fulfill the following conditions: 1st, Qualification attendance, mnst not be absent more than two Sundays from let Aug. to Jan. 1st. 2nd, Repeat the Lord's Prayer with- out a mistake. Srd, Repeat the Ten Commandments without a mistake. It was. found at the end of the year that five girls had quahfied to compete and on Sabbath last the competition took place. J. R. Andisrson as an un- interested party being judge. Theprjze was carried off by Miss Lily Didcey. lltii line, Euphrasiai havit^ said betii tiie lord's Prayer and Ten Command- meats watboot a single mistake. â- â- e ONE FIFTH Rings, Gold Goods Silver ware. ^^ â- â- ♦ OneFOURTH -.:v-v^:.: OFF '\,:: •.;,.:;:.. Oiher Lines Jewelery, Musi- eal Goods, of e. ^_^ Pnrfessor Shatter, of Hftrfurd T3m- CuMd^i. After an elaboratA «aqiiiryt heoonofaidfla.that a complete niiioii'of' CU^ftd* «bl the XJniled Shkt^ i* nd- -^a^ MM ilM AiMBtoM flaanJflSj Beads were bad, markets were some doll, and sales were only fair. Better prospects this month. As 1 must clear to a fixed amount, above large dJBConnts will be con tinned to f BB'Y 1st, 1889. Many thi^iks to all for' continued patrooJii^. Cll and inspect ossort- todnt, gdt piloses, an^ take hqi^ #,£ne- lijap^iece i^ a close fignre. Ji--.,t-. -*"••â- â- \^4^^ •ij^-mm^-